By cobraky94

1.3K 70 8

Falling for him was like falling from grace. He was so many sins yet I would do anything for him. A million t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chaper 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 10

41 3 2
By cobraky94

Honey - Luna Aura

"Come on!" Kai yelled again. "You've got it. Focus." He was not as patient as he had been when we started.

It had been 19 long and exhausting days trying to get my magic back. We were on a strict and repetitive schedule of eat, magic, eat and sleep. I was sick and tired of it. Sick and tired of Kai. And quite frankly I was ready to give up on it all.

The highlight had been being able to light a candle on the 7th day. However since then nothing had come of my magic. Not one spell worked.

I'd re-read every grimoire I could when I had down time and there wasn't any information that helped. Kai was getting tired too. He'd gotten his hopes up that I would be able to get my magic back, or at least enough to do the spell that would be able to get us back home.

"You know, your yelling isn't helping me." I shot back, getting up off the floor after almost collapsing from exhaustion. Who would have thought that continuously trying to do spells has become more tiresome than doing them?

"I'm not baby-ing you though it. I was nice but that doesn't seem to be working anymore." Kai snapped. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

"I'm trying my best okay." I huffed.

"Yeah well at the moment it isn't good enough." That hit a spot. "You know what your doing and you need to get over this mental block. Remember we had a deal?"

"Yeah I do. And i'm holding up my end." I scoffed. "You on the other hand. Well you're getting a little bit too mad at me. Which is rich coming from the person who can't do magic by themselves. God anyone could have mistaken you for Joshua.."

Now that had struck something in Kai. In hindsight it wasn't fair of me to compare him to his father but he had gotten under my skin. The past 19 days he'd chopped away at any confidence I'd had in my magic abilities.

Kai crossed the room in a flash and without hesitation his hands were around my neck.
"I would think very carefully about what you say next."

"Did I hit a spot?" I taunted, ignoring the tightening of my airway from the pressure of his hands. His eyes flashed with darkness and he didn't need to say yes for me to know that I had.

"Get your fucking hands off me." I snapped. Pushing him away from me. He turned away from me cautiously and went to resume his position by the fireplace.

Without a second thought I picked up a glass from the table that we had pushed to the side against the couch and threw it at him with full force. It smashed against the mantle piece at the top of the fireplace, narrowly missing his head.

I couldn't even think. Kai had made me see red and for a split second I had stooped down to his level. He turned fast and shot me a look of surprise as well as fury.

"Okay crazy pants. Take a breath, you're gonna kill one of us." Kai laughed. That only enraged me more and I picked up the second glass, ready to actually hit his head this time. "Wow you're hot when you're mad."

I blew a stray curl out of my face and turned as if I was going to place the glass back down on the table. I heard Kai chuckle to himself and I abandoned the moment of calm I'd felt in my body. The second glass smashed into smaller shards than the first glass as it hit the brickwork this time. I was rather disappointed that I hadn't hit him but I was hoping to get my point across.

"Like I said...You're hot when you're mad." He sighed. I could see the adrenaline running through his veins. Shit like this got him going.

I threw myself onto the couch and slammed a pillow over my head hoping that Kai might actually suffocate me. I'd be out of this hell then.
I heard him shifting around by the fireplace, his shoes crunching the broken glass on the floor.

I felt the couch sink down next to me as he sat down in the empty spot.

"Well I think that went...okay?" Kai joked. I groaned into the pillow, praying that he would shut up for once in his life.

"Motus." I grumbled towards Kai, without the thought that it might work. The sudden lightness of the couch and a thud made me tear the pillow off of my face.

Kai looked at his new surroundings on the floor in bewilderment. His eyes quickly caught mine and for a moment we stayed in complete silence. We were both shocked at how I'd done that when I'd only been able to light a candle for the past three weeks.


"Ferrah..." Kai stood and I matched his movement. Both of us stood staring at each other and for a moment I had a overwhelming urge to run to him, however i maintained my composure. Underneath my confused expression was pure happiness.

"Told you that you could do it." Kai commented. "And while I don't appreciate the fact you threw me across the room...I think your magic is slowly coming back."

"Sorry." I grimaced, looking at the cuts up his arm from landing on broken glass.

"Nothing a bit of magic can't fix." He winked at me expecting me do deal with the injury I caused. I ignored him, figuring that a small cut or seven on his arm was karma for the hell he'd put me though.

"I thought your father was dampening my powers though?" I voiced, very confused about the logistics of the Prison World.

"I'm starting to think that it was all in your head." Kai looked like he was trying to piece together a new kind of Gemini puzzle.

"Okay.. what now then do I just do the spell now that I have my powers?"

Kai shook his head. "We should find another source of magic. If i'm being totally honest I don't think you can do that spell all by yourself."

Kai was definitely honest. That somewhat bruised my ego but I don't think he was wrong.

"Okay and where do we get that from?" I asked.

"Happen to know anywhere in 1994 crawling with magic? Kai joked. His slight laughter didn't last long as he realised I probably didn't.

I sighed and began walking towards the door. I stopped realising that something had completely slipped my mind. The reason that I went to Portland in the first place.

"What if I do know somewhere?" I asked Kai, hoping that he wouldn't ask too many questions.

"Then I'd ask why you didn't tell me for so long." He said flatly, that same dark look crossing his face. "and where that is. and why aren't you getting in the car to get there."

Wow he was getting angry and quickly at that.

