By Yamoory

38.4K 1K 332

Roger and is crew find a special place where they can wish for something. Roger want to see the futur king of... More



4.1K 122 62
By Yamoory

Okay, before starting please read this carefully WATTPAD READER ARE MORE CONCERN THAN AO3 READER:

Every time I receive a message asking for an update I will push back the release date of the chapter by a day or more if you are rude. Don't ask for an update in a mean way, I'm not your fucking dog , especially if you ask for it in a really rude way and then tell me it's just a joke or that I should expect people to be rude to me(The guy who say that go fuck yourself )I said that I was on vacation and that in August there will be nothing, thanks to those who waited, just on September 1st I have already received several messages under the stories or in private to ask me to write since my vacation is over. No. I'm preparing for my fucking back to school, a chapter takes several hours of writing because I do it in French and English and I watch lots of different extracts to choose.

I had actually planned to write a sequel to this fanfiction where in the future Luffy finds the same island as Roger and it takes the characters to see an alternative universe which would have been Live Action Netflix. But I receive so many ungrateful messages that I don't even want to write anymore. This reaction book will surely be my last in this fandom, you don't even make me want to continue this one.

Be ashamed of yourself. Thanks to those who waited and sent kind messages they help me a lot I will take the time I WANT to write MY FANFICTION if i want to update it in January you will wait and do nothing against it. It is translated for free, I just ask you to be patient while I write, I don't owe you anything, I can stop tomorrow if I want. My work still free if you want to read but if you are mean just don't talk and read in silent.

I specify that this fic is just for AO3 I posted it in wattpad because I was told that many people would not see it on AO3 but I don't care now I won't hesitate to delete it from wattpad. If it disappears overnight, you know why.

If you look for it on ao3 my name is Polyamoory and this book has the same name.

you wanted this to come out quickly and well it's not correcting there are a lot of mistakes but hey at least it's updating right? 😐

Good read, I took no pleasure in writing this.

[ Usopp banner soon]

"I'll take the bet. Who sees us next?"

"The Black Shadow"

“The Yellow Shadow”

“Stop betting Yoi!”

Everyone was pretty eager to see more. Learn more about the crew and the man who would become King.

An image appears on the screen. A girl with pink hair is shown on what appears to be a TV.

[A Condemned Gladiator of the Corrida Coliseum (Little Daughter of King Riku)] Rebecca

1 🌟

King Riku is disturbed to see his future Granddaughter obviously being a criminal.

"We can't even count on the nobility anymore..." Said Akainu upon seeing the fallen Princess.

"It says 'Condemned', what did she do? She seems young to be hunted..." Otohime declared

“There’s no age to be a fugitive.”

It continues with a girl. blur does not everyone guesses to be part of the crew. It's a woman in a purple blur also having one ⭐

"Oh another new member!" Haruta exclaimed

“So that makes 2 women,” said Bellmere, fortunately her daughter is not the only one to manage all her boys.


then [A samurai from the Kingdom of Wano Kinemon The Fire Fox] being of a 🌟 too.


A frail voice resonates where no one hears. "Eh...?"


We then see the former Princess of Dressrosa Viola being one🌟.


“Ah! What was I saying, this whole royal family is corrupt!”

"We still don't have any context so until then we don't know if they really deserve this title" Said Tsuru, a little disturbed by the cheers of the navy dog.

There is then a blue blur being a one star.

"We haven't seen him before, have we?"

“No to note”

Marco looked at the Marines and rolled his eyes. He could see the stars in Morgan's eyes at the idea of the next generation it's borderline if the man didn't have an erection of joy.

Doflamingo is recognized by some.

“Then the 2 stars!”

Doflamingo himself is surprised to see this on the screen. Is he an ally of these men claiming the title of King? In any case, this is not what Doflamingo wants, he will not be King... he will be eternal.

[Former Commander of Dressrosa Kyros Army] 2 🌟

Then Zoro is also worth 2 🌟

The image cuts to Doflamingo laughing.

“Isn’t that the pink rookie?”

“Pirates have names Izo Yoi.”

“I like the nicknames I give them”

Edward looked slightly perplexed. This rookie was messing around with the future king of pirates and given that he seemed to be putting a price on the heads of the members of the future king's crew, he was not an ally.

