Devastator (Male reader x Ove...

By JackWinters115

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A painful past, a future to save and a lot of mental problems. He's him More

On the Run
Honor and Glory
Why the Mediterranean?

Ask not for whom the bell tolls (&Bio)

797 10 1
By JackWinters115

(Quick note before we begin. THE TIME LINE FOR OVERWATCH IS SO FUCKED. I tried my best to try and make things add up as best I could but sorry if some things don't match up.)

You lay ashore coughing violently as you try to crawl from the radioactive stream you were abandoned in. Tears fall from your eyes as you think back to what led here.

Flashback 5 years, Age 7

You were dragged from the orphanage into a lab by two guards who said nothing but hit you if you got too rowdy. You seen a lot of scientists stare at you with pity on your way to where you were going. The guards stopped and opened a door and just threw you in. You landed flat on your chest and tearily looked around and saw a tall, pale and ginger haired woman.

Moira: "Well hello there! You must be my next subject, my name is Moira O'Deorain but call me Dr.Deorain." She said with a smile but this was no warm smile or a comforting one. You tried to smile back to be polite but you were too scared to formulate a proper one. "Oh just look at you, buachaill álainn." She says as she looks to the guards and motions to the doors behind her.

Present, You crawl further as your body contorts and mutates more so than what the Dr. did to you. Your forearm shoots a bone blade out of it and retracts as you scream in agony and climb to the top of the river bank. Your legs still crippled, arms in shreds and radiation spilling into you. You feel the roar of Tyrant in your head as another flashback triggers you let out a bellowing roar.

Flashback 4 years, Age 8

Moira: "Come subject delta we got you a new pet!" She says excitedly. By this point you new you were in trouble. After being there for a year, you knew her happiness meant pain for you. You walk down the securely locked corridors that looked like a movie before coming into contact with a giant window that was blacked out. The good Dr opened the doors and motioned you to enter.

Y/n: "Dr. O'Deorain i-is this going to hurt?" You asked holding your arm.

Moira: "Nonsense delta as long as it works you won't be harmed."

Y/n: "And if it doesn't work?"

Moira: "let's not focus on the negatives delta." You slowly walked inside as the doors immediately shut behind you and the lights beam on. You shield your eyes before looking on in horror at the creature before you. It was towering in height and covered in veins and muscles. It eyes red with a black cross for pupils and wings that covered most of the room, a tail that slithered around and horns that pierced the roof. It lunged at you almost immediately but the sounds of strained chains echo along with its roars. "Are ready dear delta?" Your knees buckle as you run for the door.

Y/n: "LET ME OUT PLEASE!" You yell albeit to no avail as everything quiets down and the thudding of chains fills your ears as you turn to look at the beast. It was right behind you it's face staring at you inches from yours. You freeze as it lunges at you and chomps down on your entire body and reefs you around and slams you down. Your eyes lock on your legs which are a few meters away from where you currently are.

Moira: "Test failed, clean up and prepare to try again." You heard as your vision faded.

Present, You see a small girl with brown hair slowly teleporting to you in the distance as you roar again before you fade out.

Y/n age 10, You we're sitting outside a man name Akande's office as Moira spoke to him. The guards outside kept glaring at you.

Moira: "Akande dear I wish to introduce you to my latest subject."

DoomFist: "Dr. please I'm a busy man I've no time for games."

Moira: "But he's the first to properly achieve symbiosis with the tyrant."

DF: "The tyrant? I thought you were rid of it years ago."

Moira: "I almost did but then Subject Delta was brought and I thought one more wouldn't hurt."

DF: "Fine show me this Delta." He says as Moira claps and the guards grab you and open the door, setting you down and leaving within seconds. DoomFist looks at you shackled and muzzled. "Dr. is the shackles and muzzle necessary?"

Moira: "Delta gets quite....agressive from time to time like he has PTSD of sorts that triggers episodes causing him to try and kill."

DF: "And how did he acquire this PTSD?"

Y/n: "I've been trapped with her for three years now, guess how." You say muffled from the muzzle.

DF: "Witty." He says as he breaks your restraints and takes off your muzzle. "Show me your skills." He says as his giant fist glows. You look at your hands before popping a bone blade from your forearm and going for Moira's neck as she fades away.

Moira: "Focus on your opponent delta not me." She says seemingly everywhere. As you turn only to be hit by the DoomFist and sent threw the doors the guards were at. You cough and stand up as you see him walk through the rubble and dust his tuxedo. You feel a roar from tyrant coming so you flick you tail out and jab him with it before running in with your bone blades and slicing the now blocking DoomFist. You go for a large right as he pushes you a bit away and reels back his own. You open your wings and fly back a bit out of his range and ram his gut with your horns. Mostly unaffected DoomFist picks you up and slams you down before throwing you down the hall and into a pillar.

DF: "He shows promise Dr. maybe one of my lieutenants could train him a bit and we could make a profit out of him."

