You Belong with Me

By bimbo296

138K 6.2K 570

Becky, a quick-witted and resourceful young woman, hatches a clever plan to save her cousin Irin from a dread... More



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By bimbo296

Freen had reluctantly agreed to attend the arranged meeting, following her mother's wishes. She found herself at a restaurant, waiting for her date partner, Sarah, the daughter of Mr. Kim, the owner of Kim Cooperation Company. Sarah seemed genuinely excited about the date, a sentiment that quickly faded when she laid eyes on Freen.

Sarah had heard rumors about Freen's cold demeanor, but she hadn't expected her to be so good-looking. Despite the initial disappointment, Sarah was determined to make the best of the situation and engage in a meaningful conversation.

With enthusiasm, Sarah attempted to start a conversation, but Freen's responses were bare and uninterested. "You must be passionate about your work," Sarah remarked, hoping to spark some interest.

Freen glanced up from her phone, momentarily tearing her attention away from a virtual meeting. "Yeah, work is important, and we should pay attention to our workers' responsibilities," she replied, her voice devoid of enthusiasm.

Undeterred, Sarah probed further, trying to learn more about Freen. "Have you had a partner before?" she inquired, attempting to understand Freen's romantic history.

Freen sighed, her disinterest in the conversation palpable. "Look, I'm not interested in this kind of meeting. Can we just end it for today?" she asked abruptly, making it clear that she wanted to leave.

Sarah's eagerness waned as she watched Freen prepare to depart. "Wait, Freen," she called out, her voice tinged with desperation. "I'm interested in getting to know you better. Can we continue this and perhaps exchange numbers?"

Freen, however, remained resolute in her disinterest. "Sorry, I'm not interested," she replied coldly before walking away, leaving Sarah bewildered and disappointed by Freen's rejection.

As Freen walked away from the restaurant, she couldn't help but feel that the date had been a dull and cliche experience. "Boring," she thought to herself. "A cliche type of girl, not challenging at all." Freen was left pondering the purpose of such arranged meetings, wondering if there was a chance for a connection that could truly ignite her passion.

As Freen distanced herself from the uneventful date, she couldn't help but think that Sarah was boring and lacked the kind of challenge she sought in a partner. It was clear that this arranged meeting had not lived up to her expectations, and she yearned for something more stimulating and exciting in her romantic life.

Freen POV

I felt a growing sense of frustration as I looked at the seemingly endless list of dates I had to attend. It used to be so easy; I could simply hire someone to pretend to be me and get through these tedious events. But now, my mother had discovered my little trick, and I was stuck experiencing what felt like the most boring and repetitive moments of my life.

Each date seemed like a carbon copy of the last, with the same questions, the same expressions, and the same lack of genuine connection. "It's just the same man or woman, they just give the exact expression and continue with the same type of question," I muttered to myself, irritation lacing my words. "How long is this going to take? Argh!"

I pinched my temples in frustration after yet another lackluster date. This had to be the most bizarre moment in my life, one where I had been drenched by a glass of water because the woman across from me couldn't handle my rejection.

Back in my office, I let out a deep sigh, sinking into my chair. After going on various dates, meeting person after person, there was still no one who could shake my feelings of indifference. I wondered if there was anyone out there who could change this monotonous cycle, someone who could bring a spark of genuine connection into my life. The search for that elusive connection seemed to be a never-ending journey, and I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of weariness.

Irin's frustration reached a boiling point as she argued with her parents about the arranged meeting with the daughter of their company's partner. She was adamant in her refusal, unwilling to sacrifice her own choices and desires, especially when it came to matters of her heart.

"No, Dad, I don't want to do that," Irin retorted firmly. "Besides, I have my own life and the freedom to make decisions, especially when it involves my love life."

Her father, however, saw it from a different perspective. "Being in a relationship with her could benefit our company," he insisted, "and she shares the same standards and values as us."

Irin couldn't hide her frustration. "I don't understand why you're so obsessed with status, Dad. People are the same, whether they have money or not. Their affection and attitude toward others should matter most."

Her mother joined in, attempting to persuade her. "Irin, just listen to your dad. He knows better, and besides, Noey isn't suitable for you."

Irin's resolve remained unwavering, and she tried to escape the argument. "No, I don't want to go," she declared, moving away from her parents.

But her father's threat stopped her in her tracks. "Remember, Irin," he warned, "I will cut your expenses, including the condo you live in."

Irin's face tightened with frustration and resignation as she realized the gravity of her father's ultimatum. The pressure to conform to her family's wishes weighed heavily on her, and she couldn't help but feel trapped in a situation where her own desires and choices were being sacrificed for the sake of business and social status.

Irin couldn't help but feel deeply disappointed with her parents' decision to arrange a meeting for her future partner. It was frustrating, especially since she already had Noey in her life, someone she deeply cared about. But her parents' insistence on controlling her love life had driven a wedge between her and Noey, leaving her feeling isolated and conflicted.

Speaking of Noey, she had grown distant ever since the threat from Irin's parents, who wanted her to stay away from their daughter. It was a painful situation for Irin, who longed for the warmth and connection she shared with Noey.

Sighing deeply, Irin pondered her problems. "I don't understand why they couldn't let me make my own decisions in my life," she muttered to herself. The frustration weighed heavily on her, and she knew she needed to talk to someone who would understand and perhaps have a plan to help her navigate this difficult situation.

After some contemplation, Irin decided to call her cousin Becky. She knew that Becky had a knack for problem-solving and could provide valuable insights. With a sense of hope, Irin dialed Becky's number and explained her situation, sharing her worries and frustrations.

To her relief, Becky agreed to meet her at Irin's place, ready to lend a sympathetic ear and offer her support in finding a solution to the challenging predicament.

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