
By demonlover07

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She was perfect. She was everything they ever wanted out of a daughter. Perfectly groomed, well mannered, ama... More

1. Train Ride
2. Sorting Hat
3. Year 1
4. 2nd Year
5. Quidditch Tryouts
6. The First Game
7. Summer Fun
9. The Start of Classes
10. New Quidditch Season
11. Quidditch
12. Christmas Break
13. Slytherin vs Ravenclaw
14. Dance
15. Year 5
16. Date
18. Christmas Break
19. Anticipation
20. The First Ball
21. Leaving
22. Riddle
23. Convince Him
24. Raven Buddies
25. Valentine's Day
26. Careers
27. Start of Exams
28. Relax
29. Izzy and Ash
30. Marked for Death
31. Another One

17. Quidditch Captain

17 0 0
By demonlover07

Today's the first Quidditch match of the year. Of course, this was Cassie's first game as Slytheirn captain and she was going against James Potter, captain of Gryffindor quidditch team. Everyone knew they were huge rivals ever since they both joined quidditch as chasers so it was a hot topic for a while in anticipation for the match.

She woke up early with the rest of the team to make sure that they all get down to breakfast. She was the first one to get down to the locker room and get dressed and waited for the rest ofthe team to arrive.  "Alright! Now, Theo, Den we're going to be running the first play. You know what to do. Reserves be on standby Gryffindor gets rough. Watch your backs, they've been practicing as much as we have. You know this is Potter's entire life. Some last minute things, no playing dirty, have fun, and most importantly– don't be afraid to get hurt or to hurt them back," Cassie gave them a smirk and they cheered, giving each other high-fives.

Distantly, she could hear the announcement for the game to begin and lined up all the players in order for them to fly out. Reggie stands next to his as they grin at each other, this was going to be an exciting game for them. "And for Slytherin–" Remus yells as the curtain opens. Cassie takes off first with Regulus by her side as the rest kick off as well. "We have captain Cassiopeia Black as Chaser with Regulus Black as Seeker, Theodore Nott and Densel Burke as Chasers, Aries Zabini as Keeper, Asher Parkinson and Rabstian Lestrange as Beaters, and Camille Greengrass, Evan Rosier, and Barty Crouch Jr. as reserves."

They circle the pitch as Gryffindor does it in the opposite direction. Then Cassie heads for the ground and stops a few feet from James. Slytheirn and Gryffindors reserves' walk off to their holding place. Madam Hooch comes in between both captain, "Now, I want a nice clean game... from all of you," looking at each of them individually. Cassie and James keep their eyes on one another until James looks back to Sirius who's looking between both his siblings. Cassie smirks at him and he makes a face at her.

She walks forward with her hand held out and James walks forward as well.

"Good luck, you're going to need it," James smirks, taking her hand. She laughs, squeezing his hand tightly, enough to turn it red, "We'll see about that Potter."

Both captains back away and Madam Hooch blows her whistle once for both teams to be in the air. She blows it again while throwing the quaffle. Den grabs in and both sets of chasers rush after him.  Out of the corner of her eye, Cassie could see the snitch being relased and Regulus's eyes following it. She takes a deep breath and focuses back on Den. She gets closer as one of the Gryffindors knock him off his broom. The quaffle is caught by James and Cassie was close enough to make sure that Den didn't fall more than a few feet and got him back on his broom. 

She looked around, wondering why Hooch didn't call a penlty and it was because of a bludger. Her mouth dropped in shock, but also pleasant surprise, they were playing dirty. Using bludgers to piss the Slytherins off and get them to lash out. 

The snake glares at James as he races down the field. She dives, gaining on him as the ball starts to slip from his grasp. Theo is slightly ahead of Cassie and chases after Marlene as James passes to her.  Den yells and Cassie turns to the right just in time to see a small metal ball coming straight for her head. She closes her eyes and all she feels is a breeze and opens her eyes. Ash was directly in front of her and the ball was soaring in the opposite direction.

