Kurt x Ram (KRam)

By saltyjuicyjizz

243 8 33

Did you know Kurt had glasses? well don't worry Ram didn't either. Ram also didn't know that Kurt was also re... More



85 2 2
By saltyjuicyjizz



I sighed as I grabbed the handles of my glasses and placed them on my desk, next to an open book. I yawned and stretched my back. I squinted my eyes, looking at the little box with bold, red numbers on it reading '3:07'. Groaning, I stood up from the dark wooden chair. 'I should probably go to sleep now..' I thought to myself as I lazily dragged my feet to my bed and flopped down face-first on the cushiony pillow.

I gripped the blanket and dragged it up and over my body, letting it loosely hug my body. I fluttered my eyes closed gently and regulated my breathing.


I groaned as I sat up, realizing fairly quickly that I was in fact not going to sleep anytime soon. My head only spiraled with useless thoughts. I drowsily opened my eyes, peaking at the clock on my desk, reading the time. '3:32' I sighed before rolling over onto my side and curling into the blanket, deciding it would be a better idea to at least try to sleep more.

I let out a noise of complaint and annoyance, still being restless. I sat up once again and silently slipped out of my bed and through my room, barely missing the random trash and clothes scattered around.  I squinted my eyes, trying to see everything despite it being both blurry and dark. 'Maybe I should get some contacts' I thought to myself, eyeing the glasses still placed on my desk. 'Ugh... Dad would never allow it...' I sourly thought, looking away from my glasses and towards my phone. I picked up my phone lighter and a pack of cigarettes before putting them into the back pocket of my jeans. I looked around, my head starting to hurt from all the sudden movements as I looked for my shoes.

Looking next to the door I saw the blurry shapes of my shoes. I slowly walked over to them, yawning as I pulled each one onto my feet. I placed my hand on the doorknob, grimacing feeling the cold metal. I turned the knob and opened the door, carefully and slowly, trying my hardest to not make any noise. After all, I didn't want to wake up Dad, not this late at night. I stepped out of the house and down the first step. I plopped down onto the hard cement.

I pulled the cigarette pack and lighter out of the pockets of my jeans. Upon pulling the little tub out I sparked my lighter and lit it. Me and Ram had always promised not to smoke, that's why I do it while he's not around. I put the end of the cigarette to my mouth, inhaling for a few seconds before exhaling, smoke rising up and into the air. Ram didn't want to get addicted to smoking because it could damage his lungs and he wouldn't be able to play football anymore. I on the other hand do not particularly care about whether or not I can play football. I like playing but sometimes I just feel like it's not worth it. 

Ram isn't very confident in his academics either so he relies on football so that he can get a scholarship. I'm not all that smart either I get average B's but they're still good enough to get some sort of scholarship. I try to get better grades, Dad constantly pesters me about only getting B's but even with late nights spent studying I just can't improve no matter what I do. I'm sure if Ram actually tried he could do just as good academically as he does at football, I've helped him do his work and he understands the material quickly. Honestly, Ram is amazing at almost everything he does, he looks perfect too. Not that I would ever tell him that though.

Unbeknownst to him, I'm gay. I would never dare to say that to him much less anyone at that school. Absolutely no one. Sherwood, Ohio doesn't exactly take kindly to gay people. People here upon hearing you're gay will call you things like, "Fag" or "sissy". Life is basically hell if you're anything but normal. I've known for a couple of years though, which also means that I've known about my feelings for Ram for just as long.  I've had girlfriends, but being gay I've never actually liked them which led to them only lasting for a month at most. The most recent being Heather McNamara, the captain of the cheer team. She's not as bad as the other heathers, she's quite nice in all honesty. I feel bad for her though, I feel as if I'm using her as a cover-up which is well, true. 

I feel but if I'm being honest I feel like she's doing the same. I've seen the way she looks at Heather Chandler. I don't want to pressure her to open up to me though, plus if I do that it'll seem suspicious and the last thing I need is for the Heathers to find out I'm gay. If they found out my reputation would be ruined overnight. I would get kicked off the football team, other students would make fun of me, and worst of all, what would happen if Ram found out? He would probably leave me, his fag of a best friend. 

