Alpha King's Missing Mate (Bo...

By AutumnShore1

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Regal Eclipse Pack Series is now available on Kindle More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 23

16K 545 12
By AutumnShore1

Tyler headed up the stairs of the house with a smile on his face. He had a surprise for Jenna. He stopped in the doorway of her room and looked inside.

Jenna was seated in the rocking chair their father had just recently bought for her in front of the window, her hands resting on her belly as she looked out over the lake. She was seven months along now, and she looked beautiful, but he could sense the underlying sadness that had been her constant companion since he'd picked her up in New York City.


She turned to look at him and gave him a smile that never reached her eyes. "How was work?"

"Good. I helped deliver a baby today," he said, his critical eye assessing her tired state.

"I didn't know you delivered babies." She rubbed her hand across her own belly and smiled again.

"This one came much faster than the mother was expecting, so it was an emergency delivery. But it went well." Tyler walked into her room and sat on her bed. "Jenna, would you like to go to Texas with me?"

"What?" her mouth dropped open. "When? Why?"

Tyler laughed at her excitement. "I have to go for a seminar. We'd leave Tuesday morning of next week and return Thursday evening."

"And it's okay that I come?" She gripped the arms of the chair, ready to jump up and dance. She'd barely been out of the house since she'd moved back home.

"I wouldn't have asked if it wasn't. So do you want to go?"

"Of course I do!" She stood up and hugged him. A few days away would be welcome, and she'd never been to Texas.

Tyler hugged her back, thrilled he'd seemed to ease her sadness for a bit. "I'll bring your suitcase up on Monday then so you can pack."


Jenna plopped down on a bench Wednesday morning and sighed. The Texas heat was no joke. She and Tyler had flown in yesterday and gotten settled in their hotel. Today, he was in his seminar, and she had the entire day to explore the quaint little town.

It was very picturesque. There was only one street with the convention center on one end and a few hotels on the other. Several small shops, cafes and pastry shops lined either side of the street.

Everything matched from the blue roofs, to the hydrangea bushes planted in the yards, to the winding stone paths leading up to each matching doorway.

Jenna wanted to explore each shop, but she knew as pregnant as she was, she'd be miserable before she was halfway through. Maybe one day she would get the opportunity to come back.

She lifted her feet and looked down at them. They were a little swollen. She'd chosen to wear flip flops out just in case. She'd sit for a bit, then continue her exploration.

She had already been inside three shops, including a souvenir shop where she's picked up something for her parents and brothers.

Everyone she had met so far had been incredibly nice and welcoming. Though she supposed for a tourist town, that was to be expected.

Jenna watched people wandering up and down the sidewalks. Some, she noticed, could pass for werewolves, and she wondered if they really were.

She spotted three men standing across the street in front of the dry cleaner who could easily pass for wolves. All three were exceptionally good looking. They were tall, and very ripped, their shirts stretched tightly across their massive chests.

They would occasionally speak to each other, but mostly, they just watched everyone. All three had been watching her, she noticed, though not openly.

"Luna, would you like some water?"

The question caused Jenna to glance up from her eye candy to see a beautiful young woman with dark hair looking at her. Another wolf? Had she just called her Luna? She must be confused.

"I'm Jenna." She smiled up at the woman.

The woman flashed her a brilliant smile and bowed her head. "I'm Jules. Would you like a bottled water? I just got them from the shop and you look like you could use one." She held out a bottle to Jenna.

Jenna smiled bigger. I could definitely use one. She opened her bag. "How much?"

"Oh no, no charge. I just thought you could use one in this heat and..." her gaze flitted down to Jenna's belly, and she held the bottle out.

Jenna accepted it from her. "Thank you so much."

The woman nodded and continued on down the sidewalk.

Jenna glanced back up to the three men and saw only one of them was left. He was speaking to a woman with a small child in her arms. He kissed her on the forehead and Jenna sighed. She was about to have half of that. She wouldn't mind having the rest of it. A companion like... Daniel.

Jenna cut off that train of thought and tossed the empty water bottle in her bag. She stood up and headed down the sidewalk to the next shop.

A few hours later, Jenna had visited most of the shops on one side of the road and she was growing tired. She glanced at her watch. She was supposed to meet Tyler at the cafe at 6:00 p.m. She had about an hour and a half left before it was time to meet him.

Jenna stepped into a maternity shop, deciding it would be her last store before she headed to the cafe. A cool drink and a place to sit for a bit and rest before she met Tyler would be welcome. The nurse in Tyler was going to kill her for over doing it.

The shop was empty of people but full of adorable clothes. Jenna walked slowly through the store admiring the cute outfits. The place was definitely designed with pregnant women in mind as there were several comfortable chairs with ottomans in front of them placed strategically around the shop

A green halter top sundress caught Jenna's attention and she pulled it off the rack to look at. The dress reminded her of the one she wore the night she met Daniel. What did happen to that dress? She wondered if he still had it in his possession?

