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By ishaa_writings

6.3K 327 137

Short Stories of Amour "Every love story is not an epic novel. Some are short stories, but that doesn't make... More



412 32 23
By ishaa_writings

For everyone who reads the book again and again cause we know that the story is beyond the ending 🦋

Harikrishna has noticed the stern look of Ayaan which only softened for Roshini and his son who didn't leave her granddaughter even for a second. She ate dinner with him in her lap and eating the mashed food.

After they settled in the living room, Ayaan decided to talk.

Screening the people, he asked,
"Where is Divya?"

The comfortable noise fell into an uncomfortable silence listening to Ayaan. His family was looking at Ayaan, trying to understand why he was asking about Divya to them.

"Divya?" Damodhar asked with a confused face. Seems like they don't know about Divya or the pretence was at its best.

"Divya didn't come here." Harikrishna replied looking at Ayaan.

"Oh, she went to London. Who is this time? Vimal or Kalyan?" Ayaan faked a smile at the elder male.

The colour drained off their faces when they understood Ayaan and his unsaid words. The ladies were oblivious of the truth while the men were in second thoughts that how Ayaan got to know about Vimal and Kalyan.

"What are you saying Ayaan?" Dev asked his son-in-law with a sweet smile dangling on his lips. Ayaan returned the very sweet smile and looked at the main door.

The family members followed his gaze and Divya walked in. Trio men were stunned seeing her.

"Mamayya, you asked me what I was saying right. Don't you know?" His words stung the right places as the men were tongue tied to speak anything.

"Divya, where did you go?" Damodhar hugged his daughter which made Ayaan to laugh at the situation.

"Aren't you the one who sent her?"

"Ayaan, stop talking in riddles." Vasudev insisted though Ayaan didn't acknowledge it.

Roshini looked at him and then at Amal who was sleeping in her arms. Passing Amal to Kaushalya, she held his hand and tried to calm his rage which was pretty clear with his cold voice and the bulging veins on forehead and arms.

"Divya, let's clear the truth." Ayaan fumed and Divya nodded.

She sat in the sofa smiling at her father, uncle and grandfather.

"Amma, you know I was shocked when thatha agreed to send Akka abroad for studies. Shock would be an understatement, I was stunned. Bought up in a family where a girl wasn't allowed to go out alone, I was surely amazed. Life was going well, she was made to live with Vimal's family and we all thought it was again their overprotective nature. Ayaan came into her life like a storm and changed every algorithm. She started living life with a different perspective, laughing and smiling became everyday things. But one day, I overheard them talking to someone about getting Akka married. Then I conveyed the same to her and she compelled Ayaan bava garu. They got married and I breathed in relief. Roshini never told me about her husband except for his name. You remember, one day pedda nanna and thatha went to London in the name of a meeting! In reality it was something else. They went to see Roshini Akka for a different purpose. As if the fate played the game, she met with an accident which served as an advantage for them and to convince her easily."

Divya completed her perspective which still had loopholes cause it wasn't the whole truth.

"So, mamayya, would you like to spill out the white the truth or should I?" Ayaan asked in a sweet manner.

The family members gasped looking at Divya especially Roshini. She never knew that she has a husband who was searching for her like a maniac.

"That means Amal, he is mine?" Roshini whispered looking at Ayaan.

"Yes Roshu, he is ours. Our little attention seeker just like his mother." Ayaan mumbled with a smile which the only genuine one till now.

"I'm not an attention seeker." Roshini objected with an adorning frown on her face.

"But," Harikrishna butted into the conversation which disturbed the little moment of Roshini and Ayaan.

"Daughters are the respect of our family. We can't let them roam out in the streets and letting them love someone is a disgrace."

<A/N: I'm done with this dialogue. This is from a real time incident 🌚>

"Then letting live in someone's house for years is fine and alright?"

"Living with the family who would be her in laws soon is perfectly fine Ayaan." The elder one replied in a cold voice.

"Bringing up a girl, protecting her from the unwanted thoughts and people, searching a potential groom for her and finally getting her married to a good person. From her birthday to her wedding day, we would never have a peaceful sleep. You can never understand the emotion of a father." Dev yelled as Ayaan pulled the right string to let the emotions burst out.

"So, Vimal is a good person for Roshini?" Ayaan seethed remembering the bitter past.

"Yes, he is a good man. Completed his studies and looking after his family business. A perfect family man with a reputed family name." Harikrishna replied proudly.

"Dhanya, take Amal with you." Dhanya immediately took Ayaan from her mother and went towards the garden area.

Ayaan pulled Roshini with him, he held her hand and the scar was still glowing on her left arm.

"You see that scar, do you know how it happened?"

"It happened in the accident." Saritha replied.

"I wish it was true Atthayya."

"If it's not in the accident then how did it happen?" Sujatha questioned being concerned about Roshini.

"The person who was a potential groom for Roshini, Vimal." The family gasped at the truth.

"You're lying Ayaan." Harikrishna objected, obviously Vimal was a good person in their view.

