Giving in to Temptation

By chosieee

103K 5.7K 9.2K

Josette Olivia Saltzman plans to spend her senior year studying and preparing for her residency as a pediatri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 "Landon?"
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 "Open your mouth"
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 "Crush on You"
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 "She kissed you!?!"
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 "Dark Jo is wild"
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 "Damn it Hope"
Chapter 50
Chapter 51 "you want me all to yourself?"
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 46 "I would like a kiss"

2.3K 105 177
By chosieee

You're welcome 😇

"Okay follow me." Elena says.

Everyone does what they are told before they stop because Elena is standing in front of four hospital beds that have patient mannequins resting on them.

"Today we are checking blood pressure." She then directs each person to a patient bed.

Josie ends up standing in front of a child like mannequin. Excitement floods her veins at the idea of actually taking care of children one day.

"On the table to your right is all of the equipment you need." Everyone looks at the table, a sphygmomanometer, is the only thing that rests on the table."If you did your reading, you will know how to use it. I will walk be walking around, reviewing and correcting your performance. Each patient dummy has a fake heart that mimics different blood types that pumps through the veins so Daniel put your hand down." She says looking at the boy because she knows he was about to ask how will they be able to practice that on a dummy.

He slowly lowered his hand while Elena continues."Write down the blood pressure on the patient form that is also on the table." She points to it,"You guys may begin."

Josie turns to the fake patient and reached for its arm, 'So in the book it says to do this.' She picks up the cuff that's attached to the meter and wraps it around the arm. She then looks at the machine and she recognized the buttons so she pressed one hoping it's the correct one.

It inflates and she watched it mimic how it would stop the flow of blood before it begins deflating. She grabs her stethoscope, putting in the ear plush before bringing it to the arm of the dummy.

She waits looking at her watch and after another thirty seconds she hears a small thump,'Wow it really sounds real.'

She watched the seconds go by on her watch as she listens. After hearing what she needed to hear, she removes the stethoscope and grabs the patient form.

She clicks the pen that was attached to the clipboard before she writes something down. When she's finished she removes the device and lays the arm back down.

"Okay times up." Elena says after walking back and forth to check their progress.

"I didn't know we were being timed." Daniel says.

Elena just rolls her eyes,"I have no idea  how you have gotten this far into the program but I'll say this once more. You are timed on everything so work fast and efficiently." After that she checks each persons dummy.

Josie picks the form back up, she's tapping her finger on the clipboard going over her work to make sure what she heard is properly placed on the sheet.

Elena gets to her and she looks over the  dummy carefully,"Alright Josie, what is this patient's systolic range?" She asks while she moves her own stethoscope to her ears and onto the dummy's arm, pressing the cold metal into it.

Josie's eyes go to her form,"one hundred twelve." She replies.

Elena hums before moving the instrument around slightly."And the diastolic range?"

"Sixty. So one twelve over sixty together."

"Correct" she says removing the stethoscope to put it back on her neck."Is that good or bad?"

"Good." Josie replied instantly and placed the clipboard back onto the table.


"Because the average range for systolic is between ninety and one twenty in adolescence. For diastolic it is fifty to eighty, which is also the average for adolescence individuals. This patient fall into that category."

"Very good." Elena says looking at the clock,"You are welcome to use the last five minutes of class to do whatever you want. Hand me your patient forms before you go."

Daniel and the other two girls make their way out of the room, handing the woman their papers.

Josie picks up her paper and on her way out, she hurriedly hands it to her aunt.

"Mm yeah not so fast." She says making the brunette's feet come to a stop."Back it up." She says stacking the papers before she sets it on the patient bed.

Josie sighs doing what she says before turning around to face her.

Elena crossed her arms, lifting a single brow at the brunette."Please tell me those are consensual." Her eyes drop to the brunettes neck.

Josie's hand goes to her neck, hiding it, but it's too late. Scarlet red finds her cheeks,"It was."

"Okay," Elena says sighing in relief,"I thought I was going to have to kill someone." She jokes, she leans onto the bed,"Who are those from?"

"The same person who did it the last time." Josie says biting back a smile as she rubs the marks.

"Which was?"

"Hope." She replies happily. Elena's mouth fall open in surprise,"What? When did this happen?"

"Last night. It didn't go further, it was just a heat in the moment thing I guess." She says blushing beautifully,"We came back from the contest she won and we were talking and then I kissed her on the cheek."

