marvel cinematic universe (ph...

Od hopper220

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what if the heroes and some villains had partners who are also their love interest (marvel heroes x bada... Více

Iron man & Iron woman
chapter one
chapter two
chapter four
chapter five
the incredible hulks
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
iron man & iron woman 2
chapter one

chapter three

49 1 1
Od hopper220

As the us airplane was landing in air force base as  happy and Pepper were waiting for Tony and Carly
As the back of the plane opens  as Rhodes and a solider help Tony and Carly down as Tony and Carly both have as cast on their arms  as they walked to pepper as soliders had Gurnees for Tony and Carly

Tony: are you kidding me  with this
Get rid of them

(As Tony and Carly walked up to pepper)

Tony: your eyes are red  a few tears for your long lost boss and best friend

Pepper: tears of joy   I hate job hunting

(As Carly hugs pepper as she let out a few tears  seeing her best friend again)

Tony: yeah  vacation's over

Cut to Tony Carly and pepper inside the car as happy was driving

Happy: where to sir and ma'am

Pepper: take us to the hospital please happy 

Tony/Carly: (in unison)  no

Pepper: no   Tony  Carly  you both have to go to the hospital

Tony: no is a complete answer

Pepper: the doctor has to look at  you two

Carly: doctors already looked at us at the base with rhodey   we're both fine pep

Tony: we don't have to do anything   me and  Carly  have been  in captivity for three months   there are two things we both want to do    we want American cheeseburgers  and  the other

Pepper: that's enough of that

Carly: no no no no  pepper  is not what you think   we want you to call for a press conference  now

Pepper: call for a press conference

Tony: yeah

Pepper: what on earth for

Carly: happy  drive  cheeseburgers first

(As they drive away from the air force base)

Cut to stark&Jones industries building as the car pulls in  as everyone was there cheering and applauding as Obadiah opens the car door  for  Tony and Carly

Obadiah: look at this!   Tony  Carly
(As Obadiah hugs Tony and Carly) we were going to meet at the hospital

Tony: no  we're both fine

Carly: yeah  we're good to go  Obie

(As happy came out with a burger King bag  as  Tony and Carly grabs a cheeseburger  out of the bag )

Obadiah: look at you two    you had to have a burger 

Tony: yeah  well  come on

Obadiah: you get me one of those

Tony: there's are the only ones of those
There's are only one's left  we both need it

(Carly nods in agreement)

Carly: sorry Obie

Cut to stark&Jones industries as they're now  inside As   Obadiah is walking with Tony and Carly into the lobby as reporters and cameras were everywhere  and  everyone cheers and applauded

Obadiah: hey  look  who's here!  Yeah!

(As pepper stayed behind as Obadiah escorted  Tony and Carly to the stage through the crowds of press   as man in a suit  goes up to pepper)

Man: miss Potts

Pepper: yes

Man: can I speak to you for a moment

Pepper: I'm not part of the press conference  but  it's about to begin right now

Man: I'm not a reporter   I'm agent Phil coulson  with the strategic homeland intervention  enforcement  and logistics division  (handing her a card as pepper took it)

Pepper: that's quite a mouthful

Phil: I know   we're working on it

Pepper: you know  we've been approached  already  by  the DOD
The FBI   the CIA

Phil: we're a separate division  with a more specific focus   we need to debrief
Mr. Stark  and  Ms. Jones  about  the circumstances  of  they're escape

Pepper: I'll put something in the book
Shall I

Phil: thank you

Cut to Obadiah on stage about to announce  Tony and Carly  but then looks down  to see Tony and Carly on the floor seating down as they both grab another cheeseburgers from their pockets

Tony: hey  would  it be all right   if everyone  sat down   why don't you just sit down   that why you can see me and Carly and I can

(As all the reporter's all sat down on the floor)

Carly: a little less formal  thank you

(As Obadiah sat down next to Tony and Carly on the stage)

(While Rhodes walks in seeing what was happening  he looks over at pepper)

