Unfading Shadows [2]

By Lina-Rey

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It takes an immense effort to free yourself from old memories. With a heavy heart, Miray is determined to {U... More

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Untitled Part 73
66 {The End}


934 96 107
By Lina-Rey

"𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙄'𝙢 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧"




Miray sprinted aimlessly, cutting through the stillness of the night as she desperately called out for Rayan. Her instincts had guided her to the beach, even though the road might have appeared as the safer and better-lit option, in stark contrast to the moonlight that barely illuminated the shoreline. Yet, Miray's bare feet carried her to the beach, the adrenaline coursing through her body, numbing her senses to the small cuts that now marred her feet.

As the unsettling reality set in that she stood alone in the vast, dark expanse of the deserted beach, a chilling apprehension seized her. Her heart constricted, and a surge of terror stifled her cries. 

The fear that making too much noise might attract someone's attention, potentially mirroring past horrors, paralyzed her with dread. In the midst of that eerie silence, she strained to hear any faint whispers in the dark, her senses on high alert, unsure of what hidden dangers might lurk in the shadows.

"Rayan," she whispered through her sobs, her feet carrying her in frantic, unpredictable patterns as she desperately scanned the surroundings. Her desperate search led her to him. There, by the water's edge, she saw him standing, clutching something in his hand, with a small boat nearby.

"RAYAN!" Her voice rang out, a mix of relief, fear, and a multitude of emotions.

Startled, Rayan quickly turned around, his expression a jumble of surprise and confusion. Seeing Miray there, of all people, had caught him completely off guard.

Was he imagining her again?

He had been well aware of Miray's deep fear of going out alone, so he firmly believed she wouldn't attempt to follow him. In his mind, it was unthinkable that she would even dare to.

In his haste to face her, Rayan dropped whatever he had been holding, the clatter of the object fading into the sand. He met Miray in the middle, because even if she was just a ghost, Rayan still wanted to hold her. His heart hammered in his throat as Miray threw herself into his arms, trembling and crying, her words a jumble of incoherent fear and desperation. 

He instinctively held her close, trying to soothe her with murmured apologies and reassurances.

"Hey, it's okay,"

"You're okay,"

"You're not alone,"

"Here, I got you,"

"I'm so sorry,"


"Please, just breathe..."

It was painfully obvious that she had been terrified, and Rayan couldn't help but hate himself for putting her through such an ordeal without a second thought. He had never anticipated that she would follow him, let alone dare to wander around the empty and dark beach alone.

Miray was holding Rayan for dear life, her mind tangled in a web of emotions and confusion. Her tears wet on her cheeks, and she clung to him as if he were her lifeline. She had so many questions, so much she wanted to say, but she couldn't find the words. Her world had turned upside down in a matter of minutes.

But suddenly, her hand brushed against something hidden behind Rayan's back, tucked into his jeans. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she gingerly pulled the object out, her fingers trembling. Somewhere deep in her mind, she recognized what it was, but she needed to see it with her own eyes to be sure.

Rayan, his attention consumed by his concern for Miray, was slow to react. He had forgotten about the object he had concealed in his back, a small handgun. He didn't even realize that Miray had taken it until her actions caught his peripheral vision. His heart skipped a beat, and his fear and worry skyrocketed.

As Miray held the gun in her hand, her eyes widened, and she stared at it as if it were an alien artifact. Her voice wavered as she finally found words to speak.

"W-what... Why d-do you...?" Her voice cracked, and her mind raced with a whirlwind of questions. "W-why did you.... what w-were you doing? What were you going to do... w-where were you going?" Each question tumbled out of her in a jumbled rush, reflecting the chaos in her thoughts. Her gaze darted around the dark beach, searching for answers in the shadows.

Rayan's appearance mirrored his inner struggles. His eyes were filled with nervousness, fear, and worry, and his features were contorted in an expression of desperation. Sweat formed on his forehead, and his body felt hot and clammy.

"Miray, please, just give it to me and I'll tell you everything, just...." he struggled to find the right words, his voice quavering. "-just give it to me, come on," he urged, desperately.

Miray, however, remained unyielding. She was deaf to his pleas, consumed by her need to understand why he had a gun in the middle of the night on a desolate beach, accompanied by a small boat and rocks. Her heart raced as she demanded answers, her shock and confusion feeding her determination to know the truth.