Moira: "Hmm I think we should try, Amélie isn't as....forgiving as you." She says as you stand up and have a flashback of hundreds of needles impaling you. Your eyes flicker red as you roar and catch DoomFist off guard and throw him out his office window and quickly turn and decapitate the guards before charging Moira and swinging mercilessly at her as she faded around each strike. You feel something grab your tail but as you turn to meet it your met with a DoomFist to the jaw knocking you out cold.

Present, You open your eyes slightly to see a ship landing near you as the small girl walks towards it as you see a wanted poster for Amélie.

Y/n age 10, Location Talon HQ (???) You sat in an interrogation room as you stared blankly at the double sided glass. You had been there for hours yet you did not budge or blink, Dr. O'Deorain was strict on movement and would punish anything she saw as imperfection. The doors finally opened and a woman dressed....questionably entered. You locked eyes and did not blink, she motioned towards the door as you got the hint and walked outside with her.

Widowmaker: "Follow me." She said calmly, as she walked to the rooftops of the main building. As you got to the roof you noticed no one was there not even Widow. You looked around to see the doors lock. You walk over as you hear a gunshot echo as a sniper bullet pierces your shoulder. Your wings auto activate and cover you from the sniper shots that followed. Widow did not let up in her attack and tyrant was getting impatient. You raise one wing as a shield covering your face as your other arm makes a bone spear come out of your palm. You keep it hidden as you pinpoint her location and toss it with all your might as a grunt is heard on the otherwise silent roofs. You rush the location only to find a small tail of blood leading up the wall meaning one thing. You spin around only to be kicked in the face and her heel planted on your neck. Tyrant let out a roar as scale armor forms on you protecting you from anymore shots.

Widowmaker: "Not terrible for an untrained amateur."

Y/n: "A-AIR." She removes her heel and walks away leaving you there as you breath in silence before the guards came to bring you back to the doctor.

Present Age 12, You open your eyes and see a lot of tubes in your body and you start hyperventilating. You hold your head to try and ignore the thoughts of the experiments as your eyes flicker. You take one large inhale as you feel a roar coming but your hand is grabbed and you freeze. You turn to see the brown haired girl with a tired face sitting there worried as she squeezed you hand repeatedly calming you down.

Tracer: "It's alright love, you're okay. These are helping you." She says pointing at the tubes. "If you can, can you tell me who you are? Like I'm Lena Oxton." She says as you look at your hand.

Y/n: "I-I'm Subject Delta." You say as you begin to squeeze her hand in synch with her.

Tracer: "No love, your name."

Y/n: "I-I don't have a-a name I only remember being called Delta."

Tracer: "What about your parents?"

Y/n: "I-I don't remember I've only ever known the orphanage and the lab." You say as you grip your head. As she looks on horrified. But she smiles warmly and pats your head and pulls you into a hug which is completely foreign to you. "W-what is this?"

Tracer: "What you've never even been hugged before?"

Y/n: "Hug?"

Tracer: "Yes hug, that's what I'm doing. It's used to show affection or comfort someone." You slowly put your arms around her back.

Y/n: "What's going to happen to me?" You ask afraid of getting abandoned again.

Tracer: "You've nowhere to go right?" You nod. "Then how about we keep you here in Overwatch till your old enough to leave?"

Y/n: ""

Tracer: "It's an amazing group of superhero's that protect the world from all danger."

Y/n: "What's a superhero?"

Tracer: (Long exaggerated gasp) You don't know what superhero's are?"

Y/n: "No I was thought of the world but everything was deemed gray, no right or wrong."

Tracer: "Well it seems you haven't noticed." You look at her puzzled. "The tubes love, they're gone." You look at your body and notice that they're no longer in you.

Mercy: "It seems Lena kept you distracted enough for the medicine to do its job, but you shouldn't have been ready for a few weeks in the condition we found you in." She says staring at you. "Would you mind if we examine you?" As you her the word examine your body flares up as your eyes turn red and armor comes out.

Tracer: "Calm down love! She doesn't mean harm." Tracer held your hand again as you turned to her and seen her look of worry. "It's alright to say no, no one is going to hurt you." Your eyes turn back green as you slide back into the bed.

Y/n: "I-Im sorry I don't want to be opened and examined again." They both go wide eyed.

Mercy: "What do you mean opened?"

Y/n: "Dr. O'Deorain would cut me open to examine my....unique features from each of her failed experiments. But the worst part was her constant splicing of my DNA." You say looking at your wrist. Both women look at each other mortified at what they heard.

Tracer: "Y/n we don't need to cut you open to examine you." You look at her in confusion.

Y/n: "Y/n?"

Tracer: "You said you don't have a name remember? So I'm gonna call you Y/n." She says with her wide smile trying to distract you again as Angela is still baffled at what she heard.

Y/n: "Y/n, I like it." You say trying to mimic Tracer's smile. This causes her to laugh at you a little bit before Mercy continues.

