Intertwined Bloodlines (Blood...

By Sexyglamoruz

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Annika's life has been quite ordinary, despite having grown up among a werewolf pack as a human. But the tran... More

Copyright & Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 10
11: Siblings
12: Unveiling Secrets
14: An Ally's Gifts
15: Tensions Among Allies
16: Shattered Hearts
17: Intertwined Bloodlines
18: The Eye of the Storm
19: Heartbreaking Revelation
20: Allies now Foes
21: Finale

13: Son of the Nightshade Alphas

21 3 0
By Sexyglamoruz

Numerous voices clamored in Annika's ears. With a desperate cry, she placed her trembling hands over them, attempting to drown out all of them. It seemed as though every simple sound had been amplified to an unbearable volume.

"She is a threat to us all!"


Her eyes flickered open, locking onto electric blue ones. She attempted to muster a smile for her father, to no avail. "I can't control it."

"Of course you can."

The cacophonous noises reverberated in her head, causing it to throb. "It hurts... it hurts so much."

An arrow sliced through the air, and her father reached out to catch it, his fingers grasping nothing but empty space. The real arrow became visible inches from her, the tip nearly piercing her chest. Her gaze met Devyn's as he materialized before her, his fingers wrapped around the arrow's shaft.

"And I'm the enemy, right?" Before anyone could react, he launched the arrow through the air toward Emeric, who held the bow.

Harrison intercepted it and snapped it in half. "He is no enemy. He acted out of fear."

"Nothing but excuses."

When her father advanced, Annika stepped in front of Devyn, forcing him to an abrupt halt. Her father's eyes widened in surprise, but before Annika could utter a word, she found herself floating in darkness. In a matter of seconds, a dazzling light caused her to squeeze her eyes shut for a moment. As she reopened them, her body collided with a hard, unforgiving surface. She rolled to a stop and scrambled to her feet, her eyes darting around the unfamiliar surroundings, quickly realizing she was inside a cabin.

Devyn stood in the center of the room, as motionless as a statue, lost in thought.

"Take me back," she demanded.


"This is kidnapping!"

He moved closer to the wall, removed his necklace, and plunged the sharp crystal pendant into it. Aqua blue ink spilled from the pendant, cascading across the wall and transforming it into an arched door. Sapphire and teal hues swirled through the ink like a mesmerizing blend of the sea and flames.

"Go ahead, go back. Return and kill them all as you would have if I wouldn't haven't gotten there on time."

Annika remained frozen, uncertain of where it might lead. For all she knew, it could transport her deep into the abyss of the ocean. Her eyes darted toward the nearby door and took her chances. To her surprise, she managed to step through it before Devyn could stop her escape. However, her relief was short-lived. The door led her into Asthrien Forest, a place known as the Forest of Death.

Urgency gripped her as she moved through the ominous forest faster than she ever had before. With each step, a sinister cloud of black dust billowed into the air, assaulting her nostrils and making each breath a laborious struggle. Black ink coated her once-pristine gown as she compelled her aching feet to continue moving.

"Help me."

The plaintive cry echoed in the distance, its desperation tugging at Annika's heartstrings. She halted and turned toward the sound, taking one tentative step.

"Please, help me!"

She hesitated, her mind flooded with memories of the countless horror films she had endured alongside Scarlet and Frederick. Her heart continued to hammer against her aching chest as the chorus of distorted screams echoed around her, merging with bone-chilling, primal, animalistic sounds.

Wasting no more time, she burst into a run in the opposite direction of the haunting sounds. As an unsettling stillness descended upon the forest, she jogged to a sudden stop. Mist spilled across the forest floor, its tendrils rising all around her. From within the swirling fog, a nightmarish creature emerged, opening its enormous maw brimming with razor-sharp, snake-like teeth. Annika screeched at the top of her lungs as she whirled around. In her frantic attempt to flee, she tripped over an overgrown root, tumbling down a steep hillside and landing in a puddle of dark, inky substance.

A shriek tore from her lips as the substance spread over her forearm, searing her skin. Sharp blades grasped her shoulders, digging deep. Rivulets of blood trickled down her arms as she fought against the one holding her captive.

