TOH Oneshots (With Angst)

By BiAutisticMess

331 7 44

I will once in a while add my own oneshot but feel free to request a prompt in the comments! Warning: ULTIMAT... More

Forgotten Nightmares
Reminders Of The Past
An Unwelcome Return Part 1
Guys' Night

The Ultimate Villain's Lair (From Disney Animation) Part 1

18 0 1
By BiAutisticMess

Everything was dark, no Perry, no Tri-state area, no nothing. I was scared. I had just helped defeat these alien people and their giant plant thing from enslaving the Earth and I was with Vanessa and her pet alien thing and Norm but then it felt like I just descended into a world of darkness. Then I woke up. The place was very dark, almost encapsulated in shadow. Then I heard a voice call out to me which is when a dim light slowly appeared. "Wait so his actual name is Dr. Doof? How hilarious!"

"He looks scrawny." Another booming voice said.

"Hey! We're not all buff like you are! Plus, it'd be nice to have another evil scientist to talk to besides Witch-Hunter over there."

"How many times must I say it? My name is Philip!" That's when I sat up in confusion and alarm. The room looked to be some kind of bar. God knows what kind of drinks they might be serving here. "Evil? What? No! I'm good now!" The room suddenly then erupted in laughter.

"This guy really is crazy!" That's when this tall woman stood and turned to me. Her hair was split between black and white. Her skin was as pale as a corpse's and was wearing a fur-coat of what looked to be an eagle. "If you're 'not evil' then why did you just appear in a place where this triangle fellow brought the villains of every, now what is it called again? Didney? Distey?"

"It's called the Disney Multiverse!"

"Right, right. The Disney Multiverse."

"And from the looks of it, you seem to have come from the Channel-TVA sector, though it's also possible you came from the XD sector." The yellow triangle spoke. He had black bow-tie and top hat with just one eye that had a black slit for a pupil and limbs that were as skinny as sticks. "What?! I don't understand! There aren't no such things!"

"That's because you humans couldn't possibly understand how big the multiverse is. The name's Bill by the way, Bill Cipher," and he stretched his arm out to mine. Luckily, I decided not to trust this evil Dorito as they all insisted, they were evil and so I stood up by myself as I brushed the dirt off my lab-coat. "Look at this pathetic weasel," said a talking duck with hair as black a night with a purple streak separating it while she dissolved into what looked to be shadow and reappeared behind my back. "What exactly makes him evil? He looks more like a coward!"

"Hey! Don't insult my fellow scientist!" a man with blue skin threatened.

"Or what, Ice-face."

"Or I'll serve this table some real food!"

"Wanna bet?"

"Hey, hey now! We're not here to fight, are we? Can someone remind some of us why we are actually here so we don't end up killing each other?" said a tall, dark-skinned man with a skull and cross-bones on his top hat. "To plot our revenge against our enemies?" said a person who had this helmet on that had weird axolotl antenai on it with a wire connecting it to somewhere with several glowing orange eyes. "Exactly weird hive mind gal!" said the previous man though the person looked unamused. Then another woman who looked to be in her mid to late thirties gasped as if she had spent her entire life in theatre. "Where are our manners? This man just got here and we either result to threatening him or ourselves without him even knowing our names! Excuse us Mr Doofenshmirtz, my name is Gothel." The woman told me.

"I am the famous Gaston!" said the man with freakishly large muscles while eating five eggs whole.

"I am Magica De spell!" said the talking duck.

"We are the Core but since Bill brought us back from deletion and gave us a version of Marcy as our puppet, you shall call us Darcy, you know like Dark Marcy," greeted the hive-mind thing.

"Right! Who's Marcy again?" I puzzled.

"I'll tell ya later once you've gotten to meet everyone."


I am not looking forward to that!

"I am Dr Drakken, nice to meet a fellow scientist, these villains were starting to get annoying!" he whispered. "And I'm Shego, I work with Drakken."

"Er- excuse me? You work for me!"

"In your dreams, old man."

"You know, you kind of remind me of my- someone I know." I said awkwardly.

"And who might that be?" she asked with an intimidating look while I tried to keep my anxiety down.

I can't tell them about Vanessa! If they know that I have a daughter they might actually believe I'm not evil! Causing me to be their number one target since I'm in their secret lair and possibly target her too!

