Attack on Titan: Core

By Fate-Turner72022

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This is the story of a man who has knowledge about his Gundam. A player of GBN, until when he was about to en... More

Chapter 1: The Dark Angel's Mission
Chapter 2: The Falling Star
Chapter 3: The Pilot (The Fall of Shiganshina 1/2)
Chapter 4: Mechanical Titan (The Fall of Shiganshina 2/2)
Chapter 5: The Light of the Gundam (Humanity's Rerise 1/2)
Chapter 6: Road to Graduation & the Colossal Peeper (Humanity's Rerise 2/2)
Chapter 7: The Miracle's Return (Struggle for Trost 1/9)
Chapter 8: The Girl's Envision (Struggle for Trost 2/9)
Chapter 9: The Small Blade, The Coward, and the Chance (Struggle for Trost 3/9)
Chapter 10: The Heartbeat of the Gundam and Human (Struggle for Trost 4/9)
Chapter 11: The Theory of Left Arm and 00 Core (War at Trost 5/9)
Chapter 12: Response of the Super Soldier (War for Trost 6/9)
Chapter 13: Example (War for Trost 7/9)
Chapter 14: Wounds and Scars of Battles (War for Trost 8/9)
Chapter 15: Desire of the Chosen Ones (War for Trost Finale)
(Opening 2) Ash Like Snow
Chapter 16: Gundam's Trial
Need opinions
Another one
Chapter 17: Gundam Spec Ops
Chapter 18: Purpose and the Expedition
Catastrophic Threat (Female Titan Arc Teaser)
Chapter 19: Titanic Arrivals
Chapter 21: Secrets and Armors
Chapter 22: Decisive Battle
Chapter 23: The Defeated and the Retaliated
Chapter 24: Soldier's Serenity & Revelation
Climax Season 1 Short Trailer: Monstrous Catastrophe
Chapter 25: Monsters
Chapter Epilogue (Season 1): Angels and Demons
Y/n & 00 CORE
Interlude: Sieging Mysteries

Chapter 20: Biting the Rage of Dusts

469 15 3
By Fate-Turner72022

The Scout Regiment has now begun its 57th expedition outside the Walls. Their mission is to get to Wall Maria and reclaim it, but also go to Eren's home in Shiganshina and unveil the secret to the Titan's extinction.

Their positions are planned by the Scouts but each position holds a secret purpose for it that only the elites and myself are known.

However, we encounter a new variant of Titan who has joined in the expedition's path to stop them. A Female Titan looking for something for her purpose while also mowing down anyone in her way. Well... that is until she saw Armin, Jean & Reiner's face from under our hoods.

I arrived just in time to take care of things and fought her. But to make things even worse than the Titans, a new calamity has awakened and it will spare no time killing everyone on this planet.

*opening 2 plays*

11 AM

Somewhere in the open fields, Jean is whistling loudly to call his horse from afar. Reiner is treating Armin's head from that impact when the female Titan tripped him. The impact almost caused a concussion to his head and life-threatening injury.

Reiner: Well, Armin? Does younger gear still work?

Armin: Seems like it. The latch disconnected properly, so it's not broken.

Reiner: I see. Good to hear. But what'll we do now? Or to be precise what is that?

Armin: I don't know. But it doesn't look like it's from Y/n's and it has a loud roar.

Armin remembered the time they saw that massive beam and a roar erupted from it. This makes her scared a little bit because she's still in pain from the injury.

Suddenly they saw something approaching them from above. It was the 00 meaning it was Y/n.

It landed slowly to the ground and it knelt before the cockpit doors opened. Y/n comes out and starts to tend to them with Mina coming out from the cockpit.

Jean; Y/n, Mina! I'm glad you're alright! What happened to your line?

Mina: Our line has been destroyed thanks to the Titans and also included that beam. We got hit by that beam, and I was the only survivor. It wouldn't have been a miracle without Y/n arriving.

Mina looks at Y/n who is thinking deeply about that beam.

Y/n; 'That beam... If they are here, how many more of them have been thrown here?'

Jean: Y/n, are you okay?

Y/n: Oh... I'm sorry, I was just thinking about the beam that destroyed Mina's squad. However, it looks like you are all stuck here with only Reiner's horse as a transport.

Reiner: Yeah, if Jean's horse comes back we can all get moving...

Jean just looks at the four in grim and Y/n looks back at Jean.