But did she really want to know the truth...?

Miray's desire to uncover the truth was in a constant battle with the fear of what that truth might entail. She stood there on the dark beach, holding the gun, staring at Rayan with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation. The air around them was heavy with unspoken words and unanswered questions.

In that moment, Miray felt torn. She wanted to trust Rayan, to believe that there was a reasonable explanation for everything. But at the same time, the presence of the gun had shattered her sense of security and left her with a lingering unease.

"You better tell me now." Miray suddenly asked shakily, her mind already grasping what Rayan was going to do but a tinge of hope was still clinging for Rayan to come up with a logical explanation.

A better explanation.

But Rayan wasn't able to come up with anything except for demanding her to give him the gun back.

"Goodbye Miray."

As those words echoed in her ears, Miray couldn't help but ponder if this was indeed what he meant by goodbye. Tears streamed down her face as she bit her quivering lip.

She didn't even know where he had obtained the gun. She was aware that Steven and her brothers had authorized firearms, but did Rayan steal it from them?

Regardless of where he got it, what he planned to do with the gun was the big worry. . Miray's sobs intensified in the absence of any explanation, and the bitter truth was so stark that even deaf people could sense it and so glaring that even blind people could perceive it.

Miray had been in that place before.

She was sure of it.

She could see it in his eyes that seemed to have given up a long time ago. Perhaps that's why he couldn't meet her gaze while saying his goodbye.

"Why?" Miray sobbed, her question now focused on the reason. What he intended to do was painfully clear, yet Miray couldn't fathom why.

Ren swallowed hard, feeling the pressure of the moment, uncertain about how to proceed. All he wanted was to grab the gun from her hand because the sight of Miray holding it was driving him to the brink of panic.

"WHY, Rayan, why!?" Miray sobbed, her emotions intensifying. "Why would you do that?" she asked, her sobs growing louder as she approached him.

Rayan remained silent, his sole focus fixed on the gun in her hand. He was gripped by fear, worried that she might hurt herself. It appeared that Miray sensed his intentions because, before he could make a move, she swiftly took a few steps back and pressed the gun to her head, causing Rayan's heart to skip a beat.

"M-Miray," Rayan's voice shook like a leaf in a storm as he cautiously approached, his eyes wide with terror. Each step he took was careful, as if he was walking on thin ice. Moonlight painted eerie shadows on his face, revealing the raw fear etched across it. His trembling hands were raised in a desperate plea as he choked out, "C'mon, please, just drop it. This ain't a game," his fear was so real, you could almost taste it in the air. 

The night was deadly silent, as if the universe itself was holding its breath, hanging on her next move.

Miray shook her head stubbornly, her voice trembling with desperation, "No—why? Weren't you going to do the same? Why can't I join you? I...I don't want to stay here alone," she choked out, her tears flowing freely, her body trembling with fear. Her long, silky hair clung to her face, mingling with the tears, and swayed with the sudden wind that made her hair dance in the moonlight. 

The once gentle waves had grown wild, crashing against the shore with a thunderous roar, mirroring the chaos in her heart.

Rayan's Adam's apple bobbed visibly as he swallowed hard, his hand trembling as he reached out. "Please, I won't do anything, just place it down. Come on, give it to me," he implored, his voice quivering with desperation. His face had turned paler, his forehead damp with clammy sweat, and eyes filled with fear.

"Liar," Miray shook her head, her voice closing up, tears streaming down her face. "LIAR!" she screamed, her words torn from deep within her. "Is that it? You'd rather die than be with me?" she cried out, her voice cracking. "Why?" she sobbed, her strength draining away. "Why?" she repeated, her voice barely a whisper now. "Why would you choose to leave this way... What about me?" Miray implored, her voice filled with anguish.

"Just place the gun down, please," Rayan repeated, his voice trembling with desperation. It was the only thing he could focus on.

Miray's anger intensified as Rayan remained silent, and her trembling hands opened the gun, bringing her death one step closer.

"No, no, no," Rayan begged frantically, tears streaming down his face as he held his head in his hands. He collapsed to his knees and pleaded, "Please, Miray, put it down. I promise, I promise you I won't do anything. Just place it down," his voice cracked with desperation.

