Blind is only what you make it

By TrayceeStewart

2.7K 111 77

Waking in your own tomb with nothing but your non seeing eyes is not the best way to start your new life but... More

What I Lost And Yet I Gain
Give Me A Cool Story
Hylia Waits For No One
Your face cloth?
Will You Shut Up!?!?
Whats that!

How Can You Not Feel That?

408 15 19
By TrayceeStewart

Times POV
This boy leads up to the edge of a wall and stops he sticks out his hand and looks back at us with his cloudy unseeing eyes. "Now y'all care to explain how y'all actually got up to these parts?" He asks raising a eyebrow. The rest of us move closer and see a huge drop off. "By the Three..." Warriors mutters looking down. "Honestly it's a complicated story..." Sky says pulling his sail cloth closer as if he needs it. The boy sighs. "Oh by the goddess.... Ya know what? I reckon we set up a camp, then we can share names and stories and be on the same page ya hear?" The boy says dragging his hand down his face. We all nod but I quickly let out a "sounds great" forgetting that the boy could not see us.

We were walking for about a hour before the boy spoke up. "There's a damned old cottage down by a old oak tree, we won't all be able to fit but it may just get the job done." He says and I quickly respond. "Sounds good how far is it?" I ask and the boy taps his chin. "Bout 10-15 minutes I'd say" he says clicking his tongue.

"Alright folks I'll cook us up some supper and y'all think about how to explain." He says as he goes to sit next to a pot. "Wait can you cook?" Legend asks raising a eyebrow. "Uhhh yeah... what have y'all been eaten..?" Warriors flops on the floor dramatically "oh thank the goddesses above! We have been saved." Warriors preaches praises of the wonders of Hylia.

"Bless y'all's hearts." The boy says with a eye roll and Wind looks over to Twilight who is stifling a laugh. "You hear that Twi he feels bad that we had to eat bad food." Wind says looking up at Twilight. "W-Wind" Twilight barely gets out from his snickering "t-that's n-ot what t-that me-means." Twilight says covering his mouth. Is this like a inside joke for him. "What else could it mean?" Sky asks tilting his head in question. Wild just whistles in the background. "I-it" Twilight gasps in big breaths from his laughter. "'Twi' if ya didn't know any better I'd say you should keep that comment In a closed mouth." The boy says and Twilight snickers.

After the boy is done he starts to hand out some really good looking food. "Grace everybody" he says and we dig in.
Wilds POV
"So" I say in between bites. "What y'all go by." I hear someone try and swallow there bite before answering. "I go by Sky." He says as I hear him stuffing his face once more. "I'm Time" the man with the gruffest voice says. "Legend" I hear snakily before he continues to munch on his food. "Oh oh I'm Wind!" A youthful voice says, and the man next to him bumps his shoulder (I think at least) "don't talk with your mouth full wind... oh and I'm Warriors." He says as he continues to chastise the boy. "I'm Four and this is Hyrule, he's mute." Four says gesturing to Hyrule who waves (I think) "ya know Morse code?" I ask and Four translates for Hyrule. "No why?" I sigh. "I can't read sign cuz my eye don't ever work, but I can hear better then a wolf howlen for its mate, so Morse code is bout the only thing I reckon I can rely on if people can't open their mouths and blab." I say crossing my arms. "Ahhh sounds like home" a voice says down by a tree. "And what might your name be." I ask and the man clears his throat. "You can call me Twilight, And what might your name be." Twilight says and I snicker. "Y'all can call me Link." I say bringing my fork to my mouth. Everyone freezes.

"Well ya know now, if yur from that Yiga clan might as well kill me now, even if ye ain't from no Yiga clan yur welcome to send my heart to the goddess above." I say as I continue to stuff my face. "What! No why would we. That's horrible." Sky says (I think his mouth is wide open.) "we are not going to hurt you." Time says and I nod. "Y'all freezen up on us like that don't make me the surest I can be." I say setting my plate down and leaning on my hands. "Then why arnt you running away or trying to fight us?" Wind asks and I let out a sigh. ".... My whole reason for being here, alive in y'all's presence is the will of the goddess herself. I don't got nobody to live for they are all long gone and 6 feet under. The one gal I needed to protect is one I couldn't and now I don't think I could show my face to her." I say looking over at the group.

"That's where all this came from" I say gesturing to the left side of my body. "Might as well let the goddesses above take the reins." I say stretching my arms and standing. "Now y'all going to explain why y'all are up here?" I ask and everyone is super still. "Are... you ok?" Warriors asks and I scoff. "Peachy... now get on with it."
"So y'all are hero's from different eras that the goddess Hylia herself gathered together to fight Monsters that are infected with black blood. Hence you guys bein on the plateau?" I ask and Twilight gives a audible yes. I scratch the back of my head. "Well I hate to break it to y'all but all the monsters here off the plateau bleed the blackest of blood." I say and I get a moment of silence that's probably filled with confused expressions. "I'm going in the cottage to see if there's any extra firewood." I say and then take a step to head to the door. I lead with my left foot but quickly stop moving when I hear a audible crack in my left leg. "Oh by the three." I say squatting down to inspect my leg

"what was that?" Four asks coming next to me. "Got to reset this broken bone." I say and I hear the others frantically surround me. "What a broken bone!?" Twilight says, I can see Hyrules hands moving frantically. "Ehh it's alright." I say as I punch the side of my leg and there's a loud snap stating that it's back in place. Then there's a loud thud behind me. "Oh god Sky!" Warriors says, must of passed out for some reason.

"You should probably sit down, we can spare another potion." Time says rummaging in his bag. "Oh don't y'all worry, can't even feel anything on my left side so I'm as fit as a fiddle." I say standing up, but hands get placed on my shoulders and pull me back to the ground. "Ey what gives!" I say to the mysterious shoulder grabber. "Hyrule says even if you can't feel it you shouldn't walk on it, he's our healer so you should listen." Legend says and I roll my non seeing eyes. "Oh balderdash.... Fine" I say sitting still. "Hyrule is asking how long it's been broken." Legend says and I hum in thought. "I'd say bout a month now." I say and the two sputter. "A month!? How are you not dead!" Warriors asks, he looks like he's fanning Sky.

"If I can fight Gannon with a broken leg I reckon I can walk on it." I say snarkily and this time Time speaks up. "It's only been a month since you fought Gannon?" Time asks his voice frowning. "What no!" I say and Time sighs. "I fought him yesterday." I say turning my nose to him. "What! That's why you were so hurt!" Wind says, pointing out the obvious. "Hyrule is asking why you went to fight Gannon with a broken leg." Legend says with a sigh and I just shrug my shoulders. "Cuz I couldn't feel any of it anyway so putting pressure on on the thing is not that bad unless it comes out of place so." I say with another shrug. "Guys I think Sky is waking up!" Four says and it's followed by a groan.

"Wha- happened?" Shy slurs as he opens his eyes. "You passed out, here have some water." Twilight says to him and I can hear gulps from Sky. "Bokoblin 200 feet in front of you." Revali says in my ear. I quickly pull out my bow. "Whoa!" Legend says moving out of the way. "Up by two inches and to the left by a kilometer." Revali say as I listen letting go of the arrow, I hear a body hit the ground. "Damn..." Legend says and Sky is fully sitting up and I think he's staring at me. I pump my fist by hear another crack. "Shit forgot about that one two." I say popping it back into place. "SKYS DOWN AGAIN!"

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