Bloodline Divine-WWE Fanficti...

By SuzieMarie26

260K 7K 921

Briar Wild only ever had one dream and that was being a part of WWE. After two years on Monday Night Raw she'... More

Story Notes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Story Update
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 21.5
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 32.5
Chapter 33
Chapter 33.5
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 36.5
Chapter 37
Chapter 37.5
Chapter 38
Chapter 38.5
Chapter 39
Story Update
Chapter 39.5
Chapter 40
Chapter 40.5
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 44.5
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 46.5
Chapter 47
Chapter 48.5
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 50.5
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 56.5
Chapter 57
Chapter 57.5
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Story Update
Chapter 61.5
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 65.5
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 68.5
Chapter 69
Chapter 69.5
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 73.5
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 76.5
Chapter 77
Chapter 78

Chapter 48

1.8K 58 9
By SuzieMarie26

                                             Smackdown 2/10/23

                                                          Oh Sh*t

I decided when I got up Friday morning, I wasn't going to dwell on anything, I was just going to go with the flow and deal with things as they happened. The morning started off just like any other morning. Solo, Jimmy, Roman, and I were up early and in the gym which Roman made sure was a closed gym session for us. Afterwards we went back to the bus to get ready for the day. After my shower I put on a blue cropped long sleeved Smackdown shirt and my black cargo pants. I didn't do much for hair and makeup since it was a show night. I was eating a light breakfast when my phone buzzed. For a split second my hopes got up thinking it was Jey but my heart sank when I saw it was from Sami. I dreaded opening it but my curiosity wanted to know.

'I hope you've had some time to think about what I said. I was wondering if we could talk before the show,' he wrote. Was he crazy or just slow? What else could I do to make it clear to him that I didn't like him and wanted nothing to do with him.

'Anything I've got to say to you, I can say in the ring, when the time is right. Otherwise, we've gotten nothing to talk about personally,' I responded back feeling the anger radiate down my spine.

"Brair, did you hear me?" I looked up to Paul with raised eyebrows.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"They don't want Roman and Solo backstage tonight. Mostly they want the focus on the Usos and their tag match. So, it's just going to be me, you, and Jimmy and hopefully Jey," he said.

"He'll be there," I stated.

"How do you know?"

"I feel it in my gut," I said. He nodded with a 'we'll see' expression.

"Everything has been approved for your plan tonight, you sure you want to do this?" he asked giving me a chance to back out.

"Oh yeah, it's going to be a night to remember," I told him. My phone buzzed again and I mentally sighed.

"I'm not going to let go of this," he said.

"I'm not going to let you use me to get into Roman's head," I answered back.

"Unlike The Bloodline I'd never use you to get an advantage over someone, Briar please. Maybe I should have talked to you behind the scenes about how I felt and not taken you off guard in front of everyone but I just wanted you to know I'd never hurt. What else can I do, what else?"

In reading his words I could practically hear him begging as if he was standing in front of me. Roman and I always kept our relationship out of the picture from everyone but Bloodline members and Sami was never Bloodline so he didn't know.

"There isn't anything you can do, and you do know I'm seeing someone right?"

"I thought you seeing someone was just rumors."

"I've never confirmed or denied anything but I'm telling you right now I'm seeing someone so just do yourself a favor and back off this." I sent the message with as much aggression as I could tapping on the screen. It took longer but another response came through.

"I think your just saying that so I'll stop, Brair you don't have to lie to me if you just meet me and let me explain everything," he wrote. I was seeing a new kind of red.

"You just called me a liar and I assure you that didn't win you any points with me, if I already wasn't meeting with you before I'm definitely not now!" I slammed the buttons on my phone then jumped to my feet.

"Solo!" I yelled everyone in the room turned to look at me, the only person not in the room was Roman, he was in the bedroom. "I'm going for a walk come or stay it doesn't matter but you should probably come," I stated then stormed toward the bus doors.

"Little Uce?" Jimmy questioned but I was to pissed, to gone in the head, that my feet wouldn't stop me as I stomped down the bus stairs pushing the door open. The first thing I saw which was a crate that had been carrying equipment was the first thing my foot connected with and not once, not twice, not three time but so many times till Solo grabbed me and pushed me away from the thing. He gave me this look as I was breathing hard trying to find the calm, the truth was I should have gone to Roman to find that but I wanted to find it in myself, I can't just always rely on Roman to fix everything, even though it'd be easy to do so.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Nothing, I just needed to let some anger out," I said not meeting his gaze and heading for the crate again. Solo put out his arm and wrapped it around my shoulders to get me to stop. I breathed heavy as I didn't fight instead just leaned against him to try to let it go.

"It's clearly not nothing, just relax before you hurt yourself," he said into my ear.

"Everything's hard and almost every little thing sets me off, the smaller ones I can hide the rest turn into this," I said.