"Ann!" The illusion shattered, and she realized it was Devyn who held her. "Have you lost your mind? Only dark fae can walk through these woods without losing their sanity."

She attempted to break free from his hold, but he wouldn't budge. "I would rather lose my mind than be near you."

"What's with the sudden change?"

"I saw you—you attacked her in the woods!"

His eyes gave away his guilt. "I did, but what did you expect me to do? They trespassed into my territory uninvited. If it had been any other pack who had done what we did, no one would question them. Besides, I ordered them to leave Asthien Forest and never return. I showed them far more mercy than rogues have been shown by pack wolves."

"Let me go." He listened, only to sweep her up in his arms, carrying her in a bridal style. In the blink of an eye, they were back inside the cabin. As he set her back on her feet, she brushed away the errant locks of hair that had fallen over her face and tried to conceal the effects his touch had on her. "Don't touch me again."


"I want to go back, Devyn. This will lead to nothing good. My father--"

His eyes darkened. "I'm not afraid of your father, or anyone."

For what felt like an eternity, they held each other's gaze in a heavy silence. He raked a hand through his untamed curls before sighing. "Ann--"

"Why can't you understand that I'm mad at you? For months, I believed I was falling for Gregory. When in reality, it was you wearing his face. What was the purpose of deceiving me like that? Forget it, it doesn't even matter." She bridged the distance between them, glaring at him in the most threatening way she could manage. "You broke my trust, and I need time to think."

A faint smile tugged at his lips as he leaned closer. Surprised, she stepped back, her eyes widening. "You truly look adorable when you're angry."

"Devyn, I'm serious."

Laughter filled the room. "Jeez, just kiss and make up."

Annika whirled around to find a tall woman leaning against the wall opposite them. She gathered her long, lustrous, golden-bronze curls into a high bun before offering a friendly smile at Annika. "Hi, I'm Luna."

"Seriously?" Devyn remarked.

"Oh, was I supposed to give her a fake name? Well, too late now," she said, removing the mask she had been wearing.

Annika stared in utter disbelief at the woman Scarlet had informed her was currently dating Frederick. "Does Frederick know?"

Luna's hazel eyes flickered amber. "That I'm a rogue? Yes, but not that Devyn is my brother." She propped her hands on her hips. "So, for how long is she going to stay?"

"I haven't decided yet."

"Will this not further infuriate them?"

Devyn shrugged as he made his way into the open-concept kitchen. "I couldn't care less."

Leo and Gregory entered the cabin, coming to an abrupt halt the moment they spotted Annika. She hadn't expected them to seek refuge with Devyn after her father exiled them. Despite their different views on various matters, she had assumed they would return to their original pack for protection. Perhaps they knew that returning to their former pack could escalate tensions among their allies. If Emeric had supported them, it could have led to a challenge, or even worse, ignited war.

"What is she doing here?" Gregory asked.

"She lost control again, so I got her out of there," Devyn replied in a nonchalant tone, as if discussing the weather.

Gregory let out a soft growl. "Are you out of your mind? Take her back, now."

Devyn poured himself a black coffee, unbothered by Gregory's irritation. "No."

Annika couldn't help but smile at their bickering, a subtle reminder of her squabbles with her siblings. Despite their deep love for one another, it didn't mean they didn't occasionally engage in foolish arguments.

Her smile vanished as a searing pain engulfed her. Devyn slammed his mud on the counter, causing some of the coffee to spill over, and rushed to her side, gripping her upper arms. His eyes transformed into a sea of darkness, hues of amber flickering within.

"She left the house?" Gregory asked.

"She bolted out of here, okay," Luna answered.

A cry of agony escaped Annika as the pain intensified, her throat burning as though she had swallowed acid. She attempted to scratch at it, but Gregory bridged the distance between them and held her wrist, his gaze fixated on her elongated, c;law-like nails. Devyn's grip on her shoulders tightened, and a coldness filled her veins, easing the pain that wreaked havoc on her body. Black liquid materialized from within her skin and levitated into the air, resembling sparks of a fire before vanishing into thin air.

As Devyn released her, Gregory mirrored his actions and reached to steady Devyn, preventing him from stumbling to the floor. "How many times must I tell you not to overexert your powers?"