"Whatever, I don't have the energy to care." And she moves to the corner sipping, whatever the heck she drinking. Then another tall (why is everyone in this dang room so tall?!) man who looked older than my father when I last saw him. His long, greying and greasy hair was pulled back into a ponytail as his cold blue eyes stared daggers at me as he walks over to me. He was wearing a blue coat with some kind of emblem on it and his face was covered in this mossy-type fungus that had a dark green color and which it started to dissolve the skin. "Hi~ you look, scary!" I tried to compliment him.

"Good, my name is Philip Wittebane." he replied surprisingly positively. "It's nice to see another human."

"What?" I asked in a confused yet concerned tone.

"Would you like to join me and my companions?" he said as he guided me to this table where Gothel and this other really old, white man with this really weird hat and a robe on. "Welcome, I am Judge Calude Frollo but you may call me just Frollo. What may be your first name?" Frollo asked.

"Heinz, Heinz Doofenshmirtz." I said as we shook hands.

Why do I regret that?

"I heard you had to deal with children back where you're from, tell me how did you manipulated them to your will?" Gothel asked enthusiastically.

Oh my OWCA, how messed up are these guys?

"Er, well I didn't have to deal with many kids, it was mostly a platypus." I said while they all stared in confusion. "I can see that might be a bit weird, but Perry isn't like other platypuses; he's a secret agent."

"You gave it a name?" Frollo questioned.

"What's a 'secret agent'?" asked Philip.

"Erm, well... he already came with a name, I didn't name him. His owners named him and a secret agent is basically someone who goes undercover and when evil or bad things happen, they try and stop it without alerting as many people as possible to their true identity." I tried to explain.

"It seems the world has vastly moved on from which we left it." Gothel pondered.

"Why? What decade do you think it is?" I asked.

"Well judging by how much humanity has moved on it's hard to say but when I last saw the human realm before trudging to the demon realm was about 1630." Philip said.

"Wait, hang on a minute. There's a demon realm?"

"Do you mean Hell? Because I'm sure we were all taught about it in church." Frollo said.

"I personally didn't go to church, my parents never really cared for it." Gothel explained while Frollo and Philip sat in shock. "I asked if it was such the place but they denied it, though they could possibly have been lying, those dirty no good..." Philip said before he was interrupted.

"Emperor Belos?!" said a woman with bright green hair pulled back into a bun and cold, bright blue eyes. Her ears were so much more pointed unlike the others'. She also looked to be in shock as if she had seen a ghost. "Wait, you were an EMPEROR?!" Gothel exclaimed. 

"I would have killed for that kind of power!" Frollo stated.

"I actually did kill to get what I had."

"Ooh murder! Please, tell!" said Darcy.

Why do I feel uncomfortable in this conversation?

"My poor brother was bewitched by that unholy spawn of Satan and it regularly took him to the Demon Realm doing Heaven knows what so I planned to save my brother. However, it had already had a child with him..." he said as Frollo and this other woman who seemed to be in her early to mid 50s jugding by her grey hair gave him disgusted looks. "How despicable!" he exclaimed.

"Indeed. So even though I couldn't save him, I would be able to try and save his soul. Sooo..." Darcy then laughed maniacally though subtle. "How awful, I love it!"

"It wasn't evil, really. I was trying to save his soul..."

"And how well did that work out?" said an unknown voice. It was a gremlin-type animal estimated to be about two-three feet tall. With a hand was grabbing onto its head and its clothes were dirty as if it had been doing manual labor. "Ugh, don't mind her. She's just an annoyance." Belos groaned. "Yes, go demon. Go from whence you came." Frollo said in a disgusted tone shooing the demon away. "I have a name you know," she said, "It's Kikimora." Trying to shake my hand though Philip's arm turned into this dark green sludge and used it to push Kikimora away. "H-how did you d-do that?" I asked nervously.

I might be out of my league

"A little side-effect of using a substnce to keep myself alive so I could extinguish the Demon Realm once and for all!"

"Really? How far did you get?" Frollo asked entrigued

"I almost had them all! I even had Ca- I mean Hunter on the floor!"

"Who's Hunter?" I asked curiously.

"This clone I made of my brother, Caleb. He was not the first though, I've made so many I can barely count them all. They were meant to be a better version of him but they all ended up betraying me so I had to dimantle them all, it was such a hassle. I tried to with Hunter and maybe even convince him I was the good person however his friends kept him away from me. However I was awfully close to destroying him when I took control of his body and I threw him into the river to retrieve the Titan blood that I needed to return to the Demon realm and try and kill it off again. But his bird must have saved him using his already damaged self from yours truly to give his body life again."

