By kobakkc113

9.1K 331 159

When he was but a young boy, Ragnvaldr was forced to watch as a roving band of Elvish Mercenaries put his vil... More

To Slay A Beast Most Foul
The Traitor In Our Midst
Terror of Tal'Dorei
The Pale Elf
A Slayer and The Hound
Demons at the Door
Prove Yourself

A Night To Remember

1.2K 48 22
By kobakkc113

The dying embers of the small campfire quickly dimmed as the early morning breeze steadily increased in strength. Breaking himself from the self imposed trance, Ragnvaldr released a heavy sigh as he unwound his fingers from Moonless's snow white coat. Reluctantly he stood to his intimidating height of 6'3 and pursed his lips letting out a shrill whistle, forcing the Dire Wolf splayed out on the grass to shoot her stalky head from the ground, quirking her neck towards her master. "Come, Moonless. We should head back." he ordered with a grumbling bashful tone.

Loyally Moonless clambered upright onto her claw tipped paws, unshackling her tooth lined maw and releasing a whining yawn, trotting behind Ragnvaldr whom had already stepped away from the now dissipated flames. The Oldegårdian marched from the small clearing toward the edge of the circling tree line, passing by a gaggle of now slaughtered Brigands, the butchered corpses lay scattered amongst the remains of their makeshift campsite.

Ragnvaldr trudged through the ankle high, dew drenched grass towards one of the dead men dressed in poorly stitched leather armour face down in the dirt. Coming to a stop he bent forward and gripped onto the handle of his well used, blood covered hand axe, wrenching it with a sickening squelch from the dead mans back. Ragnvaldr then wiped the axes crimson covered edge against the thin blades of grass, cleaning as much as he could of the sickly liquid from his precious weapon.

Finishing the simple action as quickly as he could, eager to leave the gory mess of a scene behind and head back toward the city of Emon to collect his reward for another job well done. Exhaling angrily he bounded upright, twisted on his heel and marched toward the forest of stubby, thick trunked trees, carrying his axe in hand thanks to his strange lack of sheath any were on his person. Moonless meanwhile, fell into step with her human companion, trotting closely beside him all while remaining as alert as her exhausted form would allow her, keeping her ears and nose open for any possible threats.


After traversing the forest with nothing but the glowing light of the full moon unimpeded, the pair arrived on the outskirts of the nearly sixty foot high thick stone wall protecting the mainland's capital from any outside threats. Following along its towering perimeter, Ragnvaldr shadowed by Moonless approached the still open gate, left to be guarded by a mere skeleton crew. It never ceased to amaze him just how lacking the defences for the Councils base of operations were. Even with a supposed monster roaming devastating the land, those in charge remained complacent in their own citizenry's safety.

Scoffing lightly at the poorly sight, the Barbarian strolled right passed the half asleep guardsmen. None of the heavily armed militia stopped to question the rather suspicious sight that lay in front of them. If it were out of fear or sheer indifference, Ragnvaldur didn't care, his only concern now was getting back to the tavern and gorging himself and Moonless with a well earned meal and some rest.

Soon, the grass and dirt beneath their feet turned to neatly arranged stone cobbles moulded into the ground. Both Moonless's near silent paw patters and Ragnvaldr's softened footfalls now tapped incessantly against the stone work. As they travelled toward the Central District of the city, following its winding rather confusing streets devoid of any life apart from the odd Guard patrol and those either in the middle of a good drinking session or finishing up their night, near collapsed on the spot. 

After making a few wrong turns and inevitably getting lost in the layered, maze like Capital they made it to their overnight haul. A large triangularly roofed Tavern with its pearly white walls and decorative wooden highlights stood before him. A small set of winding steps led up toward it, with a series of burning street lamps peppering the waist high, adjourning walls either side the path. Light also emanated from the cross beamed windows, letting lights from the lanterns inside pour out into the night, acting as a sort of makeshift beacon to lost souls like him on cold damp nights.

Breathing heavily, he and his animal companion ascended the steps toward the heavy, wooden front door. However, his thin dark eyebrows stitched themselves together in a frown a chanting echoes emanated from the usually quiet tavern. "Chug! Chug! Chug!" they echoed, muffled by the stone walls and wood alike. Steeling himself for the incessant blast of noise he would surely be met with, Ragnvaldur pressed his cracked palm against the doors silver hand and pushed down.

Instantly as the door clicked open, a huge burst of light from inside the tavern near blinded him. Squinting his eyes tightly the man blocked the spectacle from view, raising his arm in front of his face, trying his best to block the gleaming rays. Slowly, his blurred vision returned to normal, stepping inside and swinging the wooden door shut nearly tearing it from its hinges as it shook.

The sight that lay before him made him groan internally, a crowd of jeering patrons had crowded around one of the many circular tables. Stacks of emptied tankards surrounded the glowing lamp at its centre, clearly leftovers from the tables current occupants whom all sat around in varying states of drunkenness. The largest of the lot, an ashen skinned, bald-headed Goliath with a plethora of tattoos adorning his bare shoulders was clearly winning their silly game, judging from the amount of tankards that not only lay on the floor but in front of him as well.

On the giants right, a young red-haired half-elf woman who looked no older than twenty struggled to down the tankards contents. A light reddish hue dusted her freckle dotted cheeks. Clearly the her dainty build couldn't handle nearly as much as her fellow adventures.

Another one of the parties members, a pint-sized white haired Gnomish woman, much to the Oldegårdians surprise managed to out pace her average size compatriots to give the hulking Giant across from her a run for his money. However, Ragnvaldr's clearly obvious staring caught the attention of a brooding white haired, spectacle wearing man stood nearest the wall. Not the slightest bit drunk he watched not only over his comrades but kept a hostile eye on the wrangled stranger whom had just traipsed into the tavern.

Ragnvaldr scoffed, chuckling to himself as he set his darkened eyes upon the noble blooded man, returning the glare with his own soul crushing gaze. Tightening his grip near the iron head of his worn axe, the Outlander stomped toward the bar top intent on collecting his reward from the changeling tavern keeper. Of course, Ragnvaldr was met with a dismissing gaze from his quest giver, slamming his weapon against the bars wooden top dusting off his rough and cut hands.

"It's done, bar-keep. I'll take what I'm owed." he grunted sliding onto one of the many wooden stools, leaning his elbows on the table top inching forward ever so slightly. "Now, Changeling. I'm in no mood for your damned games." Sighing to himself, the portly strawberry haired and bearded humanoid set the tankard he was wiping down to the side, reaching under the bar and retrieving his already prepared reward.