Corazon feels his heart skip a beat when Doflamingo finally appears. He instinctively takes refuge closer to his father and in Bellemère's arms.

“Nothing can happen to you, I swear.”

The words intended to be reassuring didn't help because the man is in the room and could catch her and her sons at any moment.

Corazon was scared, very scared.

“And for the Key figures of each group I give them 3 🌟!”
A man is showing.

[Commander of the Sabo Revolutionary Army] 3 🌟

"Revolutionary? It's these new movements that are slowly making noise, right?" Demanding a navy in the process

"Yeah, isn't a certain Dragon holding this? They've already carried out some small-scale actions, the leader still hasn't been seen, just his name."

The civil and marine parties then begin to speak.

For his part, Dragon feels proud to know that the movement he creates will grow in the future and will perhaps be on the good side of the future King. He doesn't really care for this man but he seems a powerful ally.

He exchanges a look with his father and although the man certainly wants to punch him in the head he knows he can't. So of course Dragon sticks his tongue out at him taking advantage of the only time he can make fun of his father without consequence.

He steps back anyway... just in case.

A red blur, the captain also wears three stars.

A man with a spotted hat and show. Trafalgar Law Provisional Shishibukai or 'the Surgeon of Death' captain of the Pirate Heart.

The civil party sees a woman moving around, she is holding a child with the same hat. A little baby barely a year old...

If Sakazuki stood up to try to kill the child and Sengoku immediately slammed him to the ground, no one said anything.

[Former King Riku Doldo III] 3 ⭐

Not being in a good position to speak, Akainu did not comment on Dressrosa's lost nobility but Haruta...

"Ah. Finally the marine may be right if even the King is a fugitive."

Meanwhile the people could only speculate. What happens with royalty in the future? Why is he searching?

The samurai is shown with the revolutionary. Behind them people blur and others don't.

“They already knew you were there.”

“I’m a target too?!”

People shout with joy while little Tontata Blessed seems shocked at the news.

“What exactly is he offering?” Asked Buggy doesn't really understand.

“A bounty I think” Rayleigh replied “1 Million per star I suppose?”

Thoughts are heard as the image fades back to a brown blur.

“Thank God they don’t know I’m here…”

“Coward! It’s back!”

“Tatch! "

“Oh come on, he’s not the bravest warrior in this sea either!”

Marco rolls his eyes. Why does his crew have to be so invested?

The image returns to Doflamingo.

"Besides, there's a man who made me really angry! It's his fault you have to play this bloody game!"

The image shows Fujirota listening.

“Whoever kills him will have a bounty of 500 Million Berry.”

“Oh so it’s obviously 100 million per star” Said Roger the Intriguer

"And the coward received more than his captain. He may not be that strong" Declared Lin Lin can impress with the bounty not even being half of his.

The brown blur is to be shown again on the screen with the 5 🌟 to describe the reward given for his head.

The captain and Zoro were shocked by the announcement as it spread throughout the kingdom.

While people are rejoicing at such a bounty, the Brown shade even if their faces are not visible, everyone understands that they are absolutely horrified by such news while the Tontatas have the same reaction.


"Oh no! Ussoland..."

Suddenly the entire crowd turns towards them as the visibly blessed Maroon shadow lies on the ground.

People flash sinister smiles and the screen turns off ready for a new scene.

"OH THAT CUT AGAIN JUST BEFORE THE ACTION!" Shanks exclaimed, pulling on Mihawks' arms.

“Fuck, let me go!”

Buggy felt a little sorry for the emo boy having to support Shanks.

"So they are wanted in Dressrosa visibly dominant by Doflamingo...?"

“So a pirate to take control of a Kingdom and drive out the royal family?”

“How does this happen? What is the government doing?”

The civil party, especially the inhabitants of dressrosa, were agitated.

"I feel like there are a few weird things going on..."

“What do you mean son?”

Haruta looked at the blank screen. "It's true that the government should have acted if an entire Kingdom and its inhabitants were governed by a Pirate... there is an element of the future which means that this pirate has enough power even in the government so that no one ' intervene..."

A few glances went towards Doflamingo who smiled just a little thinking that his influence and his knowledge on the Celestial Dragons had taken him to where he is in the future. Well... he likes it. He is the enemy of the Pirate King but again it is not the One Piece he is looking for... he has more accomplished and deeper projects than these.