They nod at one another and she rushes back towards James. The Potter boy nods towards Cassie's brother and he launches a bludger at Zabini as Marlene gets close enough which gives her enough time to score.

The Black girl scoffs and hits the edge of her broom. She flies towards Zabini, "Hey, Aries, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good, didn't hit!" He yells back, getting into his place. She nods as the ball gets launched back into the air. Marlene is the first to grab it and winks at the Slytherin captain before flying away.

 She drops it to their other chaser as Den is right on his tail. Again a bludger is launched towards Zabini, but this time is knocked away by Lestrange. Still Zabini misses the quaffle by a few centimeters and it flies through.

This goes on for a while with now both the beaters making the bludgers fly between both the rings at the keepers. We're down 30 to 190. Cassie grabbed hold of the quaffle and flies towards the hoops as a bludger flies over and she fakes a drop to Theo before spinning and throwing the ball through the hoops, getting them to 40 to 190. 

The captain wished for Regulus to end the game now, or some time soon. If he caught it now, it would be perfect. Come on Reggie, we need you. All of a sudden she heared gasps and Regulus barrels right past her, chasing the snitch with a bludger following him and the other seeker. The bludger is about to hit him when Ash pops out and hits it away and Reggie closes his fist around the golden ball.

"THAT'S 150 PONITS TO SLYTHERIN! THAT'S 190 TO 190 IT'S A TIE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 120 YEARS!" Remus announces. Cassie's breathing almost stops. Her head turns to Ash who was next to her, also in shock.

They all flew to the ground and Cassie looked at James who was also in extreme shock. "I am surprised to announce both Slytherin and Gryffindor as victorious!" Madam Hooch yells, making the entire stands erupt in yelling. Both captains walk forward for a second time.

"Good game," the Slytherin nods to him, holding out her hand

He takes her hand with a grin, "You too, Black." He pulls her in and hugs her. She gasps in shock and pulls away.

"Congratulations." She turns away and sees Izzy and Pandora running towards her.  "Oh my Merlin, Cassie! That was bloody brilliant!" She yells in her bestfriend's ear as she hugs her. 

"You were amazing," Pandora grins, taking the time to hug her as well. 

"Thank you, I love the snake outfit," Cassie compliments, gesturing to the pattern she's wearing.

"Well, I was supposed to be in Slytherin and some of my best friends are so I might as well support them," she laughs.

"Imagine if all of us teamed up," Cassied laughed, making her laugh too. "Well, I should shower and change for the party, I hope to see you there,."

"I'm not really a party person, but if you'll be there and are willing to talk about some experiments I'll come," she nods and walks over to her brother and Evan.

Before she was able to escape to the locker room she sees her twin brother coming towards her with Lupin. "Well, sad we didn't win, but even if we couldn't win at least we did something historic, they'll be remembering this for years!" Sirius says excitedly.

"Oh, definitely, especially remembering me because I'm captain," she crosses her arms with a smug smile, making him shove her. "I'm going to go shower, see you later."

Cassie finally escapes all the people and goes into the locker room where Barty ad Camille were getting dressed, "Hey, I'm sorry you didn't get to play today, but hopefully before the end of the year, and you'll have next," she tells them, putting her broom in its place.

"It's okay, I'm just so glad to have been on the Slytherin team that tied! It hasn't happened in 120 years," Camille says, grinning. Barty laughs.

"It was pretty cool, I wish I could've played, but just think of what next year will be like," he says with a crazy look in his eyes.

"Well, I'm going to shower and see you guys at the party," Cassie waves, grabbing her bag and bringing it to the shower.


Cassie returned to the dorm to get ready for the party when she found a letter adressed to her, sitting on her bed. Her Owl was sitting on the ledge of her window. She shook her head with small smile and gave her a few treats.

She walked back to her bed and picked up the letter that was in her mother's handwriting and ripping it open.

