Conquering Venus

By Im_just_random_X321

128 4 0

I was sitting in class one day when my friend asked: "Sir, I have heard about The Lost Princess, is it true t... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Authors Note !
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's Note

Chapter 2

14 0 0
By Im_just_random_X321

As we entered the library, I noticed there were computers here and there...

- Maya, what are these computers used for?

- Oh these, they are used to find books easily.

- Wait, so we don't have to spend all day trying to find the book...?

- Of course not, we will just enter the title of the book and it will tell us exactly where it is. Did I not tell you, I thought I told you on the way here.

- Well you were too busy telling me your life story to tell me anything actually important, anyways come on.

- Yeah true, I was too caught up in telling you about myself that I forgot to tell you the important stuff. That reminds me of my aunt's husband's cousin, she always forgets the important stuff, like that one time...

While she's busy talking, I'd better find that book now...I went over to the table that had the computer, and I typed the title of the book...

- Alright, History section Aisle 3 shelf #5. Perfect! Come on Maya.

- Huh...Oh, alright!

We walked towards the History section, somewhere I would personally never go to, but this time, I was determined to find that book and read it, (also something that I wouldn't normally do)...

- Ah...! There it is...! I told you we'd find it!

- Actually I think I was the one who said that...

- Never mind Maya, we do not have time to spare, we must finish in exactly 30 minutes.

- Alright, you stay here, I'll go find a book I haven't read yet, since you know I read a lot, like A LOT A LOT, it's like-

- Okay, okay go find a book, remember we don't have that much time left.

- Oh right, I'll go then, see you soon, hey, what's with the little notepad.

- Oh this, it's for taking notes. Alright, let's see what we've got here...

As I opened the first page of what seemed like the thickest book in the world, I couldn't help but stop at a page which featured a story not one venusainian (people from Venus) didn't know of. And of course knowing that story I wanted to skip those pages, but something held me back, and I found myself reading the whole thing like it was my first time hearing of it...

"Once in this vast world of wonders, there stood a planet, a planet more majestic then any other. It was ruled by some of the best rulers the universe had ever seen, they were fair and always put the people's needs before theirs, that planet also had some of the most intelligent people alive, it was modern, yet it embraced the beauty of nature. The people of this planet lived under justice and balance, and not one beggar could be found in the streets. That planet was nicknamed "The Land of Life" by most, and known as "Venus" by all.

Not far from Venus stood another planet, even from afar could be seen the desolation and lifelessness of that planet.

Though once rumored to be beautiful and full of life, there was now only a bare and barren land that was roamed by darkness. That planet was said to have some of the most tyrannical rulers in the universe, they were selfish and greedy, and thus the desolation of their planet. Nicknamed "The Land of The Dark", that planet was "Lumainia", the planet of the Aliens.

Both Venus and Lumainia were entirely different planets, it was like the light against the dark, justice against injustice, Venus could be easily seen as the better choice, and over the hundreds and hundreds of years, the two planets became rivals, the Royal Family of Lumainia grew jealous of the Venus Royal Family, and that was mainly because of their planet's Life Stone...

In this universe, every planet has a "Life Stone".

If the Life Stone was harmed in anyway, that would equally affect the planet's state and environment. And if the planet was not taken care of properly, the Life Stone would also lose its effect and self-destruct.

The Royal Family of every planet would be in charge of keeping the stone safe to insure the prosperity and well-being of their planet.

Due to the carefulness and care of the Venus Royal Family, their Life Stone remained safe and sound.

As for the Royal Family of Lumainia, all they cared about was wealth and power, as a result, their greed blinded them, and because they paid no attention to their people, their Life Stone self-destruct and led to their great losses.

The king of Lumainia didn't accept the fact that he had to pay for his actions and rebuild Lumainia from scratch to restore The Life Stone, instead he decided to use a way that was forbidden for anyone to use, and it was to-"


- *Everyone in the library: SHHHHHHHHHH!

- Rygel, can you hear me? *whispering

- Yes I can hear you, why were you screaming...!?

- Because you didn't answer, it has already been 30 minutes, I called your name for a total of five times, Five. Times. yet you didn't answer, I don't know what's with your sudden interest in books, but you should know when to stop.

- Alright, alright, I'm sorry. Let's go home now, yeah...

- Alright let's go. By the way, are you going to borrow that book?

- Yeah, I'm going borrow it for a few days, there's still a lot I need to know about...

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