Rhodes: (whispers) what's up with the love in

Pepper: don't look at me   I don't know what  they're up to

(Tony and Carly look over at Obadiah )

Tony: good to see you  good to see you
I never  got to say goodbye to dad
I never  got  to say  goodbye to my father 

Carly: and I never got to say goodbye to my mother  either   there's  questions  that  both me and Tony  would've asked them 

Tony: I would've asked him  how he felt about  what the company did  if  he and Carly's mom ever had doubts

Carly: or maybe  they were every inch the people  we all remember from the newsreels    we saw young Americans killed  by  the very weapons  me and Tony  created  to defend  them and protect them

Tony: and  we saw  that  me and Carly had become part of  a system  that is comfortable  with  zero accountability

(A reporter raises his hand)

Reporter: Mr. Stark  Ms. Jones

Tony: yes Ben

Carly: yes

Reporter: what happened over there

(Both Tony and Carly got up and went to the podium on stage )

Tony: we had our eyes  opened   both me and Carly  came to realize  that  we have more  to  offer  this world  then just making things  that blow up  and that is why  effective immediately  we are shutting down  the weapons manufacturing  division  of  Stark&Jones  international

(As Obadiah went up to Tony and Carly as the press has a million questions they were asking  )

Carly: until  such time  as  both me and Tony  can decide  what the future of  the  company  will be

Obadiah: I think  we're gonna be selling a lot of newspapers

Tony: what direction it should take one that  me and Carly are comfortable with and  is  consistent with the highest good for  this country  as well

(As Tony and Carly walk off the stage and out of the building)

Obadiah: what we should take away from this  is that  Tony and Carly are back!  And they're healthier than ever
We're going to have a  little  internal discussion  and  we'll get back to you  with the  follow up

Cut to stark&Jones weapon designing building  as happy is standing by the car  Obadiah  then shows up on a Segway  with a cigar in his mouth got off the Segway  looking at happy

Obadiah: where are they

Happy: they're inside

(As Obadiah then swiped his key card as he walks in seeing  Tony and Carly stairing at  the giant arc reactor inside)

Obadiah: well that    that went well

Tony: did we just paint a target on the back of  our heads

Obadiah: your heads   what about my head    what do you both think  the over under on the stock drop  is  gonna be tomorrow

Carly: uh  optimistically   40 points

Obadiah: at minimum 

Tony: yep

Obadiah: Tony  Carly   we're  a  weapons  manufacturer

Carly: Obie   we just don't want a body count to be  our  only legacy

Obadiah: that's what we do  we're iron mongers   we make weapons

Tony: it's mine and Carly's names on the side of the building

Obadiah: and what we do  keeps  the world  from  falling  into chaos

Tony: not based on what we say   we're not doing  a very good job    we can do better    we're gonna do something else

Obadiah: like what    you guys want us to  make  baby  bottles

Carly: me and t  thinks  we should take another look  into  the arc reactor technology 

Obadiah: ah  come on   the arc reactor
That's a  publicity stunt!    Tony   Carly 
Come on   we built  that  thing  to shut the hippies up!

Tony: it works

Obadiah: yeah  as a science project 
The arc  was  never  cost effective 
We knew  that   before   we  built it
Arc reactor  technology   that's  a  dead end  right

Tony: maybe

Obadiah: huh  am I right   we haven't had  a  breakthrough  in that  in what
30 years

Carly: that's  what  they say   could you have a  lousier  poker face   just tell us
Who told you 

Obadiah: never mind  who told me
Show me

Tony: it's  rhodey  or  pepper  

Carly: definitely  rhodey or pepper 

Obadiah: I want to see it

Tony: okay  rhodey

(As both Tony and Carly unbuttoned their shirts  showing  Obadiah  their working  arc reactors  in  their chests  as  Obadiah was smiling and buttoning up Tony's shirt  as  Carly was buttoning up hers )

Obadiah: okay   okay   (chuckles)

