PHC: More Breed Of Chaos | EN...

By ParkButterfly13

4.3K 211 153

Nor Fakhri, a boy, has enrolled in a new school called Kudrat, along with his female cousin Nur Fatin whom he... More

Final Chapter


98 7 4
By ParkButterfly13


"Nisa...dia cuba bunuh diri..." Alya and Fatin look at Nurin in shock...


Fatin, Nurin, Naim, and Fakhri arrived at the nurse's room at the same time, only to find the girls still standing outside the room. "Ape jadi ni Uraissa?! Kenapa korang berdua penuh dengan darah ni?!" Nurin asked in concern.

"Ni darah Nisa la...kita orang terjumpa dia pengsan dalam toilet tadi. Banjir dengan darah jugak la...teruk." Fakhri's mind couldn't stop thinking about something negative. He feels was all his fault...for asking about her scars...

"Takkan la dia nak bunuh diri pulak?" Naim asks in confusion, the twin only shrugs off their shoulder. Suddenly, the door opened revealing Sofya's mother. She makes a gesture that all of them could come inside.

"Dia...lost too much blood. As you can see, dia sangat pucat. Ade empat kesan tikam dekat abdomen dia and...lebih dari 20 kesan toreh kedua-dua belah tangan." All of them look at Nisa in shock.

"There's also a major sign of stress, insomnia, and her body figure is...too skinny. Ade sign of overdose...terkejut jugak la." Sofya's father read his report and looked at his daughter. "Bukan Papa dah suruh Ofya jaga dia?" He raised one of his eyebrows.

Sofya stammers for a while before answering her father. "It's not like I'm not trying...Nisa ni kan keras kepala." Sofya defends herself, and her mother understands that it's not an easy job for her daughter.

"Jadi...Nisa macam mana sekarang?" Fakhri hesitantly asks. "She needs to rest...for a very long time. Kena ade orang jaga la." Sofya's mother said before she handed Sofya, Nisa's food routine after she woke up.

"Thank you, Mummy. Jangan bagitahu orang lain tau pasal ni, especially Kahar." Her mother nodded at her daughter's request and kissed her cheeks before leaving and her father did the same thing.

Ayuni sits on the bed, on Nisa's right side while Arissa is on her left side. "Macam mana boleh jadi macam ni..." Fakhri stays quiet for a while before he asks Sofya. "Aku confused lagi ni. Ape punca dia jadi macam ni?"

Sofya turned to look at Fakhri while frowning and was about to open her mouth when Fatin cut her off. "Bukan kau lepak dengan Nisa ke malam semalam? Aku dengan Nurin terserempak dengan Ayam tadi so dia cakap la..."

Fakhri just nodded his head but didn't say anything and he turned to look at Sofya. She looks up like she is thinking of something before speaking. "Kau ade buat something ke masa kau lepak dengan dia?" Fakhri shakes his head as no.

Naim looks at Sofya and his brother back and forth. "Kau ade tersalah cakap something dekat dia?" Fakhri thought for a second until he realized something. "Eh...aku ade tegur parut dekat pipi dia, tu je." Fakhri frowned as he said that.

"Hmmm...parut dia ni...aku sendiri tak tau datang dari mana. Arissa?" Sofya turned to look at her but suddenly Ayuni butt in. "Kejap, aku rasa aku tau...tapi..." She hesitates.

"Asal?" Naim speaks for the first time. "Korang ingat tak...sape Kapla kita 2 tahun lepas...sebelum Nisa naik..." Ayuni's question makes Nurin look down in nervousness and she nods her head before replying. "Aku ingat sangat-sangat..."

"Nama dia...Maria..." Uraissa said in a low tone...

Sofya looked at her friends and Nurin in confusion. "Asal korang ni? Macam takut semacam je." The two male siblings now are the ones who look at Sofya confusedly. "Takkan kau tak tau...?" Naim asks Sofya.

"Aku lepas PMR baru masuk Kudrat." She replied. "Tapi...tak silap aku, dia okay je jadi Kapla?" Arissa state. Fatin only kept quiet all the time as she didn't know anything happened.

Ayuni shakes her head, indicating that she disagrees with Arissa, and turns to look at Nurin. "Kau ingat tak...ape jadi dekat Nisa, masa dia lalu dekat koridor depan makmal bio..." Nurin gulped a huge lump in her throat before nodding...

2 years ago...

All the student was on their way to first class, and some of them was still hanging out in the corridor while talking to their friends, and that included Ayuni, Arissa, Uraissa, and Nurin but at that time, they were still unknown to each other.

The corridor was filled with students' voices but it suddenly went quiet...when a student suddenly passed by...and it was...


All the student's attention is diverted to her when they see...Nisa's bruised left eye until she couldn't open it, and cuts and other bruises on her jaw, cheeks, and lips were busted...

Her uniform was clean and neat as usual, her bag was hanging on her left shoulder as she emotionlessly walked in the corridor as if no one was looking at her.

When she passed by Nurin, Nurin looked at her in shock, sadness, and fear because she knew...what exactly happened to her...

