You're a Fallen Angel ~ Andy...

By moongem98

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You're a Fallen Angel ~ Andy Biersack "Six"
Chapter 1- I'm not sure how they thought this was a good idea tour!!
You're a Fallen Angel ~ Andy Biersack "Six" ((Chapter 3))
Chapter 4~ Spirit Day Part 1
You're a Fallen Angel ~ Andy Biersack "Six" Chapter 5~ Spirit Day Part 2

He might be trouble Chapter 2

510 2 1
By moongem98

July 2nd, 2015

The next morning I woke up to the bus stopping, and me hitting my head against the wall

I groaned

“Damn it” I said getting out of my bunk

“Sorry guys” Adam, White the bus driver, called

I heard Sophie groan as I slid out of my bunk and grabbed my phone

“It’s ok” a sleepy Adam called from his bunk next to mine

I walked to the middle of the bus, closing the bunks off behind me

“You sleep at all” I asked Adam, or Whitey as I usually called him, as I poured a bowl of mini wheat’s

“Yeah that’s why I’m kinda driving crazy. They expect us to make it Jacksonville and I just started driving half an hour ago” he said from the front of the bus

I looked at the clock on the microwave as I grabbed the milk

9:21 am

“Where are we” I asked pouring my milk in my bowl

“Almost in North Carolina” he said

I put the milk back and grabbed a spoon

I went to the front and sat next to Adam, who was in his PJ’s

There was hardly anyone on the road, and Adam was going as fast as he could without risking getting pulled over, or killing anyone

I ate as we drove, his iPod was on lightly and Green Day was playing

“Well good, you need to sleep. When did you go to bed” I asked

“10ish” he said

“Jeez that’s like the amount of sleep you usually get in like 2 days” I said taking another bite

“I know” he laughed

My phone rang in my pocket

I just wanna run

Hide it away

Run because they’re chasing me down

I pulled out my phone and saw Cameron on the screen

“Hello” I answered my mouth practically full

“Where are you guys. We’ve been driving for hours and haven’t seen you once” he sounded panicked

“Where are you guys” I asked swallowing

“Almost in South Carolina” he said

I laughed

“We just left like half an hour ago” I said

“What is up with you guys. You barely made it yesterday and today you’ll be lucky if you make it” he said

“Sorry Adam really needed the sleep” I said getting up and walking back

“Adam” he asked confused

I dumped out the rest of the milk and put the bowl and spoon in the dishwasher

“Yeah” I said shutting it “Adam White, our bus driver. I don’t know when Sophie and Adam got in, but Adam White got in at like 10”

“So why’d he go in” Cameron asked

I sat on the couch

“Because he’s awesome” I laughed

“Well” he sighed “That must be confusing. Adam and Adam”

“Usually I’d call them Lambert and Whitey but Adam Lambert is asleep so I can call Adam White just plain Adam” I said

“Ok well call me when you guys get to South Carolina” he said

“Ok wait we get Jason the first two weeks so his ass better be on this bus tomorrow. We’re lucky you have two merch guys” I said

“His ass will be there tomorrow ok love ya” he said

“Kay love ya” I said

I sighed and hung up and went to the back lounge

I put Beastly in the DVD player

Halfway through Adam came back and sat next to me, eating cereal

“We’re almost halfway through North Carolina” he said taking a bite

“Ok” I said

We watched the rest of the movie

“Aw I haven’t seen that in forever” he said

Sophie came back

“Perfect timing. Pick a movie” I said

“Your phone’s been ringing like crazy. Caleb called me and I said you were back here and he said to call him tonight or tomorrow morning if you could” she said

I nodded

She ended up picking Tron

We weren’t far in when Adam’s phone rang

“Hello” he answered “Ok great now drive”

He hung up

“We’re in South Carolina” he said keeping his attention on the movie

I laughed and picked up my phone

Heyperson we r in South Carolina watching a movie so that’s y I’m txting u

He texted me back a minute later

We’ve been in FL for a while now :p

I rolled my eyes and continued watching the movie

The movie ended and Sophie turned off the TV and pulled up the blinds

“We have to talk business” she said

“Why” I asked “I’m the manager”

“No like guy business” she said

“Oh yes” Adam said “I’ll go first”

“Oh yea tell____ about the guy you met last night” Sophie said

“Ok so like there was this guy” Adam said hugging a pillow “And his name was Jake and he asked me to dance and we totally hit it off. Best part is that he’s really interested in me, like not my fame. He hardly recogized me. Now Sophie I saw you with David”

She blushed a little and smiled

“Yeah we danced and talked. I guess we’ve never really spent time together so yeah.____ how about Andy and Caleb oh and Jordan” Sophie asked

