dnf/karlnap oneshots

By dnfforlife2

866 28 49

photos all from pintrest More

hot tub (dnf)
partying (dnf)
dancing queen
I Love You So

partying pt 2

81 4 3
By dnfforlife2

It's now a few days later, 4am on a Friday morning, and Dream is bored, and he also happened to be missing a certain blue raspberry flavoured party boy. So he went against his better judgement, and pulled out his phone to text George again.

Dream and George had been texting for a better part of 2 days since the party, and Sapnap has surely noticed Dream's newfound good mood and constant staring at his phone. Dream thought George was the funniest fucking person in the world after having conversations with him, and Sapnap thinks to himself that he's never seen Dream laugh that hard in a long time.

(4:17 AM) Dream: hey georgie

(4:17 AM) George: hm i was wondering when u were gonna text me again

(4:18 AM) Dream: aww missed me that much?

(4:18 AM) Dream: im pretty sure i last talked 2 u like

(4:18 AM) Dream: 4 hours ago at most

(4:18 AM) George: i nvr said that i missed u

(4:18 AM) George: dont get too full of urself dreamie

(4:19 AM) Dream: :(

(4:19 AM) George: well not to boost ur ego idiot but maybe i did miss u

(4:19 AM) George: u should come over rn my roomates out

(4:20 AM) Dream: i cant :( its like 4am i have class tmrw

(4:20 AM) George: i have weed

(4:20 AM) George: and ill let u kiss me again lol

And how could Dream pass up an opportunity like that?

(4:21 AM) George: dorm hall b room a104

(4:21 AM) Dream: omw princess

Dream doesn't think he's ever rushed faster, hurrying out of bed and sliding on grey sweatpants, a white tee and his letterman jacket.

He grabbed his keys in a hurry, and headed to the door. Not before sparing a quick glance over to a sleeping (and snoring) Sapnap and deciding to pull out his phone and send him a quick "going 2 a friends if u wake up n im not here. c u tmo".

Thankfully, Dream knows where Dorm Hall B was from one of his football teammates living over here, so it doesn't take him long to get there before he's knocking on George's door.

And when George opens the door, it's just like the first time they met. Dream might forget how to breathe again when George grabs him by the wrist and hurriedly tugs him in the room, Dream kicking the door shut behind him.

"I was wondering when you were gonna show" George smirked, throwing his arms around Dream's neck before leaning up and pressing a soft kiss to Dream's lips.

When he pulled away, Dream scoffed. "I took like five minutes," He argued teasingly.

George rolled his eyes, leaving his arms around Dream's neck. "Seven actually, and you really missed me that much, hm?"

"As if you weren't counting the minutes it took me to get here" Dream answered.

George rolled his eyes once more, before kissing Dream again to shut him up. They stayed like that for a while, until George pulled away completely. Dream wanted to whine and tell George to come back, but then he realized he's just being fucking stupid.

"C'mon, let's smoke" George decided. Dream followed him to his white cracked painted desk, where he already had a grinder, a cigarette, weed and tobacco laid out on the table.

"Do you even smoke cigarettes?" Dream questioned, with a teasing smirk.

George just shrugged him off, as he packed the last of the empty cigarette with weed. "Not really, I just steal them off of my roommate, Karl. He still smokes cigarettes because he's a fucking loser and I get too lazy and too high to roll joints so, it kind of works" George explained.

"Ah, smart" Dream hummed in response. "Why not just get a bong? It's easier, gets you higher"

George looked at him with an expression of "what the fuck is wrong with you" mixed with disgust. "I fucking hate bongs" George exclaimed. "I think they're gross, and slimy, and totally not me"

He finished packing the joint, before he handed it to Dream. "Here you go, loverboy" He said with a small laugh.

George grabbed his lighter, before he jumped onto his bed, laying down closest to the wall. Dream stared at him hesitantly, twirling the joint in between his middle and pointer finger.

"You gonna lay down, or what?" George asked, looking up at Dream.

"You want me to stay over?" Dream replied, kicking his shoes off and laying in the bed, beside George.

George plucked the joint out of Dream's fingers, lighting it and taking a hit. "Of course" He answered, muffled by blowing the smoke out. "I mean, I want this to be a recurring thing, don't you?"

Dream took the joint, taking a hit himself. "Is that even a question?"

