Hot Purple~{BTS One shots}

Door Burubo_Kirihotto

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Disclaimer: All members are face and name claims for the story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no... Meer

Decoration Distractions {RM X Reader 16+}
From me to You {V X Reader 16+}
Frosting Trees {J-Hope X Reader 16+}
Fireplace Festa {Jimin X Reader 18+}
Jealousy with a Bow {Suga X Reader 16+}
Christmas Secrets {JK X Reader 16+}
Bright Night {Jin X Reader fluff}
Sugar cake {J hope X Reader 16+}
Stay PT.1 {Suga X Reader 18+}
Stay PT.2 {Suga X Reader 18+}
Kissed Mirror {Jimin X 'Dom' Reader 18+}
Forget.Him. PT.2{Jimin X Reader 18+}

Forget.Him. PT.1 {Jimin X Reader 18+}

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Door Burubo_Kirihotto

→ Warnings: Sexual asst. topics suggested (Not aimed at Jimin)

→ Rating: 18+ Minors are prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content.

→ Genre: Mending relationship

→ Summary: You and Jimin just broke up. And by no means was it mutual. Honestly the reason why you dumped him was stupid. You were self conscious. Scared you weren't good enough for him compared to the many fans he has. The feelings are there. But you try to ignore them and Jimin's many texts and calls. But something get in the way of your plan.

→ Word Count: 2 405

Disclaimer: All members are face and name claims for the story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. All works are purely for entertainment purposes.

Published: 03/28 / 24

Inspiration: (Strangers Kenya Grace)


 "No new messages." I sighed, tossing my phone on my bed. My tear stained face buried in my hands. A dark cloudy morning, similarly to how I was feeling. Pushing my hair out of my face as my memory caught up with me. I had just dumped my boyfriend. The infamous Park Jimin. Yet I was the one crying myself to sleep like a baby. Tissues tossed about my mess of a room, like it hadn't been cleaned in years. Struggling about us splitting, in silence. Though he was.. Not exactly agreeing with the situation either. Yet again here I was thinking about him again. "Forget him."

I spat out. Shaking my thoughts away from the matter. Throwing my sheets off myself, I flung my legs over the side of the bed. As my now cold feet dangled above my cozy gray bunny slippers. Staring down at them knowing damn well I needed something to distract myself from my own thoughts.

With a groan I made the final hop out of my bed, sliding into the cozy slippers. Slugging my way to the bathroom. Making eye contact with myself in the mirror, I winced. Wiping the tear stains and messy hair off my face. It had made it just slightly obvious how I was feeling. Sliding off my pajamas and cozy slippers. Turning my focus to the tap, the hissing of warm water already sounded refreshing. Sliding down my form as steam filled my small cluttered bathroom. Though I stood there empty minded, staring at a tile on the shower wall. Examining every corner again and again. Washing up had relaxed me a little. But it certainly didn't move my thoughts entirely. If anything it reminded me of the little things like this we'd do together. In the morning before work or the evening after a long day. It had felt like a long day. Even though I had just woken up.

Sulking over back to my bed I flopped down again defeated. A wet towel round my neck. My hair, a disaster, Leaving tear stains on the sheets. Picking up my phone I decided to scroll through social media. Just random nonsense.


By this point it was already two forty three pm. Still sprawled out on my bed in a bathrobe. Hair still slightly damp, unstyled. No effort once oh ever. Finally I flopped my phone down beside me. My eyes ached, stomach growling at me. Thoughts of his smile filled my mind. The words of affirmations he'd tell me at times like these.. My apartment had never felt.. So big. I sat up again, phone limp in one hand, the other placed over my forehead. Aching from having been lazing around for hours on end.

"Ugh.. my head.. I need to drink and eat-" Just as I was about to make an attempt to get up. My phone vibrated in my hand. I didn't have to look to know who it was. I sat in silence for a moment, my head in my hand as my phone rang in the other. Hesitantly I took a glance, reading the caller ID as tears started brewing in my eyes. Making my head throb. Gritting my teeth, I tossed my phone on my bed. Standing up, leaving it behind.

"Forget me. Please." I sighed making my way to the kitchen. As much as I didn't want to bother taking care of myself, I knew it would only make things worse if I didn't. Rather than a usual coffee I had a glass of cold water to wake me up. Inhaling two full glasses in an instant. Making myself a simple bowl of instant ramen I made my way quickly back to my cave. Cuddling under the warm blankets with some fresh water, hot food and clean pajamas. Flicking on the TV scrolling aimlessly for something to watch. But no luck. Slumping back defeated, I downed the noodles.