Y/n: Jean, if you're thinking what I think you would do. No. Not with that thing that fired the beam is on the loose.

Armin: What was that thing anyway?

Y/n just looks back at them in silence.

Armin: Y/n, you know what it is don't you?

Reiner: If so, what is it?

Y/n can't reveal the name as they haven't seen what horrors it would do to everyone on this planet.

Y/n: I'm sorry, I can't.

Jean: You've gotta be kidding me. Mina, do you?

Mina shakes her head not even knowing what it is.

Mina: I don't know either, even he couldn't tell because... From the looks of it, he can see its horrors.

Reiner scratched the back of his head and sighs.

Reiner: You know what, we don't need the details. Just tell us what your description is about that thing.

Y/n just sighs internally and tells them

Y/n: It's a living being that will wipe out every living being in this world much quicker than the Titans we saw right now. Heck, not even that Female Titan or any Titan would survive from its potential. 'But I guess the Colossal might just be the only thing left...'

They gasped in horror when he said about it. They began to imagine what that thing could possibly do to humanity.

Y/n: So that's why... *fires a purple flare* 'I'm going after the two. If it's really targeting Eren and any human beings it can see, I need to get the word out.'

Jean was flabbergasted at what he's gonna do.

Jean: Wait, don't tell me-?!

Armin: You know you can't make it. That Titan's intelligent, remember? If what you said is true about that enemy you talked about, it's a lot more dangerous than a regular Titan.

Reiner: Wait, what about our horses? We have to wait for our horses to get back in the fight.

Y/n: 'Looks like it won't change their choices...'

Y/n then immediately jumps back into the Gundam and Armin begs out to him.

Armin: Without any backup?! You can't!

Reiner: Y/n, please take it easy! We don't want you to go off alone into the jaws of certain death!

Y/n: Sorry, Reiner. But with that thing on the loose I can't let it destroy everything. Mina, wait for someone to come by for you all! I'm going on ahead to inform Levi!

Mina: Wait, Y/n-

But she was too late to say anything as the Gundam left at quick speeds.

Reiner: Then... We'll wait 3 more minutes, then we'll decide who stays.

Armin: I will. But in exchange, there's something I want you to report in my stead. If possible, to Commander Erwin alone.

Jean: Hang on, Armin. Looks like you'll be able to tell him yourself.

Mina: He's right. Someone managed to find his flare. With two horses in tow.

They squint their eyes to look closer at who it is.

Jean: That's... Krista!

It was Krista on her horse with two more spare horses at hand.

Krista: Hey guys! Are you all right?!

Y/n is now flying at low speeds to quickly find Eren and the others. But suddenly he saw multiple small black machines hovering at great speeds and started devouring on the Titans whether Abnormal or not.

Y/n: Plumas...

Y/n started to get down there and began to demolish them.

Back to Armin's situation, Krista lent them her horses she found.

Jean: It's my horse! Whoa, easy now! Calm down, Bufpart.

Krista: I saw it was extremely panicked when it ran to me. Did you fight a Titan?

Mina: A little... But they do.

Krista saw the bandage on her head and got worried even more.

Krista: Armin! That injury... Are you okay?

Armin: Yeah, somehow.

Krista then heard Reiner thanking her.

Reiner: I'm glad Y/n's smoke signal got through to you.

Krista: I happened to be nearby, and Jean's horse was with me.

Reiner: I guess even horses seem fond of you, so I think you have some special charisma. You saved us.

Krista teared up and calmed down.

Krista: Anyways, we need to hurry back to the formation.

Jean:  Oh right. Withdrawal orders should be relayed soon.

They began to ride back to the formation as they talked about how this expedition went downhill went way too quickly. Suddenly they saw green flares firing surprising them that the expedition continues.

Jean: A green smoke signal?!

Armin: Look's like the operation's continuing with just a change in direction.

Krista: No way. Shouldn't we be withdrawing?

Jean: What the hell's going on to Erwin's head?!

Reiner: Every soldier should have the authority to determine that the mission is impossible to continue. Don't tell me the command squad didn't see the smoke signals.

Armin: Whatever the reason is, it's obvious what we should do next. Let's obey the order. For Y/n might be as well doing the same too.

He fires the green smoke signal in response as they continued running.

Krista: Wait, speaking of Y/n, where is he?

Mina: He already left. Possibly going after that thing.

Krista: "That thing"?

