TVD/TO Oneshots

By CaptainSophieStark

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Requests are: Closed A book full of one shots (sometimes with a second part) that I write for different chara... More

At Peace With You (Finn Mikaelson)
Yellow Paint (Elijah Mikaelson)
Paintball and Proposals (Elijah Mikaelson)
The Calm One (Elijah Mikaelson)
Diplomacy (Elijah Mikaelson)
Power Outage (Elijah Mikaelson)
Overprotective (Elijah Mikaelson)
A New Lab (Elijah Mikaelson)
Whom (Elijah Mikaelson)
Like A Damn Disney Prince (Elijah Mikaelson)
A Much-Needed Vacation (Elijah Mikaelson)
Lost Memories (Elijah Mikaelson)
Fairy Lights (Klaus Mikaelson)
Mental Block (Klaus Mikaelson)
New Orleans (Klaus Mikaelson)
Immortality (Klaus Mikaelson)
Nosferatu (Klaus Mikaelson)
Fatherhood (Klaus Mikaelson)
The Curse of the Sun and the Moon (Klaus Mikaelson)
The 60s (Klaus Mikaelson)
Witches Get Stitches (Klaus Mikaelson)
Like Home (Klaus Mikaelson)
Birthmark (Kol Mikaelson)
Returned (Kol Mikaelson)
Bad Taste (Kol Mikaelson)
Pool Shark (Kol Mikaelson)
Pub Trivia Dynasty (Kol Mikaelson)
Ghost Tour (Kol Mikaelson)
Mad Scientist (Kol Mikaelson)
Miscommunication (Kol Mikaelson)
We're Good (Kol Mikaelson)
Prom (Rebekah Mikaelson)
Human (Rebekah Mikaelson)
Better Than Revenge (Rebekah Mikaelson)
Newly Turned (Marcel Gerard)
Little Sister (Marcel Gerard)
Garlic (Damon Salvatore)
Out on the Town (Damon Salvatore)
Can't Sneak Out (Damon Salvatore)
The Vastness of the Universe (Damon Salvatore)
The Richmond Vampire (Damon Salvatore)
Study Break (Stefan Salvatore)
Fresh Start (Stefan Salvatore)
Couples Costume (Stefan Salvatore)
Reverse Trick-Or-Treat (Enzo St. John)
Halloween (Enzo St. John)
Rubber Duck (Enzo St. John)
Subtext (Enzo St. John)
Fettuccini Alfredo (Kai Parker)
Anyone But the Spin Doctors (Kai Parker)
I Made You Breakfast (Kai Parker)
The Old Me Never Left (Kai Parker)
Witch's Intuition (Mason Lockwood)
The Perfect, Fail-Proof Plan (Caroline Forbes)
Trust Me (Matt Donovan)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Matt Donovan)
California (Matt Donovan)
Ghosts (Matt Donovan)
Competitive (Matt Donovan)
The Undead Scourge (Harry Potter/The Originals Crossover)

Type A (Caroline Forbes)

199 2 0
By CaptainSophieStark

Written for Fictober 2023 Day 29 on Tumblr!

Summary: Caroline is a little overwhelmed by the amount of things that need to happen to open the Salvatore Boarding School for its first year of operation, but her SO is there to help her through.

Prompt: "That's all? Easy."

A/N: Disclaimer, I haven't seen Legacies


"Oh. My. God."

I poked my head into the living room cautiously at the sound of my girlfriend's voice. I recognized her tone as the 'something has gone disastrously wrong and I'm about to have a meltdown' tone. I'd run to the kitchen to get coffee for both of us, and apparently in that short amount of time we'd encountered a new problem. To be fair, worse things had definitely happened in less time to us before.

"Babe?" I asked, taking a few more steps into the room. Caroline Forbes, my girlfriend and the love of my life, looked up at me, clipboard in hand and distress written all over her face. "What happened?"