This guy tried to gaslight and kill the kid that he raised?! I knew I didn't like this guy.

"Ooh! Going off the topic of manipulating children, let's talk about the ways we raised the children that were in our care!" Gothel exclaimed.

"I'll get Tremaine and Grimhilde. They're better at dealing with these kinds of people than we are." Darcy left.


"Oh! Hey, First Demention me!" said a familiar voice.

"Wait hang on a millisecond, A- how can there be two of you and B- what do you mean? He is definitely not from the First Demention and you are definitely not from the Second Demention. I would know, I was raised there!" Bill exclaimed.

"I think your Second Demention and my Second Demention are different," Second Demention me said. "I think that is the only explaination,"Bill saidwith a disastisfied look on his, face? Does only having one eye as a facial feature count as a face? "I think I need to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." I lied as I pulled Second Demention me into the men's bathroom with me into an empty stall. "Look, I know you're more evil than me, but these guys are beyond our limit. Some of them are guilty of committing murder and child abuse!" I warned him quietly. 

"Hello? Can you please hurry up? I don't think I can hold it much longer," someone called out sounding desperate. "Err, in a minute!" I replied trying to think of something.

"Ok, ok, what?" Second Dimention Me asked in confusion.

"Didn't you hear me? These guys actually evil! No, they're crazy! Psycopaths!" I tried to explain with the door to the stall bursting open with green smoke filling our lungs. "Why, thank you darling! That really means alot!" said the black and white haired lady as I began to feel drowsy and eventually swayed to the ground. 

Then I started wake up sat in a chair tied up in the centre of a room; still adjusting to my new consciousness. "Dad? Dad, are you ok?" I heard Vanessaspeak but almost distant.

"V-Vanessa? Vanessa! What are you doing here?" I asked frantically as I began to wake up.

"Dad! Where are we? Who are these people?" she asked back as I saw that she was also tied up with a version of her (probably her second dimension self) and the Candace girl with her second dimension version trying to break free from the binds of the rope. "Honestly, I don't know either but we need to find a way out, these people are nuts!" 

"You bet your inventions we are! And we're almost done! Ahahaha!" she insanely cackled.

"Calm down, human. We're not quite done yet," spoke a brown-ish lion with a dark main and a scar over its left eye as it snarled at me which scared me even more. "Easy, nice kitty aren't ya?" I nervously said trying to back away but only hitting the back of second dimention me's chair as he also tried to break free break but more panicked. "Don't talk to me like a cub!" 

"Of course! Of course! I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry!" forcing a smile.

"Hold on, Leo.We need him alive to experience real pain," smirked a person with stone-grey skin and blue flames atop their head. "Hey! Leave him alone!" Vanessa cried out trying to defend me.

"What? Vanessa, no! Stay out of this! I don't want you to get hurt!" I denied her attempt.

"Aww, does he actually care? How disappointing!" said another really tall dude who had brown skin and a diagonal hat pointing upwards lined with gold threads and a red feather in the front. He wore a black cape with red on the inside and a snake-shaped staff thing. "Man, I really had hope for you Doof, we could have been a team! but no, you just had to be the good guy!" Draken whined. "Oh well, it'll be over soon," he pressed a button on this remote control thing as the ground beneath us began to glow red and black. "We'll use you as a sacrifice so we can turn back the ages to where were were most successful and finally win against those brats!" the older lady in a red dress said smug as I began to feel a numbness in my fingers.

"Don't you villains ever learn?" said a young, lispy voice, couldn't be any younger than a child.

"Explaining you're plan will only make our job easier!" said another young voice but this time was more squeaky. Then I turned to my right to see a band no, an army of mainly kids, young adults or young animals. "Them?! I told you flea bag and your travelling circus to watch the gates!" said Bill.

"We weren't going to work with him, he betrayed us!" said one of a group of hyenas of all animals. "I don't care about what he did to you in the past, just get them before-," he began before turning round to see a slug like creature sucking in what looked to be all the magic from the villains. "You little pest!" said Philip as he launched a slimy claw at the creature before it being blasted away by a dog-looking thing with a a bare skull. "Demons!" Frollo shouted looking  like he was about to attack them both when a small kid with a furry brown hat on yelled, "Attack!" as they all ran into battle. 

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