"Something to do.. I need an excuse to get away from these screens. But.. something enough to distract me..." I thought aloud to myself. The first thought of course would be friends. But I knew they would know something was wrong. I'd break down instantly about it to them. Needing.. Someone new to talk to. "Ah! A date!"

I sprung up. Although I was hoping I could find someone tonight with no strings attached. Trying my luck I opened the first app that came up in my search. Quickly creating a lousy profile I began the swipe game. Although to be fair I wasn't actually interested in a 'date'. As I kept swiping on the app I kept receiving a few texts from Jimin. Although I had seen his name, I didn't read a single message. To tied in my own thoughts. Receiving another message. Nearly instinctively swiping it away, but it was from one of the pages I swiped on. My first match. Chang Huamen. Recalling he was the one with the little white fluffy dog and nice pushed back hair. He had a kind smile on nearly every photo. He was roughly my age and lived decently close by. I sprung into action.

Chang '˘ᵕ˘': Hey! We matched huh? Haha~ it's not just because of my puppy is it?

Me: Oh no! Though the puppy is cute ^^

Chang '˘ᵕ˘': Hahah! Yes she is, But I think you're the cutest;3

Chang '˘ᵕ˘': Are you free anytime soon to meet? ^^

Me: Oh yes! I'm actually free tonight if you're willing.

Chang '˘ᵕ˘': Oh! Yeah me too!

Me: How's dinner tonight around 5? At Boru Boru

Chang '˘ᵕ˘': Consider me there! See you then ^^

Finishing the conversation feeling a wave of guilt wash over me. It felt wrong to be talking to another guy with plans for a date. Though I had put on a sweet facade in the message, being all depressing wasn't going to get me anywhere. I had made the plans but didn't realize it was already four. There would need to be some serious work to look even half appealing. I was in no shape to embarrass myself anymore.

"Let's start with this hair.." I sighed making my way back to the bathroom. Meeting myself eye to eye in the mirror again. Brushing my hair out it had laid rather flat, but it was better than being a frizzy mess. A small amount of makeup, I honestly could care less. Sighing between each task. All I thought about while getting ready was how I'd prepare for Jimin and I's dates. Nothing like this. Half assed and careless.

Finishing my makeup I made my way over to the closet to find something to wear. Deciding on a cropped baseball T shirt, baggy jeans, black vans and a zip up hoodie. Since it was quite a cold day. I packed up a small purse quickly before making my way outside.

Down the floors of my apartment out the heavy glass doors I was greeted with a chilling breeze. Though it had sent a shiver down my spine, it was refreshing. I took a deep inhale of the fresh damp smell, standing idle looking up to the sky. A peaceful song playing in my earbuds. Just then my phone rang. A phone call from Jimin. Placing my phone back in my pocket I began the walk. Luckily it was roughly a twenty minute walk on busy days. The dark clouds looming overhead, projecting a similar emotion to us.


Arriving at the restaurant, a warm flash of air hit me inside the door. The familiar comforting smell of fresh cooked food filled my senses. Reaching for my phone, someone called my name. I froze for a moment. Recalling only the name of the person who had phoned moments ago. Once turning to see my summoner I realized it was Chang. I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He was here and had already picked a table. Fumbling around the rest of the empty tables, making my way to the booth he had chosen. On the further end of the diner, against a cold window. Sliding in on the opposite side of the table from him.

"Hey, sorry, am I late?" I asked, my first time really looking at the guy. He had his hair slicked back paired with a colorful poofy jacket and black turtleneck. He also had on many rings and chains in various metals.

"Oh no not at all! I was just lazin around anyway. Who knew it'd be so gray huh?" He replied with a little chuckle and smile. Replying to his statement I chuckled awkwardly. Although I had planned the date and picked a restaurant I really wasn't hungry. Staring out the window next to us, up at the still dark clouds. Chang must've noticed and attempted to grab my attention. "Say, Why'd you pick this place?"