Devyn wrested himself free and collided with the wall, snarls escaping his lips as his obsidian eyes flickered amber. "Leaving that inside her would have driven her to madness." Without uttering another word, he stormed into an adjacent room, slamming the door shut behind him.

"What took you two so damn long?" Luna inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"We had to ensure we weren't being followed," Leo replied, his eyes fixated on the closed door of the room Devyn had entered. "Shouldn't she help him heal from that overuse of energy?"

Luna chortled. "Yeah, if you want them to end up having sex. He will be fine—" Her eyes welled up with tears. "He has recovered from far worse."

"Fine. When is she going back?" Leo asked.

Luna shrugged. "Devyn hasn't said."

"Can you please stop speaking as if I'm not right here?" Annika folded her arms across her chest. "Your father is at the pack house."

Leo's eyes darkened. "What the hell is he doing there?"

"Why are you even questioning it? He's obviously helping out since he is an ally." What other conceivable reason would he have for visiting Etris?

"My father never does anything without expecting to gain something in return."

"Maybe he is here to assist my father in discovering the one behind everything so that he can clear your name."

Without another word, Leo followed the path that Devyn had taken into the adjacent room.

"Are all of you going to continue to keep secrets from me?" When Luna and Gregory remained silent, Annika turned away from them, raising her hand to brush her hair back, but Gregory seized her wrist, studying her razor-sharp claws. "Werewolf or Vampire?"


"How is it possible for her to be half-vampire?" Luna's voice carried a mixture of disbelief and astonishment.

"Isn't it obvious?"

Luna let out a soft chuckle. "You know what I meant. Vampires would never dare mate with a Phoenix, and Zamora never mentioned anything of the sort."

"Who the hell is Zamora?"

Pin-drop silence.

"More secrets," Annika muttered, jerking her arm free as a hiss escaped her lips. "I've regained enough composure to return home."

"That doesn't guarantee that you won't lose control again. Perhaps you should consider staying here for at least a week."

"Hell no."

Luna grinned. "Is my brother's presence truly that repulsive?"

"I—I don't feel comfortable here."

"My brother gave you the option to leave, and you didn't take it."

Exhausted and lacking the energy to continue the conversation, Annika fell silent and sank into the large leather sofa. She reached out for a nearby throw pillow, clutching it to her chest, offering silent prayers to the goddess that hatred and overwhelming desperation to locate her did not consume her father. She knew him well; he would venture into the treacherous forest, not giving a damn if it drove him to madness. He would stop at nothing to locate her and ensure her safety.

"Am I allowed to make a phone call?" She glanced over her shoulder, only to realize Luna and Gregory had left. For a moment, she questioned how long she had been lost in her thoughts.

Her gaze drifted to her arm, remembering the black substance she had fallen into, and the excruciating pain it had inflicted upon her. Devyn had managed to remove it using his dark fae magic, just as her father had done with her mother. Yet Annika hadn't fallen into the same deep slumber as her mother had.

When she squeezed her eyes shut, tears dribbled down her cheeks. As a warm hand wiped them away, she leaned into the comforting touch, savoring the sweet sensations it evoked. She fluttered her eyelids open to meet piercing blue ones.

Devyn leaned his forehead on hers. "I hate seeing you cry." As he stood, he took her hands, and she rose to her feet. "Tell me what I can do to make you smile."

She withdrew her hands from his grasp and folded her arms around herself. "There's nothing you can do."

When he pulled her into a warm embrace, she yielded without resistance, relishing the feeling of safety that washed over her. His scent of lavender wafted into her nostrils, making her inhale. "You smell divine."

He pulled back enough for their gazes to meet for a moment, a faint smile gracing his even full lips. "You smell dive as well." Without hesitation, she rested her hand on the nape of his neck and pulled him down into a tender kiss that left her breathless.

"I'm glad to see you two have reconciled."

Her cheeks ablaze, Annika broke away from Devyn. Eyebrows arched, Luna stood at the front door, Gregory beside her.

