Transforming to the Sixties t...

By MarygraceDumasis

17.5K 151 6

The first time Zhu An met Ren Jianchen was in the orphanage. She was eight years old that year. She was bulli... More

1-2 page
short novel


1K 7 0
By MarygraceDumasis

I want them to pay back the money.
  So when she heard that Zhu An wanted to break off the relationship, she was extremely happy. "Of course, how can our family be dishonest? Don't worry." Zhang Hongfen couldn't hide her excitement, and her tone was a little high.
  Zhu An shook his head: "Your father-in-law has to write the divorce letter. After all, although my sister-in-law is his elder, she is not a blood relative, so it doesn't count if she writes it. But it doesn't matter if your father-in-law can't write. You can ask someone from the brigade who knows how to read. The elders will write it on their behalf and just put their fingerprints on it. Sister-in-law, for my peace of mind, you won’t reject me, right?"
  Zhang Hongfen thought to herself, you have said all the good and bad things, how can I refuse? If I refuse, it means that I have other purposes. "That's no problem." Zhang Hongfen hoped that it would be a clean break. She didn't believe that Ren Jianchen would be successful following Zhu An. Zhu An has his father, his mother, and a stupid brother. She is afraid that the cut is not clean enough and they will come to her door again. That's why she was happy that Zhu An wanted to break off the marriage letter. She didn't bring up the matter of breaking off the marriage, so no one can say that she is cruel.
  Zhu An was a little surprised when she saw how straightforward she agreed. She thought the other party would not agree. She added: "In that case, when will we go through the formalities?"
  "It will be done right away. You can ask the captain to write the divorce letter now, and I will go to my father-in-law to have his fingerprints pressed. But my father-in-law's illness cannot delay it. When will you give me the money?" Zhang Hongfen was afraid that Zhu An would regret it, so she also wanted to handle the matter immediately.
  "When the time comes, I will hand over the marriage letter with one hand and give the money with the other." Zhu An actually wanted to deal with it more quickly than Zhang Hongfen. She even thought that after the formalities were completed, in case the Ren family came to see Uncle Ren in the future, she would just leave the village with her eldest brother and Uncle Ren. Anyway, she is graduating from high school this year and has no plans to take the college entrance examination. For one thing, she herself has gone to college, and college is not uncommon to her. Secondly, in this era, a high school degree is enough. Thirdly, if she is admitted to college this year, what will her eldest brother and Uncle Ren do then? One is stupid and the other is young, yet they are bullied to death?
  Therefore, it would be most appropriate for her to wait until she gets her high school diploma, find a job, and leave with her eldest brother and Uncle Ren.
  However, these are things that come later.
  Everyone saw that in the blink of an eye, Zhu An and Zhang Hongfen had settled the matter, and they had not yet recovered.
  "Xiao An, are you no longer considering this matter?" Seeing the situation, Qian Shuhong didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. I had no choice but to advise Zhu An to think twice. If it were Zhu An's parents who adopted Xiao Chen today, she wouldn't ask more questions, but Zhu An is still a little girl after all, which makes people a little worried.
  But for Xiao Chen, this was a good thing. If he was adopted by Zhu An's family, it would be better for him to be adopted by an outsider.
  Zhu An smiled at Qian Shuhong: "Don't worry, aunt, I know this matter well." She didn't say much.
  However, Qian Shuhong was not a fool. Zhu An's words made her understand the child's determination. She thought to herself that Zhu An looked like a frail little girl, her face was a little pale, but her personality was decisive. Thinking about it carefully, Sha Bao is unreliable. Sha Bao will have to rely on Zhu An in the future. How can Zhu An have a weak character?
  Thinking of this, Qian Shuhong said nothing more. If she continued, it would be bad for the Ren family to "sell" Xiaochen to outsiders. In this case, it would be better to be adopted by Zhu An. Anyway, they are all in the same brigade and can help him in the future. "Then if you have any difficulties, come to your aunt. Your mother was also on good terms with her before she was alive. You regard your aunt as one of your own." Qian Shuhong was not lying. She did have a good relationship with Zhu's mother. However, there used to be two doctors in the Zhu family, and the one who had a good relationship with Zhu’s mother would be the best.
  But once Zhu's father and Zhu's mother passed away, the old relationship became a bubble.
  "I know. Every time I went home on weekends, I often heard my mother say that my aunt is the most enthusiastic cadre in the village. If I encounter any difficulties in the future, I can consult her." Zhu An followed her words. He said, "Today my eldest brother adopted Xiao Chen. I would like to invite my aunt and the captains to have a meal tomorrow at noon as a testimony, and let Xiao Chen kowtow to my eldest brother. From now on, Xiao Chen will be a member of our family, aunt Are you sure?"
  Although she is older than Uncle Ren now, in her heart, she is Uncle Ren's junior. Therefore, it is indeed more appropriate for this adoption to be in the name of the eldest brother. After all, if she had not traveled through time, it was her eldest brother who had raised Uncle Ren, and they were not supposed to be father and son, but they looked like father and son. Otherwise, the eldest brother’s grave would not be next to Uncle Ren’s grave.
  "This..." Qian Shuhong explained helplessly, "Xiao An, you have been studying before. Could you have forgotten that now we all eat from a big pot in the cafeteria." However, the little girl was very happy that she had this intention. . Before, many people were rumoring that Anke's father was against his mother. It was not that she had never defended her, but she couldn't control what so many people said. She was once worried that the little girl would be affected by these gossips, but now that she is so smart and good at doing things, she feels relieved.
  Zhu An was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that in little Zhu An's memory, it was already time for a big pot of rice. She also remembered the history she had learned. The big pot meal started in the second half of 1958, and it was now April of 1959... Her heart tightened. Waiting until the second half of the year, the three-year famine would come, and God would not take action by then. Beautiful, every household will have difficulties.
  No, we need to store grain. In the history where she didn't travel through time, Xiao Zhuan had already passed away at this time, but the eldest brother lived to the next generation, so it makes no sense that if she traveled through time, her life would be worse than when the eldest brother was alone.