I exhaled into the chilly air and looked at the sky. It was still late, the stars high in the sky. I dropped the butt of the cigarette onto the concrete step before stomping on it. I kicked it off somewhere into the grass before turning on my heel and headed back to my front door. I twisted the door knob slowly to avoid it creaking doing the same when pushing it open. I stepped into the house closing and locking the door silently behind me. Being the quietest I could I walked through the house and back to my room.

I shut my door behind me as I pulled my phone, cigarettes, and lighter back out of my pocket. I placed the red and white box along with the lighter back onto my desk next to my glasses. I kneeled on the wooden floor and undid my shoes, taking them off one at a time. In the dark, I made my way through my room and to my bed. I sat down on the uncomfortable mattress, before grabbing my blanket. I fully laid down on the bed, pulling my blanket over me letting the warmth fill my body.  I moved my phone so it would be in front of my face before turning it on. I winced as the bright screen immediately blinded me. I squinted my eyes as I turned the brightness down, letting my eyes adjust to the new lighting before unlocking it.  I looked through my apps before ultimately deciding to scroll through Instagram until I felt like going to sleep.


I jolted as I heard my alarm going off. 'Did I really just pull an all-nighter again?'   I thought to myself as I swiped to turn my alarm off. I yawned and sat up in my bed the blanket loosely falling off my body.  I stretched my arms after turning off my phone. '6:15 is way too early to be awake' I thought to myself, looking out the window at the still-dark sky. I got out of bed and headed straight for the closet grabbing a pair of fresh clothes and the signature letterman jacket that all the football players wore.


I pulled the red and white jacket over my plain white long-sleeve. I honestly couldn't care less about the jacket but Ram wore it and insisted we matched which is why I do. The big W on the front brings me more shame than pride. Even if we do win most of the games I just hate Westerburg and everyone that goes there. 

I looked at my desk, wishing I could wear my glasses. I didn't want to be called a nerd or something because I wore them. They really would come in handy though like when playing football I would be able to see easier. Not that I cared about what the players thought but my dad on the other hand. He would not let me live it down if I messed up during football. I don't even wanna imagine his reaction if I asked for contacts, he doesn't even know that I have glasses in the first place. Heather had to get them for me because I mentioned how I was partially blind. I also won't ask her for contacts, she's already helped me out plenty. 

I looked away from the glasses and to the pack of cigarettes and lighter sitting next to them. I grabbed them and took them over to my backpack. I zipped the smallest, most secretive pocket open and slipped them in before zipping it back up. I grabbed my phone and headed out of my room to use the bathroom,

RAMS POV.                                                                                                                                                                                  _____________

I stared out my window, the one that faced my best friend, Kurt's room. 'I wonder what that was' I thought to myself as I watched him walk out of his room. He had put something in his backpack that from this distance I couldn't tell what it was. I figured it wasn't that important as I walked over to my bed and grabbed my phone. I typed in my password and waited for it to load before pulling up the messages app. I clicked on Kurt's contact before sending him a quick message.

Me                                                                                                                                                                                                  _______

u need a rie to school?

-sent at 6:31 A.M

KURTS POV.                                                                                                                                                                                ________________

As I was putting gel in my hair I heard a ding. I sped up not caring if it was a little messy and brushing it before picking up my phone. I press the on button, a notification appearing on my screen. I unlocked my phone and pressed the notification.

Ram                                                                                                                                                                                    _______

u need a rie to school?

-sent at 6:31 A.M

Me                                                                                                                                                                                                  _______


-sent at 6:36 A.M

Sure seemed like a good thing to say, right? it's chill enough to be appreciative but not over-the-top so I don't seem desperate. Maybe I should've added a 'bro' at the end though. Would that have been better? Ok y'know what I'm totally overthinking this, aren't I? Or am I though? My phone dinged again snapping me out of my thoughts. 'Cool' the message read. Ok. That's a good ok right, no second meanings? I sighed in frustration. 'at this point I'm just being stupid' I complained in my mind as I finally walked back out of the bathroom. I went back into my room, checking to make sure that I had everything ready for school before I swung my backpack over my shoulder and headed to wait in the living room. I sat down on the couch leaving my backpack on my shoulder as I waited for Ram to get here which I doubted would take long.