Tossing the small sack of coin to the battered man, Ragnvaldr caught it unlacing the tie and peeking inside shaking its frustratingly light contents. Unsatisfied, the man glanced down at Moonless, a small pang of guilt tapping in his stone cold chest as he realised neither she or himself had eaten in almost two days. Silently he removed a few coins from the leather purse praying it would be enough to feed himself and the Dire Wolf laying by his side.

Clearing his throat Ragnvaldr slid the currency across the wooden counter top beneath his palm. "Get me an ale and beef stew, eh? You owe me that much." he drawled craning his head down ever so slightly, glaring at the hateful bar-keep through his stringy drooping fringe.  Without so much as a word the Changeling swiped the coin and stomped away, "And bring some Venison! Raw, for the wolf!" he called out to the grumbling humanoid.

Ragnvaldr released a relieving, rather content sigh turning his attention to Moonless splayed lazily on the floor. "Don't worry girlie, won't be long now until we get some food." he uttered as his only friend yawned silently once again, dropping her bulky head to floor. "I know, life on the road's shit. Takes the life out of everything, doesn't it? But it won't be much longer, once we find that Elven bastard, we can go home." he said uncaring of the taverns many patrons confused expressions at hearing a barely clothed, tribal looking man chatting with a nearly human sized Wolf.

Slowly, as time passed and the group of adventures became progressively drunker and drunker further increasing their rowdiness along with Ragnvaldr's wavering patience, the Changeling finally returned with a bowl of steaming beef stew, a tankard of ale and another flattened plate with a chunk of uncooked venison. Placing the rather odd assortment down in front of him the Oldegårdian nodded his thanks and took the plate, gently nudging Moonless's head with his foot and moving to set the meat just below her drooling maw.

Before he even had a chance to set the plate to the floor, Moonless nearly took his fingers right to the bone snatching the succulent meal to the ground, batting the plate away and viciously chewing and biting at the Venison. "Hm, guess you're hungrier than I thought." he uttered, uncaring of the Wolf's ferocity. Turning his attention to his own meal Ragnvaldr swiped the spoon in his hand and dug into his own food, groaning with ecstasy as the broth struck his taste buds. However, exactly like his animal friend the large man began almost inhaling his food, stuffing the stew into his mouth as fast as he could all while slurping away at the ale as he went. Still thankful that most other patrons were distracted by the drinking game mere feet away.

Unbeknownst to him however, one of the two last members of the group, another half-elf woman seated beside her nearly identical twin brother watched him like hawk over the edge of the tankard with a glinting curiosity in her eyes. Her usually immaculate braided jet black hair had slowly become more and more frazzled as the drink flowed further, giving her the appearance of that of a harlot rather than a hardened adventurer.  

Eventually, as the night continued as Ragnvaldr indulged himself and Moonless's bottomless stomachs, squandering what little gold they had on an unsightly amount of meat the man dropped his last empty tankard carelessly next to the toppling pile of bowls and plates alike, leaning back on his stool and unleashing a loud belch. Still the adventurers continued, yet the crowd watching had all but dissipated most growing bored as the Goliath kept on winning again and again.

Just as Ragnvaldur was about to fall face first into a food and drink induced sleep, said Goliath smashed his final tankard against the tables surface. The noise of which jolted the dotting Oldegårdian from his self induced slumber. Shooting from his seat the hulking man stumbled to his feet, cheering as he went. "Yeah! That's right! Who's the best? Yeah!" he jeered, his bellowing voice echoing through the small tavern.

"Grog wins. Again..." The white haired man drawled unsurprised by the outcome, rolling his eyes as he sipped on his single glass of wine all while his comrades tried to nursed their cataclysmically drunken states. 

Holding his pounding head in his hands, the black haired Elven male leaned back in his chair groaning painful while his bow wielding sister hooked her hand beneath her chin, trying desperately to keep herself conscious. "Uh! Fuck me. Why do we always play drinking games with a guy twice our size?" he complained, sinking back into his chain glancing between both the huntress and the dazed Gnomish woman.

"Because it's the fastest way to get drunk, obviously." his sister exclaimed, managing rather well to keep her drunken self together. At least compared to the Druid girl whom sat across from her hug half off her chair, with her back hunched over it's edge.

Over the constant noise of the music played by taverns employed bards and the idol chatting of the many paying customers, Ragnvaldr smirked as her twisted his head ever so slightly watching as the red-haired girl pulled herself upright, swishing side to side with lidded eyes, "Who's drunk? Not me. I'm great! I think we should go to another... Another..." she began only to be interrupted, retching as he cheeks bulged, her mouth suddenly filling with her own vomit. 

Unfortunately for the Gnome beside her, the Druid lurched as a stream of chunky vomit expelled from her stomach onto the taverns clean wooden floor. "Didn't you only have one ale?" the tiny woman asked rubbing her friends back in what little comfort she could give the suffering Druid. Yet her words did little to sooth the situation as another long chunky stream flooded from her mouth. "Oh. So chunky." the white-haired woman gagged leaning away from the stinking juices.

The severely drunken woman managed to push herself to her feet swaying side to side, eyes widening in child like wonder when her rosy gaze landed upon moonless. Releasing a drunken squeal the Druid stumbled uncaringly across the puddle of her own sick. "Puppy!" she cried out edging closer to were the large wolf lay peacefully.

"No! Keyleth! Stay here!" the Half-Elf demanded, yet did little in the way to stop her friend from showing the Wolf some unwanted love.

"By the Gods..." Ragnvaldr groaned, dropping his face into his hands as the barely standing woman stumbled toward them. "At least she'll bother you instead of me..." he smirked down at the dreary animal.

Shambling her way over toward the man and wolf, the Druid now know as Keyleth dropped onto her knees and unsteadily reached for the wolfs white coat. Unfortunately for her, the wolf was in just as much of a bad mood as Ragnvaldr. Twisting her head to the elf and snapping her toughened jaws, warning her to back off. 

Keyleth nearly leaped out of her own skin, falling onto her back and shuffling away. Shooting a weary side eye to the younger woman, Ragnvaldr sighed in reluctance reaching for a scrap of food still left amongst the mound of bowls and plates. "She's no domesticated beast you're used too. Don't just try and show a War-Dog love, take this." he advised tossing a scrap of venison to her, of which her shaky hands barely caught.

As quietly as she could, the drunken Druid crawled closer to Moonless again. Instead of snapping at her the Dire Wolf tilted her ears against her head and barred her razor sharp teeth, letting out a throaty warning growl to the encroaching stranger. Luckily as soon as Keyleth held out her open palm to the animal, the growling instantly stopped and her ears perked right up, edging her head forward and lapping up the meat greedily without hesitation.