Tony/Carly:  (in unison) it  works

Obadiah: listen to me  Tony   Carly   we're a team    do you both understand 
There's  nothing   we can't do   if we stick together   like  your  father  (then looks at Carly) and  your mother and I

Tony: we're sorry   we didn't give you a heads up  okay    but if I had

Obadiah: Tony  Carly   guys  no more of this  ready  fire  aim  business   you both  understand  me

Tony: that was dad's line

Obadiah: you both have got to let me handle this    we're  gonna have to play a while different  kind of  ball now 
We're going to have  a  lot of  heat   I want  you  both to promise me  that  you'll both  lay low

Cut to Tony's  house  as Carly was watching tv with  pepper  as  news reporters  are still talking  about  Tony and Carly's press conference reveal
As  Tony called on the com 

Tony: Carly  how big are your hands

Carly: what

Tony: how big are your hands

Carly: Tony   you know  how big they are  why are you

Tony: get down here  I need you 

Cut to Tony's workshop  as  Carly  walked  down there  to see Tony shirtless  hooked up to  a monitor  holding a  new arc reactor

Tony: hey

Carly: finally changing out the arc reactor  for a new one 

Tony: yeah  didn't you do it  

Carly: yeah  I  called a nurse  to help me  which  is  what you should do 

Tony: forget it  let me see them   show me  both of your hands 

(As pepper and Carly raised they're hands  showing Tony)

Tony: oh wow  they are small very petite   I just need your  help

Carly: shouldn't that be in your chest

Tony:  it was   it is now  a  antique    (shows off the new arc reactor )  this is what will be keeping me alive  for  the  foreseeable future   I'm swapping it out  for an upgrade  unit  and  now  I've just ran into a  little  speed bump

Carly: what  speed bump 

Tony: it's nothing   it's just  a little snag
There's an exposed  wire  under this device   and   it's contacting  the socket wall  and  causing  a  little bit of a short
It's  fine   (Tony then takes out the old arc reactor from his chest  handing it to Carly  as placed it on the table next to her )

Carly: so you want me to reach in and gently lift  the wire out

Tony: exactly   great minds think a like

Carly: Tony  are you sure  you want me to  do this  I could just call pepper  or something 

Tony: it should be fine   it's like operation   and  you always won  that when we were kids 

Carly: yeah  but  I never had to  operate in a person before!

Tony: just gently lift the wire  okay  great 

Carly: okay   (worriedly)

Tony: Carly  look at me   you can do this
You're the most capable and qualified
Trustworthy  person   I've ever met 
You're gonna do great     is it too much of  a problem  to ask  cause  I'm
I really need your help  here 

Carly: okay  okay 

(As Carly puts her hand inside the hole in Tony's chest  as she  a little grossed out  )

Carly: okay  I got it   I got the cropper wire

Tony: now  don't let it

(Buzzing alarm goes off  as Tony grunts in pain a little)

Tony: touch the sides  when you're coming out!

Carly: I'm sorry   I'm sorry

(As Carly grabs the wire and then pull it out)

Tony: okay   now  make sure  that when you  pull  it out   you don't   there's a magnet at the end of it!  That was it

(As Carly pulled the wire out not knowing a magnet at the end of it )

Tony: you just pulled it out   I was not expecting  

(As the monitor starts beeping  while Carly put the magnet down)

Carly: what's wrong

Tony: nothing  I'm just  going  into  cardiac arrest   cause you yanked  it out like a  trout

Carly: well you didn't tell me about the the damn magnet  till I just grabbed it  you said  It was easy 

Tony: we gotta hurry  take this  take this

(Tony hands Carly the new arc reactor for his heart )

Tony: you gotta switch  it out  really quick 

Carly: okay  okay

(As Carly quickly attached the arc reactor to Tony's chest  as it shocked Tony a little)

Tony: weeeeow  was that so hard  that was fun right   here I got it   I got it  here   nice

Carly: are you okay

Tony: yeah  I feel great   you okay 

Carly: okay  next time  you need a favor like this   you can call an nurse

Tony: I don't have  anyone  but you 

(As Tony took the hook ups off and he got off the chair  as  Carly grabs the old arc reactor)