As she's the bystander.........

Nisa stopped at one spot and looked on her left side, at a group of friends who were already looking at her from afar. One of them even smirked and raised both of her eyebrows at Nisa as a sign of mocking and she looked at them with a gaze...

that shows how much she wants to kill all of them...


"So in short, parut tu dia dapat 2 tahun lepas? Dia kena belasah dengan Maria ni?" Fatin said and Ayuni nod her head. "Sebenarnya...banyak lagi benda geng Maria ni buat tapi aib la jadi aku tak boleh nak bagi tahu." Nurin said and she look at all of them.

"Jap, kau tau ape jadi?!" Fakhri's eyes widen in shock and Nurin nods her head. "HABIS TAKKAN KAU TAK REPORT DEKAT CIKGU!" Naim raised his voice to his cousin.

"Kau nak aku jibam? Naim...including SEMUA cikgu dekat Kudrat, semua buta mata bila Nisa dalam masalah. Ape yang membuatkan kau fikir, jibam is the right thing?!" Now it's Nurin turn to raised her voice.

"Kau tak cuba ke report dekat form 5 yang lain ke?" Fatin asks her sister. "Takde guna nya dik...aku baru 14 tahun masa tu, bengap sikit la." Nurin huffed and crossed her arms but she flinched when she saw a pair of eyes already looking at her...

"N-Nisa..." Nurin whispered before the others turned to look at her. "NISA! KAU DAH SEDAR?!" Arissa smiled in relief. Nisa didn't say anything except her pupils scanning the whole room until it landed on Fakhri. She slowly sits up with the help of the twins.

"Nisa...aku-" Nisa put her index finger up, indicating that he should shut up. "Aku tak nak kau cakap pasal parut aku dah..." She weakly said. Fakhri slowly nods his head. The room fell into silence for a good 10 seconds until Fatin spoke up.

"Kau ni dah kenapa sampai nak bunuh diri bagai ni ha? Kau dah penat sangat ke untuk hidup?" Nurin is not very fond of the way her sister asked the question to Nisa. It sounds like she was mocking and giving provocation. Nisa slowly looked at Fatin but her gaze...was changed...

..."Hidup kau...penderitaan yang kau alami takde bandingnya dengan ape yang aku lalui...jadi baik kau diam." Fatin and Nisa look away from one another after Nisa finish her sentence. The tension start to rise up in the room but no one dare to speak...


"Tak sangka pulak Nisa boleh terpikir nak buat macam tu." Ayam said pitifully. "Hmm...dia kelar tangan dia pastu tikam diri dia sendiri...punca nya Nisa je yang tau..." Fakhri look down, feeling guilty.

The news about Nisa, trying to kill herself remained buried between the one who visited her after the twin found her. They are afraid that Hani might do something stupid about the information. Things have gone back to normal in a just few days.

"Sudah la tu Fakhri, bukan salah kau pon. Baik kau fikir pasal masalah Kahar ni, dia datang balik esok." Fakhri face immediately change when he heard his name...Kahar...

Not only did he have to deal with Kahar, but his brotherhood with Naim also started to crumble right before their own eyes. Neither of them tries to accept their past and move on, just like Nurin and Fatin did.

"Kau nampak Fakhri jerit dekat Naim tadi? Dekat tempat parking?" Nurin ask her sister in confusion and Fatin slowly nod her head. "Fakhri nampak...marah. Dia jerit dia nak hancurkan Naim." Nurin start to anxious.

"Not only that, aku observe geng Hani macam plotting something je...aku selalu sangat nampak Lashira training tekpi lepas sekolah. Broly sekali. Form 4 pon cam...start rebel sikit lepas Nisa start tak datang, kau notice tak?"

Nurin nodded her head as she placed both of her palms on her forehead. "Dia orang dah start untuck, gaduh pun makin kerap, merokok. Baru lima hari Nisa takde." The sound of the door opening caught the sibling's attention.

..."Kau buat ape kat sini...Lashira?" The girl walked up to the siblings and stood before them with a vicious smirk on her face. "Aku nampak korang ni macam stress semacam je...sebab...cousin korang ke?"

Nurin got up from her place and stood in front of Lashira with their face only an inch away. "Kau jangan sesekali libatkan cousin kita orang...
dalam plan kotor korang ni..." Nurin said in a way that...Fatin never saw before...

"Ehhhhh kenapa pulak kita orang nak libatkan cousin korang? Ini antara geng kita orang dengan geng High Council. Tapi...aku cuma nak nasihat je, supaya korang berhati-hati sikit dan jaga cousin korang tu elok-elok...

masa main event nanti..." Lashira winked at Nurin and walked away.

Fatin was so confused by what Lashira meant while Nurin was ready for whatever was coming. "Main event? Ape maksud dia kakak?" Fatin asks and Nurin looks at her.


"Dia orang tengah tunggu Fakhri untuk mulakan gaduh batch...lepas Kahar balik sini..." Fatin look at her in shock...

To be continue...

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