Moonless's red eyes locked with Keyleth's as the Dire Wolf tilted her head curiously in time with drunken woman. At the same time both the woman and wolf glanced up toward the still seated man, like a pair of strange, begging children. "Go ahead, both of you..." he uttered tiredly as Moonless lovingly nuzzled against the kneeling Druid rubbing her white fur against Keyleth's green robes. Of course, being an avid lover of nature and a little bit drunk, she gleefully returned the love, brushing her fingers through the Wolves soft fur excitedly, uttering a babbling mess of baby talk at her new trusting furry friend.

But as was the case with most drunken nights in Emon's many Taverns, the cosy sense of comradery was quickly shattered when a towering grey skinned Orc nearly tripped over the tiny framed Elf. "Watch it, bitch!" he growled, his speech impeded by the pair of fang like teeth protruding slightly from his mouth. Shoving the innocent woman needlessly hard, his action nearly sent her already weakened form to the floor once again.

In true fashion however, the motley crews resident boneheaded Goliath shot to his feet clenching both massive fists at his side. "Hey. You watch it, dicknose." he fumed stepping up for his friend, the males more than jovial attitude switching to one of violent intent in an instant.

"Easy, Grog. We don't waste our time on talking assholes, remember?" The white haired, chest plate wearing Gnome stated holding her hand out in warning, trying to sooth the fuming giant and spared the Orc a rather impromptu visit to the Doctors. 

With nothing but a scoff the Orc sat down at his own table across from them, planting himself next to an impossibly muscular, brown and black Canite. Luckily, nothing yet had come of the exchange as the black haired Half-Elf Huntress broke the tense silence, raising her mug. "Oi, tavern keep. Another round for Vox Machina, the greatest band of mercenaries in all the realm." she declared, of which the frustrated tavern keep rolled his eyes and strutted to get his dwindling supply of Ale, all thanks to that of a group of sell swords and a single Oldegårdian.

Across from them, the strangely confrontational Orc croaked out a thundering laugh, "The greatest? I heard you couldn't even rescues a cow from a burning barn." he chortled swirling his tankard in hand all while his entourage broke in hysteric laughter like the ass-sucking goons they were. "Vox Machina. What a fucking joke." the Orcish male insulted again.

The aforementioned party of Mercenaries all shared narrowed glances toward one another, nodding to the Elven Rouge who slid to his feet and traipsed toward the opposing table all while Ragnvaldr took notice of just how silent the mans footsteps were. "Let's keep things civil, friend." he grumbled in an uninterest bored tone, drawing his curved dagger and burying its pointed edge into the wooden table. "We're not looking for trouble." he said, with a clear threat buried in attempt at de-escalation.

Smashing his tankard back onto the table, the Orc stood up to his full height of 6'5, strutting toward the Half-Elf nearly a head shorter than him. Coming to a stop the Grey skin leered over him with a foot barely separating them. "Oh, I'll bet you ain't." he growled latching his grip onto the black collar of the mans tunic pulling him even closer, "Everyone knows you're a bunch of pathetic losers who can't keep a fucking job." he taunted looking the lean Elf up and down like piece of meat.

"Look at your scrawny ass. Too weak to tickle your own pickle." he smirked, keeping a firm hold on the rather arousing Rouge.

Immediately, the rosy cheeked Elf reached out his unblemished hand, running his smoothened palm up the Orcs bare, extremely muscled arm. "Are you offering to help?" he moaned softly.

Of course, as Ragnvaldur listened in the less than intelligent Orc's vicious grin fell from his face as a hint of red dusted across his face, holding the Elf further away. "Yeah. U-Uh, well, no. I... Fuck you!" he hissed angrily glancing around the room, hoping and praying no one noticed the little exchange.

"Oh, I'm only asking you to give me a hand." he said calmly, only for his uncaring face to turn into a scowl grabbing the mans wrist and locking it in place allowing his ashen skinned behemoth of a friend to rush toward them with his mighty two handed axe and cut the Orc's hand from his chunky arm.

And in that single moment of stupidity, Ragnvaldr's night was ruined as the Orcish man stumbled backward all while crimson blood sprayed from his newly acquired wound, smashing his back against the bar and knocking over two innocent bystanders. 

A goofy, care free grin was spread across the Goliath's face as he caught the Orc's severed hand. "You know, Vax, I think he's willing." he smiled all while his entourage and a few others darted to their feet. "Ooh, can I keep this?" the Goliath questioned waving the severed extremity as it spurted what ever blood remained from its loosed arteries.

"Don't just stand there gawking, louts. Kill them!" the downed Orc wailed as Vox Machina too prepared themselves as best they could in their intoxicated states. And with that a wicked grin grew the Goliath's lips as he gripped the tankard laden table and tossed it toward their more than justified foes.

All hell broke loose in the usually quiet tavern as the two mercenary bands clashed against one another, neither hesitating as they got down and dirty with fists and magic alike. The Goliath, being a Goliath chose the only way to fight he knew, grappling with a human male and lifting the much smaller warrior above his head and smashing him into a nearby table.

Vax used his much leaner frame to weave his way around his assailant, leaping into the air and kneeing the sell sword right in the face. Though his drunkenness greatly diminished his normally flawless moves as he tumbled into the bars counter. Unfazed the half Elf quickly snatched an unattended tankard and funnelled its remaining contents into his mouth. Releasing a belch and stumbling right back into the fight.

Furniture, blades and barrels alike were thrown across the room as some paying guest took cover any were they could, trying their best to stay out of the quickly escalating brawl. The Half-Elf twins, in the chaos of battle had managed to reunite standing shoulder to shoulder as the woman knocked an arrow and the male drew his pair of daggers.

A one eyed, sword wielding Cat-man tumbled toward them, barely getting in close as a single dagger and arrow pierced through the air in flawless synchronising and planted themselves in his chest. So marked the first injury as the Felliniesque male dropped to the floor in an unmoving heap, "I had him." both siblings grunted at the same time, one glaring murderously at the other.

The white haired human sat nearest the wall, uncaring of the chaos erupting around him ducked his head to the side as a glass sailed past his skull smashing against the wall behind him. Clearly the only sober one in the room didn't want a fight, that was until another green-skinned Orc bolted toward him, swinging his massive blade which the noble blooded human dodged with ease.