Mina: The one who fired a massive beam up to the sky, he might need to finish it off before it gets any worse.

To the 00's position, he first attacked the Pluma on the Aberrant's head with his Arondight Sword downwards. Pushing every Pluma away and also the dead Titans. Suddenly the Pluma starts to take the jump to the Gundam but it is easily deflected with its GN Field from the GN Drives making it pushed back to the ground.

Suddenly multiple Plumas starts to gather around the 00 and he puts his other hand to the handle and he starts to massacre every Plumas in his way.

Y/n: HAAAAH!!!

Y/n mowed down every single Pluma cockroach he could see in his path. When he's done, he gets out of the cockpit and sees the massacre Plumas made to the Titans and Scouts.

Y/n: Steamin' Hell...

As far as the eye can see, it's all nothing but rusted metals, blood and gore. He then saw multiple green flares at his right side. He fires the green smoke in response.

Y/n: 'I hope you know what's going on right now, Erwin!'

Meanwhile at the center rear, Eren and the others saw this.

Levi: Green smoke signal. Oluo, you fire it.

Oluo: Roger that.

Eren began to thought himself

Eren: 'It seems like everything's going smoothly for now. However is that really the case? Couldn't there be casualties in the vanguard already?'

A Scouting team reported suddenly to Levi.

???: Reporting in! It's an operation report! The right flank's scouts have suffered heavy losses! Scouting ability is crippled! Please relay this report to the left!

Levi then saw the reporting Scout leave and looks at Petra.

Levi: Hear that, Petra? Go!

Petra: Yes, sir!

Petra then goes the other way as Eren has heard from the Scout reporting.

Eren: 'The right flank? That's where Armin is. But Armin and the others should be positioned near the center. The Titans shouldn't be that far in. And where is-'

He then saw multiple black smoke flares firing meaning an Abnormal is close.

Eren: 'A black smoke?' An Abnormal!

Levi: Eren, you fire it.

Eren: Y-Yes, sir!

Levi keeps looking forward to where they are going as the stress of what's happening escalates.

Levi: What a mess. We let them too far into the formation.

Eren then fires the black smoke flare to respond back to the team in the vicinity.

Eren: 'The Titans are right over there. Whoever is fighting under that smoke signal.'

Suddenly they saw someone fire a pink beam from behind, meaning it's a special alert from him. Y/n arrived and informed them.

Y/n: I got bad news, Levi and you ain't gonna like it. Remember the loud noise that we heard? It has its own army trying to find us or that Abnormal.

Gunther: Wait, what?

Y/n: But for now, keep going to East. I'll inform Erwin about this situation as well.

Y/n goes on ahead as everyone is just continuing its route towards where Erwin is going. He then saw continuous green flares directing to the east. The Female Titan saw it too and went on towards East. The other Scouts were informed about what's happening.

???: We've been heading East for a while now.

???: The old town area should be to the south though.

The other Scouts know where they're going now towards the East.

???: At this rate, we'll run straight there.

???: Yeah, it's in plain sight now.

Y/n sees Erwin's location and where it is going through the map, and zooms out to see where it's heading.

Y/n: I knew it. He's going towards there. The year where they saw this form for the 3rd time.

Y/n: The forest of giant trees.

Right as he was about to enter a Pluma suddenly erupted from the ground and tries to bite the 00's head. However though it was futile when he ignites the Beam Saber through it's body before it was cut in half.

In Erwin's squad, he saw the forest and mutters about the recent happenings.

Erwin: Looks like Titans have passed through here. There's nothing growing on the road.

His team kept going and continued to think about his plan.

Erwin: The wagons should have no problem.

He then ordered his men about the next course of action.

Erwin: Relay this to the rear. Only the center line- the wagon escort squad- and the Gundam will enter the forest.

Squad: Yes, sir!

The two left remaining the three continuing on. He then heard the silent Gundam hovering above them.

Y/n: So, Erwin. Is this your plan? You know, we're both gonna get an earful to this.

Erwin: Just trust me on this. Besides I saw your pink beam signal meaning something else is out here besides that Abnormal.

A few minutes later

Sasha on the other hand can see the wagon team entering the forest.

Sasha: Umm, Squad Leader. It looks like the center line is following the forest path. At this rate, we'll run into the forest.

The squad leader ordered her about the next plan.

???: We're going around.

Sasha: Y-Yes, sir!