Dear Cassiopiea,
There is a list of possible suitors a couple years older and younger enclosed in this letter, please pick a couple so we can set up something with their parents. Be lucky we are giving you this option, not most get it.

–Walburga Black

Carmelo Abbot
Gellard Avery
Densel Burke
Alecto Carrow
Bartemius Crouch Junior
Hector Fawley
Marcus Flint
Sherin Greengrass
Rabastian Lestrange
Frank Longbottom
Theodore Nott Junior
Evan Rosier
Asher Parkinson
Ethan Parkinson
Caleb Warrington
Aries Zabini

The girl sighed reading over all of the names. She reconginized all of them. Some where too old for her, at least she thought so, and some she hated. She grabs a quill off her side table and starts to cross most of them out except for Theo, Aries, Barty, Flint, and Rosier.

She knew her mother. She would get mad if she didn't at least pick a couple. Therefore, she circled Theo's name and just left the others not crossed out.

She folded the list back up and took out a sheet of parchment to write a short letter. The letter was sealed with her family wax and she handed it to her owl before Izzy came in with the rest of their dorm-mates who were going to get ready for the party.


It had been about a week since they played the first quidditch match and it was Cassiopeia and Sirius's birthday. It was a Saturday so she decided to sleep in, which she wasn't able to do often.

When she did was up in was almost noon. She got dressed and there was surprisingly only one person in the common room, Ash. She accidentally stepped on a creaky floorboard and he glanced over at her and gave her a large smile, "Happy Birthday, Cassiopeia."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Really? The full name?"

"Of course, it is the day of your birth is it not?" He grins, teasingly. "I should be saying Cassiopeia Walburga Selena Black instead? Or how about Cassiopeia Walburga Selena Nott. Merlin! That's a bloody long name."

The birthday girl laughs, sitting down next to him as he closes his textbook he was looking over "Are you having a party this year?"

She shook her head, "Oh, absolutely not. Not with my ball coming up. It's literally in a month and I just sent my mother back with a list of suitors I would even think about and she's going to compare it to the list of people that have already offered a marriage proposal."

He looked down, "damn, it's really happening."

"Yeah," Cassie confirmed "We're getting older. Having balls, getting engaged, doing our OWLS, NEWTS, graduating, joining jobs, marriage, having kids, joining a war. It's all starting now."

Ash threw his book, standing up, "let's not be so gloomy. We're awesome!"

Cassie stood up too, "hell yeah! We're the fucking shit!"

Just then, the common room door opened and in walked Regulus, Pandora, Izzy, Den, Evan, and Aries.

"Well, if it isn't my lovely sister. Is today something special?" Her brother asks, making her roll her eyes.

"Why no little brother, why ever could you mean?"She faked not knowing and he stopped to pretend to think.

"Ah, I think today is something," he counters, sitting down on the chair across from her and his boyfriend as they sit back down. Pandora comes over and sits next to him as does Evan.

"I do believe you are right Regulus, I think today is a very special day for Miss Black. I think it's her," she gasps. "Her sixteenth birthday."

Reggie also gasps, "I think you're right Dora."

"Do you think she has any special friends who want to talk to her today. I mean she is officially a 'woman'," Evan smirks, making her raise an eyebrow towards my brother and their weird friends.

"Why don't you turn around, Selena?" Aries smirks. She looks at him confused for the middle name drop and turns towards Izzy who is sitting there with a sly smile, leaning on her boyfriend. She nods and Cassie slowly turns around to see Theo standing there with a bouquet of flowers and was wearing nicer clothes than usual.

She stands up in shock and walks closer towards him. "Cassiopeia Selena Walburga Black, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" She laughs as he hands her a bouquet of black and green roses.

Her hearts starts beating faster and her face heats up, but her smile tells him what she really feels. "Yes, I would love to."

His eyes light up and he leans closer to her before pressing their lips together.

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