Miray hesitated, torn between her fear of death and her empathy for Rayan, who seemed utterly crushed. After one more desperate plea, she reluctantly placed the gun behind her, away from Rayan, and slumped on her knees in the sand, in front of him. Rayan pulled her close, holding her tightly as he cried his heart out.

"Omg, Miray..." he whispered, his voice choked with emotion, pulling her even closer.

Miray hugged him back, tears streaming down her face as well. Their hearts were heavy with fear of losing each other, and in that moment, they clung to one another as if their lives depended on it.

"Why, Rayan..." Miray whispered, her voice trembling with tears, "What about me?" She sniffled, tears continuing to flow as she pulled back slightly, her gaze filled with desperation. "What about me, Rayan? I can't lose you," she confessed, her words weighed down by the fear that had gripped her heart, though she was unaware of the selfishness and hypocrisy hidden within them.

But I lose you every morning when I open my eyes... - Rayan's heart ached with the weight of his unspoken thoughts, however, he couldn't bring himself to voice them out loud. Instead, he whispered, "You don't need me, Miray," his voice heavy with sorrow as he wiped at his tear-stained face.

Miray's trembling hand moved to his collar, her fingers clutching it desperately. "I do need you, Rayan," she pleaded, frustration tingeing her voice as she couldn't understand how he could doubt her. "How can you say that, Rayan? I do, and I always have!" she declared, her emotions laid bare.

Rayan's gaze fell to the sand, the tears in his eyes refracting the moonlight like broken glass. He couldn't understand why he couldn't accept her love, why he was so afraid to let himself believe it. In the depths of his despair, he thought about her life—how her brothers treated her with kindness, how she had friends like Ren and Kaiden, and cousins who cared for her. She didn't need someone like him, someone whose life was shrouded in darkness, slowly suffocating him from within.

Rayan knew he didn't quite fit into Miray's life, despite how perfectly she fit into his. She was intertwined with his very essence, running through his veins like a lifeline. He was a boy without a soul when he met her, his spirit slumbering in the depths of a dark and icy void. 

Then, she found him, and everything changed. 

She breathed life into him, leading him to a place he could finally call home. Her voice was the beacon that guided him out of the shadows, erasing the numbness and banishing the darkness that once consumed him.

But sometimes, he couldn't escape the feeling that his darkness was slowly engulfing them both. While she filled his life with warmth and radiance, he felt like all he had to offer in return was misery. 

Why was that? 

It seemed his mere presence brought happiness to his parents and their guests when they cut open his skin, yet for Miray, the one person he wanted to bring joy to above all else, he only seemed to bring sorrow and pain.

He found himself unable to avoid the stark contrast between the Miray he'd known before their paths crossed – a person brimming with joy, radiating energy, and constantly adorned with a warm smile – and the current version of her, who seemed enveloped in sadness, trapped by depression, and haunted by constant fear.

It was all his fault.

If Miray had never crossed paths with him, none of this would have happened to her.

He gazed up at her, and his hand unconsciously reached to her face, his mind tricking him with the image of little Miray, his tears falling silently.


"I will protect you,"  Miray sat in front of him, and extended her bloodied finger toward him. "You know, siblings share their blood, right?" She spoke with a glimmer of hope in her voice. "Since we don't share blood, we can share it now and become brother and sister. This way, no one can ever hurt you; I will hurt them back. I will be your sister, and you can be my brother," she proposed, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"YEY!! NOW WE ARE SIBLINGS!" Miray exclaimed, springing up to hug him with a joyful leap. "I will never let anyone hurt you. I promise to always protect you," she vowed, the sincerity in her words shining through her bright smile.

{End of Flashback}

Rayan had told himself from the beginning not to get attached, not to let his feelings grow, but he failed miserably. How could he not when Miray appeared like an unexpected angel, infusing his previously lifeless existence with a newfound spark?

But he couldn't bear the thought of missing her any longer. He didn't want to merely exist alongside her, unable to truly be with her.

He ached for her to see him, to acknowledge his presence, to turn her gaze toward him. He craved the sensation of her hand in his, the warmth of her touch, and the privilege of locking eyes with her, drowning in the depths of her gaze. 

He longed for those moments when their eyes could connect, creating an unspoken bond between them.

"Rayan," Miray sobbed, her voice breaking through his thoughts, the image of the young, carefree Miray fading into the present one, who was now engulfed in misery. 

Once again, because of him.