She sighed. As much as she'd like to buy it, the dress was completely impractical. While it was still hot in Texas in October, It definitely was not in Pennsylvania and by next summer, she'd no longer be pregnant. Jenna put the dress back on the rack

"That dress would look lovely on you," a voice commented, startling her.

She whipped around to see an older woman standing there watching her. The woman had dark curly hair with a bit of gray spattered through it and dark eyes. She bowed her head to Jenna and smiled.

Jenna tilted her own head as she stared at the woman. She had noticed people doing that to her all day. It must be a town custom.

'My name is Elaine. I didn't mean to startle you," she said.

"I'm Jenna, and that's okay. You have a lovely shop," Jenna smiled back at the woman.

"Thank you," Elaine looked Jenna over. "Would you like to come sit for a few moments? I have lemonade and you can put your feet up."

Jenna glance at her watch. "I would like that, if it's no bother. I'm meeting my brother at the cafe at 6:00."

"No bother at all. Come with me." Elaine turned around and walked behind the front counter and through a door. Jenna followed her and was surprised to see a living quarters behind the shop. There was a living room and a kitchen off to the left.

"You can have a seat on that chair over there." Elaine pointed to a overstuffed comfy brown chair with an ottoman in front of it. "Take your shoes off if you'd like."

Elaine opened the refrigerator and pulled out a picture of lemonade before grabbing two cups out of the cabinet and pouring drinks for both of them. She walked over and handed one to Jenna, then sat down on the couch close by.

Jenna had settled into the chair and sighed with relief at how comfortable it was. She kicked off her flip flops and plopped her feet on the ottoman. "Thank you for being so kind to me. I think I've overdone it a bit today." She admitted.

"Not hard to do when you're somewhere new and there's places to explore. Is this your first pup?" Elaine asked.

"Yes.. how did you..?" Jenna looked at her in surprise.

"Know your baby is part wolf? I can smell her," Elaine reached a hand out to touch Jenna's belly, then stopped and glanced up, silently asking for permission. Jenna smiled and nodded.

"How far along are you?" Elaine asked as she was rewarded with a strong kick.

"28 weeks. I'm due around the New Year."

"She's going to be a special baby. I bet your mate is excited?" Elaine withdrew her hand and sat back, looking at Jenna expectantly.

"My mate?" Jenna frowned. Did she assume Jenna had a mate because she was pregnant with a werewolf pup?

Elaine tapped her own neck and Jenna noticed the bite mark on her collarbone, similar to Jenna's own.


"Mom?" A male voice called out loudly from the store, interrupting Jenna's question.

"Back here, dear,"

A young man strode into the room from the store, and Jenna recognized one of the three men who had been watching her.

He glanced at her, then did a double take and bowed his head. "Luna," he said softly.

"This is Jenna, Jenna, this is my son, Kaden," Elaine introduced him with a smile.

"Nice to meet you," Jenna smiled up at him. Whoever this Luna person was, she must really resemble them.

"She needed a little rest and a break from the heat, but I do believe you outta head on down to the cafe if you're meeting your brother at six. Kaden, will you please walk her down there?" Elaine stood up.

"Oh that's not necessary. You've already been too kind," Jenna protested, as she sat the glass of lemonade down on a coaster.

"I don't mind one bit," Kaden flashed a gorgeous smile at her, then reached a hand to help her up off the chair. He turned to his mother and kissed her cheek. "I'll be back in a bit"

"It was nice meeting you, Jenna. Take good care of that little pup you're carrying." Elaine gave Jenna a hug.

"Thank you for being so kind to me. It was nice meeting you too," Jenna returned the hug and then looked at Kaden.

He opened the door to the store and motioned for her to go ahead of him.

"We'll see you soon, Jenna," Elaine called.

Jenna glanced back at her and waved, then walked back out to the store. Kaden held the door open for her, and Jenna stepped out into the Texas heat.

Kaden fell into step next to her as she started down the sidewalk to the cafe. "So what do you think of Texas?"

"I love it. Well, except the heat, but I suppose if you live here, you get used to it." She smiled. "The town is so beautiful."

"What brings you here?" Kaden asked.

"My brother is attending a seminar," Jenna glanced back and forth between him and the windows of the shops they passed. She hadn't got a chance to explore these ones. Maybe tomorrow.

They continued on down the sidewalk in comfortable silence. Jenna wanted to ask him a million questions, but rule number one still ran through her mind. Don't acknowledge the fact that you know about werewolves.

Kaden finally stopped in front of the cafe. "I do believe this is your stop."

Jenna turned to him. "Thank you so much for walking me down here."

He bowed his head. "Its my pleasure, Luna. We'll see you soon."

Jenna gave him a funny look. "What makes you say that?"

"If my mother says we'll see you soon, then we will see you soon. I don't know how she knows the things she knows, but she's never wrong. So we'll see you soon."

Jenna studied him for a moment and saw nothing but sincerity in his piercing blue gaze. He somewhat reminded her of Daniel. "Okay," she conceded. "See you soon.*

He opened the door of the cafe for her, and she gave him one last smile before stepping inside. 

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