Apocalyptic Love

By Kwriter20202

58.7K 1.3K 121

Infected. They plagued the city, the people and nowhere was safe. How do you live in a world where every brea... More

A Broadcast
Time to go
A New Start
Making Enemies
Just Jump
No Time To Die
Settling in
I'm Scared Too
A Protector
I miss you
Those we lost
Ghost's from the past
Losing battle
Talk to me
Don't do this
Fight for what we want
Moments like this
Hidden behind a mask
Watch it burn
How long is forever
War - Part One
War - Part Two
The End
New Story
Wattys 2024
New Book Cover

Dont leave me

1K 23 0
By Kwriter20202

The thing about rope is its easily manipulated when you know how, even with the pain coursing through my body I managed to rub the material against the wood of the chair like my father had taught me to, snapping the rope in two. I did the same to both hands before reaching down to check my boot for my hidden knife, but they were gone like I'd thought.

The feet rope were worse; I pulled the belt from the band of my jeans and used the metal hook to slowly claw at the rope around my ankle, it took strength I didn't have but I managed to get enough traction to rip my foot the rest of the way.

I limped over to the wall next to the door and pushed my ear against it, I couldn't risk peeking round and giving away that I'd gotten free. It was dead silent; the only sound echoing from below me which told me I wasn't on the ground floor.

My first instinct was to find Carter before they killed him, these people had no morals and death was a mere game to them.

Hobbling through the empty hallways of what seemed to be an old factory I picked up a small metal pole and held it in front of me as I carried on forward. I paced myself against a wall when I heard footsteps growing closer, the same laugh that filled my torture grew closer drawing bumps alone my skin. She was whistling as she walked closer and the moment she rounded the corner the smirk was ripped from her face.

The girl tried to scream for help, but I used the last of my force to send the hollow pole through her skull, her features falling limp as the life slowly drained from her and when her body gave way I grabbed her, lowering her to the ground. She didn't deserve a quick simple death, none of them did, but I needed to be smart if I was going to find Carter.

My feet stopped in front of a room similar to the one I was held in and my hands tremored as I looked through the door. Carter was tied to a chair, a bag still draped over his head while his neck was limp falling forwards. He wasn't moving and each second he didn't I felt like I couldn't breathe.

I rushed into the room hyperventilating as I pulled the bag from over his head, he was still unconscious, but he has a deep gash across his forehead where they knocked him out. My fingers dipped to this throat, I felt a steady pulse and let out a cry of relief. I shook his body, but he didn't wake, his head still tilting towards his chest.

We didn't have time and I didn't have the strength to carry him, even before I was injured. His body doubled mine and most was muscle, so he wasn't light. I whispered a soft sorry before I slapped my palm across his face, a crack echoing across the room.

Carter's head bounced up looking for danger until his hazel eyes rested on mine, he tried to pull me to him out of instinct, but his restraints sent him flying back. I knelt down in front of him untying the rope as quickly as my shaky hands could and the moment he was free he grabbed me, running his gentle touch along the fresh bruises on my face.

"I'm going to kill every last one of them" His eyes brimmed tears as he took me in.

"No now. We need to go, there's too many of them" his fists were clenched white, but he nodded, putting his arm under mine and around my waist to hold me up. I winced as his hands brushed past my bruised ribs, but I pushed forwards. "The window" I pointed to the open window at the far end of the hallway; they would find the woman's body soon, so we didn't have much time.

Carter climbed first, calculating the drop before looking back to me. "Ill go first, I'm taller I can make the jump. Then ill catch you" his arms held the windowpane before he lowered himself.

"Don't drop me this time Lucifer" I laughed, reliving the memory of the farmhouse.

The boy let a small laugh slip before jumping down, I ran over to look out to see he had landed on his feet already holding his arms out to me. The pain through my ribs was almost unbearable as I climbed through the window scraping my side against the metal frame, I hissed back the tears as I let my body stretch.

"Now" Carter ordered as I let go, the drop wasn't far, but the pain only grew when his arms wrapped around my stomach. "Sorry" he whispered before hobbling me through the woods. The moment we passed the threshold I heard shouting sounding from the factory, and I knew we only had minutes.

"Go ahead, I'm slowing you down" I stilled to catch my breath while holding my side, Carter stared at me with his brows furrowed, his mind itching over the words that had just left my mouth.

"You are an idiot if you think I'm leaving you" Carter stormed over to me, one arm slipping around my back while the other went under my knees to pick me up. "Now you're not slowing me down" he smiled at me before running through the trees.

When we made it back to the car Carter laid me in the passenger seat before running around to the driver's side. "You good?" he questioned; I sent him a quick nod before letting my head fall back.

I wasn't good. I was angry. These people were the worst kind in this world and God knows what would have happened if we didn't get out when we did.

Bullets started slamming into the rear of the car, I ducked on instinct "Drive. NOW" I screamed to the boy; the car shot forward as the gunfire sunk into the distance. The group tried to run after us, but they were no match to the speed Carter was driving, but instead of going towards home he drove the opposite direction. "What the hell are you doing?".

"We can't let them track us home, ill take the back roads so they can't follow us" I hadn't even thought of that, all my focus had been on getting back to safety.

Carter grunted as he held his side, I hadn't seen any wounds on him when we left the factory. "it's nothing" he urged as he noticed me watching him.

But when he pulled his hand away blood was coating his palm, the liquid oozing down his wrist. "Pull over" I ordered him, but he didn't listen.

"One of the bullets scraped me, I'm fine". That amount of blood wasn't from a graze, I was stupid enough to believe that and I knew the only thing he was focusing on was getting me back. "I'm fine" he repeated, as if he was trying to convince himself the whole way to our sanctuary.

The moment I stumbled out of the car Matt was at my side, his eyes wandering over every inch of me as he gasped "Who the fuck did this. Ill kill them" He shouted as Carter got out the other side, his body swaying as his skin paled.

But his grasp slipped, and his body thumped to the concrete, my tears were falling by the time I made it to the floor and pulled him into my lap. "Carter" I shook him, blood was covering the left side of his torso leaking through the thin t-shirt. "Get the doctor" I screamed to Matt who was stood in shock. "NOW".

I pulled my shirt from my body and pressed it into the seeping blood, but he looked too pale, and I knew he was slipping. "Baby" I swiped the hair across his pale face "Please don't leave me".


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