"What made you think of this..." she asked, her voice trembling with fear as she sought an answer. She needed to understand, to try and mend whatever was tormenting him, to face his demons together.


Rayan wanted to say it, but the words stuck in his throat. He knew it would sound wrong and only make her feel guilty, and he didn't want that. It wasn't her fault; it was the absence of her presence that ate away at him. He was tired of this world, weary of the darkness within him, sick of the nightmares, and exhausted by everything.

"Rayan, answer me," Miray begged, her grip on his collar desperate. She was exhausted, terrified, and overwhelmed by a torrent of emotions—weariness, fear, sadness, terror, chilling cold, sickness, and a throbbing headache. "Rayan, please, you can't leave me. Why would you? What happened? Please, tell me,"

"You're not alone, Miray," Rayan suddenly said, voice eerie and sad. "You don't need me in your life, you're doing better without me,"

Miray's sadness began to shift into anger as she heard Rayan's words. How dare he? Who was he to dictate how she should feel? "You're not—" she started, her frustration clear. "You can't tell me that, you can't tell me how I feel, what I need, or what's right for me. It's not as simple as it seems, Rayan. You don't know anything!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with exasperation. "You don't know anything!" she repeated, her frustration spilling over.

"It's just pity," Rayan suddenly uttered, his eyes filled with pain, causing Miray to freeze in place. Her brow furrowed in confusion, her eyes reflecting the jumble of emotions and questions swirling within her.

"What?" she stammered.

"Nothing," Rayan replied dismissively, attempting to rise from his spot. However, Miray firmly held him in place, refusing to let him evade the question. 

"No!" she demanded, her voice laced with frustration and determination. "What do you mean by pity? I'm so tired of interpreting your actions and words. You will tell me what you mean by it," she asserted, her eyes fixed on his. "And you better listen to me too. If I said you matter to me, then you do. If I said I need you, then I do." she stuttered slightly, her voice wavering as she fought back the lump forming in her throat. 

Her fear of rejection and the dread of being seen as foolish or ridiculed was palpable in her words.

"Why!" Rayan's emotions finally broke free, his voice laced with frustration as he nearly glared at her. 

Why did she need him? Why did he matter to her? WHY?!

It made his blood swell.

It didn't make sense.

"It just does!" Miray shot back, her own frustration matching his. She was so fed up with his disbelief in her feelings. "Why's it so hard for you to get that I need you? Weren't we supposed to be siblings? Didn't we swear to never leave each other? Why'd you go and pull away? Why can't you just be my brother!"

"Because I'm not your real brother!" Rayan blurted out, oblivious to the way his words shattered Miray's heart. "You have your actual brothers..."

Miray began to sob, and Rayan felt a crushing weight on his chest.

He hated seeing her cry, yet he was making her cry.

She met his gaze with bloodshot eyes, her lips quivering, her eyes filled with sorrow. "What makes them real?" she asked, her voice heavy with emotion, her heart torn apart.

Rayan's heart bled in sync with Miray's, his own breaking as well. Why did she have to make him say it out loud? 

Can't she see how hard it was to utter the words out loud?

Can't she see how had always harbored a twinge of jealousy for the blood bond she shared with her brothers? 

Rayan often daydreamed about a world where he, too, was one of Miray's brothers. In fact, his most cherished dream was one where it was just the two of them, far away from everyone else, like brother and sister. In that dream, he was her protector, and she was the one who breathed life into his existence, filling his world with warmth as his sister.

In his world, she was as much his as he was hers.

"Because you are blood-related," he choked out the words bitterly.

Miray sobbed even harder, and after a few moments, she finally let out one of her deepest secrets. "...we aren't!" she confessed, her head hung low in anguish.

The weight of Miray's words hung in the air, and Rayan felt a sudden surge of alarm mixed with confusion. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice tender and concerned as he reached out to touch her trembling shoulder gently.

"What do you mean?" he repeated nervously, his fingers gripping her arms gently as he could see she was on the verge of collapsing, and it terrified him.

Miray looked up at him, her eyes bloodshot and filled with misery. "I'm not their sister," she confessed, her voice cracking as she felt all her nightmares resurfacing.

"Because you're half-siblings? Like that even matters..." Rayan tried to reassure her, his voice laced with deep concern. He could hardly bear to see her in such distress, and the worry for her gnawed at his insides. He held her gently, his heart aching for her, wanting her to stop crying and calm down.