In a flash, the man reached into his long, body length coat and drew a device the likes of which Ragnvaldr had never saw. The human without a hint of hesitation pressed its steel cylindrical barrel against the Orc's fanged. Fortunately the well meaning Goliath leapt to his friends aid, bounding thorough the air to land on the Orc. "I'm coming, Percy!" he screamed arms raised and ready, unwittingly turning a clean kill into a complete mess.

"Oh, no." he uttered, green eyes wide as the hulking Goliath toppled on top of the two men, doing little but nearly crush the life out of the smaller, skinnier human. 

"Oops..." the Goliath dumbly stated, sitting up on his knees and staring blankly at the buried human, only to have the same brown and black furred Canite sprint up behind him and smash a chair over he back of his unfeeling head. Snarling it's foaming jaws, the Canite watched as the Barbarian rose to his full height, face skewered with rage. Enraged the ashen male unleashed an ear shattering roar right in the dog-mans face.

Meanwhile, still seated in his usual spot Ragnvaldr released an exacerbated sigh, "Fuck..." he uttered as a less than pleased, rather short Catfolk male clawed his way upright after being knocked from his seat drawing a small serrated blade from his sleeve, creeping toward the uncaring Oldegårdian. Eager at the chance to not only kill the alleged savage but collect the fat bounty on his head.

Still seated pretending as if he hadn't noticed the murderous feline, Ragnvaldr, just as the humanoid got close shot to his feet and locked his unbreakable hand around the Cat's throat. A tiny whimper squeaked through his stubby jaw as the Oldegårdian simply lifted the furry male off his feet effortlessly and hurled him through a nearby window, smashing the glass to pieces. 

Lifting his axe from the Bar-top, Ragnvaldr released a tired groan casually strutting at a snails pace toward the less than challenging battle.

Some were in the mess of battling Mercenaries, Vex knocked another pair of arrows aiming right toward one of the other charging adversaries, eager for some blood. Taking a single step back to steady her stance, the attractive She-Elf tripped over a miniature body and collapsed onto the floor amongst the fragmented furniture. 

Twisting her head she noticed the head of the white-haired Gnomish Paladin with her faces slumped on the floor. "Pike, love, can you try to stay out of the way?" she questioned slyly as Ragnvaldur reluctantly joined the party, casually strolling in front of the downed women and barging the charging Orc with his shoulder into the wall.

"Hey, come on. You tripped over me!" The Gnome exclaimed pulling her red cheeked face from the disgusting floor. Raising her bent arm, a yellow circlet of energy manifested deflecting another incoming piece of furniture, both pushing and shoving as they clambered to their unsteady feet.

Another Sell sword charged the two clumsy Mercenaries as Ragnvaldr locked his fellows humans serrated great sword with his unremarkable, chipped axe. Staying locked in place, the Red-haired man simply held the attacker in place. With no hint of exertion, holding his axe with one hand Ragnvaldr used his free one to strike the man viciously in the throat making him let out a horrendous wretch, allowing the Oldegårdian to bash the mans stomach with the pommel of his axe knocking him to the ground.

In the heat of battle, Vox Machina's resident Rouge slipped through the mosh of Mercenaries, swooping by and snatching the coin purse hanging stupidly from ones belt. "I'll take that." he uttered swiftly turning away and tossing the purse to his sister, whom while locked in her own battle caught it.

"Not bad, brother!" she complimented backing herself against the wall, facing a fuming Orc. The very same one the Goliath nearly killed Percy with moments before. 

Letting out another groan, Ragnvaldr noticed the barely functioning Druid had vanished from Moonless's side, spotting the drunken woman holding her hand firmly against her mouth as she ran perused by the Canite, now barring his sharpened claws. Skirting around the table Keyleth did her best to keep it between them, though she hadn't accounted for the Canite to simply grip the edges of the table and flip it out of the way.

Unleashing a horrifying roar the Doberman like humanoid lurched forward, only for Keyleth to unveil her secret weapon. Removing her guarded hand from her mouth and expelling another chunky stream of vomit right into the Canite's open jaw. Instantly his beady eyes went wide, simply leaning back and excelling the newly acquired bodily fluids himself. And, as if the incident hadn't been humiliating enough, a grouping of vines burst through the open window, controlled by her glowing finger tips and magically infused staff. 

Clamping his arms to his sides, the thickened vines restrained the rest of his body forcing him to the floor. "Why does this happen every time we go out drinking?" she exclaimed in annoyance, holding herself up with the help of her staff.

Meanwhile, Vex still preoccupied with her widely swinging attacker backed herself against the wall. The great sword wielding Orc smashed his hand right next to her head as Ragnvaldr gripped onto the back of the mans sleeveless leather tunic yanking him of and kneeing the man straight in the groin. "Stay down this time. Save us all the trouble." Stubbornly, with a hand pressed against his crotch the Orc stumbled to his feet, grunting as he went.

"Fucking tribal scum!" he grumbled painfully refusing to back down. Again Ragnvaldr rolled his battle hardened eyes glancing at the shifty eyed She-Elf, unware she was rather bluntly observing his impressively sculpted body. 

"I warned you..." he grinned as he and surprisingly the pervy Elf whistled shrilly catching the attention of both their animal companions, "Moonless! Sick 'em girl!" he ordered as the Dire Wolf instantly snapped from her prone state and leapt at the Orc latching her strong jaws onto his wrist and tugging, dislocating his arm instantly.

As the Orc bashed the top of Moonless's head weakly with the pommel of his Great sword a mighty crashed burst through the room as one of the nearby walls exploded in a cascade of dust and splinters. Mere feet away, a bear slightly bigger than Moonless herself slid to a stop. The light plates of armour along his back and head glimmered in the light of the few remaining lanterns, not crushed during the brawl.

The She-Elf's pet bear roared Viciously, "Good boy, Trinket. Over here!" she ordered, pointing toward the wounded and whimpering Orc, still trying to pry Moonless from his bleeding arm. To add insult to certain death, the bear bowed his head and clamped his jaws onto the mans leg with a mighty crunch, breaking it and collapsing him to the ground then dragging him back outside through the hole with Moonless still clamped on his arm and tugging in the opposite direction.

Ragnvaldr, stared blankly at the destruction left behind by the bears sudden appearance. Speechless for the first time in his life, Vex stole one last glance at the mans body, quirking her eyebrow and extending her hand. "Vex, and you are?" she introduced inappropriately in the middle of all the chaos.

"Ragnvaldr..." he uttered still locked in his baffled trance gripping onto her dainty hand and returning the gesture, still trying to comprehend were in Emon the bear would hide without drawing attention.

Clearing her throat Vex pushed herself from the wall, freeing her form from the rather vulnerable position, not that she minded in any way of course. "Shall we finish this then, Ragnvaldr?" she questioned, with a hint of glee laced in her voice.