<A/N: Vimal anna prathisari kamla pasand ye gurtu vasthundi naaku 🫣>

"Life would have been better if everything we believed is true. Vimal is a good person for you, but in truth, he is one cold blooded bastard. If girls are respect for you then girls are just a slave for him. He used to abuse Roshini first with words and then gradually it became physical abuse. But she never told anything to a single soul. When I saw him hurting her, I lost the temper and that's when Divya heard you talking to Vimal's family. Divya, the thing you didn't know was, the phone call wasn't about Roshini. Its main purpose was you. They already fixed the marriage of Roshini with Vimal. So they were talking about you and his family friend, Kalyan. Such a cunning bastards and you found them perfect for your daughters?"

Roshini was sneaky both the sides. She didn't tell about Ayaan to Divya and she didn't disclose her family details to Ayaan as well. That's the main problem when Ayaan was in her quest after the accident.

"You can ask the good person who is now rotting in jail. I doubt even if he is alive." Ayaan smirked, Vimal didn't deserve to live though.

The ladies were stunned. All this happened behind their back and they didn't know a single word of it.

"Dev, is that all true?" Saritha questioned though the silence gave her a perfect answer.

"Saritha, that," Dev stammered as the truth was out and no words can cover it.

"You also know about it?" Sujatha asked Damodhar and he was tongue tied.

"What an amazing family we got." Gautham gritted his teeth. His family was worse than that of a daily soap.

<A/N: Bro, I witnessed a worst family as well. This is nothing in front of that 🫥>

"And now you compelled Divya to marry Kalyan? What made you to stoop this low in the name of respect and all bullshit?" The questions were numerous but the trio men had no answer.

"We did everything for their well being." Harikrishna still had the audacity to support their morals.

"The well being which was nothing but mental and physical abuse?"

"Even this dinner was fake. I don't know how my mother convinced you for Divya but I'm grateful for that. She saved Divya from another trauma. I saw how Roshu suffered and I can't imagine another girl suffering like her."

"So, you trio people. From today, Roshini and Divya would have no contact with you. And if you try to do anything, then I make sure you all end up like the well mannered Vimal and Kalyan."

"Atthayya, I leave it to you if you still want to have a relation with these people. But you're welcomed to our home at anytime." Ayaan concluded.

"Roshu, shall we leave?" Roshini looked at him with tears.

"Nanna, I never questioned your words. I don't remember what happened in London but I can say Ayaan isn't wrong. I'm ashamed to tell that I've your blood in me. Your thoughts are much worse than an evil minded person. Thank you for sending me to London, though I suffered, I found my relief as well." Roshini walked towards the garden area to see Amal. He was her son, her own son who she failed to realise.

"Ma ma ma" Amal mumbled incoherent words seeing her. He scooped into her arms leaving Dhanya with a frown.

Roshini kissed her whole face while Amal loved every bit of it. After 10 months, he got his mother and her love.

"Roshu, shall we leave?"

She nodded hugging Amal to her chest. He was completely leaning on her with his face in the crook of her neck and slowly basking into the peaceful sleep.

"I was away from you for ten months, and I don't remember anything of our memories. Do you still love me?" Roshini questioned hugging him.

"You know, we can't unlove someone, if we can then it wasn't love at the first place. And coming to your question, the feeling I have for you is more than love. And I still have the same feeling for you, it didn't change." He pressed his lips gently on her forehead and she was engulfing the warmth of his presence.

Amal woke up from the sleep and soon sobs fill the room. Ayaan glared at his son who always steal his wife's attention.

"I don't know in which good time he was born and stealing you from me." Ayaan whined being jealous of Amal.

"Ayaan, he is your son. You're jealous of your own kid." Roshini giggled trying to pacify Amal who was sobbing hard.

"I think he's hungry. Wait, I will get the milk." He went to the kitchen to fetch any food or milk for Amal.

When Ayaan walked into the room, he was blessed to witness the scene he imagined n times.

Roshini sat in the corner of the bed and feeding Amal. Amal didn't have breast milk for 10 months. He cried for milk and the other milks didn't go well with him.

Ayaan felt helpless when he would see Amal crying for milk. The powdered milk didn't support him and disturbed his health. Ayaan couldn't do anything. After suffering a hell for five months, Amal was allowed to give some semi solid food which worked as a replacement for milk though not wholly. And now Amal was having the right food.

Roshini smiled at Ayaan when she noticed him standing at the door. Ayaan bought a boiled banana for Amal.

"Amal was crying and I couldn't stop myself." Roshini shuttered.

"Shhh," He kissed her forehead and Amal giggled at the sight.

"Roshu you know, Amal used to cry for milk and the powdered milk didn't support his health. Many nights, he cried for milk and I couldn't do anything. Now, seeing him life this, I feel like, I've achieved everything in the world." Ayaan cried sitting beside her.

"I don't remember anything about our past Ayaan. But I want to be your wife again. I want to be his mother again. I want to love you again."

In the end, it was a Love Rekindled!


Finally, I completed this.

The family I wrote here is inspired from someone I know. Till today I couldn't understand the restrictions for girls. Everyone is ready to give instructions for girls but not for boys. The day, this mindset changes, that would be the real independence for any place.

I may have messed up with the ending but that's how I want. I depict myself in my writings. I'm not perfect nor my writings.

Thank you for reading till now.

Read. Vote. Comment. Share.

Till then. Namaste. Bye. Allah Hafiz.

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