"It's not!" Miray shouted, her voice desperate and filled with frustration. She clutched his collar, her grip trembling as she tried to gather some strength from him because she felt utterly depleted. "Why can't you understand! I'm not their half-sibling, Rayan, c-can't you see?" Tears choked her words, and her eyes were bloodshot and pained. "Haven't you ever wondered why Arthur despises me so much? Why he can't stand me?" Her voice trembled with bitterness.

Rayan's eyes widened in realization, but the weight of what Miray was referring to was almost too heavy and bewildering to fully grasp.

He couldn't help but recall all the times he had cursed Arthur, secretly harboring thoughts of harming him for mistreating Miray, as if she weren't his own flesh and blood. He had never understood how anyone could mistreat a child as loving and kind as Miray.

But now, faced with this astonishing revelation, he was left questioning everything. How could Miray not be Arthur's daughter when her brothers were there with her at her birth?

The thought that her mother might have had another man in her life crossed his mind, but he quickly pushed it aside and refocused his attention on Miray.

"H-he told me," Miray choked out, her breath catching in her throat, her eyes filled with fear and terror. "He told me everything, a-about how I'm not his daughter and who my real father is..." Her voice cracked as she spoke, the memories of Arthur drowning her with that revelation and her lineage flooding back, making it hard for her to breathe. "T-they're n-not," she struggled to speak, her words barely audible, "they're n-not my real b-brothers... I don't have anyone, Rayan," she gasped for breath, her chest constricting. 

The sound of the nearby ocean was suffocating, triggering memories of that traumatic moment when Arthur had revealed her true lineage. A panic attack threatened to engulf her, and she clung to Rayan, seeking help in her overwhelming distress.

Rayan was stunned by both Miray's revelation and her having a panic attack. He had never been alone with her during such a distressing episode before, and it left him feeling utterly helpless.

But this was the moment he had always vowed to be there for her, and it seemed like God was testing him now.

In the midst of Miray's panic attack, Rayan held her tightly in his arms, his knees sinking into the soft, cool sand beneath them. Her body trembled, and he could feel her racing heartbeat against his chest.

Gently, he guided her hand to rest over his own heart, his erratic pulse matching the frantic rhythm of her own. He spoke to her in a hushed, soothing voice, his words carrying the weight of his fear and love.

"Miray, it's okay. You're safe here with me," he whispered urgently, his breath mingling with hers. "Take deep breaths, just like this." Rayan demonstrated by inhaling slowly and exhaling, guiding her to follow his lead. "In and out. I'm right here beside you, and I won't leave your side, I promise," he promised as tears welled up in his eyes and streamed down his cheeks.

His own body was drenched in sweat, his heart pounding in his chest, but he remained a steady presence for her. Miray gradually began to calm down, her sobs giving way to silent tears. She clung to his t-shirt, finding comfort in his embrace.

Rayan held her close, their hearts beating in sync, as he continued to whisper comforting and soothing words.

"I'm sorry," Rayan sniffled, pulling her even closer, wanting to bring her as close to his heart as possible, as if their physical closeness could mend the emotional wounds that had been laid bare.

He couldn't help but replay everything from the beginning in his mind, seeing it through the lens of the new revelation Miray had shared. He couldn't help but imagine the pain and suffering she must have endured all alone while he had been preoccupied with his own misconceptions and insecurities.

If only he was there for her...

Rayan realized that the blood relationship didn't matter; it was irrelevant to how much they meant to each other. He had pushed her away for reasons more complicated than just blood ties, but if Miray truly needed him, he would stay by her side for as long as she required.

"I'm sorry," Rayan repeated, his voice strangled with emotion. "I didn't know... I-" he trailed off, not knowing what to say.

Miray attempted to pull away, but her efforts were feeble, either because Rayan held her too tightly or because she lacked the strength to break free. She whispered his name, her voice trembling, and she tilted her head so she could look into his eyes.

"D-do you..." Miray began, her voice faltering, and she swallowed hard before forming the question that had weighed on her heart for so long. "Why?" She hesitated for a moment, her brow furrowing, before finally asking, "Why did you push me away?" Her warm breath brushed against his cheek as she spoke.