Annika moved away from Devyn, her gaze dropping to the ground. "I haven't--"

"Oh, come on. It's okay if you forgive him." Luna's smile broadened. "I'm the same way with Frederick. Whenever we get into a disagreement, I can't stay mad at him."

"Do you love him?" Annika blurred out before she could stop herself.

Luna seemed to contemplate the question. "We've known each other for months before we started dating. I like him a lot, but it's not love yet." She held Annika's gaze. "Do you love my brother?"

Annika should have anticipated that the question would explode right in her face. "I'm attracted to him, but no. It's not love... How could I even know when all the months we've spent together, I believed I was with Gregory?"

"Wait—So, you have feelings for Gregory?"

"What? No..." The thought hadn't even crossed her mind. "I'm tired and would like to get some rest."

"Oh, sure. Avoid the conversation."

Annika struggled to restrain her smile as she headed to the sofa to get comfortable. As she did so, the front door opened and closed. When she glanced over her shoulder, she found only Luna in the room with her. "Where are they heading? Isn't it late?"

"Annika, just as an alpha, Devyn has numerous responsibilities. He has to ensure rogues traveling don't trespass into pack territory, so he goes out daily to check that the markings he has set haven't been knocked down by the wind or wild animals."

"Has someone crossed those markers?"

A shadow of pain flitted across Luna's face. "No. Most who travel have memorized the paths, but before Devyn set the markings up, there was a family on Ulfur Island who crossed into Theodore's territory."

Annika's eyes widened. "Devyn killed most of Theodore's warriors and left their heads on spikes for the alpha to find."

"After Theodore's warriors brutally murdered the single she-wolf who had accidentally strayed into his territory, along with her five pups." Luna scowled. "Your news outlets conveniently omitted those details in their articles where they portrayed my brother as a heartless monster." Luna closed her eyes and inhaled, delicate marks glowing sapphire around her temples before vanishing. "My brother is depicted in the worst possible light, but every action he has taken has been in retaliation." Her golden eyes met Annika's gaze. "For centuries, haven't pack wolves done the same? I suppose it's different when you find yourself on the receiving end."

In Etris, everyone had the inherent right to defend themselves against perceived threats. While some may argue that those warriors pose no threat to Devyn, werewolf law unequivocally granted him the authority to eliminate them all. They had mercilessly slaughtered an innocent mother and her children. In retaliation, Devyn ended the lives of six warriors.

"Would you like something to eat?" Luna offered.

"Thanks, but I'm not hungry."

"Well, I'm going to bed then." She strolled past Annika, tapping her shoulder from behind. "I'd suggest you sleep in my room, but unfortunately for you, if you have a nightmare, that fire of yours could turn me to toast." She grinned. "But no worries. I'm certain when my brother returns, he'll offer you his bed." She laughed when Annika's face heated up as if she stood too close to a blazing campfire.

Hours passed, and Annika's eyelids became too heavy, coaxing themselves to close. She flinched at the sound of the door clicking shut and jolted to her feet, whirling around to meet Gregory's deep cocoa-colored eyes. "Hey."

"Aren't you going to get some sleep?" he asked.

She settled back down on the sofa. "I'm trying to—Wait, where is Devyn?"

"He should be here in a few minutes." He joined her, taking a seat beside her and closing his eyes.

She allowed her gaze to linger on the familiar features she had admired for months, every detail etched into her memory. When his eyes reopened, she averted her gaze and bit her lip. Her mind became a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions as she recollected every moment she had spent with who she assumed had been Gregory.

"You know, I'm angry with you, too."

"With me?"

"Yes, with you." She shot him an accusing glare, and his smile broadened. "Both of you deceived me. Gregory, I thought I was growing close to you, not him." Her eyebrows furrowed in frustration. "Was it always him?" She recalled the moment she had lost control. In that instant, when he had touched her, she had felt no sparks.

"Of course not."

She was on the verge of asking another question when a yawn overtook her, her eyes feeling droopy. He chuckled beside her, the same sound that had warmed her heart for months, the sound that made her heart flutter. "Go to sleep, Ann."

"Hey, you clearly need some rest as well."

"Are you offering to join me in my bed?" Her mouth fell open before he laughed. "I'm only kidding."