"That is so cute." Elena replies smiling fondly at her niece's happiness.

Josie chuckled softly and removed her hand."Then this happened."

"Yeah how did it lead to that?" Her aunt questions and points at the very dark bruises.

Josie shrugged,"I have no clue." She then remembered what her twin said about her so called-trick. After seeing the way Hope reacted she's starting to think it is a sex drug.

"I wasn't complaining though." She then runs her fingers through her hair,"Hope was. She kept apologizing for her behavior last night and how she shouldn't have acted like that with me."

She still has to finish that conversation after class. She dropped her hand from her hair and rubbed her temple,"I clearly wasn't bothered so I don't know why she is. She also said she has anger issues which I still find a little hard to believe but I think that's what she's worried about."

"Want to hear what I think?" Elena asks after listening to the brunette. Josie nods in response."I think Hope is just afraid to lose you. So when she acted out or lost control for a split second or longer, it got to her."

"But I want her to lose control," She blushed knowing how that might sound,"I mean I don't want her to hide who she is. I want to know the real her."

Elena walks up to the brunette,"And you should tell her that."

"And how do I do that?" Josie asks desperately, she doesn't want them taking the five steps backwards they usually take when something good like this happens.

"Josie." Elena says softly making the auburnette meet her eyes again."The same way you just told me."

Josie released a soft chuckle,"It's not that easy. I'm not nervous around you."

"Being nervous isn't always a bad thing. I was always nervous around Damon, slightly intimidated, safe, but mostly nervous. You just gotta embrace it, not run away from it." The bell signaling class ending sounds and Elena tilts her head in the direction of the exit.

While they walk, Josie thinks about the auburnette the whole time. Her thoughts stray only when she walks by that same portrait she sees every day.

She pulls out her phone checking the date and she sighs as something tugs on her heart strings. She slides her phone in her pocket and starts mentally preparing herself for the remainder of the week.

"I love you, stay out of trouble." Elena says watching Josie grab her backpack and make her way to the door once they got into the classroom.

"I love you too." She responds back closing the door behind her.

She removes her pager and puts it inside her backpack pocket on the way out. When she's finished, she searched the corridor for the auburnette.

She doesn't look for long since she sees the woman doing her nervous tick again, leaning against the wall, tapping her bag, all while looking extremely attractive.

Josie feels like she needs to relieve Hope's anxiety because she doesn't want her to worry, also because seeing Hope anxious and nervous makes her feel the same way and she's almost always anxious.

She approaches her from behind, she leans onto her back, moves her hands onto the girl's arms,"You okay?" She whispers and she doesn't miss the sharp exhale the auburnette released.

Hope breathes heavily,"No." she says in a low tone but loud enough so Josie can hear her.

Josie frowns hearing how much this is affecting Hope."Hey," she says gently and she grins when she felt Hope's body shutter slightly. 'Hm she seems a bit tense.'

A light bulb goes off in her head and she slowly intertwined their fingers,"come on, I got an idea."

Hope's eyebrows meet in confusion as Josie goes into the opposite direction of where their classes are being held."Are we ditching class?"

"We are straight A students. It wouldn't hurt to miss one class." Josie replies opening the door.

A slow smile forms on the aburnettes lips,"Dr.Saltzman breaking the rules? Is it the end of days?" She asks looking outside expecting aliens to beam them up or for bombs to fall on them.

Josie rolled her eyes at the auburnettes dramatics,"I promised to have fun this year anyways. I love spending time with you and it feels like we both need to have fun and relax right now, so that's what we're going to do."

Hope isn't objecting the brunettes suggestion, she just follows her and they end up stopping when they get to her car.

Josie turned around and held out her hand, Hope just stares at it before she meets the woman's eyes again."Your keys."

Hope chuckles shaking her head at the request."That's funny Jobear."

Josie quirked a brow,"I'm not laughing." She says with a shrug but she's also testing to see exactly how close her and Hope have gotten.

Hope never lets anyone drive her car, ever.

"Are you serious?" Hope asks, Josie just nods and Hope bites the inside of her cheek as she thinks.

She makes up her mind then sighs deeply as she digs into her pocket with her free hand and pulls out her keys before carefully placing them in Josie's hand."Be careful with her please."

Josie released Hope's hand, pressing the unlock button on the keys before walking over to the passenger side of the car."Trust me baby." She says shooting the older woman a wink playfully before she opens the door for Hope.