"It's him, isn't it?" Solo asked.


"The one you were texting with just now, Sami," he said.

"Yeah, but don't tell Roman, I'll tell him later, he won't let me go out there if he knows," I explained.

"Why? What'd Sami say?" he asked. I slumped my shoulders and pulled away from Solo, so I could turn to look at him.

"I don't want to get into it right now, I'll lose control again."

"You know I lose control too but like you just said every little thing is setting you off you need to get it under control. If none of us can help you then you need to find something or someone who can," he told me.

"I know, it's just a lot of things from one extreme to the next are happening right now. I'll do my best to manage till I think of a solution."

"We should head back, Jimmy's probably worried if he hasn't gotten Roman yet," he said. I nodded then started to follow.

"Hey Solo," I said stopping. When he saw me not next to him, he stopped to.

"What is it?"

"Thank you," I said and he stared at me. "Thank you for everything, I know you are just starting your career and then I got thrown into this. Thank you for accepting me, as me and always literally having my back and being wherever I need to go. I'm not always easy to deal with but I'm glad you're always there," I said now trying not to cry the anger flowing away. Solo didn't say anything but walked toward me and wrapped me up in a hug, it was probably the first time I'd seen him initiate a hug. I felt safe in his arms just like I do in Romans. I always thought with Roman it was a once in a lifetime for me to be safe in someone else's arms but never in the arms of two people, but here I was.

"I wouldn't change anything," he said into my ear and I hugged him tighter.

Roman knew something was up but he didn't ask. I think he was waiting for me to tell him, which I will when it's time too.

I got done with hair and makeup and went back to the bus to get my stuff. Roman sat on the bed staring at me, I could feel his eyes on me the whole time I put my bag together.

"I have the urge to go over and lock the door and just keep you here the rest of the evening. I'm having this nagging feeling and I don't think it's going to go away till the show is over with," he said breaking the silence.

"I told myself this morning I was just going to go with the flow, maybe you should to," I said zipping my bag shut and coming over to him. I sat on the edge of the bed next to his side.

"I'd relax more if Solo was going with you."

"He's staying here with you Chief besides, Paul, Jimmy, and I will be just fine, plus how much security that I don't know about," I stated.

"And Jey?" he questioned ignoring the security comment.

"I believe in Jey and he'll be there for Jimmy," I said.

"What about the rest of us?" he asked.

"I believe he'll come home, but when he does don't think I'll just let him back so easily."

"Don't doubt that you won't give him a hard time."

"Well, consider it a break then Chief you don't always have to be the bad guy," I told him. He smirked then leaned his forehead against mine.

"Being the bad guy is fun," he whispered. I laughed then kissed his lips.

"I'll take this one," I said when we pulled apart. "I should go, Paul and I are the first segment and I still have a lot to do," I said getting up but not wanting to let go of his hand. I let it go and picked up my bag. I stopped by the counter for my title and put it over my shoulder. I then reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone before going back over to him. I extended my phone out which he looked at it then at me.

"Take it, I won't need it, I've told you before I don't have anything to hide from you. Wait though till ten minutes before the show starts to look at it. There's a conversation on there that's worth the read," I explained. He took it and I walked to the door. "Don't forget to watch Chief I'm going to make an entrance you won't soon forget," I said smirking at him and left before he could say anything. Solo was frantically pacing the bus, not to please he has to stay put, like a locked animal.

"You need to relax, big guy, the three of us are going to be fine, enjoy the show, let's go," I said to Jimmy and Paul. They went ahead of me and I turned back to Solo who had stopped pacing to look at me. "I know how you'll be but you'll have to call Paul or Jimmy's phone, I gave my phone to Roman so he could get caught up on all things Sami," I said.

"I got a bad feeling about this," he said.

"You sound like Roman; he said the same thing. I'm telling you the same thing I told him. I'm going with the flow today, whatever happens, happens."

"I don't like that," he said.

"Deal with it, big guy, I'll see you later," I said and left him as quickly as I left Roman so he couldn't say anything else. By the time I finished preparing myself for the show it was show time in just under thirty minutes.

"You ready?" Paul asked. I looked to Jimmy pacing next to the couch.

"I'm ready, Jimmy it's going to be okay," I said and he stopped to look at me.

"My twin has been absent for two weeks," he said.

"I know, but he's going to be there for you so why don't you just sit down, and watch the opening of the show," I said. Solo and Jimmy didn't even know that I was about to come out to Roman's music in fact only maybe five or six people did. I stood in the gorilla as minutes before the start of the show hit, Paul with both championship belts made his way to the ring to wait. The pyro went off and the adrenaline kicked in as I watch the camera zoom in on Paul.