"I have no intention of sharing a bed with either you or Devyn." She stared at her hands for a while. "By the way, where did Leo go?"

"He went home to collect some things. Don't worry about him. He can take care of himself."

"But shouldn't he speak with his father?"

She had expected him to say something, but he remained silent, taking her hand in his. To her surprise, the gesture might not have generated sparks within her, but it caused her heart to skip a beat. "Gregory..." Her voice drifted off as he grasped her chin and leaned in, his gaze lingering on her lips.

A door slamming shut jolted her, and she jerked away, jumping to her feet. Devyn stood at the front door, his expression far from pleased as their eyes locked. "Did I interrupt?"

Gregory appeared amused. "I'm going out for a run."

Once Gregory exited the cabin, Annika's heart began to beat out of control. As Devyn removed his shirt, he headed to a black door. When he opened it, it revealed a small powder room. Annika froze at the sight of the scar on his back, recalling when she had walked into Gregory's bedroom. That had been him, not Gregory.

She spun around and plopped back on the sofa, clutching the throw pillow to her chest, her nails transforming into razor-sharp claws that tore through the fabric. With a sigh, she set it aside. Tears formed in her eyes as Devyn stood before her, still shirtless.

He knelt in front of her and wiped away her tears. "I'm sorry for causing you so much pain."

His hand slid to the back of her head, pulling her closer so their foreheads touched. "I used Gregory's identity to get close to the council."

Her eyes met his. "Why? Is it because Leo's father imprisoned your--"

He stepped back, a snarl escaping his lips. "My reasons are not important."

Her gaze drifted to his chest, noticing he bore no mark. "You don't have a mark—how is that possible?"

"A simple spell."

"Never heard of a spell that can erase a wolf's mark, but I know some clones who don't have one."

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you implying that I'm a clone?" He chuckled, the sound like music to her ears. "Luna, along with everyone in my pack, doesn't have a mark."

She shrugged, a smile on her lips. "You could all be clones."

He laughed again. "So, do you plan to sleep on the sofa?"

She let out a nervous laugh. "Yes." The idea of sleeping on the sofa was far from appealing, but she feared that if she joined Devyn in the bed, she might not resist desiring more. The memory of her dreams flooded her mind, and warmth crept into her cheeks and ears.

Minutes later, he sauntered into her line of sight, clutching a blanket and pillow in his grasp. "Go get some rest."

She made an effort to wrestle them from his grip without success, which only ended up with them laughing. "I'm sleeping here."

"This sofa is far from comfortable—"

"Fine." Without speaking another word, she made her way into his room, leaving the door ajar. As she surveyed her surroundings, she couldn't help but notice the stark minimalism: a no-frills bed and a simple wooden dresser. She crept closer to the bed, her fingers gliding over the soft fabric of the clothes arranged on it. Obviously, Luna had left them there before retiring to her bedroom.

Wasting no time, she took a brisk shower and changed into fresh attire. As she settled onto the plush mattress, she caught a whiff of his enticing fragrance in the air. Within mere moments of closing her eyes, she succumbed to slumber, enveloped in a comforting sense of security.


The next morning, she fluttered her eyes open to be greeted by the dazzling sunlight that poured into the room. She inhaled deeply, loving the lingering scent of Devyn on the pillows and sheets.

A soft, melodious chuckle reached her ears, and she sat up. "Were you watching me sleep?"

"Of course not. I just came in to brush my teeth," he replied with a grin.

"Good. That would have been creepy," she quipped, her laughter naturally joining his. He headed into the bathroom as she heaved herself out of bed. She stood at the footboard, staring out the window beside it, taking in the view of the dense forest.

Today, she had to return home. Her family must be worried about her. For a moment, she studied her hands. What if she lost control once more and harmed someone she cherished? She couldn't bear the thought.

As she scanned the room, her eyes widened, a vivid memory from one of her dreams surging toward the forefront of her mind. Strong hands alighted on her hips, and she whirled around, pushing Devyn back.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, a note of concern in his voice.

"I've dreamt of this moment before."

A mischievous smile played on his lips as he arched an eyebrow. "What kind of dream?" With a gentle yet firm grip, he seized her wrist and drew her closer. She met his unwavering gaze and held it, striving to ignore the powerful effects of their closeness.