Her face reddened and she massaged the back of her neck as she made her way toward the car. She ducked her head getting inside and hid her blush from the brunette.

Josie smirked because she still saw it as she shut the door.'Looks like the tables have finally turned.' She thinks because she is loving the fact that Hope is the flustered one now.

She gets into the driver seat and closed the door. She adjusted the seat and she chuckles because it takes a while.

Hope shakes her head already knowing why Josie is laughing."I know what you're thinking Jo. I'm not short." She says crossing her arms pouting for good measure.

Josie sees this as an opening and she puts the key into the ignition,"Of course not, you're fun size." She says glancing at the woman who immediately beams because she didn't  call her short.

"Which is perfect," She adds buckling up her seatbelt and Hope tilts her head waiting on Josie to continue,"it makes you easier to play with." She flirts.

That blush Josie saw earlier returns to the auburnettes cheeks. She doesn't hide it this time.

Hope understands the brunettes playful implication but she's not sure if the girl is joking or not.

Josie finally understands why Hope likes to get her flustered. It gives her a little bit of power.

"You still want to play with me?"Hope asks trying to flip it back around on Josie, her cheeks remain dark red but her eyes are on her rings again.

'Oh you have no idea.' She thinks.

"Of course I do," She turns the key to start the ignition,"who wouldn't?" She asks smiling at the auburnette.

Hope smiles back, relief washed over and she waited until Josie put the car in drive and pulled out of the parking lot to grab her right hand off of the steering wheel, just to hold it in her own, letting their joined hands rest on the middle console.

Josie blushed lightly at the action while Hope turned on the music.

After about ten minutes of driving hope's curiosity won."Are we there yet?" She asks looking at their surrounding having no clue as to where they are currently.

"Not yet. Just a little further."

Hope sighs dramatically before she shifts her gaze toward the brunette, just watching how she focuses on the road.

Her eyes narrowing every time someone gets into another lane or tries to get into her lane without a blinker signaling. When she felt Hope's eyes on her, she squeezed her hand softly.

A smile tugged at her lips at the sight,"This must be what being a passenger princess feels like."

Josie sighs moving her gaze back toward the road."I'm assuming you have never rode in the passenger seat of your car."

"You are correct." Hope used her hold on their hands to move them onto her thigh."and you are the first and last person that will ever drive my car."

Josie believes her, she's sort of surprised that the girl actually let her drive. "Come on, that can't be the only reason?" She asks anyway.

Hope hums in thought,"You're right. It's not the only reason." She drew a small heart on Josie's hand with her finger."The only time I get out of the front seat is to get into the back seat."

Josie's eyebrows furrow,"Why would you need to go to the-"Her sentence dies out and as she approached a stop light, she groans turning to look at the auburnette and she deadpans at the girl's insinuation while Hope wears an innocent smile.

"What?" Hope asks still feigning innocence.

"You know what." She says sighing deeply because she doesn't want to know if Hope has had sex in the back seat of her car... maybe if it was with her she wouldn't mind.

Hope chuckles,"Come on jobear you know I'm just kidding. I have never been in the backseat of any car for that reason." She admits as she continues drawing hearts on the brunettes hand.

Josie took a quick glance at Hope who's occupying herself and she can tell she was being honest so she decided to be honest as well."Neither have I."

A slow smirk grows on Hope's lips,"Interesting."

Josie felt heat rush to her cheeks and decided to switch topics,"We're here." She says pulling off to the side to park.

Hope looked around and her eyebrows snap together when she saw nothing but and open grass field only accompanied by a couple of trees that are giving off a beautiful color because of where the sun sets at this hour.

Josie turns off the car and looked at the surroundings herself for a split second before releasing Hope and getting out of the car.

Hope snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the driver side door close. When she seen that Josie wasn't inside anymore she opened her door and got out as well.

She rushed to the brunette's side grabbing her hand to hold and Josie bit her lip to hold back a chuckle at Hope's clinginess.

"So what is this place?" She questions enjoying the view as Josie walks them toward one of the trees.

"Welcome to the Saltzman's secret place." She replies using her free hand to gesture to the open area.

"Secret place?"

Josie nods a single time,"Yep. You are walking on Saltzman property mikaelson, so tread carefully." She says lifting a brow playfully.