I paced in front of the monitor listening to his voice; I already knew that Sami was going to come from the crowd so I didn't have to wait outside of gorilla till he went out. After the text conversation with him earlier I honestly had no idea how this was going to go, but I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I couldn't wait to come out to Roman's entrance music. Paul first talked about Sami and asked the audience if they could really see Sami as their champion which got a huge pop. As Paul went on to talk about Cody Rhodes and the undisputed championship belts Sami made his way through the crowd getting in the ring to stand behind Paul. My adrenaline went up another notch as Sami stood with confidence and Paul with the look of shock when he turns to see Sami there. Sami still trying to take in his fifteen minutes of fame extends his hand out for Paul to hand him the microphone, like Roman does. A kick of anger coursed through my entire body at that.

Sami starts by telling Paul that he doesn't have to be scared that he wasn't going to hurt him because he would have done it by now because no one was there to protect him.

"If this was a month ago Solo would have Samoan spiked me and I'd already be on the ground. If this was a month ago Jimmy Uso would have already been in here superkick after superkick and I'd be on the ground. If this was a month ago Jey Uso would have been with him. But this isn't a month ago and you are out here all by yourself and I think you know why," he said pointing at Paul. "Because you know what every member of The Bloodline knows Roman Reigns days as universal champion are numbered. Roman Reigns is off the rails and now the walls are closing in and now everything is crumbling. Look at what happened, I left The Bloodline, me, Jey Uso walked out on his own that was his decision. What do you think happens next? What do you think Jimmy Uso does next? You think Jimmy Uso sides with his abusive cousin or will he side with his twin brother what do you think happens next? What do you think happens with Solo the second Roman Reigns saw he could think for himself he pulled him in tight, he keeps him by his hip. Paul how long does that go until that blows over. And even you Paul, you the special counsel, the wiseman going on two years plus with Roman and let's be honest the way you look at Roman it's a little weird. A little weird, a little creepy quite frankly you look at him like the sun shines out his ass," he said. I chuckled sarcastically at his comments.

"Is he for real right now?" I asked out loud to no one in particular.

"But now here you are talking about life after Roman Reigns, life after the WWE titles are gone. You know what every other member of The Bloodline knows, The Bloodline is on its way out," he said with such confidence like he knew what everyone was planning to do. I turned to the group in the gorilla which at this point was mostly crew workers and Hunter.

"Guess I'm not good enough to be mentioned," I joked. They all smiled or laughed. I looked back to the monitor to see Sami walking around to the other side of Paul facing away from the ramp. I felt my moment coming.

"And Paul I know your in the business of not doing predictions you do spoilers, here's one. I'm going to tell you exactly how many days Roman Reigns has left...eight," Sami said.

"Let's go," I said turning to the crew. As Sami smirked at a now unsure Paul, Roman's music hit and it sent goosebumps down my spine. Sami spun around and he and Paul looked up the ramp in shock. I started bouncing on my heels as I went to stand in front of the curtain to go out.

"Is this right?" I heard someone ask from behind me.

"Oh, it's definitely right, it's about to get real," I said waiting for the cue to go out. I wanted Sami to get paranoid so I waited just a few seconds longer after Roman would initially go out just to watch Sami going in circles in the ring so he would think Roman was going to come out behind him. Then I calmed myself down and with confidence I strutted out.

It felt weird with his music playing but without him there and a ton of pressure. Seeing the look on Sami's face though was worth it. This was the first time I was doing a Bloodline segment without Roman there. Everyone's reaction changed from booing to confusion then half booing and half cheering. I did a slow walk stopping at the top of the ramp. I looked off to the side at the crowd before turning my annoyed gaze to the ring, to Sami, who looked hurt. I raised my title in the air then continued down to the ring. I didn't go as slow as Roman normally would but enough to see the color drain from Sami's face and that cocky smirk of his long gone now. Paul now smiled as he held the ropes open for me to step through and I didn't once take my eyes off Sami. I got in the ring and Paul went to relax in the corner. I got to the middle of the ring and I held my title up again just like Roman would do. I looked over my shoulder at Sami he seemed totally lost now and then tried to hand me the microphone. I raised my eyebrows at him then brushed him off before I went to get my own mic. Roman's music cut off and I got right to it.

"Did you feel it Sami?" I asked stopped just before him, a smile tugging at the corner of my mouth. He looked at me confused by my question.

"Did you feel the fear deep in your gut when you thought Roman was coming out?" I asked, he just continued to stare, I think he was in disbelief that I was doing this.

"What's wrong Sami you seemed pretty confident a minute ago when you were speaking for every member of The Bloodline.... every member except for me, so tell what is it that I'm going to do next?" I asked the crowd got loud and Sami looked a mess.

"Briar I was just...," he started saying but I wasn't having it. I was going to tell him how it was.