She raised her hand and trailed her fingers along the edges of his mask, but he stopped her before she could attempt to remove it. "You don't trust me?"

"Of course, I trust you."

"If you truly did, you wouldn't be afraid to reveal your identity to me."

He remained silent.

"Devyn, please. No more secrets."

"My reasoning for wearing this is more than just to protect my identity."

He trailed a finger over her lips, making her eyelids flutter close for a moment. When he brushed his lips over hers, waves of heat surged through her body. She almost lost all control as he left a trail of open-mouth kisses along her neck. He slid a hand under her shirt, and she gasped, not expecting all the divine sensations to amplify. She became lightheaded, her heart beating too fast at his gentle, warm caress.

He scooped her up in his arms, and joyous laughter bubbled from her lips as they tumbled onto the plush mattress. "We're not done talking."

"We can talk all you want later." Soft kisses down her neck set her skin ablaze. Her eyes widened when she realized the fire flowing through her arms.

"Wait," she said breathlessly.

Devyn noticed as well and grinned. "I'm not afraid of a little fire." His eyes flickered amber before his lips claimed hers in a slow, tender kiss that melted her in his arms. Her face flamed when he unbuttoned her blouse. The sensations bombarding her made it difficult to control not only her breathing but also her erratic heart. A low sound escaped her lips as he focused his attention on her breasts before venturing lower, planting soft kisses on her abdomen.

A sudden, urgent knock reverberated through the door, but he ignored it, his fingers finding the waistband of her shorts. The knocks became more frantic, and he paused, a soft golden hue consuming his eyes, indicating to Annika that someone connected with him through telepathy.

A guttural snarl erupted from his lips as his eyes darkened. The sheer malevolence etched onto his features sent shivers down her spine. He appeared ready to murder someone. Desiring to calm him down to whatever distressing news he had received, she cradled his face in her hand and kissed him deeply. As the feverish kiss became out of control, he grabbed a fistful of her hair and tugged on it lightly. By the time it ended, both were breathless.

Devyn got off Annika and stormed out of the room. Annika buttoned her shirt as she followed suit. She stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of Luna limping away from Gregory, insisting that she was perfectly fine and that everyone was overreacting.

But she couldn't even fool Annika. The blood saturating her top would have proven fatal for a human. Despite wolves being capable of enduring life-threatening injuries, if their wounds didn't heal, just like any human, they would bleed to death.

"Why aren't you healing?" Annika asked.

"I am," Luna replied, her words strained. "It's simply taking longer than expected."

Devyn spoke in a language Annika couldn't comprehend, his tone laced with desperation. Luna removed the mask she had been wearing, revealing a sweat-slicked face. She pressed her other hand over the laceration on the side of her torso, wincing. "I'm sorry. I know you said this was foolish—that they would never accept our love." As she stumbled toward the kitchen counter, Devyn caught her before she could collapse. She clung to the counter for support, her breathing rapid and shallow. "But I love him."

Tears welled up in Devyn's eyes as he averted his gaze from Luna's vulnerable state. "It's my fault," he whispered, his voice heavy with guilt. "But don't worry. I'm going to make him regret it." His words took on a deeper, more menacing tone as he spoke.

"No," Luna exclaimed, reaching out, but crumbled to the floor. "Devyn! Don't! This will lead to a war--"

Devyn whirled around, the surrounding air darkening. "He attacked you! How do you expect me to react? I've shown them far too much leniency! They don't deserve such mercy!"

When he moved to leave, Gregory and Leo attempted to block his path, but one look and an invisible force stopped them in their tracks and brought them to their knees. Luna positioned herself between Devyn and the front door. As Devyn's obsidian eyes bore into hers, it felt as though the surrounding air had been sucked away, leaving her gasping for breath, her chest constricting with an agonizing pressure. Despite the agonizing pain, when he moved to leave, Annika seized his arm, not hearing Luna's warning in time.

