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By FailedAborti0n

100 12 10

Three friends go to their university, what will happen when two slowly fall in love for their British friend... More

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30 3 4
By FailedAborti0n

It had been several days since the sleepover, the last days of the summer vacation were beginning to be scarce.

On the fourth of March Britain and his father were waiting, mostly Britain was, his father was eager for the train to get here.

"Father?" The British empire looked down to his son who had his bags and coat on, "yes son?" He said, "will I get to see Scotland there?" Britain had several brothers, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and their adopted brother;Ireland.

"Who knows, mabye you'll see all your siblings" said The British empire, Britain was the youngest of his brother's, England was twenty two, Scotland was twenty, Wales was turning twenty in a few months, Ireland and Northern Ireland were eighteen.

The university Britan was going to had different materials in which he could major in. Scotland was studying to be a lawyer, Wales wanted to be a historian along with Northern Ireland, and Ireland wanted to be a professional chef, and England was working as a tutor for kids at the university, all those had specific years in which someone had to stay in the school.

Britain yet didn't know what he wanted to be but he always had a passion for designing clothes.

Britain's anxiety grew as he heard the horn of the train which was coming closer to the stop. Several people seemed to be waiting for it, parents and children.

× × ×

"Hurry up Spain!" Yelled France who was carrying his bag and looking around the crowd of people rushing through the entrance of the train station.

"Espérate!" Said Spain as he said a quick goodbye to his mother and joined France. They sped through the crowd, a horn was heard indicating the train was here.

"Look over there!" Said Spain pointing to the far corner of the of the station closer to the bathrooms, there was their British friend probably looking around for them.

France and Spain ran through the many stampedes of people until they reached Britain. "There you are!" Said Britain once he noticed the two who were panting and gasping for air.

Britain began to fix their hair since it looked like 'a bird's nest' he claimed.
His father just looked at France with a cold expression, when France noticed he froze.

"Bonjour sir.." said France extending his hand, the British empire just looked at him, Britain who was behind France nodded his head.

The British empire sighed and shook it, "hello boy" he said, Britain sighed and grabbed his bags. The train was still waiting for people as more and more began to pile up in the station.

"Well be waiting for you on the train" said Spain as he rather harshly grabbed France's arm, the French wanted to stay with Britain.

The British saw as his two friends boarded the train, he looked at his father who was wiping a tear of his blue striped face.

"Britain, promise me that you'll behave, don't cause trouble for your professors and brothers, understood?" He said, Britain nodded and hugged his father, his father let go and stood his ground as he saw his own son board the train.

× × ×

The estimated time length of the ride was supposed to be three hours, Britain walked past a few compartments before he was dragged inside one.

He was confused and paranoid, he didn't know where he was and who he was in the compartment with, and since the train was inside a big tunnel now, there was no light.

Once the train was out of the tunnel, the lights were back on. Britain looked around and saw three countries staring at him.

One had a white, gold and black pattern, he noticed that he was rather a tall one, there was another country who had almost the same pattern if it weren't that he had red instead of gold on his flag. Finally, there was a girl who was reading a book, she had a flag that had red and white, and another who had white, green and red, she had glasses and they has some kind of translucent symbols on them.

The taller ones spoke first, "привет, sorri fore doingz zat, my name is russyan empirr, ziz is geremani, and ziz iz austrria" he said pointing to the other male and then to the female.

They both said hi and went back to whatever they were doing. Britain sat down next to the Russian since the German and Austria-Hungarian were sitting together.

"My name is Britain" the Russian shook his hand and smiled, Britain was glad he could make new friends before getting to know the school.

A few moments passed and footsteps could be heard, behind the glass doors of the compartment, everyone looked up and saw France and Spain at the door, they opened the door and looked at their friend then at the rest.

"Come on, we're leaving" said france firmly taking Britain's hand, the Russian took his other hand dragging the British to sit down again.

"You can't tell zim vat to doz!" Britain was clearly uncomfortable with this whole situation, the Russian saw this and let go, "letz meett againz at ze univerrsity" he said, Britan smiled and nodded.

He, France and Spain left the other trio in their compartment as they walked to theirs, Spain was looking rather anxious and France was angry.

When they got to their compartment, France hughed Britain and sniffed a little, Spain followed the act.

"Don't go missing again you Factice.." said France looking at Britain.

"I'm sorry" said Britain, France nodded and sat down immediately falling fast asleep.

"Me tenías muy preocupado..no vuelvas hacer eso.." said Spain, Britain understood and hugged him aswell, he took his hand and sat down with him.

He also grabbed France's hand hand squeezed them tightly, Spain fell asleep on his shoulder, France moved and rested his head on Britain's thighs.


France woke up in a white room, he looked around completely calmed.

He heard crying behind him and he turned around, he gasped as tears came to his eyes.

There he was.. but he looked very different, his hair was in a ponytail and his shirt was unbuttoned, he had blood on it.

Looking down he saw Spain on the floor holding a bleeding Britan, Spain was the one crying while he looked stunned.

He ran towards them but he went directly through them, he got desperate and began to yell and cry.

What did he do..


"France!" Yelled Britain shaking teh French, France jolted awake, he was breathing heavily and he was sweating.

When he saw Britain's and Spain's shocked faces he broke down and hugged both of them, to Spain he apologized repeatedly and he didn't stop hugging Britain.

"Hey.. don't worry, whatever it was, it's just a dream.." said Britan gently tapping his back, France calmed down and Spain decided to get off since there were now at the University's station.

During the whole time France didn't let go of Britain's hand, he had his head hung low and was still sniffing.

When they got to the interior of the building which seemed to be a break area, there was a podium where there stood a woman holding a microphone.

Attention students!

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