George smiled, stealing the joint back when Dream exhaled. They passed it back and forth (sometimes kissing in between), before it reached the filter and Dream stubbed it out in the marble ashtray on George's side table and leaned up to flick George's lamp off.

George gazed up at Dream, and grinned lazily. He pressed one last soft and lazy kiss on Dream's lips, before closing his eyes. "Night, Dream" He mumbled, burrowing his head into the crook of Dream's neck.

Dream doesn't even get the chance to say goodnight back before George is out like a light, but he doesn't even really care. He pressed a messy kiss to the top of George's head, before closing his eyes and drifting to sleep himself.


Dream woke up the next day to hurried shuffling around the room. He opened his eyes, and the first thing he noticed was that he was not in his own room.

And then he remembered.

He had slept over at George's.

He sat up, looking at the source of the noise, to see George dressed in an army green jean skirt, black tank top and platform matching black Converse. He's muttering under his breath to himself. Dream softly smiled, watching George get ready in a rush, simply because he found it endearing.

"Good morning, Georgie" He greeted, George jumping slightly at the new voice.

"Holy shit, you scared me!" George exclaimed. "You haven't happened to see my Literature textbook, have you? I forgot I had a fucking lecture this morning" He huffed.

Dream stood up, pointing to the chair at George's desk, where the Literature textbook laid.

George's face lit up as he grabbed it and put it in his backpack as fast as he could. "You're a fucking lifesaver!" He laughed, kissing Dream quickly.

"What time is it?" Dream asked, grabbing his phone out of his pocket, reading 9:02 AM. "Fuck, my class is at 9:30" He cursed under his breath as George rushed to the door.

"C'mon then! Wait, fuck! I don't have a jacket" George stressed, turning around to go grab one out of his wardrobe, before he's tugged back towards the door by his wrist.

"Just take my letterman, c'mon" Dream told him, picking his letterman up from the floor and handing it to George.

"How will you get it back?"

"Don't be stupid, just get it to me whenever we hang out next!" Dream scoffed.

George paused his rush to get out of his dorm for a split second, to kiss Dream longer and better than he had before. Dream smiled into the kiss before he pulled away.

"C'mon stupid, let's go!" He exclaimed, pulling George's front door open.

George followed him out, closing the door behind him. "See you soon, Dream!" He called back before he broke into a run towards his 9:15 class.

Dream smiled softly to himself, not even caring if he's late to his class at this point because George has his letterman jacket.


"So... Dream. Who was that brunette you were making out with at that party a few weeks ago?" Punz asked, taking a lazy sip from his red Solo cup in his hand.

Dream's at another party, this time it's on a weekend thankfully. George is yet to show up, although he promised Dream he would.

The two have gotten awfully close over the past month since that party, and people are starting to notice. For someone who loved attention more than anything, George hated people knowing who he was dating (were Dream and George even dating at this point? Dream didn't know) or being seen in public with anyone who wasn't his friend or more than a hookup.

But Dream still is persistent and loyal to George for some reason, even though it seemed as if he was nothing but George's dirty little secret. Dream thought George is just testing him, seeing if he's worth his time, if he's going to work hard to prove he can be a good boyfriend. Sapnap had told Dream that was stupid, and that George should already know what a great guy Dream was, Dream just argued that George probably had trust issues or something.

People are starting to notice they're getting close. People are noticing Dream is hanging out with people less and less, and George just happens to be studying (even though he despises studying more than anything) more and more.

"Oh, uh how do you know about it?" Dream asked nervously.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Everyone knows man! You made out with this mystery guy in the middle of that fucking party, and you know how the word gets around!" Punz exclaimed, in shock that Dream didn't know.

"Oh, that's just George!" Sapnap announced, slapping Dream on the back, making his drink spill out of his cup.

Dream closed his eyes, and felt a blush crawl up his cheeks. He just knew that Punz was never going to let this go.

"George?" Punz demanded, eyes widened in pure surprise, looking to Sapnap for confirmation. "Like the fucking party god, George?"

"Fuck yeah, dude. They've been texting and hanging out ever since that party, I never see this fool anymore" Sapnap laughed, shoving Dream at a pitiful attempt at teasing him.

"So, are you two dating?" Punz asked carefully, as if Dream might fucking pass out on the spot right there.

"No, we're just hanging out man. Nothing serious, he doesn't want any commitment, and I don't either. It's casual" Dream spat out, silently praying he didn't sound too desperate to defend himself.

