Chapter 75

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WrestleMania 39 Night 1 

Part 1

When my eyes opened Saturday morning I was the calmest, most at peace I'd been in months. The room was silent and I could see a sliver of light just barely start to seep through the slit in the curtain. I was laying on my side with a giant arm wrapped around me and I could feel his even breathing. I glanced up at the clock to see it was just after five. I had just over fifteen hours until my match, but I wasn't stressing about it, at least not in this moment of peace. To be honest a part of me would have been just fine staying in this bed all day with Roman but I also couldn't wait to enjoy the excitement that comes with being included in WrestleMania, to watch months and months of hard work pay off. Roman rolled onto his back and since his arm was around me, he pulled me with him. I turned to my other side and curled up into him.

"I always seem to wake when I know you have," he breathed his eyes still closed.

"I guess that tells you how in sync we are to one another," I said back.

"Good or bad thing to have?" he questioned.

"I say a good thing especially for the line of work we do." He chuckled at my comment.

"Your probably right, you ready for this day, for tonight?" he asked.

"Someone told me to not hurry through the day and to enjoy everything. So, I'm not thinking about today or tonight. Right now, I'm just enjoying this moment," I explained. He pulled me on top of him and then placed his hand on the back of my head.

"Then I'll enjoy this moment too," he whispered then pulled my head down till our lips met.

It was weird how the morning was so normal. We hung out, had breakfast, the family came in and out of the hotel room as they pleased and I didn't let myself get all tangled in my mind with doubts and worries. As quickly as the morning came it fell to early afternoon and we were all loading onto the bus. It was easier to move all of us at once instead of multiple vehicles. We cruised into the parking lot of the stadium all of us taking the time to admire the banner once more before going inside. We'd all been there already so we made it right to our locker room. Cindy had messaged earlier that she dropped my outfit off in my separate locker room and covered it up, so no one saw it until it was time. I stuck my head into the door just to check and to also drop my bag off there.

We gone over time schedules of when to be where and ready for what. Then I had about an hour to kill until I had to start hair and makeup. Linda was going back and forth between the two rooms once Jules and Deb stopped over saying they were going to start setting up my locker room.

The thoughts about Sami Zayn started creeping into my head again. I started replaying all the things he said about me and what I had said about him. I was going to go ahead with my plan, alone. I just had to figure out the best time to set it into motion.

"Briar," Linda said sticking her head in. "They are about ready for you," she told me pulling me back to reality.

"Alright I'm coming," I told her. She left and went back to the other room.

"I'm pretty sure I've been more excited about your outfit and entrance then I have been about anything else this WrestleMania," Jey commented.

"It's going to be lit," I told him.

"YEET!" he barked. I laughed then looked to Roman.

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