  "Then after lunch tomorrow, would you like to invite everyone to sit at our house, be a witness, and have a cup of tea?" Zhu An disguised himself as a 17-year-old girl and asked Qian Shu with sincere eyes. red opinion.
  Zhu An grew up in an orphanage and was very good at judging people's colors, so for Qian Shuhong, she adopted the gentle character of a little girl. A weak, brave little girl who would ask her for advice when encountering problems may make her feel more distressed and make her more willing to take care of him.
  In fact, everyone is like this. Children who cry get candy.
  "That's okay." Qian Shuhong thought it was okay. "Then I'll go find the captain now and talk to him about the matter, and you can think about it again." "
  Hey, thank you, Auntie."
  This is still the doorway of Ren's house. , Qian Shuhong left, and everyone saw that there was no chance, so they left. Some are in a hurry to go to work, while some return home even if they don't go to work. ≡思≡Rabbit≡网≡
  Zhu An led Ren Jianchen to her home. On the way, she was worried that Uncle Ren, who was still a child, would be uneasy, so she tried hard to find a topic: "Little...Xiao Chen, what do you want to do when you grow up? Huh?" Frankly speaking, she had never taken care of children before, and she really didn't know how to get along with children.

Chapter 4
  ◎Uncle Ren cried◎
  What will you do when you grow up? Five-year-old Ren Jianchen has never thought about this question, and no one has ever asked him this question. In the past, what he thought about every day was that his father would come back quickly, because he should be able to eat when his father came back. What he will do when he grows up is a very profound question for a five-year-old child. But when his aunt asked, he thought about it seriously, because he was worried that if he didn't think well, he would be hated by his aunt, and then he would be sent back to Ren's house.
  "When you grow up, be a good person and provide for... your aunt and Shabao... uncle Shabao to take care of you in old age." Ren Jianchen said crisply, looking up at Xiao Naoyin. Adults all like good people, and her aunt adopted her in the hope of providing for her and Uncle Shabao to take care of them in old age, so will she be satisfied with her answer? After Ren Jianchen said it, he was very nervous. Although his little hand was held by Zhu An, he couldn't help but want to clench his fist.
  When Zhu An heard what he said, he was filled with admiration. It was indeed Uncle Ren. He had experienced such a thing and was almost betrayed by his relatives. He even said that he would be a good person when he grew up. As expected, it was Uncle Ren who had been upright and upright since he was a child. . It would definitely not work if it were her.
  Since Uncle Ren wants to be a good person, let her be a bad person. She will block all troubles for him. In this life, she just wants him to be able to do what he wants to do happily. "Xiao Chen is so good. No matter what you want to do, aunt will support you."
  "Thank you, aunt." Ren Jianchen felt relieved when he heard Zhu An say this, and he gave Zhu An a jerky smile. Smile, he rarely smiles, because these five years have not been kind to him and have not given him a reason to smile unscrupulously.