The instant her fingers made contact with his warm skin, she sensed her energy being siphoned away. Sharp needles pierced her chest, the searing pain intensifying with every passing second. Luna yanked her away from Devyn, and as Annika stumbled, desperately attempting to draw air into her lungs, Luna snarled, her marks adorning her body flickering to view. They glistened with a soft scarlet hue against her rich brown skin.

"Calm down, brother—you nearly killed your fucking mate!"

Devyn seemed to snap back to reality and rushed to Annika's side, his concern evident. Annika's gaze fixated on his glowing golden marks, bearing an uncanny resemblance to her father's in every intricate detail. It shouldn't have surprised her that Luna possessed them as well. After all, it was a common trait among faeries.

"Forgive me," Devyn whispered.

"I'm fine," Annika assured him.

"I'm so sorry," Luna began mumbling. "It's my fault. I should have known they would have warriors watching their every move. When Frederick showed up in the meadow, moments later, they had us surrounded. He was ready to protect me, but I used my gift and compelled him to not intervene. If he had, they would have hurt him—I'm so sorry."

Gregory hugged Luna. "This isn't your fault."

"I'm going to speak with my father." Leo made a move to leave, but Devyn blocked his path, a storm brewing in his eyes.

"I should have killed your father when I had the chance."

A menacing growl rumbled in Leo's chest before he grabbed Devyn by the shirt. "I'll never let you hurt him. Even after everything he has done, he's still my father."

With a powerful shove, Devyn propelled Leo against the wall, a thunderous impact that left Annika half-expecting the wall to crumble under the force.

Gregory moved to intervene, but Luna pulled him away as Leo launched himself at Devyn. His clenched fist actually made contact with Devyn's jaw. As Devyn wiped the trickle of blood from his lip, his once-blue eyes transformed into obsidian orbs of rage. In a matter of seconds, he dominated Leo, the sound of blows connecting, accompanied by a gruesome splatter of blood that painted their surroundings.

Annika moved forward but halted. Devyn stopped his relentless assault and fixed a look of pure disgust on Leo. "You've seen the horrible things your father has done, and still, you protect him," Devyn spat out, his voice laced with venomous disdain. He let out a bone-chilling growl that seemed to reverberate through the room. "He slaughtered everyone—everyone I fucking called family! He imprisoned my father simply for gaining too many adherents in a short time. He was terrified of losing control over Snow Haven."

Annika remained silent, understanding both sides. If someone harmed her family, she too would thirst for vengeance. However, she also understood Leo's perspective. Her father harbored a dark power within him. If that ever took over completely, turning him into a heartless ruler, she doubted she could stand idly by and watch someone murder him.

"I don't care what he has done! I won't let you hurt him!"

Annika stepped back, expecting Leo to transform into a wolf in a fit of anger, but instead, his skin paled a couple of shades. Intricate black lines emanated from his fingertips, snaking their way across his body. This time, when he fought Devyn, they were equally in power and speed.

"Stop!" Luna shouted. "The man you call father killed your mother!"

Leo froze, his eyes widening, slowly turning pitch black.

"How do you think he captured our father?" Luna continued. "He used her as bait and killed her right before his eyes."

Leo shook his head in disbelief. "How could you possibly know that?"

Luna fought back tears as she held his gaze. "Devyn and I went after our father to stop him—we knew it was a damn trap. When we arrived, your father had already killed her and captured our father. We tried to help him, but we failed, and I ended up... badly hurt." She wiped away her tears, her voice quivering with sorrow. "Your father is the reason those we considered family are dead—because of him, Devyn had to sacrifice half his soul to save me! He is the reason your mother is dead!"

What did she mean by "half his soul"? Annika's eyes widened as she met Devyn's gaze. In the world of werewolves, their other half was, technically, their wolf spirit. No one had ever witnessed Devyn shift. But, if a wolf ever became separated from their wolf spirit, it was said to drive them to madness.

A borrowing scream erupted from Leo's lips as he shook his head, clutching one hand over half his face as he sank to his knees. A gasp escaped Annika's lips when bat-like wings tore through his shirt. As he lowered his trembling hand, his left eye gleamed with a deep scarlet hue, while the other shone amber, black lightning flickering within it.

A profound silence consumed the room.

"You—you're one of my parent's lost children," Annika finally stammered out.

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