The Stranger stood stock still, barely acknowledging her inquiry. Only giving a slight nod in response, "Uh..." he uttered barely able to string a sentence together.

Snapping out of it, the human and Half-Elf turned to see that most of the attacking patrons lay on the floor bar a few still standing Orcs. "I think you're friends are more than capable of taking them." he said, only to be proven wrong when the Orc lifted Percy off his feet and tossed him away like a ragdoll. "Nevermind..." he grunted as Vex chuckled at the mans misfortune. Both once again charged into the fray, Vex staying back slightly to give the axe wielding Human some much needed cover.  

Shooting to his feet Percy drew his Pepperbox as Grog tackled the Orc grappling with the similarly sized green-skin. "Grog, step aside!" he barked trying desperately to a line a shot, only for the Orc to shove Grog away giving the Gunslinger the perfect opportunity. Pulling the weapons silver trigger, the black powder within sparked only to fizzle lifelessly expelling none of the steel pellets from within. "Oh, bollocks." he uttered staring at the smoking barrel of his pistol.

"Where the hell is Scanlan?" Vax inquired being thrown limply to the floor like a child, all while Percy was ripped from his feet by a burly blonde haired woman tossing him toward one of the many lodgings wooden doors.


Inside the very same room Percy was about involuntarily enter, the rather skilled twain's of a lute strummed a rather melodic tune. The beaming moonlight poured through the open window lighting the darkness within.

Standing upright on the bed, with the lute angled to protect his exposed genitals a tanned, hairy chested Gnome played away to his entranced audience of one. A pink skinned Elven woman lay amongst the scrunched sheets, propping herself against the pillow, exposing her luscious breasts to her unlikely seducer. If the handsome Oldegårdian that had wandered into her fathers tavern wasn't interested, the charming Gnome before her was the next best thing.

"La-da-da, La-da-da. My lady's rose I will plunk." he sang as the two edged ever closer, "My love, it's time for us to fu--" Instantly the moment was shattered when the door broke into splinters, Percy's coat covered form flew across the room, smashing into the beds head board stopping him dead between the two lovers.

Of course without hesitation, Scanlan's latest conquest screeched covering her exposed form and hiding herself amongst the green sheets away from the White haired mans gaze. Not that he cared, being more concerned with the brawl happening mere feet away, "For goodness' sakes. Percy, the hell, man? If you want to join in, you got to ask first." he frowned, standing in all his naked glory over the incapacitated human. 

"Scanlan, I should have known. Could you put on some pants and help us?" Percy scowled, shielding his eyes, not daring witness something that would inevitably stay burned into his mind for days to come.


Outside, the other members of Vox Machina plus their new found ally finished the rest of the stragglers off. A blessed silence once again fell upon the tavern just as the Changeling Tavern Keep emerged from the back room with a barrel hauled over his shoulder. Stopping dead in his tracks, the man stood frozen with shock at the incapacitated bodies strewn about the floor and the state of every single piece of his now smashed or shattered furniture. 

"You got to be shitting me..." he uttered, dropping the barrel from his shoulder and clenching his fists. Glaring specifically at the lone Oldegårdian stood next to Vex. In an instant, his portly human physic bent and twisted, his legs bending in an unnatural way as his body grew double its size and shape. His face shifted to become more bull like as sharpened horns protruded from the sides of his head. "Stop!" he yelled mightily having finished his transformation into that of a Minotaur. 

Smashing his hands onto the bar, the shifter scowled still with his attention mainly on Ragnvaldr. "First, you people drink me dry, eat every scrap of food I have. Then you destroy my tavern. And-and what is that Gnome doing with my daughter?" he cried out shifting back to his normal human form and pointing toward the now broken door. 

As always the lustful Bard lay beneath the covers between the woman's shaking legs, doing what he did best as she squealed with delight. Stopping right in the middle of his oral adventures, he sat up. "It's probably best you don't know." he chuckled as the woman again, without hesitation pressed his head between her legs.

"Who's paying for all this?" the tavern keep bellowed as Ragnvaldr and the members of Vox Machina shared troubled glances, each knowing full well not one of them had coin to their name. Well, maybe apart for Vax ad Vex.

Perceiving herself to be the most charismatic of the bunch, Vex broke from Ragnvaldr's side taking a few confident steps toward the fuming tavern keep. "Goodness, such a mess. Absolutely dreadful. But I can assure you, darling, Vox Machina will find those responsible..." she lied in her rather pathetic attempt to persuade the glaring man.

Waving his hands dismissively, the Changeling made his quick decision. "Uh-uh, don't even try it. Money, now." he demanded holding out his hand twitching his fingers expectantly. 

Just behind her Vax crept up and snatched the purse from his sisters waiting hand, "Well, you see..." as soon as she spoke again, the metal chandelier broke from its mountings and crashed into the floor, further destroying whatever remained. "We don't exactly have any money on us, per se, but if you give me five..." her conniving words tailed off as the changeling once again shifted into his bull form towering over all those left standing. 

"What about him?" the Changeling interrogated pointing to Ragnvaldr, whom simply growled at the towering beast. 

Of course, the true perpetrators all turned to their ally expectantly, hoping and praying he had at least something. "Don't look at me. Even if I had any gold, I'd sooner gut the bastard than pay." he grunted, and with those final words spoken the tavern-keep had had enough, blowing smoke from his nose and huffing.

In the blink of an eye, the group sound themselves all being tossed out the front door one by one. Ragnvaldr being one of the first followed by Vex who landed straight on top of him. Lastly was Scanlan, being dropped on the doorstep like an unwanted puppy, "Uh, hello? Yes, excuse me." the butt naked Gnome called out only to be hint in the face by his purple underpants followed by the rest of his outfit and lute. "Ah. Thank you, much appreciated." he chuckled nervously.

"And stay out!" the Changeling screeched, slamming the door shut, leaving all of them to lay on the cobbled pavement of Emon's dark lamplit streets. Everyone apart from Ragnvaldr sat up, all bedraggled though thankfully now all sobering up.

Moonless and Trinket both wandered towards their respective masters, laying beside them as Vex brushed her hand across the bears brown fur affectionately while the Dire Wolf nuzzled her head as close as her large form would allow into the crook of his neck. Still, without her hunger satisfied the Wolf kept her red eyes locked upon the severed hand Grog tossed up and down gleefully, waiting for the precise moment to take it from the giant.