I rolled my eyes and stood up

“Oh you love him not Caleb but Andy or Jordan one of them. Just be careful, he might be trouble” Adam said

I walked to the front of the bus and sat next to Whitey

“Almost there” he said

“Good” I said sitting next to him

I turned his iPod up S&M was playing

I laughed

“What it’s a good song” he said

The rest of the way there we sang along to his iPod

We screamed when we reached the Florida border

“We’re here” I called to Sophie and Adam

Adam walked out of the bathroom fully dressed

“Your turn” he said

I went back to the bunks and saw Sophie looking through her suitcase

“I’m taking the bathroom” I said

“Ok” she said

I looked through my suitcase and grabbed some clothes

I carried them to the bathroom and turned the shower on

I took a quick shower and got out

I dried myself off and put my underwear on

The mirrors defogged and I picked up my bathroom bag that was on the ground and put on a little make up

Then I put my clothes on, it was something I could easily sleep in

I figured hey we're in Florida might as well show off some spirit

I fixed my hair and walked out of the bathroom

“Hey we’re about 5 minutes away” Adam said texting from the couch

Sophie was sitting across from him staring out the window

“Ok” I said

I went back into the bunks and took out my shoes bag

I opened it and looked through the shoes

Finally I decided on a pair of converse

The bus came to a stop and I went to the window

The sun was starting to set outside

Adam opened the door to the bus

“The concert’s in 10 minutes” he said

I followed him off the bus with Sophie right behind us

“We barely made it” Sophie said

She handed me my phone

“It went off a million times” she said

I headed towards the stage with them and checked my phone

Cameron calls 10 Cameron texts 13 Caleb calls 12 Caleb texts 23

8:18 pm

I smiled; they were all of them freaking out

“I’m gonna scare him” I said putting it in my pocket

I saw David standing off to the side of the stage lightly strumming

He saw me and I put my finger to my lips

Cameron’s back was to me

I noticed Black Veil Brides standing off farther to the side

I ran to Cameron and jumped on his back

He caught my legs

“Hey” he laughed and set me down “You guys scared me. I thought you weren’t gonna make it”

His guitar was strapped around him

I smiled

“We almost didn’t” I said

“Well you did so, good” he smiled

“____” Adam said coming up to me “Jason’s moving his stuff to our bus so you’re going to have to announce”

“What” I said

“I told you this might happen” he said

I sighed

“Ok now” I asked

“Yup” he said

“You’ll be fine. Now go on” Cameron said

He smiled at me

I smiled back

I took a deep breath and ran on stage

Cheers came

I smiled and walked up to the microphone

“Hello Jacksonville” I said

They cheered

“I’d like to welcome The Downtown Fiction” I said

The cheers got louder

Cameron and the guys ran on stage and I ran off

“You did great” Adam said

I smiled and ran back to the bus

Jason was putting his bag under his bunk

“JASON” I screamed

He looked up at me and smiled

I ran into his arms

“Hey” he said “I’ve missed you. How’ve ya been?”

“Good. So you don’t work for Jordan at all anymore” I asked as we let go

“Not this tour” he said

I smiled and hugged him again

“I’m just glad to see you” I said

“Same here” he said hugging me

We let go

“Nightmare before Christmas” he asked

“You know me too well” I laughed

We went to the back longue and started watching eventually Sophie, Adam, and Cameron came back and joined us when the movie almost over

Adam Sophie Jason Me Cameron

“Wait you guys are clean” I asked

“Yeah I took a shower on my bus and Adam took one here” Cameron said

The bus jerked into motion

“Wait so you’re staying here tonight” I asked

“There’s an extra bunk” he shrugged

I realized he was in his pajamas

“I don’t get why we have to drive down to Miami today then Orlando” Sophie said

“Talk to my manager” Adam said

They all looked at me

“Uh no talk to Jason, Black Veil Brides’ manager, he sent me the schedule” I said

“There’s too many Jason’s on the tour” Jason said

“Three if you count the sound guy” Cameron said

We all looked at him weird

“What” he asked

“IT CAN DO MATH” Sophie said

Adam, Jason, and her started laughing

I snickered

The movie ended soon

“It’s 10:30 I’m going to bed” Adam said walking off

“Me too” I said standing

“Why” Cameron asked standing

“Cause as soon as we get to Miami in the morning me and Charles and Jason have to have a meeting” I said

“That sucks” he said

“Yeah” I said climbing in my bunk

“Good night” he said

“Night” I said

“GOOD NIGHT” Jason called

“Night” I called back laughing

Eventually I fell asleep

{Also since this one is short and there's no Andy I'm putting out Chapter 3 tomorrow I think}

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