Sasha is still confused about the center line going in the forest but she lets go of it and goes around.

The other squad also starts to go around the forest.

Jean: Come on. Why are we at a tourist hotspot? This is nowhere near the destination or our starting point.

Armin: I have no idea either, but it was Commander Erwin's decision. I suspect there's a reason for it.

Jean: And just what would that be? Is he planning to hold a welcoming party for us new recruits or something?

Armin: No, I doubt that's it.

Jean: Hey, I was joking. Either way, that giant woman's after us. No matter the reason, we can't afford to stop here. We'd be crazy to do anything but pass through here to head elsewhere.

Just then they heard an order from someone on the Scouts.

???: All soldiers, halt!

They rendezvous with the Captain of their squad.

???: All right, recruits. Listen up! We'll position ourselves to intercept. Draw your blades and wait in the treetops. If a Titan attempts to enter the forest, stop it at all costs!

Jean: Huh? But, Squad Leader, why-

???: Arlert! Your Gundam friend requested me to hand this over to you!

He then throws a cord with a strange device that fits to his ear and it connects to a black box of some kind with numbers and a antenna and a note saying "only press buttons here" pointing towards the the symbols of + and - near it and a button that only creates a sound of feedback towards an ear piece.

???: Use it to inform the situation here towards his position! Now just shut up and obey orders!

They didn't give them any words as he got to his position on the branches.

Jean: Are you serious?

Mina: What the hell's he planning now?

Armin tries to figure out what this strange contraption is as he looks at it.

Meanwhile, Connie and Mikasa have received reports of it as well. Mikasa is calm as usual and Connie is getting problematic about it.

Connie: H-Hey, Mikasa. Only the center line entered the forest, so what happened to the formation?

Mikasa: It's been abandoned. Every other line's squads have no other choice but to go around the forest. Scouting is also no longer an option.

Connie: Then why didn't we change course to avoid the forest? Did Commander Erwin misread the map?

Mikasa: I don't know. We may have been cornered here because of the threats on the right flank and that loud roar coming from nowhere.

Mikasa still remembers that loud roar in her head. But suddenly flashes of memory start to visualize in her head.


A blurring figure with red crackles assuming it's the eye of the figure fighting a white and orange figure with the same loud noise with its pink light and tail of some kind.


Mikasa: 'Eren...'

When they get there, all of the scouts and recruits in the forest are lined up to the branches secretly keeping an eye out for things.

Meanwhile, Jean is just disagreeing with this insane order while Armin scolds him while he's figuring out how to make this work.

He then saw that curved piece that the black box is connected to and tried to fit it into his ear and it was surprisingly fitted.

He then heard a voice talking through the box and it startled them a little bit.

Y/n: This is Y/n, how copy?

They were pretty disturbed from this as his voice continued to call out to Armin.

Y/n: Armin? If you can hear me press the red button there.

Armin then searches it up and finds it. Y/n then receives the answer from him

Armin: I'm here. What is it?

Y/n: Phew. Thought that coms device was handed over to somebody else and we lost you.

Armin looks at the others which were surprised about this communications device he has.

Y/n: You alright?

He replies to him as he pushes the button again.

Armin: I'm fine.

Y/n: Let's find out how fine it is. Keep your blood in, you're gonna need it.

Armin: G-Got it.

A long silence passed that everyone is just curious at the device Armin's holding on. 

Y/n: Tell me about your situation there.

Just as he was about to say something, they heard a loud alert from a soldier and it can be heard from Y/n's coms.

???: 5-meter class ahead.

Y/n: I guess that means you're all in position just like what they ordered you to do?

Armin: Y/n... Why did Commander Erwin lead the formation here? What is he planning?

Y/n: That... is something you need to piece it by yourself. Now I gotta go, otherwise a Titan is gonna sneak up on me while I'm talking to you. If anyone can hear me, stand by to your positions for now. 

Y/n's orders are completely insane as they were troubled by the looks on their faces.

Y/n: I would bet from the sound of that scream it's gonna attract the Titan's attention nearby. Even the thing that fired the pink beam or it's goons can attract it, too. You won't survive at that point if you fight them all. Also, Armin. After this, return that to me.

Y/n ends the call line and he starts to think about what is going on as Y/n told him to. Others are in complete shock almost as if his orders were basically for what's going on right now which it makes it even more confusing.