The screen lights up again on a castle. A small window seems lit.

“It’s still Dressrosa" Said Roger thoughtfully

Three small dots then finally three people. The famous red shadow of the captain and two others bathed in a blue light, one of which is a little girl.

"What is it...?" Require Tatch

"Haki. Observation Haki to be exact" Roger replied smiling.

“Is this what a Haki user sees?!” What Shanks asks

“It depends a little on the user kid” Rayleigh replies.


"I see the aura... of their presence!"


The screen returns to a man blurred in brown.


“It’s L7FF6!”


Suddenly the shadows outside that of the captain, become real people and everyone then recognizes the boy in the spotted hat and notices the presence of a child giving them something.

A weak voice then returns...

"Oh Law...what are you doing..."

The husband puts a arms around his wife. He hopes that their little boy is not in danger in the future... that he will be fine...

No one notices Sengoku staring firmly at Akainu so he doesn't lunge at the infant again.

The image shows the sniper behind a huge slingshot ready to fire.

"Super Grown Up - GreatBlack Kabuto! Hissatsu Long Range Attack Bagworm!"

“Damn the name of this attack is long Yoi”

“Who even gives his attacks a name?”

Everyone turns to Tatch.

"You did all that?! Oyaji?!"

"Um... well... that's cool," Whitebeard replied. "Even the marines do it..."

“Just because you're not strong enough to have a special attack you can name doesn't mean you have to make fun of Tatch!” It's Izo.

"So how does it go. You sit and think about what to name it? Do you have any notes or essay names?"

"It comes to the feeling kid! Ahahaha! My fist of love came to me the first time I hit my son AHAHAHA!"

Sengoku gently wiped his forehead while Dragon shivered at the memory.

The shooter then releases the projectile which flies away in a small explosion.

Suddenly hundreds of men come towards him and grab him while we hear his thoughts.

"He has the highest normal reward that there are as many men on him"

'The wind is coming from the west to the east...'

Princess Viola and Samurai black hair guy show on the screen.

' Evacuation force: 4"

“A sniper knows all this things?" Shanks asked.

"It's the principle of a sniper to know that in order to shoot correctly with something other than a gun and even with a gun the wind or even the distance matters a lot to a shooter" replied Buggy

“My future sniper will know how to do that!”

Across the room, an eternal man.

Another guy with red hair shows up and then the former king appears too. All fighting against civilians surely wanting the first of their capture.

'A slight tailwind...'

The shooter is suddenly knocked to the ground by civilians.

“On the gotcha! "

'Two one...'

At the end of the countdown, the projectile which was losing speed creates a second explosion and takes off again.

'Slight rise, then release of the rear section'

“This thing is still pretty darn good for a rookie...” Said Sengoku

"We should attack the marines like that! Ho it will be a great prank device!" Haruta said looking at Tatch.

"Tryer yoi. Tryer."

Edward laughed knowing that his sons would eventually succeed in pulling off their pranks whether Marco wanted them to or not.

Princess Viola is showing again.

'Two seconds later, the second booster activates.'

As he said, the projectile created a second explosion.

'The outer cover comes off...and the ammo goes horizontally. It goes through the lower left side of the rampart tower window!'

The little girl is shown with a crown on her head and holding two small candies.

“Why are they fighting against a child? Ask Queen Otohime.

"Well if she's with that pirate I guess she's an enemy" Corazon replied

“She’s still a little girl…”

"Afterwards... with devil fruits in circulation you never know..." Said Bellemere. After seeing how Nami protected this purple-haired child Bellemere is sure that her daughter would not hit a child by herself.

Ussop is shown being pinned to the ground again by the civilians.

'It's going through the wall and heading straight...'

'Straight on target'

The little girl is about to give the two marbles to the boys when suddenly she stops seeing the projectile rushing towards her.

She is confronted with the horror vision of the sniper's face distorting and slightly blurring brown on the screen.




“AHAHAHA this crew will be in the news every day” exclaimed Roger

Morgan shares this opinion.

Even Doflamingo had a slight smile.

Mihawks blew his nose. “These pirates are childish”

"They're so funny! I hope I'll be friends with them later!" Shanks had stars in Buggy's eyes and even thinks he was blind with them.


Meanwhile, some pirates whose names we will not mention were taking note of a new type of prank under the murderous gaze of their older brother.