Rayan met her gaze, his hesitation evident at first, but the honesty and vulnerability Miray had shown him compelled him to tell her the truth. She deserved to know the depths of his emotions and the reasons behind his actions.

And so, he began to speak.

Avoiding her gaze, as he was overwhelmed by shame. Rayan shared the depths of his sorrow and guilt that had haunted him since the day she was kidnapped.

Miray was left stunned, speechless, and even angry. 

How could he entertain such terrible thoughts?

The anger seemed to infuse her with a surge of energy, and she straightened up slightly, still supported by Rayan's arms. She called his name, her eyebrows furrowing in determination.

"That day..." Miray began, and the specific day she referred to was clear to both of them. "Did you pretend to be sick?" she asked, causing Rayan to be shocked this time.

"Wh- of course not!" he replied, horrified that she would even consider such a thing.

"Then did you drink from that bottle knowing it had poison?" she interrogated further, leaving Rayan even more startled. When he hesitated to answer, Miray urged him to respond, saying, "Just answer my questions, please."

"N-no," Rayan choked out, his voice laced with regret. "I didn't know," he added, wishing he had known so he could have avoided it at all costs.

Miray shivered as she continued, shutting her eyes briefly to push away the memories of that dreadful day. She didn't want to think about it, but she had to, for Rayan's sake. She clenched her fist, gathering her strength, and posed her next question. "Do you know who... h-him?"  she stammered, her voice catching as the traumatic memories threatened to engulf her once more.

Rayan's eyes widened, a mix of shock, confusion, and anger filling them. His anger was not directed at her but at himself and the monster who had done this to her. He longed to know the kidnapper, to meet him, to cross paths with him, so he could unleash all the inner demons that had been festering within him, yearning for revenge.

"No, I don't." Rayan replied, his chest constricting, every fiber of his being active.

Miray's fists unclenched, and she reached for his cheeks, gently forcing him to look at her. Her gaze was filled with compassion and frustration as she spoke, "Then why would you feel guilty? You were a victim too, Rayan. You could've died! How could you even blame yourself for getting poisoned?" She paused for a moment, her voice softer now. "I never blamed you, Rayan. No one in their right mind would ever, EVER blame you. I don't even understand how you could blame yourself..."

"But-" Rayan began, but Miray gently placed a finger on his lips, silencing him.

"I'm tired," she confessed, her words interrupting his thoughts. Her body seemed to become heavier in his arms, leaning on him for support. "Rayan, I'm so tired. If you're determined to blame yourself, find something else to blame, not me. If there was ever a reason for that guilt, do you honestly think my brothers would spare you?" she pointed out with a hint of frustration. "Please," she pleaded, "don't burden yourself with guilt over something you couldn't control. It only adds to our suffering while the one truly responsible roams freely, living a life without consequences," she said, her voice tinged with sadness.

Rayan's muscles tensed at the mention of that bastard. He wanted to resist her rationality, to hold onto his self-blame, but Miray's words made too much sense. Even his inner demons seemed to hesitate in the face of her soothing logic.

Miray's cool fingers brushed against his wet cheek, leaving behind a trail of sensation that felt like a fluttering of butterflies and a warm, comforting burn. Her touch awakened something within him, something long dormant. "We can't change the past," she continued, her voice a soothing balm to his wounded soul, "but we can move forward together. Let's shift our blame to the real monsters who hurt us and stop hurting ourselves."

Rayan nodded, his tears glistening in the moonlight. He buried his head in the crook of Miray's neck, seeking comfort and finding it in her reassuring presence. She was indeed his anchor, the one person who could help him face the darkness that had tormented him for far too long.

His tears flowed freely, but they were no longer tears of guilt and self-blame. They were tears of release, of letting go of the burdens he had carried for so long. Miray's words had reached deep into his soul, and he knew that he didn't have to fight his demons alone anymore.

For the first time in years, the weight of his guilt began to lift, replaced by a glimmer of hope.

She was right.

If there was anyone to point fingers at, it was that bastard.

If there was anyone to seek vengeance on, it was that bastard.

And he damn sure would.

As he held Miray close, Rayan made a solemn vow that night to exact revenge and make that bastard pay for wrecking both Miray's life and his own.




{νσтє, ¢σммєηт, ѕнαяє}





P𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖊𝖓~

A͟n͟y͟ ͟t͟h͟o͟u͟g͟h͟t͟s͟?͟

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