A smile stretches Hope's pink lips as Josie continued,"My birth mother used to take Lizzie and I here to have mother and daughter picnics. We don't remember it because we were really young." She sighs wishing she could recover those hidden memories,"After her.. passing, my mother Caroline carried on the tradition with us, taking us out here for bonding time not only with her but with Josette since we like to think she's watching over us."

Hope's lips turned downward at the cast away look in Josie's eye, heart hurting because some of her own memories with her mother come to the forefront of her mind before she refocused on the brunette."Why did you bring me here?"

'Why did I bring her here? Lizzie would probably flip if she found out I took her here.' Josie thinks.

Her eyes then met Hope's,"I trust you." She says and the woman's smile grows larger,"And I know you may be feeling overwhelmed." She pulls Hope down with her to take a seat against the tree.

Hope nods in response. It's true, her emotions are confusing and too much for her right now. She can barely think straight. She rolls her eyes at that thought.

"It's peaceful here. You can get lost in your thoughts and understand them." Josie says looking at a particular tree as she loses her train of thought for a second,"How do you normally deal with intense emotions."

Hope bites the inside of her cheek before she decided to be honest with Josie."Well, I'm not going to say what I'm thinking because then you're going to get mad at me." She says scratching the back of her head.

Josie returned her gaze to Hope who's suddenly looking nervous. She assumed it was because of the stress drinking thing."I wouldn't get mad at you for the drinking Hope. I understand."

Hope chuckles softly and she shakes her head before saying,"Not that jobear. It's a physical thing." She says shooting the brunette a look.

Josie's eyebrows crease as she studies the girl. Her cheeks then go beet red when she finally understood."Ohh." She says because she didn't know about that.

"I haven't done it with anyone in a while and it isn't done in an unhealthy or abusive way," Hope rushed to explain, she's not sure why she even told Josie that. It just came out because she's just comfortable enough with her."it's just to take my mind off of things to distract me and it's always consensual."

Josie kept an unfazed expression but her cheeks grew darker in shade as she thinks about the older girl's response.

"Okay, since it's been a while since that's happened," she cleared her throat when her voice cracked,"What else do you do?"

"Punch stuff." Hope shrugs,"Workout to burn energy. That's my go too."

Josie figured as much, Hope's physique didn't just come from nowhere.

She released the girl's hand and laid onto the grass to look at the leaves above her."I'm hoping this will help just as much."

Hope gazed at the brunette a while before she joins her, her back meets the grass and her hand goes underneath her head as she looks at the fall and green colored leaves dance with the small breeze."I think it already is."

The brunette stares off into space for who knows how long before her gaze ultimately shifts to the auburnette next to her.

Her eyes take in all of Hope's relaxed figure. The splayed out auburn locs, the steady rise and fall of her chest, the soft skin glowing because of the sun, and her now closed eyes.

'I could stare at her all day.'

Hope's eyes flutter open and getting the feeling that eyes are on her, she turned her head to look at the brunette.

That blue in her eyes is now a different shade. A lighter one,'So pretty.'

Neither one of them say anything, their eyes do all of the talking, drowning out their surroundings and letting the time pass by.

Josie wonders what Hope is thinking about majority of the time because her gaze never changed. She kept eye contact with Josie, her eyes didn't drift or stray from brown ones.

Her features didn't alter either, everything remained the same.

She's never been much of ditcher when it comes to her education but she is so glad she skipped class today.


After the sun went down, both girls silently walked to the car.

Hope finally decided to voice something that she was curious about,"Hey what's that over there by that tree?" She nods in the direction as they walk.

She noticed a grey like stone sticking out of the grass that's in front of the tree and a small bed of flowers surround it.

Josie doesn't even glance in the direction Hope was talking about."It's nothing." She says dismissing the woman's curiosity.

Hope's eyebrows furrow at the woman's dismissive tone and she takes note of her body language so she didn't question it further for now.

When they make it to the car, Hope voluntarily got into the passenger seat which shocked Josie.

Seeing the shock on the brunettes face made Hope giggle,"I think I like being your passenger princess Saltzman."

Josie bites her bottom lip barely keeping her smile at bay as she started the car."I guess we're both each others passenger princess's now."

"Nope you're just my princess in general." Hope replied smoothly as she rests her hand onto the brunettes thigh innocently. Blushing at her own words.

Josie jumped slightly at the contact, heat spreads from her touch and makes its way throughout her body. The same blush that sits on Hope's face finds residence on Josie's as she takes in the auburnettes words.