The girl's eyes bulge and snot runs from her nose so she's scared before finally collapsing as the projectiles continue on their way.

' L7FF6 you must not even realize... but if you're okay... keep going!'

The scene ends with the little girl now known as Sugar by her goons running to help her and talking about how this has happened before.

“The kid seems to have already been traumatized by that face,” said a voice in the civil party.

"Maybe that's why Doflamingo gave him such a high bounty?" If you ask Aokiji

"So the kid works with Doflamingo... and given the crown she might be the one on the throne instead of the royal family..."

While the marines tried to understand a little about the connections between the pirates, the pirates openly made fun of the little girl.

A strange taupe color appears on the screen when it turns on.

"Devil fruits really make strange people..." Garp said to himself.

“No matter what they do, in the end they remain weak. Look at them!”

"You! You bastard"

A fuzzy pink shadow appears appearing to move on four legs.

"So one of them is a Zoan user..." Said Tsuru

"If I remember correctly... the pink shadow... hasn't appeared yet... how many members are there, I lost count" Said a marine who records information for the future

“In any case, we will have retired before this guy arrives,” replied a colleague to the nodding of heads of several marines who were not ready to face the madness of this crew.

“After that we will have to launch massive recruitment for the navy” Said Kong.

"The first time you speak is to say that?" Said Sengoku to the man who was going to give him his place as chief admiral in a short time.

Kong laughed as he looked at the screen.

"I like this crew. A breath of fresh air in youth! They will be even more fun to capture! Well... for you. Since I'll be retired hahaha!"

Garp joins Kong in laughing at Sengoku's misfortune of having to deal with this. Before Sengoku can offer Corazon his job again Garp intervenes.

"Don't worry! Even if my son is just an incompetent, my grandson will be the one who captures this pirate vermin!"

"Then my son will be the one to hit Garp's grandson hehe." Said Roger laughing.

 "You don't have a captain son and even if you plan to don't say that-" Rayleigh punched Roger in the head "-in front of the marines!"

" Pardon..."

"What do you want to be beaten up too? Let's teach you a lesson like that long-nosed coward! Ahahahah!"

"Shut up! Usopp...usopp is not a coward!"

"We have a name! Usopp!"

The marines rush to write it down.

"Can't you relax and enjoy the show? Their names will be on the posters that we put up for them anyway," Bellemere said to his colleagues.

“Bellemere, did you go over to the enemy’s side when you saw your future daughter become a pirate?!”

Bellemere hesitates to answer before deciding to not.


In the middle of the smoke... just behind the mole woman and her colleague Usopp slowly gets up.


"There is always a time when a man... no longer has to run away from a fight..."


The two enemies turn towards him.


"How...how are you..."


"This moment... or... The dream... the dream of your friends... is mocked by others..."

“I like this kid’s mentality!” said Roger

During this time...

"It's funny... they look like... a perfect mix of the two of us, don't you think, Banchina?"

“Are you saying that because of my nose?” said the woman, slightly offended.

The boy, just 13 years old, was trying to convince his girlfriend that he didn't mean to make that reference.

“Eventually maybe you should leave the island and become a brave pirate sniper.”

“That’s not what I meant Banchi…”

Usopp is seen completely bloodied and injured in the face. The blur that surrounded him completely disappears to reveal his injuries.

" Impossible... he took a 4-tone bat to the face... he can't be alive after that! He shouldn't even be standing! What kind of sales trick are you using this time?!"

“A four-ton bat? How does the brat still stand up with such a weak build?” Asked Linlin. “My youngest has more muscle than this rookie!”

"I think this crew is made up of men. I mean... first Zoro standing after an attack that was supposed to kill him and now this?" Said Izo

"I can't wait to meet this crew on the seas!" Said Whitebeard

"L7FF6... won't die... I know... he'll become the pirate king... I know he will! And so... I won't let you... LAUGH AT HIS DREAM !”


"God...?" Asking civilian and some marines

Many people smiled at that. It is difficult to have a loyal crew. You never know who wants to betray you or wants you well. Even over several years, your best friend can become your worst enemy out of nothing.

Seeing a man on the verge of death still defending his captain's dream is something you don't see every day.

Roger smiles, he has to see this captain. A crew this loyal only fears having the best captain... someone worthy enough to find the One Piece... Only one person can, the same person who placed this treasure that made Roger laugh so much.