Sapnap knew that was a lie, he had heard Dream gush about the guy like a middle school girl for far too long. Sapnap looked over to Dream with accusing eyes, as if he was about to say something and tell Punz he was a liar, and that he was just about head over heels for George. But Dream gave him a far too unsubtle glare that read 'I will fucking kill you if you say anything' which got rid of any ideas Sapnap had.

"Speak of the devil, look who just walked in" Punz smirked, as George walked into the kitchen, with Karl Jacobs on his side and his hand clutched tight around his vape and a bottle of vodka.

George saw Dream and nudged Karl who looked up, and looked away nervously when he saw Sapnap ( Seriously? When did this happen? Dream thought).

The two pushed past drunken idiots in the kitchen, George not even bothering to say 'excuse me' which made Dream laugh a bit.

"Why hello there, stranger" George smirked, and Dream could already tell he was a bit drunk, but he didn't care.

"Hello, George. It's a surprise seeing you here" Dream giggled when George shoved him, jokingly.

"Wanna do shots with me? It's raspberry flavoured" He suggested, holding up his vodka bottle and smiling.

"Of course," Dream answered, all too quickly. He rolled his eyes when Punz smirked to himself, taking a sip of his drink. "I'll see you guys around, it was good seeing you Karl'' He called behind him as he started to drag George away, leaving Karl with Sapnap and Punz.

George flung his head around so he could see the three, as Dream was dragging him away. "Oh! By the way, Sapnap, Karl has a huge gay crush on you! You should kiss him so he'll shut up about it"

Karl immediately turned red with embarrassment as Sapnap laughed at George.

"I'm going to kill you, George!" Karl yelled at the brunette, who just giggled in response.

"I'll take care of it, George! Don't worry!" Sapnap shouted after him, waving goodbye to George.

Dream laughed at George's antics, pulling him to the table set up in the living room, where he saw shot glasses laid out.

"You're such a shit disturber, George" He told the brunette, as he swiped the vodka bottle from him and started to pour the drink into the glasses in front of him.

"Oh, I know. That's why I can do this" George said, before leaning forwards and catching Dream in a kiss.

Dream was sure people were staring at them, and he knew people were going to be talking about this for the longest time, but he didn't exactly mind right now. As long as he got to kiss George, it was fine.


"So.." Dream trailed off, taking a haul off of his new strawberry- peach vape that he had gotten from Punz.

Dream didn't know when he started vaping, he didn't used to do it. He isn't sure when he picked up the habit, but he knew it was after he met George. George had some sort of intoxicating effect on him from the moment they met, and Dream didn't know exactly what it was about him, but he liked George a fucking lot.

"When can I take you on a proper date?" Dream asked nervously, through the phone that was sitting on his chest as he laid in bed.

It was late, he was tired and he had just had practice. He just wanted to speak to George one last time before he went to bed, and yes, Dream is aware how fucking embarassing that was, especially because he didn't even know if the brunette liked him.

"A proper date, hm? Don't you think it's a little fast?" George answered, Dream could hear him shuffle away from his "homework" (which really meant rolling another joint).

Dream scoffed at that. "I've been seeing you for well over a month and all we've done is secret hangouts and eat at shitty diners when we got hungry high and that doesn't even count as a real date" Dream argued.

Dream was stubborn, it was a well known fact, one of the qualities everyone in his life admired but also hated. And it also was a well known fact he really liked George, and he wasn't going to give up on him that easily.

"I don't know, Dream. I don't really date" George said, uncertain with a slight tremble in his voice.

"Please" Dream pleaded, hoping George could somehow see the puppy-dog eyes he was desperately trying to put on right now, through the phone. "I really like you"

"No you don't" George replied, as if it was the most absurd thing he'd ever heard in the world.

"Yes I do"

"No, you don't Dream. Don't say you do, because no one really likes me, okay? Whatever you feel for me, it isn't real"

Dream sat silently for a few seconds, trying to process what George had just told him.

How could he not like George? He was funny, beautiful, smart, and he was intoxicatingly likeable. Dream knew that George was probably just unsure, Karl had just probably convinced him he's nothing but a player.

"Okay, that's fine" Dream answered, nodding but then realizing George couldn't see him through the phone.

"I'm sorry" George said quietly, just above a whisper.

"Don't apologize," Dream told him. "There's nothing to apologize for, I get it"

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt your feelings or something. You're a nice guy, Dream" George assured him.