Armin: 'There's something more urgent at hand... Like that Female Titan is searching for Eren. I'm pretty sure the Commander and Y/n knows that. That'll be my assumption, and I'll start from there.'

In Eren's position, Eren asked about what's going on.

Eren: Captain! Captain Levi!

Levi: What?

Eren: "What", you say? This is a forest! If only the center line enters the forest like this, we won't know if a Titan is approaching! It seems like something's coming from the right, but how will we avoid it or protect the wagons?

Levi: Quit whining about the obvious. There's clearly no way we can do either of those.

Ere: Then why?

Levi: Take a good look around us, Eren. These ridiculously giant trees.

Eren looks at the giant trees that are filled with opportunities and as Levi explains more.

Levi: It's the ideal environment for using the ODM gear. It's also an advantage for Y/n's Gundam since it can become invisible to its surroundings and surprise the enemy. Also think about it, with that unremarkable brain of yours. If you don't want to die, keep your mind alert.

Eren: Yes, sir!

Eren is slowly learning the ways of survival, being tactical and smart at these kinds of operations since he's just a new recruit and under watchful eyes of Levi Squad.

Eren saw the faces of the Levi squad when he checked up on them.

Oluo: What the hell? Quit screwing with me. Seriously, what are we doing? Just what's going on?

Petra, Gunther, all of them are just as confused as the others about what's their next plan and the situation. Except the leader himself as he heard about Y/n's report of the situation.

Y/n is bothered by the situation. If the one who's inside that laser cannon fires again or rather moves towards their position, they're brutally done for.

Armin: 'The Female Titan is pursuing Eren, If that and Y/n's hypothesis is correct, there can only be one reason we're here. They're planning to deal with-'

Jean: Hey, Armin. The orders from him are to stay in our positions, right?

Jean looks troubled from where he's looking so Armin looks to where he's looking. Only to meet his eyes by a massive Titan group trying to catch them from the branch.

Jean: So basically, there's no reason to fight them, right?They all just looked down at the slowing increase of the Titans.

Nearby the quiet forest, Y/n is just hiding behind a tree with a Scout on top of its branches.

Then they heard loud footsteps and saw the Female Titan who slowed down and suddenly stopped.

Y/n: What's it doing?

Y/n leaned and saw the Female Titan just standing there. Not moving at all. Until suddenly, its gaze focused behind her. To Y/n who was discovered and clicked its tongue.

Y/n: 'Busted!'

Y/n dodged an incoming attack from her and the Scout was away already from the tree branch he's standing on as he fired the black smoke flare. Nearby is the Levi squad which noticed the black smoke flare.

Eren: A black smoke signal!

Gunther: Right behind us, too!

Eld: It's the thing that came from the right, huh?

It proved his assumptions right when they heard trees falling nearby. Levi then gave the order.

Levi: Everyone, draw your blades. *unsheathes his sword* It'll be over in an instant once it appears.

Everyone is tense from this and the pressure starts to build up from his order. As they were running, they saw a Scout coming out from the trees. It was the same Scout near from Y/n's position a moment ago.

Eren saw it and was surprised, meanwhile Levi had an inner feeling that they should continue running and not fight it. Which it was proved right when the female Titan immediately appeared and squished that Scout with Y/n on its tail.

Y/n: Dammit.

Eren was horrified and the whole squad started to run and not engage it.

Levi: Go, move it!

Everyone is terrified when it appears as Y/n narrowly dodges a hit from it. The whole squad starts to make their horses run faster when the Female Titan easily destroys the tree and Y/n positioned over the team's heads.

Y/n: 'I can't fire my beam rifles here. That thing might be close by and starts to wake up... and starts to run loose...'

Eren can see its sadistic grin and it horrifies him. Y/n is just gritting his teeth from this Titan as he can see its sadistic gaze too. A gaze of which she has her target right in her sights.

Eren: 'It's fast!'

Gunther: There's no way to avoid it in this forest!

Eld: It's catching up!

Oluo: Why is Y/n not fighting it?!

Petra: Captain, let's switch to ODM gear! Captain!

Levi: 'The hell... This is different than just any Abnormal'

He is not responding from her pleas as he looks close to what the heck is chasing them. Two more Scouts appeared behind her.

Scout: You're not getting away!

Petra: Reinforcements from the rear!

Y/n: Wait, don't engage it! 

The Scouts didn't listen as one of them was caught on the wire by the Female Titan's grasp and got squished to death by its shoulder ram on a tree and the other was pulled from the wire and got crushed on its grasps.