"Ugh, the Salvatores happened!" she cried, throwing her hands up in the air. "I'm pretty sure they spent the past hundred years compelling anybody involved with this house, and now that new people are responsible for billing things like electric, water, gas, and whatever else you can think of, I have to deal with them all at once! And that's not even mentioning the home inspectors. And I still have to organize all the heirlooms they left laying around, just waiting to be broken. Or the fact that not a single bedroom in this place looks remotely like something a kid would enjoy living in-"

"Caroline." I'd set down our coffee mugs and now held up my hands as I slowly approached my girlfriend, stopping her spiral before it could go any further. "Take a breath, babe."

"Take a breath?" she cried, her voice actually going up an octave. "I still have to make decisions about our first class, find teachers, figure out curriculum, make sure the house is actually safe, and a thousand other things before we can open our doors, which we're supposed to be doing at the end of the summer?"

"Pft. That's all? Easy."

Caroline scoffed, her eyes practically glowing as a murderous expression spread across her face. If I didn't know her so well, I might've been worried for my safety. Instead, I closed the rest of the remaining distance between us, putting my hands on her shoulders and looking her right in the eye.

"Listen to me, right now. You are Caroline Motherfucking Forbes. You do event planning in your sleep, and I know that's a true statement, because I've heard it. This shit is right up your alley! Yeah, it's gonna be a challenge, and a lot of vampires with lazy habits are going to make it harder. But you love challenges! I've quite literally never seen you happier than when you're taking charge in the middle of chaos and pulling it all together. And we went to Paris for your birthday."

Caroline huffed and rolled her eyes, but I caught her smiling anyway. I grinned back at her, giving her shoulders a gentle shake.

"You are a force of nature, and there is literally no future where you don't pull this off. I'm not a witch, but I know it doesn't exist. Besides, you're not doing any of it alone. I'm here with you, and so are our friends. We're gonna help you every step of the way to get this school up and running. And we're gonna help you when a kid inevitably breaks some precious historic heirloom, and one of them brings home a curse from touching something they should've left alone, and every other situation you can possibly think of. We'll be here for you to lean on."

Caroline smiled. She took a deep breath, then pursed her lips and nodded, more determined than frazzled now.

"You're right. I am Caroline Forbes, and no centuries-long problem the Salvatores refused to deal with is going to get the best of me."

"Damn right."

She laughed a little, then leaned in to kiss me. We broke apart fairly quickly, since we did have quite a few things left to do, but it was enough to have a warm glow working its way through my chest.

I turned to retrieve our coffee mugs, offering Caroline's to her. Thankfully, they were still warm, and she took hers with one hand, picking up a clipboard with the other. Her eyes scanned the page for a few minutes with a critical eye. I just sipped my coffee and waited, knowing I'd need all the energy I could muster for whatever was about to come next.

"Okay... the bills are easy enough to deal with, so I'll get online and set up autopay for that. In the mean time, you're on heirloom duty. Find anything we don't want in the line of fire for kids practicing their supernatural abilities and put it in the attic."

"Yes ma'am," I said, saluting. Caroline rolled her eyes with a smile.

We started off to do our tasks, but I stopped short before leaving the room. Caroline was already buried in a task, but I took the risk of interrupting her.



"If we get this done today... any chance we can play interior decorator for our task tomorrow?"

"Sure!" She turned around with a bright smile, a slight edge to it that I recognized and that made me immediately nervous. "And then we can deep clean all the other parts of this house that haven't been touched in years."

I groaned. "Do we have to? Can't we hire a cleaning company to deal with that?"

"Not when vampire speed will get it done at least twice as fast."

"But Caroline, there might be spiders." She crossed her arms, and I realized I was not going to win this fight. I sighed dramatically, turning to go back to the task I'd originally been on my way to do. "Fine, but if I see a spider, I'm screaming and I'm making you deal with it."

"You're an immortal vampire with super speed and super strength!"

"Yeah, and I still hate spiders!"

Her laughter echoed in the room and hallway behind me, and I smiled to myself. I loved that crazy blonde tornado of a girl, and although I complained sometimes and would continue to do so, I'd also follow her to the ends of the earth with a smile.

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