"I guess I am." She whispers before she puts the car in drive and makes her way toward the school.

They get there rather quickly, Josie wanted to see how fast Hope's car can go now that she somewhat got the green light to drive.

Hope didn't mind it until Josie wanted to race someone who tried to intimidate them by revving their engine on the drive back.

"I could have won Hope." She says as they exit the car.

Hope shakes her head,"No you couldn't have. You have no experience in street or drag racing." She says through a sigh.

Josie pouts but it turned into a smile,"I have experience in actual racing though. Last one to the room is a rotten egg." She says taking off into a sprint toward the building.

Hope gasps seeing Josie blow by her giggling as she does so."oh you little cheater." She says locking her car before wrapping her hair in a quick ponytail.

When she's set, she makes a break toward the brunette.

Josie makes it to the door and as she opened it she glanced behind her to see how far the auburnette is and her eyes widen comically at how fast Hope is gaining on her.

The woman's eyes are so focused, reminds her of a starving lion chasing a gazelle.

She turned around and thought against taking the elevator since it feels like Hope will catch up to her before she can get the elevator to close.

"I'm coming Jo!" She hears the woman shout when she gets halfway up the flight of stairs.

Her cheeks pink at the sentence and she looked over her shoulder seeing Hope climb the stairs effortlessly before she responds with,"Might not be the last time you say that Hopey." She shouts back.

Hope inhales a deep breath before she gains speed,"Don't say stuff like that jobear. Makes me want to catch you, not catch up to you." She whines out the last part.

"You enjoy the chase." Josie says flirtatiously, she leans over the railing when she looks down the flight of stairs at the woman because she finally makes it to the top floor where the door to their hall is located.

Hope lets a small smirk touch her lips,"Something like that." She says climbing two stairs at a time."What happens when I catch you? Do I get a prize?"

Josie chuckles darkly on purpose and she brushed her hair to the side, knowing exactly what she's doing. She pursed her lips and she shifted her weight putting it all on the railing.

"Gotta catch me to find out Mikaelson." She says winking at the girl before she runs through the hall door.

She pulls her key card out of her small backpack pocket,'Lets see how fast she really is.' she thinks, hoping she gave the girl some sort of motivation.

She got to the door, huffing and puffing slightly because she is terribly out of shape. "Fuck." She says leaning over to catch her breath.'It's worse than I thought.'

Her head snaps up when she heard the sound of the stairway door being opened. A determined looking auburnette appearing behind it.

She blinked once and the woman took off in an Olympic sprint into her direction.

"Oh shit." She says sliding the card through the reader to unlock it.

Once she got it open she pushed the door in but she released a surprised squeak when she felt arms embrace her from behind and forced her into the room.

She ended up being pushed into their suite living room and her back collides with the two seater couch, which she hardly felt because her backpack is still on.

Hope sits up slightly to stare down at her, smiling widely,"I caught you."

"How-" Josie sputtered because she wants to respond but the auburnettes weight on her lower half has her speechless.

Hope was content with the response she got anyway. She climbed off of the brunette and held out her hand.

Josie grabbed it and let the girl help her up."Damn you're fast." She mumbles.

"I had my eye on the prize." Hope replies, not letting her thoughts stray to where they were a minute ago.

"You don't even know what it is." Josie replied in amusement.

"True. I know it involves you which is all I need to know." Hope says flashing her signature smirk.

Josie smiles at that and she stares at the auburnette fondly.

Hope smirk fades into a smile before her eyes soften,"Hey about earlier in the medical building,"She sighs thinking about the brunettes interruption earlier.

Josie has a feeling she knows where this is going but she puts on a brave face hoping it's not what she's thinking.

Hope contemplates on what she wants to say before she continued,"I know you and I have a complicated bond, but I know you've noticed that I'm a very closed off person."

Josie nods along because Hope is right. She has noticed and she understands a little bit more everyday. The girl has this aura around her, it's bright enough to draw her in but just a tad bit darker to keep others at a distance.

The allure of darkness.

"I don't really get attached to people," her eyes drop to her fingers momentarily as she fiddles with them before they go back to brown ones staring at her,"because it's hard to. I worry about what will happen to the people that do, and because of my life." She says and her eyes close momentarily thinking about the people she's lost.

Josie's natural pout deepened as she watched Hope, she was about to comfort her but the woman's eyes opened up again."My family is the exact same way. We're closed off to the world and we usually keep to ourselves."Her fingers close around the necklace on her neck.