Carly: what do you want to do with this

Tony: that   destroy it   incinerate it

Carly: you don't want to keep it

Tony: Carly  I've been called  many things   nostalgic  is  not  one of them

Carly: should I let pepper know  if you need anything else   Mr. Stark

Tony: that will be all  Ms. Jones 

(As Carly walked out holding the old arc reactor  as  Tony went to his cleaning robot  he made in college  called dummie )

Tony: hey butterfingers  come here  what's  all this  stuff  doing on top of my desk  that's my phone   that's a picture of  me and  my dad   right  there  garbage

Cut to the us air force base as Rhodes is showing  new air force soldiers around the base

Rhodes: the future of the air combat  is it  manned  or  unmanned   I'll tell you in my experience   no  unmanned  aerial  vehicle  will  ever  trump  a pilot's  instinct    his insight   that ability to look  into  a  situation  beyond  the obvious  and  discern  it's  outcome
Or a pilot's judgment

(As Tony and Carly walked in )

Carly: colonel   why not a pilot  without the plane

(Tony chuckles)

Rhodes: look who fell out  of  the sky
Mr. Tony stark  and  Ms. Carly Jones

(As Tony and Carly shake the soldiers hands)

Tony: hello sir   speaking of  manned or unmanned   you gotta get him (pointing at Rhodes) to tell you about  the time  he guessed wrong  at spring break 

Carly: yes  just remember  that  spring break  1987   that lovely lady  you woke up  with 

Rhodes: don't do that

Tony: what was his name

Rhodes: don't do that

Carly: was it  Ivan

Rhodes: don't do that    they'll believe it
Don't do that

(As the soliders laugh )

Tony/Carly: (in unison) okay

Rhodes: don't do that 

Carly: pleasure  meeting  you 

Rhodes: (looking at the soldiers) give us a  couple  minutes  guys

(As the soliders walk away  leaving the three friends to talk)

Rhodes: I'm surprised

Tony: why

Rhodes: I swear  I didn't  expect to see you both  walking around  so soon

Carly: we're doing  a  little better than walking

Rhodes: really

Tony: yeah  rhodey  me and Carly are working on  something big    we came to talk to  you   we want you to be a part of it

Rhodes: you both are about to make a whole  lot  of people  around here real happy  cause  that little  stunt  at the press conference   that was a doozy

Carly: this is not for the military  we're not       it's different

Rhodes: what   you both  humanitarians  now or something

Tony: we need you to listen to us

Rhodes: no  what  you   both need  is time  to  get  your mind's right
I'm serious

Tony: okay 

Carly: sure

Rhodes: it's nice seeing you Tony  Carly

Tony/Carly: (in unison) thank you

Cut to Tony's house in his workshop as Tony and Carly are at Tony's computer

Tony: Jarvis  you up

Jarvis: for you and Carly  always sir

Tony: we like to open two separate projects files  the first one index as mark 2

Carly: and the other index as mark 2.0

Jarvis: shall I store  this on  the stark&Jones  industries  central database 

Tony: actually  we don't know  who to trust  right now

(As both Tony and Carly open a hologram version  of  the suits. They made to escape the cave in Afghanistan)

Carly: till further notice   why don't we just  keep  everything  on  our private server

Jarvis: working on secret projects are we sir and ma'am

(As they take some parts off the holograms and place them into the trash)

Tony: we don't want this  winding up in the wrong hands

Carly: maybe  in our hands  it can actually  do some good

Cut to the Afghanistan desert as the ten rings soliders are searching the sands for the pieces of  Tony and Carly's disassembled suits  as one found two face plates  and  gives it to  general Raza  who is still alive  now  just badly burned  on half of his face

Cut back to Tony's house in Tony's workshop as  Tony and Carly are  working on  their own rocket boots as dummy was helping Tony