"Does this mean we're officially banned from every tavern in Emon?" Keyleth spoke hooking her arms around her knees as they pressed against her chest, keeping her gaze locked to the pavement rather than meet the watchful eyes of her companions.

While Scanlan, unbothered by current events re-dressed himself Vax groaned as he brushed a hand through his wrangled black hair. "Wonderful. We've got no money, no place to live and fuck all for prospects." he complained, leaning his chin against his closed fist hopelessly.

Facing away from the group Percy, peeked over his own shoulder adjusting his spectacles and glaring at the gleeful Goliath, "Well, perhaps if someone didn't accidentally decapitate the last fellow who hired us." he snapped angrily awaiting Grog's less than graceful response.

"Well, I apologized, didn't I?" He answered innocently, as if murdering a man was the most normal thing in the world. Though from were Ragnvaldr lay it was clear the Giant didn't care, after all playing with a mans severed hand might be a bit of a red flag. 

With his axe held tightly in his grip, the Outlander sat up straight as Moonless lay her head across his bare lap. Why he hadn't quietly gotten up and left was beyond him. "We have a mountain of debts and-- oh, good-- three silver to our name." she deadpanned shaking the drained leather purse. "We need a job, anything at this point." he sighed in defeat.

"I mean, if protecting carts from swindlers and killing goblins for gold isn't getting us anywhere, I don't know, maybe. Maybe we could try doing some good this time?" The white haired Gnome questioned, standing upright on her stubby legs, for once looking down on her much taller comrades. Of course her plea was met with a chorus of groans and denial.

Percy quirked his thinned eyebrow ever so slightly, "Pike, ethics are a luxury we currently can't afford." he said frankly, beating down the Holy Paladins plea even further.

Sat furthest to Ragnvaldr's left, the soft spoke Druid gently rubbed hands up and down her bare arms nervously, as if debating whether or not to speak up. "Have you guys ever thought, maybe we're not really meant to do this?" she uttered, snapping her emerald eyes between the group of so called mercenaries. "I mean, Vex and Vax only care about themselves." she began as both twins snapped up.

"Well, fuck you." both said at the same time, though neither could deny it was the truth.

"Grog just wants to murder everyone." She said, glancing toward the blood splattered Goliath.

The ashen skinned male didn't even try to deny the accusation, simply shrugging his shoulders. "Yeah, pretty much." he drawled going back to playing with his newly acquired toy.

Still turned away from them Keyleth's attention fell upon him. "Percy barely wants to be seen with us in public, and Scanlan wants..." she said, only to be interrupted by the Gnome in question.

"To bed everyone in the realm. Yes, you can say it, Keyleth. I'm not ashamed." he smiled widely as Ragnvaldr scoffed in disgust at the whoreish man a few feet away.

Quickly the Oldegårdian cut in, "You should be..." he uttered, catching the attention of the Bard.

"Who in the seven hells is fire crotch over here?" the Gnome pointed out as the group of beaten down adventures all simultaneously turned their heads toward him. Only to be met with an animalistic growl, directed mainly toward the Gnome.

"Ragnvaldr..." he uttered turning his attention back to the now sleeping Wolf on his lap, petting the beast idly. "You can stop gawking, like I'm some whore." the anti-social man groaned, glaring at every single one of them, apart from the She-Elf, something which she of course took notice of.

Confusion fell upon the Gnome's face, never before had he heard such an outlandish name. "Ragn-what-a?" he questioned in confusion.

Releasing another groan of annoyance he leaned forward ever so slightly, "Don't test me Bard. You know damn well how to pronounce it..." he hissed angrily, his hatred of Bards slipping through the cracks without him realising.

"Mh, anyway. While you're all moping around with tall, grey and moody, I have to drain the proverbial basilisk." he saluted, marching off around the corner, hands tucked firmly into his pockets. Coming to a stop at one of the many city notice boards, the Gnome unclipped his belt, uncaring of the courier next to him posting another job notice.

A stinking stream of urine released itself from his bladder as he happily whistled away, letting out a sigh of relief. Opening his lidded eyes to read the newest job notice Scanlan turned on his heels, still as the stream of urine was whizzing away, inevitably splashing against the couriers leg. Much to his disgust, "Oh... Oh, apologies." he said, even though the stream kept going.

Eventually realising his mistake Scanlan stopped pissing and quickly buttoned his trousers back up to the chorus of the Courier's disgusted grunts. "It has a mind of it's own." he apologized, rubbing the back of his head nervously as the young Elven man stammered on the spot.

"What's the matter with you?!" he cried out, stomping away into the night, leaving Scanlan alone by the board. "Come on!" he shouted as he disappeared from view.

Turning his attention to the job board, he hummed as one in particular caught his attention. It's newly printed whitened parchment caught his eye instantly among the other withered notices. "Mercenaries wanted." it read the rest was just the typical formalities until his eyes landed upon the word "Reward." Without reading anything else the eager Gnome snatched it from the board and bolted back toward the group as quickly as he could.

"This!" he exclaimed turning the corner once again with the parchment flapping in the breeze. "This is our purpose. Fighting for justice, for glory, protecting the Kingdom and stuff. And most importantly. Lots of money!" he squealed excitedly catching the groups attention, only for his trousers to fall down, revealing his unmentionables to the unwilling group.

An awkward silence hung in the air. A few moment passed by as Trinket grovelled ever so slightly and Moonless whimpered quietly to herself, shifting in Ragnvaldr's lap. The man in question, at the sight of the exposed Gnome sniggered, "Oh, you poor soul, Scanlan..." he chuckled as the Gnome simply shot him a glare, pulling up his trousers in the process.

"Why are you still here? Leave, shoo!" he waved the larger Human off like someone would a stray dog. 

Ragnvaldr shrugged his shoulders, unsure of why he had stayed in the first place. "I should have asked myself that question, before I went and helped you lot." he said, standing to his feet. "Want to tell them what the job is?" he questioned dusting himself off alongside Moonless.

"Not until you go, our ears only." he sing-songed waving the parchment in his hand teasingly. Shaking his head, Ragnvaldur simply marched toward the Gnome acting as though he would pass Scanlan by, only to snatch the notice from the mans grip holding it out of the Gnomes short reach.

Instantly Scanlan tried tearing it from his grasp as the others chuckled at the Gnome trying to wrestle the immovable Human. His eyes scanned the notice, a two words sticking out to him the most. "Sovereign" and "Council". 

Instantly, the slight smile fell from his lips, glancing toward the rest of the group, completely ignoring the struggling Gnome. "You're not getting rid of me that easy. Come on, all of you." he ordered turning on his heel and beginning the long trek toward the gleaming towers of the palace perched on the hill, lording over the rest of the city. 