"You were just what trying to make yourself believe the actual BS coming out of your mouth. You don't speak for The Bloodline and you sure as hell don't speak for me. You think you know what's going to happen, everyone's got spoilers tonight let me give you mine. I said it last week and I'm going to say it to your face," I said and stepped closer. I was clearly shorter than him but I looked up at him right in the eyes. "If Roman doesn't end you at Elimination Chamber, I will. I'm going to destroy you Sami in every way I can think of. Every time you think you've gotten rid of me, I'll be there, till you can't stand the look of me."

"This is my fault," he said.

"Now you're starting to get it," I said shaking my head. "Tell me was it my words on Smackdown the night before the Rumble that made you realize the truth or did you just feel guilty enough for dragging the WWE universe on this emotional rollercoaster when you knew you were never Bloodline material?" I asked.

"I never dragged anyone," he said.

"Oh, really because in case everyone has forgotten when you first tried to leach onto The Bloodline you manipulated the truth to Roman in order to have someone watch your back. In case everyone has forgotten before you threw yourself into The Bloodline everyone was booing you, calling you a coward because you couldn't even finish a match without just walking away," I said. Sami chuckled.

"My god he has his clutches in you deep. You were such a good person until he got a hold of you and now look at what you've become. He's got you brainwashed. I only stayed in The Bloodline for as long as I did because of you," he shouted and the crowd went crazy.

"Is that why you said you loved me last week?" I asked.

"It wasn't a lie or some tactic. It was the truth at some point I realized I had feelings for you and my association with the group only continued until I could find a way out. But at the Rumble he pushed things too far. I thought if I could take him out maybe you could see the truth and be release from his hold."

"What you weren't expecting was for me to see right through you this whole time. What you weren't expecting was for me to take that chair shot for him," I said.

"Don't you see he's using you, manipulating you, he's made you into a monster."

"NO!" I shouted stopping him. "I was a broken person. He saw the potential. He didn't change me or manipulate me he just made me see who I really was. I am Briar Wild, The Wild One, the crazy unpredictable one, I am the Smackdown women's champion. I am a member of The Bloodline and not because I forced myself into the group but because they wanted me in the group, because they needed me in the group. It was always my destiny, but Sami we both know it was never yours. No matter what you did, no matter what you said, no matter how many falls you took for the group it was never going to be enough. You didn't want it enough. Now you're playing this game of you think you love me. Well, I can stand right here and tell the whole world that you're the last person on this planet that I'd fall for," I said dropping the mic turning to go. Paul was getting out of the ring, and I'd just grabbed the ropes.

"Hey Briar tell Roman I'm taking everything he's got," he said and before I could turn to glare at him. Sami spun me around and his lips smashed onto mine. The crowd went crazy. I quickly pushed Sami off of me and fell to the mat. Sami chuckled as he got out of the ring walking backwards up the ramp smirking at me. Paul stood outside of the ring a stunned look on his face as I wiped away at my lips. I'd never felt so embarrassed and violated, they queued me that we were at commercial. I was mad as I rolled out of the ring disgusted.

"Are you okay?" Paul asked as I reached back into the ring to grab my title.

"Yeah, just a little grossed out," I told him wanting to go wash my mouth out. I was completely disgusted as we walked back up the ramp. Hunter was right there when we got back into gorilla.

"Where the hell is he? I'm going to end him now, I can't believe he just did that unbelievable," I seethed looking for him. Hunter stopped me.

"Calm down just let this go for now. He said that if you can surprise him that he was going to surprise you," Hunter said.

"Yeah, hope you got a get out of jail card ready for Montréal because Roman is going to murder him, literally," I said then stormed off. When stepping out of gorilla with Paul a ton of security were there, just like when we went to RAW. I sighed and we went off to the locker room.

"You think there will be anything left of the bus when we get back?" Paul asked.

"I wouldn't put any money on it," I said. We got back to the locker room where the security was left outside the door. Jimmy was still sitting there alone and looking more worried. A cameraman ready as I knew the segments still had to go on. He asked if I was okay then he and Paul talked while I quickly ran to rinse my mouth out. I came out and stepped around the camera man where I sat on the couch next to Jimmy.

"You good Little Uce, I can't believe he did that," he said.

"Fine but let's not talk about that right now we got more urgent problems. I believe in Jey. I know The Bloodline is going through some stuff but the titles mean everything to Jey," I told him. "You his twin means everything to him, he won't let you down, I can just feel it," I said.

"Yeet," Jimmy said and the camera cut.

"Go get them," I told Jimmy and he left along with the camera crew leaving me and Paul. It was then that Paul's phone rang. We both looked at each other before Paul looked at his phone. He looked back up at me telling me Roman was calling, which I knew I was glad I left Roman my phone.

"I'm going to clean my mouth again," I told Paul feeling all kinds of gross and we were barley thirty minutes into the show.

"My Tribal Chief," Paul's voice carried into the bathroom.

The second half of this chapter will be posted on Monday.

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