  However, in Zhu An's eyes, her uncle Ren's smile was that of an angel. The shock of being able to see Uncle Ren again and see his smile instead of paying homage to his body in the mourning hall made her blush. She knelt down and hugged Ren Jianchen deeply into her arms.
  When Ren Jianchen was hugged, his body did not dare to move and became stiff. Ever since he could remember, he didn't remember who had hugged him. His father had hugged him before when he came back, but he had forgotten what his father's arms were like.
  Zhu An was so excited, excited, and touched that she didn't realize that the child in her arms was restrained. She just held him like this, and then whispered softly in his ear: "Xiao Chen, it's so nice to meet you." After saying that, she stood up again and held his little hand again, "Let's go home."
  Before Ren Jianchen could react, she took her away. He followed her passively. He looked up at her and saw Looking at her soft and pale side face in the sun, he moved his gaze downwards, watching her big white hand holding his dirty little black hand, but she didn't dislike it at all, she held it tightly. Ren Jianchen suddenly remembered what she had just said: Xiaochen, it's great to meet you.
  There was something itchy in his ears. She must have blown into his ears just now. Ren Jianchen thought.
  Arriving at Zhu's house, Zhu An also set his sights on Zhu's yard.
  In the middle of the courtyard is the main room. The main room is usually closed. It will only be opened if there is a happy event at home or to entertain guests or something. There are two rooms on the left side of the main room, one is the room of Zhu's father and mother, and the other is the kitchen. The kitchen is relatively long. When you enter, there is the eating area first, and the cooking area inside. A wall is built in between, and a door and window are opened, but there is no door or window. But standing in the cooking area, you can see the dining hall from the window, and you can hand out the cooked food through the window.
  There is also a bathroom in the back of the kitchen, which is adjacent to the backyard. It is more convenient to get hot water from the kitchen for bathing.
  There are also two rooms on the right side of the main room, which are the rooms of Zhu An and Zhu Dabao.
  There is also a utility room next to the kitchen, which contains firewood, carts, etc., and is separated by a pig pen.
  The amazing thing is that there is no toilet in the house.
  Zhu An didn't know much about the situation in this era. He knew something about it from the memory in his body. The reason why there is no toilet at home is because there are public toilets in the village. Public restrooms are located in groups, with men's and women's restrooms. There are urinals and squat pits in the men's restrooms, and only squat pits in the women's restrooms. There is a large bucket under the squatting pit. Every day, the person who manages the toilet will pour the excrement bucket and urine into the built-in pond to ferment and be used as fertilizer when needed.
  Although it may look like a public toilet in a brigade, it is very clean because there are dedicated people to manage it. Centimeters are counted. If it is not cleaned, centimeters will be deducted. In this era where centimeters are equal to money, ordinary people are reluctant to have centimeters deducted. , not to mention that the person who will arrange this position must also be a hard-working person.   Zhu An led Ren Jianchen to her room. She took out a small handful of White Rabbit toffee from the drawer and handed it to Ren Jianchen: "Eating a candy means that starting from today, Xiaochen will be happy every day from now on." It's sweet."   Ren Jianchen followed obediently, but he also made up his mind to listen to Zhu An and wait until his father came back no matter what. However, he was a little stunned when he saw the candy Zhu An gave him. " me?" His eyes widened in disbelief, as if this was a very strange thing. Because in the Ren family, he has never been qualified to eat sweets, let alone eat sweets, even drink sugar water. But now, as soon as he came to this house, Zhu An gave him candy. Is she a fool?   "Yes, it's for you. If you eat it, you will be sweet every day in the future." Zhu An put the White Rabbit toffee into Ren Jianchen's hand, fearing that he would be embarrassed, and said with a smile, "You Sit in the room and eat sweets first, and I'll bring you hot water to wash you