Tony: next  up   not in the boot  dummy
Right here   you got me   Stay put  nice
You're of no benefit  at all  move down to the toe  I got this     okay  I'm sorry 
Am I in your way     up   (tinkering on the boot)  screw it   don't even move
You are a tragedy

(As Tony and Carly saw both of their boots open  )

Cut to later as a camera was rolling as both Tony and Carly were wearing the rocket boots   holding  the remote for it
As dummy is holding  a fire extensor

Tony: okay  let's  do this  right 
Start  mark   half a meter  and  back and  center  (sighs)  dummy  look alive
You're on standby  for  fire safety
(Looking at the robot holding the camera)  you roll it

Carly: okay  activate  hand  controls

(As both boots started to power up)

Tony: we're gonna start  off nice and easy   we're gonna see if  10% thrust capacity  achieves  lift  and  three  two one

(As both Tony and Carly start the boots but go up too fast  hitting a wall and landing on the floor hard  as they both Groan in pain  as  dummy  uses the fire extensor on them )

Cut to later as Tony and Carly are on the computers  working on  the repulser gauntlet  for  the suits  as they're now  working on  the gauntlet trying to test it  as pepper walks in carrying a box and  two coffees

Tony: up two   all right  set that

Pepper: I've been Buzzing you guys  did you not hear the intercom 

Carly: yeah  everything's       what?

Pepper: Obadiah's  upstairs 

Tony/Carly: (in unison) great!  We'll be right up

Pepper: I thought you two were done making weapons 

Tony: it is   this is a  flight stabilizer
It's completely harmless

(As Tony powers it up it blasted him back in the wall )

Tony: didn't expect that

Carly: I did  about  40%

Cut to Tony and Carly went upstairs to talk with Obadiah as Obadiah was playing the piano

Tony: how'd  it go

(As they see a pizza box on the table)

Carly: it went that bad  huh

Obadiah: just because  I brought pizza
Back  from  New York   doesn't mean  it went  bad  

Tony: uh huh  sure it doesn't  oh boy

(As Tony and Carly grab a piece of pizza)

Obadiah: it would have gone  better  if you both  were there

Tony: uh huh   you told us  to lay low
That's  what  we've been doing

Carly: right  we lay low  and  you take care  of  all

Obadiah: oh hey  come on  in public  the press    this was a board of directors meeting

Tony: (sarcastically) this was the board of directors meeting      this was the board of directors meeting

Obadiah: the board  is  claiming  you both have  posttraumatic stress   they're filling an injunction 

Tony: a what

Obadiah: they want to lock you both out

Carly: why  cause  the stocks  dipped 
40 points    we knew  that was gonna happen 

Pepper: fifty six  and  a half

Tony: it doesn't matter!   We own the controlling  interest  in  the company

Obadiah: Tony  Carly   the board  has rights  too    they're making a case that
Both of you  And  your guy's new direction   isn't  in the company's  best interest

Tony: we're being responsible!  That's a new direction  for  me   for the company   I mean  me and  Carly  on the company's  behalf  being  responsible  for  the way  that  
This is  great 

(As Tony grabs the pizza box and he and Carly  head back downstairs )

Obadiah: oh  come on  Tony  Carly 

Carly: we'll be in the shop

Obadiah: hey  hey!  Hey  Tony   Carly
Listen   I'm trying  to  turn this around but  you both gotta give me something
Something  to  pitch them    let me have the engineers analyze  that  (pointing at their  arc reactors)  you know  draw up some specs

Tony: no no  absolutely not

Obadiah: it'll give me   a bone to throw the boys  in new York 

Carly: these stay with us   that's it Obie
Forget it

Obadiah: (grabbing the pizza box) all right  well   this stays  with me  then  go on here (opens the pizza box) you can have a  piece

Tony: we'll take two  (both Tony and Carly grab multiple pieces of pizza)

Obadiah: you mind  if  I  come down  there  and  see  what  you're both doing

Tony: good night  Obie

(As Tony and Carly go back downstairs to the workshop to keep working on the suits )

The end of chapter 3  let me know in the comments   what you want in the book or what  characters  I should put in

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