"I'm sure" Dream replied with a small smile. "Uh, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah, for sure- uh" George stammered. "Goodnight, Dream"

"Night, George" Dream said, before he heard the dial tone beep.

Dream had never seen or heard George sound so weak and unsure of himself. George was the most confident motherfucker Dream knew, and maybe that's what drew him in. Dream can see through him, and he knew that George is nothing but uncertain.

A week later is when Dream himself becomes uncertain.

"Dream!" Sapnap yelled, running up to Dream with Karl on his heels. He skidded to a halt right in front of Dream, who was confused. "What are you headed to?" Sapnap demanded, urgently.

"Uh, coding. Why?" Dream answered, eyebrows furrowed in pure confusion.

"George is wearing your fucking letterman, he showed it off to his ex too. Everyone is saying his ex looking for you" Sapnap told Dream, and Dream felt his heart fucking sink right then and there.

"Everyone is saying you two are dating," Karl added.

"What?" Dream asked in shock.

After Dream's continuous failed (and futile) attempts to get George to go on a proper date with him or to actually have a title for whatever they were over the past week, Dream had basically given up totally.

He had even managed to convince himself that he and George were nothing, he convinced himself that they were just friends and nothing more and that's all they'll ever be.

But now, George of course had to do what he was best at. Get attention. Stir the fucking pot.

"What am I meant to do about this?" Dream looked to Sapnap for help but he just shrugged and gestured to Karl.

"Ask him, I barely know the guy," Sapnap told him with a shrug, making Dream roll his eyes in response.

"Look, George likes you. I can say that confidently, as his best friend. But, he's an attention whore. He's an asshole, but I know you don't want to lose him. He's doing this to either fuck with you or to make his ex jealous or something" Karl rambled. "So, I suggest you go fucking tell him how you feel. More than just an 'I like you' thing, because he hears that all the time"

Dream knew the type George was since they first met. He's the kind that never sleeps in his own bed, the kind that wears hickeys like they're a fucking Badge of Honour or something, the kind that could look at anyone and get them to cone home with him. And to be honest, Dream doesn't know why out of all the people he could've picked he picked someone like that, but then he remembered how much he loved just being around George.

And he knew he had to do something about it, real fucking fast too because it seemed as if George was slipping from his grip.

So Dream did exactly what Karl said to do, and fucking ran to George's poetry class, knowing the brunette would be waiting outside it, stalling until the last possible minute, like he always did.

"George!" Dream called out, wheezing slightly as he reached the brunette.

"Hey Dream?" George asked, confusedly. "How the fuck are you out of breath, you're the football captain?" He laughed, but Dream held up a finger to shush him.

"I ran all the way from the tech building, just shut up for a second" He told George, making the other giggle until he caught his breath.

"You good?"

Dream nodded in response. "Nice jacket" He complimented. George was wearing his letterman over a black tank top and way too short (not that Dream was complaining) black ripped shorts. And of course, fishnet tights underneath.

"Yeah, some idiot gave it to me" George answered, with the small dumb smile that Dream loved so much.

"George, I like you" Dream started, George looking at him in shock. "I like you so fucking much, okay? Not like your other hookups like you, not like your dealer that you fuck for cheap weed likes you. I like you like waking up beside you every morning, and going on actual real dates like you. And I know you don't date, okay? But I swear I'll do everything I fucking can to change every shitty thought you've ever had about dating. I just like you so much" Dream breathed out.

George blinked at him, carefully watching Dream for his next move.

The two had gained a bit of an audience (with Dream's show of not being able to run or catch his breath apparently). People watched from a distance, some whispering to others, Dream thought he could make out a faint "is that Dream and George?" in the small crowd.

George smiled softly, and genuinely. Not like Dream had ever seen him smile before.

"No one has ever said anything like that to me before" He said, still smiling. "I like you too, idiot. I like you more than I've liked anyone"

George leaned in, kissing him gently. Dream felt a wave of relief wash over him. He felt happy, he felt complete now, with George kissing him like this.

Something felt different between them now, and neither of them could put their finger on it. Maybe it was the fact that George actually liked Dream or maybe it was Dream's big romantic speech, but neither of them knew (or really cared, they were just happy together).

Dream pulled away, breathing shallowly and looking at the brunette.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

George rolled his eyes playfully. "Of course, I'll be your boyfriend, Dream"

3493 words



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