Wash your hands, okay? "He needed time to calm down by himself, and his face was a little dirty and stained with tears, which made her feel distressed. Ren Jianchen nodded blankly, his little head was in a mess,
  his Her thoughts were all on the candy in her palm. This was the White Rabbit toffee. It was a very expensive toffee, he knew it. But now, she actually gave him this White Rabbit toffee, and not just one, but It was a handful, so... Ren Jianchen knew that she was not a fool.
  Ren Jianchen pursed his lips, and finally clenched his hands tightly to hold the White Rabbit toffee in his palm. His hands were small, so Zhu An grabbed four in a small handful. , he couldn't hold it at all, and the shadow of White Rabbit toffee could still be seen between his fingers, as if this was the happiness he would reveal in the future. Zhu An came to the kitchen and poured the hot water boiled in the kettle yesterday into the basin
  . Both parents of the Zhu family know medical skills, so they are more particular than other families. For example, the Zhu family never drinks raw water, only boiled water. And Zhu An has always drank warm water since she was a child. Although she was educated by her parents and had to take care of her elder brother and provide for him in his old age, she did grow up delicately. The Zhu family's parents cared very much about her, to the point where she was worried that she would get cold even if she drank cold water. So. The three kettles at home are always equipped with hot water. When
  Zhu An came out of the kitchen with a water basin, he saw that Ren Jianchen had left the room and stood at the door looking in the direction of the kitchen. When he saw her coming out, the child was a little embarrassed. There was nervousness on his face. He opened his mouth slightly and called out: "Auntie. "
  In fact, his voice was very soft, so soft that most people couldn't hear what he was saying. But Zhu An smiled and said, "Hey, are you in a hurry? It took a while to mix the hot water. "Actually, no, she deliberately gave the children time to digest the matter in the kitchen. However, Zhu An did not hear Ren Jianchen calling her, but saw it. Zhu An grew up in an orphanage and can
  represent Orphans, on behalf of the children sponsored by Ren Jianchen, went to hold a memorial service for Ren Jianchen and bid him farewell, which shows her excellence and excellence. Although Zhu An is a normal person, she understands mute speech. There are children who were sent to the orphanage for various reasons. There is no shortage of deaf-mute children. In order to communicate with them, and because there are many deaf-mute groups in society, Zhu An deliberately learned mute in order to get along with them. When she was in college, she also learned mute because she could speak mute. I worked part-time and made money.
  "It's not urgent, I'm not in a hurry." Zhu An's kind explanation made Ren Jianchen's nervous mood relax a little. He pursed his lips and tried hard to raise a smile, but he couldn't smile. So this smile is uglier than crying.
  However, "Oh my God, Xiaochen, you look so beautiful when you smile." Zhu An exaggeratedly praised her.
  Ren Jianchen was shocked by her exaggerated tone. He may have never been praised like this before, and he was so stupid that he didn't know how to react. His black and white eyes widened again, like grapes, very beautiful. These eyes were ignorant and clear, different from the gentleness that Zhu An had seen when he was a child and had been washed by time.
  Pfft... Zhu An laughed out loud, and she walked up to him: "Come, aunt will wash your face, you sit down."
  Ren Jianchen came back to his senses amidst Zhu An's laughter, and a small dark face was visible to the naked eye. There is a blush. "I...I can do it myself." He was so nervous that he stuttered. Just now, his aunt smiled. This smile was clearly meant to make fun of him, but it was not as annoying as other people's teasing. Moreover, he was a little embarrassed and happy.
  "I'll do it." Zhu An said, "This is the first time Xiaochen has come to this home, so I am here to do everything today, which represents my welcome to you. I am very happy that you have come to this home and become a part of it. ." She wiped the wet and wrung towel on his face, her gentle movements, the warm towel and the hot tears that suddenly flowed from his eyes were mixed together.
  Zhu An's smile paused and he said nervously: "Why are you crying? Did I hurt you?"
  The little Ren Jianchen shook his head, biting his mouth and stubbornly preventing himself from crying, but the tears fell. Can't help it. He didn't know why he cried.
  Zhu An put down the towel, hugged him into his arms, and patted his back gently. She didn't speak. Frankly speaking, she didn't know how to comfort him.
  The moment Ren Jianchen was held in her arms, he burst into tears: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