"Ferrah are you just taunting me or do you actually know something?" I didn't respond. My mind was racing with the possibility that I knew somewhere, but if we got there and it was all for nothing I'd be crushed.

"Ferrah..?!" Kai grabbed my arm with such force that he pulled me into him. A familiar feeling surged through my body and 1994 flashed before my eyes.

It was frosty out on this particular morning. Unsurprising really. New Years was always bitter and windy across most of North America.  The cold seemed to be helping my hangover, however I knew that the hoards of people I could see in the dinner would make it worse.

Of all days to be called in, it had to be on one of the busiest days of the year.

As I rushed inside, I sent a wave to the chef and then my manager, before throwing my stuff into the staff lockers near the utility closet. I was surprised that she wasn't up my ass because I was late.

I spent hour after hour taking orders, running food and making coffee, that time slipped by faster than I realised. My regulars had come and gone and my final table of the day was a family of nine. I'd seen them before when I was working the closing shift with another waitress, but other than that I'd never interacted with them.
Although I could have sworn there were seven children rather than eight, I'd never seen the tall, dark haired boy with them before. I would have remembered a face like his. He was good looking, in fact he was beautiful. Like he had just dropped straight from the heavens. Linda made a passing comment about him as he walked in but I tried to ignore her as I greeted and sat them down.

"What can I get you tonight?" I put on the fakest smile I could muster and began taking down their order. The man- most obviously the father of them all- spoke for the youngest four. Three of the eldest four ordered quickly and were much nicer than their father had been. When they were finished I turned to a boy closest to me. He looked to be in his early twenties, as did the girl next to him. I noticed he'd just been staring at the empty chair in front of him the entire time and she'd been glancing at him nervously for the past ten minutes. He sat on the very last seat which happened to be closest to me. Everyone else seemed to push their way up the table, as far away from him as possible. They didn't engage with each other at all. Well no-one engaged with him. He was left to himself by the looks of it.

"Can I get you anything?" I asked him. He didn't look up, his gaze was held on the empty chair in front of him.

"Malachai doesn't want anything." The Father answered, giving me a look as if I'd slammed his head into the table- all because I spoke to his son. "He ate earlier."

Malachai gave me a warning look and I got the hint to back off. There was fear swirling around in those blue irises of his. I almost said something. I was so close to telling his father to shove it, but that would have done no good. Instead I nodded at him and walked back to the counter to make drinks.

Getting their order right was a tedious job and was one I didn't want to be doing at 9pm. Regardless I managed to get them fed, watered and out of the Diner well before closing time, which allowed me to close things up early. I was happy when they'd left, not only because I could clock out early but because the father of all the children gave me an awful feeling. I'd done my research before coming to Portland. I'd made myself familiar with Supernatural creatures in the area and asked contacts in New Orleans what they knew about the area. I was almost certain that the family that came in here tonight belonged to the Gemini Coven.

Taking the broom and a cloth from the supply closet nearest to the jukebox, I began sweeping up and cleaning the tables around me- moving with the beat of the song as I went. It was peaceful at this time. Nothing but the sound of music and my humming filling the room.

Just as I had one more table to clean, the bell above the door sounded. I sighed before turning to see who it was. People really couldn't read a closed sign huh?
"We're closed-" I began, turning around to see what weirdo had wandered in this time. We had a lot of odd people come in because of the location of the diner and I wasnt about to deal with it that night.

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that it was none other than the boy from earlier. Malachai.

God he was gorgeous. He had these icy blue eyes that twinkled with mischief. I could tell that a lot went on behind his eyes, even if his expression was unreadable. They were the windows to the soul after all. His jawline was strong, and his facial features were sharp. He looked like he was carved in the heavens. I had to try hard not to drop my jaw when he walked in with his family earlier.

"Uh yeah, sorry." He muttered, slowly walking over with his hand digging around his jacket pockets. "My dad didn't tip you earlier, and you did such a good job with us all that I couldn't let someone as nice and pretty as you go home without a tip."
He seemed nervous as he reached out to hand me the change. His large hand placed fifteen dollars in my much smaller ones.

"Thank you." I smiled, shoving it into my apron. I began moving back behind the counter, putting the last things that needed to go away back where they were supposed to go. Malachai stood awkwardly in between two tables just watching me. I felt nervous under his arms for the pure reason that he was so good looking. More than the boys back home and much more than anyone else I'd seen around since I arrived in Portland.

"I'm Kai by the way. Parker. Kai Parker" He tripped over his words slightly, yet the smile on his face remained. His smile was illuminating. It lit up his entire face and his eyes smiled as much as his mouth did. I couldn't help but match his expression.

"I'm Ferrah." I stretched my hand over the counter for him to shake. "It's nice to meet you, Kai Parker."

I gasped and present day Kai had a look of worry thrown across his face this time. He looked at me with a hard stare, and swore I could hear the cogs in his head turning and grinding together, trying to work out what I'd just seen.

"Not again..." He muttered, making sure I was stable on my feet before he let go of me.

"I'll make you a deal." I proposed. "I'll tell you where we might be able to find magic- emphasis on might- and you try fill in as much of my missing memories as possible. Deal?"

Kai's jaw clenched. I'd backed him into a corner and he knew it. If there was any chance of getting out of here he would take it with no hesitation. I'd get something as well as him.

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine. But we leave today."

A/N - sorry for no updates. we're on a roll again.

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