She takes a deep breath letting Josie soak in this information which she does, still a tad worried about where this is going but she wants Hope to finish.

"You are my best friend Jo." She watched the brunette's features slowly fall,"I haven't had a bond like this with anyone in a very long time and I want you to understand how important that is for me." She says before she takes a step forward and reached for Josie's hands,"How important you are to me." She adds lifting her eyebrows to show the woman's she's being sincere.

That gets Josie's lips to curl into a small smile. She mentally bookmarks this moment because Hope is being vulnerable again.

"I've never opened myself up like this to anyone," she sighs knowing how her next words are going to sound."I don't want to fuck up with you," She bites her bottom lip as she gazes into Josie's pretty brown eyes."and it may be selfish but I want you in my life."

Josie's heart skipped a beat at the woman's words, it's so gut wrenchingly awful how much this woman affects her.

"Say something please." Hope urged the brunette. Vulnerability and a little something else shows in her eyes.

Josie finally comes back after being taken aback by the woman's admission.

She squeezed Hope's hands taking her aunt's advice,"I want to see the real you, please don't hide who you are, I know you're afraid. So am I. I wasn't kidding when I told you that you will always have me Mikaelson." Her gaze lowered to the necklace sitting on the girl's collarbone briefly before they go back to her face."I'm not going anywhere." She says softly, her words holding promise even though she never stated that it was one.

Hope's eyes crinkle as a bright toothy grin appears on her face and she pulls the brunette into a hug. Embracing her tightly but gently.

Josie welcomes it with open arms knowing this is a huge milestone in their friendship because Hope just made it clear this is more than just a friendship to her. It's deeper than that and she is trying to figure out how she's feeling without messing it up as she does so.

At least that's what Josie got out of it, more or less.

Hope pulls away first but she doesn't remove her hands that are placed on the brunettes waist so Josie kept her hands around the auburnette as well."I believe I caught you jobear. So what is my prize?" She asks, showing how excited she is by bouncing on her toes.

Josie released a quiet chuckle at the obvious excitement. She tilts her head in thought before asking,"What do you want it to be?" That may or may not be a loaded question.

Josie watched as Hope's eyes drift lower, no mistake she's looking at her lips before they shoot back up to her eyes,"I would like a kiss." She says simply and a cute smile crests her lips.

Josie's eyebrows shoot up at the request while Hope tilts her head upward, expecting one of the brunettes lovely goodnight forehead or cheek kisses that she enjoys very much.

Her eyes clench shut and her skin warms up at the anticipation.

Her excitement has her buzzing all over,'Today was great but this will make it amazing.' She thinks because this would literally be the icing of the cake.

Josie doesn't have to contemplate the auburnettes request, she has no problem giving her what she wants.

She is however battling her own thoughts.

Her eyes drink up Hope's features, which happens often but she enjoys taking the time to appreciate the beautiful vibrant skin, perfect eyebrows, soft and piercing blue eyes that she can't see currently, and those very inviting lips.

'Damn it. I tried.' She thinks, nibbling her bottom lip before she runs her tongue over it as she comes to an extremely impulsive decision.

"Okay," she says removing her right hand from around Hope to place her fingers on the woman's chin,"I'm going to kiss you now." She says breathily.

Hope's smile doesn't fade as she waits patiently.

Josie inhaled sharply before she falls victim to temptation, closing her own eyes before she connects their lips.

She thinks she heard the auburnette gasp in surprise but she's not sure, she was too focused on the kiss. It's soft, much like Hope's lips which feel even softer than they look.

She remains gentle as a start so she doesn't get ahead of herself and scare the girl away, even though the fire in the pit of her stomach is trying to convince her otherwise.

The kiss is more like a lingering peck, it only lasts about two and a half seconds before she instantly pulled away, her thoughts telling her to because of her lack of impulse control.

She exhaled slowly and opened her eyes. She's met with the sight of Hope's stunned expression her mouth is gaped, her eyes are as wide as a saucers, and her skin is flushed the reddest shade she's ever seen so far.

Hope clearly didn't expect that show of affection.

Josie blushed herself when her actions caught up to her. She then released the still astonished looking auburnette and peeled the woman's hands off of her waist.

"Goodnight Hope." She says running to the other side of the suite.

Hope is still standing there frozen."Y-yeah, goodnight Jo." She whispers long after the brunette is gone.

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