The squad is terrified from its easy kills. Y/n mutters.

Y/n: Idiots...

Petra starts to panic.

Petra: Captain, orders!

Oluo: Let us do it! It's too dangerous! We should handle this ourselves!

Eld starts to get his blades.

Eld: I'll rip it to shreds.

Eren just looks at the Female Titan with a grin.

Eren: 'Idiot! It's just asking to be killed. The ones you're chasing are a group of Titan-slaying experts!'

But when he looks at Levi and Y/n, he notices that their weapons are in their holsters.

Eren: 'Captain Levi, Y/n?!'

Petra: Captain!

Oluo: Please give us orders!

Eld: It'll catch up at this rate!

Gunther: We'll kill it here!

Y/n is hiding its frustrations from the start of the Female Titan's appearance and the laser issuel but right now he couldn't do it anymore. He frustratedly sighs and tells them.

Y/n: We can't! Not with its pure intellect! You guys want orders! Then we'll give you one! Levi, you still have it?!

Levi: Yep.

Levi attached a secret flare ammo to his gun and Y/n pressed his GP Base device to call on something from his ship.

Levi: Everyone, cover your ears!

Levi then fires his flare above as it creates a sonic screech creating tinnitus in their ears. Y/n responses with his as a sonic screech was made together. It may not look like it but the Titan's ear was almost flinch from the pain including Shifter inside.

Eren: A sound blast?

Levi: What are your jobs? Do they involve getting overwhelmed by fickle emotions? That shouldn't be the case. Our squad's duty is to keep this brat from getting a single scratch on him. Even if it costs our lives.

Y/n advises them.

Y/n: We keep going. I have this experience too. I know it's scary or horrifying. But we got to continue on. Just trust me, Levi and Erwin. Got it?!

Petra: Yes, sir!

Eren: Flee? To where?! It's already right on our tails.

Eren suddenly saw its reinforcements being idiots again with good reason.

Eren: Reinforcements! They'll get killed if we don't do something!

Gunther: Eren! Face forward!

Eren: Gunther!

Eld: Don't slow down! Keep going full speed

Eren: Eld! Why?! If we, the Levi Squad, don't stop it, who's going to?!

Petra: Eren, face forward and keep going!

Eren: So you're telling me to turn a blind eye?! You want me to run, leaving a comrade to die?!

Petra: Yes! Obey the Captain's orders! Your friend knows this too so just trust him as well!

Eren: I don't see why we have to abandon him! I don't get why you won't explain it either!

Oluo: It's because he decided against it! You don't understand because you're a newbie! If you do, shut up and obey!

Eren is gritting his teeth in frustration of what to do. Until something clicked on his mind.

Eren: 'Wait...'

Eren puts his blades back and looks at his hand.

Eren: 'I can fight it, even alone, can't I?'

He can transform into a Titan to fight her as an option. He tries to bite it but he is stopped by Petra.

Petra: Eren, what are you doing?! That should only be done when your life is in grave danger. Didn't you promise us that? And you Vice Captain Y/n, why are you near your weapon?! Didn't you say there's another enemy nearby?!

Eren is hesitating at this point including Y/n. He doesn't want to admit it but the Gundam's left hand is near the Launcher. Which means he can engage her with the cost of the beam to be fired once more and awaken it. Or keep going too. Levi interjects on what they're doing as time slows down.

Levi: You two are not in the wrong. Feel free to do it. It's clear to me. They're true monsters. Not because of their abilities. No matter how hard you try to hold them down or lock him up... Forcing their minds into submission is an impossible task.

He can remember their reasons for why they wanted to join the Survey Corps.

Eren: I want to slaughter some Titans!

Y/n: I will keep moving forward and fighting in their names and for the better future of mankind in this twisted world until the day I perish as well.

Levi continues to explain with the rest of the Squad aside Y/n, shocked from his decision.

Levi: Eren, the difference between your decisions and ours arises from the gap in experience. But you see you don't need to depend on such a thing. Decide, either you believe in yourself or the soldiers of the Scouts, myself included. Y/n know this too because he can see it through to us.

Levi: We don't know the right answer. We never have. Even if I believed in myself and the decisions of the comrades who've earned my trust, the result was always a mystery.

Y/n: I don't want to admit it but...

Y/n just puts his Gundam's arms back to its straight position.