"Oh! Well me and-" Ah! I can't tell him we used to go on dates here. "Me and my sister used to come here often! It's been awhile since i've been haha~"

"Hm. interesting. I've been here a few times. The staff are sweet. Just as much as the food." Chang stated, leaning himself over the table. His head on his arm, eyes looking up at me. Moments later one of said staff came out to our table. Her hair tied up neatly as she carried a tray holding various items. She had a sweet smile until she met us at the table. She paused for a moment then spoke.

"What can I get you started with?"

"We're good with water for now." Chang replied, looking towards me for an answer. I nodded in agreement.

"Y-yes. Here you are." She stated as she set down the glasses gently. Chang's focus hasn't moved from her since she came over. Only once did he glance at me. Once she had made it out of ear shot, I questioned him about it.

"Do you.. know her?"

"Oh yeah a little. I've run into her here.. A few times." He held on a little smile. Shrugging it off I sipped on the fresh cool water. Trying to act interested in the conversation. You could easily tell our focus was.. Elsewhere. This place reminded me of old times. Jimin and I had met here quite often when we had first started dating. It was a good distance away from both of our jobs as well as not overly busy. Since he was famous and all, smaller places made it easier to enjoy eachothers company. Though around six months of us dating they had changed Hybe's building location making it harder to reach this restaurant as a casual. Even still we had never released to the public that we were dating. Fact. I wanted it that way. I didn't want to be seen by millions of fans. I knew I wasn't the 'perfect one' fans would've pictured. Which had caused us to meet even less often since identity was an issue. Not to mention his sheer fame. Chang interrupted my thoughts. " Whatcha thinkin about? The clouds can't be that interesting."

"Just. Y'know things. " I replied, it had sounded way more dramatic than I had meant it to. Just as I had finished speaking my phone buzzed again. Quickly pulling it out for a moment to change conversation. But I knew who it was. Jimin. Again. Though this time I read the message as it appeared on my lock screen.

Jimin: Please just talk to me. We can figure this out.

The 'we' had struck me right where it hurt. Like I had been pierced in the heart. I turned off my phone again and slid it in my pocket. Another message on delivered.

"A friend of yours?" Chang asked.

"Ah yeah. They're just curious about what I'm up to." Which was not entirely wrong.

"Ahh did you tell your friends about a date huh?" Chang chuckled. I faked a half hearted smile in response. My heart ached, nearly keeping me from saying anything. In fear I'd start sobbing once again. The message burned into the back of my mind as we chatted back and forth. But again my phone buzzed. Then again. Then a call. "Wow, they must be really curious, miss popular. Why are they calling so much?"

Pulling my phone out of my pocket and muted the call. Nearly slamming the phone on the table. I had caved. I needed to get this off of my chest to someone.

"Ok. I did lie. The person calling me.. I know this is really bad to talk about on a date. Is my EX." I admitted. Brushing my hair behind my ear with a sigh of defeat.

"Oh? Why didn't you say so?" Chang questioned, looking confused. "I don't mind we all have one."

"Ah.. well. Since we broke up he has been calling and calling me and I'm not exactly sure what to do about it. I feel bad about it but I knew it needed to happen. I'm not sure whose fault it is and.. Yeah.." I ranted out with a huge sigh. Resting my face in my hands in defeat. Not meeting his gaze.

"Oh. wow. He's clingy. Kind of annoying no?" He stared blankly. As soon as the words left his mouth I felt a sense of defense wash over me. While it was annoying if you think about it. I had wanted nothing more than to pick up. To hear his voice or see his kind smile again.

"Well. I.." I tried to reply. My mind, running miles a minute. I looked outside to try to find my answer and clear my head. My gaze met with a busy street and pouring rain. A haze of dark clouds and colors.


"I've gotta go." I stated, slamming my hands down on the table as I pushed myself up. Grabbing my phone off the table and holding in my stream of tears. Clenching the strap of my purse. Chang grabbed my wrist, halting my movements.

"Go?" He chuckled. "You're not going anywhere until I get what I want."

My mind ran blank as I froze for only a moment. Why won't he let me go? I just want to go home and cry.. I give up.

"I even listened to your story, bitch. How about we make that EX of yours even more jealous hm?~" Chang had muttered in my ear. I tried to shake off his hand. Grabbing at his wrist in an attempt to pull him off.

"L-let me go." I demanded. He smirked at me with not a word but tightened his grip. My eyes started burning once again filled with small fresh tears. Digging my nails into his hand I barely freed myself just as I was about to B line it to the door. Chang in close range. Someone stopped me.

"We are leaving." 

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