Chapter 5
  ◎ I am a father today, but I don't want to be a father tomorrow ◎
  The place was very lively today, everyone was talking about Zhu An's adoption The matter of Ren Jianchen.
  "Boss Ren is really nothing. Ren Sancai sacrificed his life and sold Xiao Chen." Someone frowned and cursed.
  "If you ask me, the real thing is Old Man Ren. Xiao Chen is his grandson, right?" "Does the
  Ren family lack a grandson? Old Man Ren has three sons, and each son has given birth to a grandson for him. He lacks a grandson." Grandson?"
  "That's not selling. The eldest daughter-in-law of the Ren family said it's called giving away." "
  Bah, if you really want to give it away, don't ask for 120 yuan."

  "Do you think the Zhu family really has 120 yuan?"
  "Who knows."
  "Then there must be, and more than that, otherwise Zhu An can spend 120 yuan to adopt Xiaochen?" "
  Zhu An said it was for Sha Bao. So that Shabao will have someone to take care of him until his death."
  "Juan An's consideration is not wrong. She is a girl who will definitely get married, so what will Shabao do in the future? Everyone has watched Ren Sanbao grow up. He is also very diligent on weekdays. It is definitely better to follow the Ren family than to follow Sha Bao."
  "That's right..."
  In the field, Zhu Dabao was sweating profusely at work. Zhu Dabao is a good boy. When Zhu's father and mother were alive, he always taught him that he should not listen to anyone except his sister. In the hearts of Zhu's father and Zhu's mother, their son is a fool, and they are not prepared to marry him and have children, so in this world, the only one who will be good to him after they die is his daughter.
  So Zhu Dabao always remembered this sentence. Every time he went to work, his sister would tell him to listen to the squad leader and not to listen to others. If you meet someone you don't understand, ask yourself when you get home. _This_work_work_by_si_Rabbit_on_line_read_read_net_friend_organize_up_post_Zhu Dabao works very hard when he works. What kind of work does the team leader ask him to do
  ? He just does whatever work he wants, and when he's done, he sits aside obediently and waits for work to end.
  "Zhu Dabao...Zhu Dabao..."
  When Zhu Dabao was working, he heard someone calling him. He stopped working and saw that it was the team leader of their group. He smiled happily and said: "Uncle, what did you ask me to do?"
  The squad leader's name is Shi Xiangan. He is a middle-aged man in his early thirties and the nephew of the squad leader. He is an upright and honest man. His wife had a difficult labor when she gave birth and couldn't bear it in one breath. It was Zhu's mother who gave her a small half of a ginseng from the house and let her hold it in her mouth, so Shi Xiang'an was particularly grateful to Zhu's mother.
  Therefore, when Zhu's father and mother were still alive, they could safely arrange Zhu Dabao to work in Shi Xiang'an's group. Even after the death of Zhu's father and mother, Shi Xiangan also paid a lot of attention to Zhu Dabao.
  "Dabao, go to the village committee compound. Your sister has adopted a child for you, Xiao Chen. You have to go through the procedures in the village committee compound," Shi Xiang'an said.
  Zhu Dabao blinked. For a four or five-year-old baby, sex is a somewhat difficult thing to understand. However, although Zhu Dabao only has the IQ of a four or five-year-old child, he is not four or five years old after all. He has lived for 22 years, and he is more knowledgeable than a real four or five-year-old child. So he understands what the situation is like. "Uncle, am I going to have a child? Or is it Xiaochen?" He likes Xiaochen very much. When he usually wants to find someone to play with, the children won't play with him because they think he is too big. Unless he takes the delicious food for himself, Only when you give them some money will they be willing to play with you. But Xiao Chen is different. Even if he doesn't have anything good to eat, he is still willing to play with him.
  So Xiaochen is going to be his child, and he is so happy. Just like a child playing house, is he going to have his own child?
  Zhu Dabao gave the hoe to Shi Xiangan and ran towards the village committee compound.
  When Zhu Dabao arrived, he looked around with his clear, round eyes, but did not see his sister. His family has taught him since he was a child that if he is separated from his family and sees a police comrade, he should ask for help as a police comrade. If he does not see a police comrade, he should just wait where he is and don't follow anyone. So after not seeing his sister, Zhu Dabao squatted on the ground obediently.
  However, Zhu Dabao wanted to wait quietly for his sister, but the people who saw him wouldn't let him wait. A few of them were wandering around the entrance of the village committee compound to meet Zhu Dabao, and they spoke at once.
  "Dabao, I heard that your sister adopted a son for you. Are you happy?"
  "Dabao, do you know how to be a father?"