Y/n: He's right. The result of our actions are always shrouded. Whatever your decision is, we won't stop you. Just make a decision you won't regret it soon.

The time went back to normal and they continued outrunning the Titan.

Eren looks back at his hand again and Petra pleads to him.

Petra: Eren. Believe in us.

Eren then holds his right hand on to the lasso of the horse. With Levi and Y/n shouting to Eren.

Levi: Eren, hurry up!

Y/n: Anytime now, buddy!

Eren just frustrates and shouts his decision.

Eren: We'll keep going!

They just looked at Eren with his decision, marked. Y/n just looked ahead with the titan still hot on their tails. They can hear the last Scout being decimated by the Titan.

Eren: 'I'm sorry...'

Suddenly the titan was in a sprinting stance now and it didn't go unnoticed.

Gunther: Target is accelerating!

Levi: Faster! We'll outrun it!

Eren just looked at the Titan and thought.

Eren: 'It's impossible for us to outrun it. If we keep going with our backs turned, we'll all be crushed flat.'

Y/n: Eren, whatever you're thinking. Just ignore them, we're almost there!

Eren: To what?!

Y/n: You'll see!

They keep going and going and the Female Titan reaches out its hand towards Eren and Y/n. Y/n made a last ditch effort attack with an uppercut before boosting a little bit back to the team to catch her off guard.

Just like that she was caught off guard and then looked beside her to see some cannons aligned to her with Scouts stationed on top of the tree branches. The whole Levi squad is shocked at what happened with the exception of Levi and Y/n.

And on one of those trees is Erwin. Raising it's sword before shouting a command.

Erwin: Fire!!!

They all pulled the rope and fired consecutive hooks towards her. She immediately made a defensive stance to protect her nape. But the wires are so many that it stabbed every part of her body aside her face and nape

Eren couldn't believe what just happened. Levi then instructed his squad their next move.

Levi: After securing the horses up ahead, switch to ODM gears. Me and Y/n will act separately for a while. Eld will take the lead of the squad for now.

Y/n: Roger! Stay safe Eren!

Y/n does a handbrake for his Gundam and turns back towards the captured Titan. Levi then stands up on his horse leaving one more instruction to his team.

Levi: Hide Eren to a good distance away from that Titan. I'll leave my horse to you.

Eren then saw Levi making a U-Turn, back towards Erwin. Eren then pieced it together at what happened.

Eren: Could they be capturing that Titan, alive?

Eren looks back to the Levi squad with Petra, smiling at a miracle timing and to Oluo who still has his resolve in his soul.

Gunther: Well, Eren? See that?! We captured that Titan!

Oluo: This is the power of the Survey Corps! So don't underestimate us, you dolt!

Eld: He's right! Y/n knows this power, today! Well? You get it now?!

Eren has his resolve back and agrees.

Eren: Yes!

Meanwhile in Erwin's position, Levi arrived and the Gundam slowly landed in front of the Titan who's looking angry at it and tries to move but she can't.

Levi: Looks like it's immobilized.

Erwin: We can't let our guard down yet. At any rate, good work guiding it to this point.

Y/n: It's only able to work because of the rear squad's sacrifice. Without them, we wouldn't be here today.

Erwin: Is that so?

Levi: It is. Thanks to them, we can meet the one who's inside of it. I just hope they're not pissing themselves inside.

Y/n gets out of the cockpit and stands on top of the hatch looking at the titan. He suddenly remembers about those Plumas who're rummaging around the fields.

Y/n: Well, there's still the matter of those things.

Erwin: You're right. We need to make it quick otherwise they might find us here.

The Female Titan can only glare at Y/n who's looking back at her menacingly.

Y/n: 'If you plan on making a beeline towards him you can't, this is the safest for you to do... And we have some questions for you to answer. That is... if you can answer them.'


Somewhere, an army of Abnormal Titan is running around in a frenzy going somewhere. But suddenly a Pluma erupted from the ground sent the Titan flying before it was devoured by its other Plumas. 

The insect falls back to a dark cave beneath the mountains. 

But then a loud scream was heard deep beneath the forests. From the forests, to the mountains. Deep beneath the dark mountains lies an entity glaring menacingly at the sunlight. The wait for the right time to regenerate completely and return to the surface is now over. As it's waiting job is already finished and ready to rise up again.

Next time

Chapter 20: Secrets and Armors

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