The screen lights up to a new scene. We see Ussop blessing in the middle of the flames holding his equally blessing captain.

Usopp advances with difficulty.

"Is this guy still blessed?" Haruta asks

“He fights for his comrades, give him that.”

"Did you see that L7FF6? This big loser... he ran away... in the face of my omnipotence... but I'm a great prince, I let him slip away.."

"Wow! A brave warrior! I too-" Yamato cried before her father grabbed her to silence her.

With that Usopp falls dropping his captain to the ground in the process.

He faces it with difficulty.


"Don't die...L7FF6!"


"It's not now...that our adventure...-"


Flashbacks are shown.

The captain accompanied by Zoro and Nami then several members having their feet placed on a barrel, their boat disguised as a rooster flying in the air, all of them in the middle of a feast ending with a photo of them together.


“Wait their boat was dressed as a rooster...?” asked Franky almost laughing

“A flying rooster! It’s so cool, isn’t it, Mom?” exclaimed Robin

“Yes, sweetie,” Olivia said, looking at her little girl.


"-this will end..."


Because of the fire in the wood it slowly falls off a structure threatening to fall on the captain.


Usopp gets up as best he can and intercepts the beam before it falls on the captain.

A little girl accompanied by her two little sisters spoke without anyone hearing her. "If he continues... instead of saving him they'll both just die. Pff men are so stupid..."

“It’s absolutely out of the question! L7 FF6...the pirate king...it will be you!”


While he manages to free the powder, another threatens to fall but Usopp is out of breath and ends up falling to the ground, only able to watch the powder rush towards him.



Suddenly the fire is extinguished by the ice.

"Hu? Admiral Aokiji?"

Akainu was already ready to hold his colleague accountable when-

A black shadow equipped with a blade and the author this ice appeared.

"Oh it looks like someone else is mastering ice in the future." Aokiji said smiling lazily.

“Or you’re dead,” Fujitora said.

The two look at each other.


" by the frozen breath of the other world : Soul Side."

The author of the ice is show blur in black. Not Aokiji.


A smaller shadow comes then appears it grows at least four sizes.

"So pink takes many forms.? It literally just changed size!" Tatch said to see what this guy looks like.

“Good mastery of a Zoan can lead to that.” Whitebeard replies.

“Usopp! "


"Are you okay? It's terrible, I'm going to take care of you quickly..."


Usopp slowly raises his hand...


"L7FF6 first..."

"Man this man is devoted to his captain he often puts him first. I want a sniper just like that!" He said Shanks

“Especially say that you want to steal the entire crew” said Mihawks in a joking tone.

“He well…”

"Don't do that Shanks!" cried Buggy

“I just keep it in the back of my mind…”

"Is it over yet?" Haruta cried

“I thought you thought he was a coward, haven’t you become his biggest fan Yoi?”

"Pff not at all! He's just a little cooler now."

"It's still quite paradoxical that before we were shown the fact that he could lie to survive and that he is now making a speech about the fact that he will defend his captain's dreams until the death. “This view

"There is surely the difference between experiencing it and seeing someone else experience it especially since Nami really seemed on the verge of dying and he couldn't help he had to worry and give even the most irrational solutions in her head." Debated Josu

"Half a coward then" Said Haruta still not being able to appreciate the sniper.


I sometimes write Baggy and sometimes Buggy. In French we say Baggy so I get lost 😭

Also I know that many will complain that Usopp is not very much portrayed as a coward but come on there are so many reaction fics that only show his bad sides I want every Strawhat to be highlighted they all deserve it!

I added as someone recommended a chapter for Lawlu romantic relationships but all the others in tags too! Of course it will revolve all around Luffy and will have invent scenes or additional words so we will surely see Shanks and Mihawks talking about Luffy while being in love with each other, Luffy and Law doing everything and nothing together and Crocodile and Dragon talking of Luffy. (The theme is Luffy so it has to revolve around him 😭 otherwise it makes no sense to show it because a casual relationship does not meet Roger's wishes)

Also I'm going to bring in the Kuja because their queen is Shakky, you know Rayleigh's wife. This is information that everyone forgets but I'm going to get them involved with Robin. If you are smart you understand why 🌟

Anyway Happy Birthday to me 😶

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