Mercy: "Y/n was it? I just need you to lie down as we scan your body with a machine, it won't hurt a bit." She says smiling now hiding her disgust at the work of Moira.

Y/n: "Promise?" You ask as she raises her pinky.

Mercy: "Pinkie promise." She says smiling as she wraps her pinky around yours and walks away.

Tracer: "C'mon Y/n let's get you sorted out." She says leaping up from her chair and blinking away. You stand up and notice that your clothes were basically dust at that point. You active your armor without the helm as you go to follow them. As you walk into the next medical ward all the doctors stare at you in shock as you should be down for weeks and not better after a few hours.

Random Dr.: "D-Doctor Ziegler! How is it possible for that boy to be walking?"

Mercy: "It shouldn't be that's why I brought him here, to scan his body and his if he allows check his blood and DNA but I'll need Lena for that. Anyway prepare the MRI and PCR scanners as we prep him." She says to the doctors as they get to work and you enter they room along with Lena.

Tracer: "And then I blinked all around the room defending the hostages and deactivated the null sector defenses ultimately saving the hostages and Kings Row." She says as you stare with wide eyes at the story of the Kings Row uprising.

Mercy: "I seem to remember Wilhelm doing most of the defending with Torbjorn and I assisting him as you were off clearing Omnics." She's says slightly contradicting Lena's story. You smile a bit at this as you're guided into the MRI scanner. "Now Y/n please remove your armor. You nod as it kind of morphs back with you skin except for your thighs and crotch.

Y/n: "My clothes kinda turned to dust so the armor is all I have for the moment." You say with a nervous smile.

Mercy: "And what is this armor anyway?" She asks curious of its nature.

Y/n: "I don't know it's exact origin but it's from a symbiotic dragon capable of adapting to anything, as far as I know it's fully organic." You say to he as Mercy suddenly looks distressed.

Mercy: "The Tyrant!?" She says in a whisper yell to herself.

Y/n: "Oh you know him?"

Mercy: "Him?"

Y/n: "Due to the function of the symbiosis we share a body and by extension a brain. In battle mostly but sometimes not I'll hear him speak to me. It's weird but I've grown accustomed to him."

Mercy: "You're quite knowledgeable at such a young age." She adds as you look at her blankly.

Y/n: "I spent 5 years with Dr. O'Deorain." You add as she pats your head.

Mercy: "Well at least it helps me that you know what you're talking about. Now I now you have a bad memories of needles but we need some blood to study so would you like to hold Lena's hand while we do it?" You freeze a bit but eventually nod and hold out your wrist as you feel the needle enter and exit as you hold Lena's hand she squeezes rhythmically keeping you calm. "Perfect now come and lie down." She says as you lie down on the machine and close your eyes. You feel someone approaching you so you immediately snap up only to see Angela there handing you some ear protection. "It gets quite loud in there, this should help." You smile and take it off her as you go back under and lay there as you feel it scan your body. As you lay there in silence with the occasional roar from tyrant you hear a scream. You immediately get out of the machine to see Angela and Lena staring at the screen in shock, you look at your X-ray and see three hearts and four lungs along with spiky bones instead of the usual anatomy. Angela looks at you with worry present in her eyes. "Y/n can you come to Switzerland with me to see if we can help you?"

Y/n: "I'm fine I don't feel pain anymore well I do feel pain but not from existing but I'll go if Lena goes too." You say as Lena blinks over and grabs you in a hug.

Lena: "Of course I'll come! But I have a mission so I'll be a day or two." She says still holding you.

Mercy: "And since I'm support on the mission I'll be late as well but you should have Morrison and Reyes watch over you until we get there." She says as she picks up her staff and walks out the room.

Y/n: "But what if they hurt me." You say looking at Lena.

Lena: "Strike commander Morrison and Reyes would never hurt you, they're the leaders of Overwatch." She says as she leads you to the airfield. "We've contacted the team over there and they have clothes and stuff ready for your arrival." You walk onto the plane as you turn back to her.

Y/n: "Please don't take too long." You say waving as you sit on the plane and activate full armor. You wake up to a bumpy landing as you hear the pilot giving the all clear to leave. You wave him off as you walk into the main building. As soon as you enter you hear yelling and arguing. You locate the source and see a tall blonde white man and a tall black haired Hispanic arguing. You start to approach as you notice something. A red barrel with a hole in it. "EVERYONE RU-."


Name: Y/n ____

Age: current 12 (in Overwatch 2 17)

Likes: "Cocoa, cookies, Lena, Tyrant(sometimes) and Overwatch (with some exceptions)

Despises: Moira, Talon, pitch black rooms, needles and the damned javelin.

Looks: You n Tyrant

Weapons: "Bone manipulation, feeds off of moonlight, Tyrant/Draconic things and a secret surprise."

That should be all for now Enjoy.

I don't own blizzard or their characters.

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