I heard Ram's truck pull into my driveway. I think Ram should take it to a repair shop or something because I am pretty sure that it is not supposed to be that loud. I stood up, my backpack still on my shoulder, and grabbed my phone. I ignored the blurriness that only worsened as I got up and headed straight towards the door. I didn't bother to say goodbye to my dad it's not like he cared whether or not I went. He probably wouldn't even know if I went or not. As long as I'm good at football and not a sissy he's fine with me. 

I stepped out of the house, shutting the door behind me. I walked to the passenger seat of Ram's black truck and wasted no time opening the door and climbing in. I dropped my backpack on the floor of the truck and shut the door afterward. 

"Hey bro, you ready for school?" Ram asked me as he looked behind him and started backing the truck back out of the driveway.

 "Hell yeah," I said trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible I mean I don't have any reason to be excited about school. All I do there is bully people and fail, not exactly my idea of fun. Partying isn't really my idea of fun either, I don't know what I would consider actually fun. I only party because Ram does.

"You ready for that awesome party tonight?" Ram asked, his eyes fixated on the road as he talked.

 "You know I am! Maybe I'll get Heather in the bedroom with me" I said internally disgusted. I didn't want Heather in the bedroom with me, nor do I think she wants to be in the bedroom with me. Plus, I don't really want to go to a party and deal with a bunch of drunk people being stupid. All I want to do is stay inside, in my room, and chill. The only thing about later is that my dad won't be home because he'll be on a fishing trip with Ram's dad. 

"Which one?" he asked. 

"All three," I said, snickering. 'none of them' I thought to myself, the actual thought completely revolting to me.

"That sounds hot as fuck, punch it in," Ram said holding his fist out towards me. I fist-bumped him repeating the phrase, "Punch it in." When we did that it was kind of like a good luck charm. We would do it when we hoped something would happen. Of course, I didn't really want to have a foursome with the Heathers but I couldn't let him know that, and if I don't punch it in he's gonna know. 

"Dude I'm just saying but, you look like you haven't slept in years," Ram said out of the blue. I was confused for a second or two. I mean I looked in the mirror earlier but I didn't think that I looked that bad, just some small eyebags. 

"I didn't get enough sleep last night, that's all," I said nonchalantly. 'Hell I didn't get any sleep last night' I thought to myself, sweatdropping. 

"Oh, so when'd you go to sleep?" He asked as the school was now in our lines of vision. 'oh shit. what am I supposed to say' I thought to myself. I sat there for a few minutes trying to come up with an excuse or a lie. I can't just say that I didn't get any sleep. The last time I pulled an all-nighter Ram told Heather and she forced me to stay at home which right now I can't risk. Especially not today, I have a really important test that I absolutely can not miss. 

"Kurt?" Ram glanced over at me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Uhhh... only like 2 A.M, it wasn't that bad," I lied, looking out the window so I wouldn't have to see Ram's face. I mean if it was only 2 A.M it wouldn't have been that bad but unfortunately, it wasn't.  I would've preferred if it was only 2 A.M because truthfully I am super tired. I honestly feel like I might pass out.  No one needed to know that though, as long as I can get through the day all right I'll be perfectly fine, I'll go home and take a small nap. Maybe I'll even just skip football practice so I can head home earlier. Actually, I don't think I can, I think if I miss any more practices they'll kick me off of the team. 

Ram pulled into the school's parking lot and swerved into the first empty space. He pulled the keys out of the ignition, turning it off before grabbing his backpack and exiting the vehicle. I also grabbed my backpack and got out, immediately getting caught off guard by the brightness of the sun. It's crazy how bright it is even when it's just rising.

"Well dude, we have an awesome day ahead of us so we better head to class and get the day over with!" Ram said smacking my back before heading to enter the school building. 'I'm guessing he means the party? I guess it doesn't matter' I thought to myself following close behind him into the stone building.

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