"Who put you in charge? None of us know you." Vax spoke up watching as the Tribalistic human marched away with their contract in hand.

Twisting to face the Half-Elf male, a sly smirk spread across his face. "Well you know my name, which is enough. Besides you said it yourselves, you've got fuck all in terms of prospects." he grinned ever so slightly, obviously the Half-Elf was unconvinced. "Look, I'll make it simple. We fulfil this contract, I take my share, and fuck off. Hm?" he questioned, glancing between the motley crew of adventures.

Gently, Vex pushed Trinket's head off her lap standing to her feet and stepping toward the slightly taller male. This time, in the exposed light of the full moon Ragnvaldr took full notice of how she swayed her hips back and forth, taking full advantage of her blatantly attractive features. "That sounds reasonable, of course there is just one catch." she uttered closing the gap between them.

"And what's that?" he grunted heartily, trying his damndest not to catch a glimpse of her slightly exposed cleavage.

A seductive smirk drew across her red lips as she reached for the notice, "You're not the one who gives the orders around here, handsome." she whispered in his ear, snatching the paper from his hand quickly and stuffing it into her belt. "Agreed?" she uttered, her gentle breath beating against his exposed ear.

"Deal..." he uttered, trying his best to keep his beating heart and heated body in check. 

"Well, let's get going, shall we?" Vex finished pushing away from the red-haired Oldegårdian and motioning for the rest to follow. "Come on. Up off your arses, all of you." Reluctant at the strangers sudden eagerness to accompany them. Yet none questioned it as they groaned, pulling themselves up, nursing their buzz which had turned to that of a hang over.


Starting down the narrow winding streets of Emon, Vox Machina as well as their new plus one navigated the confusing mess of lanes and alley ways in the vague direction toward the towering spires of the Palace perched upon the hill, rising from the ground.

From the patrolled streets to the stone walkways at the foot of the hill, leading up toward their destination, the newly formed party continued their ascension. Eventually they came to the final set of sleek marble stairs leading right to the door of Tal'Dorei's beating heart and the home of the Council.

Reaching the top of the stairs, the tired and hungover party approached the guarded door. Their straggled and dirtied clothes did little to impress the pair of guards on watch. "We're really gonna see the Sovereign looking like this?" Keyleth groaned glancing down at her own dirtied and torn forest green robes.

Ahead of the group, both Vex and Ragnvaldr were stopped in their tracks by the guards whom upon their approached crossed their spears together blocking entrance through the pair of tall  whitened doors, with the intricate design of looked like a sword slapped upon it. "Halt. Sate your business, or vacate the area immediately." one barked glaring narrowly through his helmet at the group of vagrants that had wandered up the steps.

Folding his arms over his chest Ragnvaldr watched as Vex fished the scrunched up notice from her belt, and with a lopsided slightly ascure smile unfolded it showing it off cockily to the pair of soldiers. 

Nodding in satisfaction, the guard spoke again. "Okay, we'll take you in, but the bear and dog wait outside." Vox Machina all turned their head at once looking back toward both Moonless and Trinket. Both pets of course growling and whining at the prospect of separation from their saviours. 

On cue, both the tall entrance doors to the Councils chambers wound open allowing passage to the party. Vex turned back to Trinket, bending down and scratching just beneath his snout. "It's okay buddy. We'll be back soon." she stated trying to quell the Bear's anxiety. All while Ragnvaldr wordlessly clicked his tounge and motioned for Moonless to sit.

"Good girl. Now stay here and try not to eat anyone." he uttered affectionately rubbing his hand gently against her head. Joining Vex's side the two continued on their short trek inside but not before Ragnvaldr leaned towards one of the guards. "If she gets hungry. Heh, and she probably will. I hope you and your friend can run, 'cause she'll be out for blood." he whispered jokingly to the Palace guard. "Anyway, good luck soldier." he stated in his normal grunting tone, patting the mans armoured shoulder and strutting inside.

Both Guards cautiously turned back toward the upset Bear watching as he flopped down on his hind quarters, while Moonless simply watched them curiously, tounge hanging out of her mouth and panting happily, her tail swishing side to side on the marble steps.

Upon their entrance to the Councils chambers, what awaited them was nothing short of a sight to behold, from the stain glass windows lining the impossibly tall walls, to the neatly trimmed hedges and shrubbery lining both the ground floor and its upper level. Even at the very centre of the room as the group of adventurers approached they could see a small circlet of shrubs neatly maintained. 

Ascending the stairs towards a raised platform above them, the group caught wind of a rather heated conversation taking place amongst the Council, and right at the centre sat atop his throne, dressed in ornate robes along with his circlet crown encrusted with a ruby atop his head, The Sovereign Uriel himself stood. 

For a man so despised in his home land, Ragnvaldr remained rather unimpressed at the sight of the dreaded man. His skin was dark, his body skinny and weak giving him the appearance of an under fed peasant. "Lady Kima, it is imperative Lord and Lady Briarwood join us." his bounding voice echoed through the chamber speaking to a stout dirty blonde haired, plated armour wearing halfling, with a large unmissable scar across her cheek. 

"Sire, Whitestone hasn't been heard from in months." the Halfling in question stated as Vox Machina trudged to a stop in the centre of the lower platform.

"Excuse me?" Keyleth said meekly, waving upward to try and catch the Council's attention but to no avil as they continued their rather dire conversation. "Excuse me?" she uttered again, gaining the same reaction from the uninterested elites.

"Our last messenger never returned." Lady Kima continued glancing between her gravely worried peers, consisting of a regal blonde haired human woman, dressed in an immaculate royal blue dress. A gaunt pompous grey maned old Drow, draped in black robes typical of his peoples horrid attitudes, and finally another small bald headed halfling male. He had no disenable features apart from a single red streak tattooed flowing vertically over his eye from his bare scalp to the beginnings of his blunted jawline. Finally, standing proudly by Uriel's side was a tall blonde haired moustached warrior decked in his own set of steel armour.

Furthest to the Sovereigns left, a horned Tiefling female and elder Half-Orc male stood silently beside the Halfling listening intently to their peers, eager to input their own thoughts.

"They must be warned of these attacks immediately. Send another guardsman straight away." Uriel ordered hastily unaware of only son of Tal'Dorei's most bitter enemy standing in his own chambers.

Clenching his fist around the pommel of his axe, Ragnvaldr did everything he could to hold his overwhelming rage and bloodlust inside, knowing full well that if he tried anything, he would endanger not only himself but those accompanying him and brand them as enemies of the state. Something which as of now, he could not afford, not when Aymon was within his reach. Only a few more days and he would reveal himself. Just as his visions had prophesised. 