  "Shut up, everyone." When the captain heard someone calling Zhu Dabao outside, he walked out of the office. He first yelled at a few people who were watching, "Everyone has the strength to go to work." No, she has the strength to be a long-tongued woman." Then he said to Zhu Dabao, "Dabao is here, come here." Zhu Dabao
  looked at the captain and was a little timid. Just now, the captain's grandfather was a little fierce, and he was a little scared. So his big head shook like a rattle: "I'm not coming, I'll wait for my sister."
  The captain said: "It's the same thing if you come over and wait inside. Your sister will be here soon. Come inside and I'll talk to you. Things." Although Zhu Dabao was a silly boy, he also wanted to hear his opinion on the matter of adopting Ren Jianchen. However, privately, he felt that it was good for Zhu An to adopt Ren Jianchen. Ren Jianchen was a child in the brigade and his family knew everything about him. In Zhu Dabao's situation, it was really necessary to adopt a child who knew everything about him and provide him with the care of him until his death.
  Zhu Dabao still shook his head: "I have to wait for my sister. I can't see her inside." Grandpa Captain wants to talk to him about something? He doesn't want to talk about things, he just wants to play. My sister said that if you get a good job, you can have fun. He has to go to work later.
  The captain was a little helpless.
  Qian Shuhong next to her laughed out loud: "He is as difficult to deal with as your four or five-year-old grandson." The
  captain: "Who says it's not the case? He can't be beaten or scolded, nor can he explain." However, his grandson Seeing him was like a mouse meeting a cat, I didn't dare to disobey him. As the captain said, he walked out and went to Zhu Dabao's side. He had no choice but to go out if he didn't come in.
  However, the captain didn't know that as soon as he passed by, Zhu Dabao, who was originally squatting, stood up and took a few steps away from him.
  The captain was dumbfounded: "What are you doing? Will I eat you?"
  "You are fierce, I'm afraid." Zhu Dabao stared at him defensively, as if he would run away if he took one more step.
  Captain: "..."
  After hearing this, everyone who was still here couldn't help laughing. Some people joked: "Captain, what are you talking about with Sha Bao? Can he understand?"
  "Yes, he is just a child. Captain, please don't worry."
  "Shut up." The captain's face turned dark. These people are the lazy ones in the brigade. They often miss work and have nothing to do all day long. Their families can’t take care of them, so he can’t take care of them. So he threatens them with work points? If people don’t work, they have no work points. No food? People are still living well.
  Zhu Dabao looked at the lazy men and then at the captain. He felt that the people on both sides were a little scary, so he quietly retreated outside. Suddenly, he shouted happily: "Sister..." Zhu Dabao saw Zhu An coming, so he ran towards Zhu An's place.

  Zhu Dabao is tall and strong, so he can run very fast. He ran to his sister within a few seconds: "Sister..." He called out with a smile and peeked at Ren Jianchen.
  Ren Jianchen saw him and subconsciously smiled at him: "Brother Shabao." In fact, Ren Jianchen didn't know that Shabao's full name was Zhu Dabao. He just heard others call him Zhu Dabao, so he called him Shabao. Brother Bao.
  "Hey..." Zhu Dabao responded first, and then asked doubtfully, "No, no, everyone said that you are going to be my child, are you going to call me daddy?" Ren Jianchen listened

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