Unfortunately though, instead of uttering a word Grog unleashed a near ungodly belch that echoed through the massive chamber, catching the Councils attention. "I'm sorry, just who the hell are you?" Lady Kima scowled incredulously placing her clenched fists tightly against her hips, glaring at the unknown party before them.

"Vox Machina. You see, it's a somewhat clever play on words..." Percy suddenly cut in, adjusting his spectacles, stepping in front of the Goliath, eager to present himself and his unwilling comrades as somewhat proffessional. Specifically the two Barbarians among them.

"Honestly, we don't care." The elderly Drow arrogantly stated twisting his head back toward Uriel. "Sire, I warned you the notices would attract the scum of Emon." he hissed glaring down at them past his pointed nose.

Vex and Vax along with Ragnvaldr twitched at the insult, Vex in particular taking it the hardest as she slumped forward. "Excuse you?" she uttered as her eye twitched impatiently.

Next to speak down at the new group of adventures was the armour wearing Human, "I think Sir Fince means a foe this deadly requires more seasoned..." he began trying to sooth already tempered waters, judging by the wolf skin wearing mans glare.

"Krieg, don't bother with these drunken buffoons. Guards!" he hissed arrogantly as a squad of royal guards encroached upon them only to get shoved away as they lay their gauntleted hands upon Vex and Percy alike. In an instant Ragnvaldr gripped onto his hand axe raising it slightly in preparation for battle as Grog shot forth and growled in another guards face. 

"Buffoons?" Scanlan gasped, standing between Pike and Vax. "Clearly you've never heard of the Legend of Vox Machina." he stated confidently, pulling his lute from upon his back. "Allow me to give you a proper introduction." he said positioning both hands on their respective cords. 

Vax released a quiet groan as he dropped his head in defeat. "Oh, gods, here we go." he sighed much to Ragnvaldr's confusion.

"What's he doing?" the Oldegårdian whispered from beside Vex, quickly dropping his axe to his side and doing his best to relax his strained muscles.

"Best you cover your ears friend. Otherwise he might drive you mad as well." Vax uttered leaning back toward his new found ally, all while Vex was annoyingly pressed between both gossiping men.

Confused at the sudden admission by the Half-Elf, Ragnvaldr watched rather curiously as the Halfling began strumming a rather relaxing tune on his instrument, as the confused Council members glanced between one another.

"Your Excellence tried the best fighters

Who've adventured far and wide But I promise that you've never Met a troop so qualified"

As the Gnome played his serenading song of excellence, a purple mist began flowing across his strings until a breathy puff of illusionary magic vanished the beaten and hungover troop flanking hi from existence, replacing them with a far more heroic version of themselves each standing shoulder to shoulder ready for a fight.

In an instant Grogs illusionary self tossed his mighty double edged axe and unleashed an earth shattering roar while Percy's doppelganger drew his multi barrelled pistol and fired off a shot.

"There's Grog, our mighty giant, he's a simple-minded hulk

And Percy's pepperbox can blow apart your fucking skull"

Again his magic induced Illusion showed Keyleth sitting in some enchanted forest surrounded by her beloved plants and animals alike, controlling a set of vines with her magic.

"Nature hath no fury quite like Keyleth the Ashari

Controlling plants and animals, she's a magical safari"

Next much to their collective displeasure was the pair of Elvish twins, depicted standing in a overgrown forest shoulder to shoulder as Vex released a well aimed arrow from her trusty bow while Vax all but vanished from sight, holding his dagger slyly, ready to strike at whatever imaginary creature Scanlan dreamed up. 

"The twins, Vex and Vax, she shoots, he hides in the pitch

They're stealthy and quite deadly, but I forget which one is which"

"He's Vax." The female Half-Elf grumbled with displeasure in the reality.

"She's Vex." her brother groaned pointing toward his barely standing sister.

"Pike's divinity is pure, her hands can always heal

Oh, and did I mention we have a bear? Trinket, no big deal"

The Gnomish Paladin was Scanlan's next victim as kept pushing his glorious exaggeration, showing off Pike using her glowing, Everlight infused necklace to cast a myriad of beaming yellow spells. Even Vex's poor pet bear wasn't saved the embarrassment of his own personal illusion, showing his bulky form charging violently through a forest.

While all this was going on Ragnvaldr pinched the bridge of nose, groaning in annoyance as a new beat of which the Outlander had the fortune of never hearing pounded through the chamber.

"And as for myself? My name is Scanlan

The man with the phat purple hand"

Suddenly, the illusions background grew darker in nature as an irritating beat repeated over and over again, all while the Gnome dawned what looked to be darkened rectangular spectacles that hid his eyes from the gleaming sunlight pouring through the windows.

"My music's the jam, going ham, you can't stand it

Get some water, hide your daughters"

Summoning his oversized magical hands, they made strange moves with their fingers and wrists alike as Ragnvaldr watched, completely embarrassed, more so for the Gnome than himself. Thankfully the Sovereign cleared his throat loudly, breaking the musician out from his trance. "Oh, uh, sorry..." he chuckled as the odd spectacles fell from his face.

Then dread hit Ragnvaldr like a ton of falling bricks, everyone had their moment to shine an now it was his. Wishing the floor would swallow him whole. the Oldegårdian steeled himself for whatever the Gnome had to say about him. Though, mercifully it never came as Scanlan flowed into his last verse.

"Brave warriors are we and far more clever than a fox
They'll tell tale of our exploits in the Legend... of Vox...

"Uh, thank you very much. "He finished, kneeling in front of the party as the heroic illusion faded, showing once again their less than graceful hung over forms. Pike slouched against Grog's leg unconscious, Keyleth barely held herself up with her staff. Vex stood between both Ragnvaldr and Vax leaning on the red-haired man as he supported her full weight and Percy stood a step further from the battered group, frustratingly pressing his fingers against his pale forehead.

"And what of him?" the Blonde haired Council woman inquired curiously nodding her head toward Ragnvaldr whom held his breath, ready for his round of humilation.

"Him? Oh no, no. He's been with us, for what? Five minutes? He hasn't earned a verse yet." he smiled standing up straight with a shit-eating grin plastered across his face, believing it to be an insult to the strangers honour.

Yet Ragnvaldr did little to react as he released a deep breath he had unknowingly been holding in, "Oh, thank the Old Gods and New!" he exclaimed loudly dropping his shoulders and releasing his axe which clattered loudly to the ground, echoing in the silent chamber.

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