Team JAPO: Part One Rosy Rene...

By Jenmouse45

163 11 0

In a new world of Remnant, Salem and the relics are no more. The former teams who helped defeat her are now g... More

๐ŸŒถ๏ธ Chapter One: Sanctuary Academy ๐ŸŒถ๏ธ
๐Ÿช Chapter Two: Cookie Conundrum ๐Ÿช
๐ŸŽฎ Chapter Three: Video game night (take two of team building) ๐ŸŽฎ
๐ŸŒธChapter Four: Jasper being a team leader ๐ŸŒธ
๐Ÿšฟ Chapter Five: Singing in the shower ๐Ÿšฟ
๐Ÿ’ฅ Chapter Six: A conflict in class ๐Ÿ’ฅ
โš”๏ธ Chapter Seven: Mission (Part one) โš”๏ธ
๐ŸŽญ Chapter Eight: Mission (Part Two) ๐ŸŽญ
๐Ÿ’” Chapter Ten: Confession ๐Ÿ’”
๐Ÿ•บ Chapter Eleven: School dance ๐Ÿ’ƒ
๐ŸŽ‚ Chapter Twelve: Jasper's Birthday ๐ŸŽ‚

๐Ÿ“š Chapter Nine: Free time after mission ๐Ÿ“š

6 1 0
By Jenmouse45

Jasper stood before Headmaster Oscar Pines desk. She took a look around, noticing the medium purple walls that were draped with loose dark blue drapes. A half circle of tall windows stood behind where the Headmaster sat, looking out into the valley of trees and buildings. Jasper gazed back at the desk, where a neat stack of papers sat, aligned with a few pens.

Headmaster Pines spoke up, "What do you think of my new office?"

Jasper clasped her hands in front of her, "It seems very spacious, and a little bit colorful."

Headmaster Pines gave a chuckle, "Well, we are still in the middle of renovations with the Academy, on top of starting classes and training a bit early. I'm sure one day it will be a bit more furnished."

"I agree!" Jasper exclaimed. Then she asked, "Why am I here again?"

"I wanted to discuss what happened at Oakheart Village and with the person you came across."

"Indigo Black."

Headmaster Pines nodded, "Yes, them. First, I wanted to hear your side of the story on what happened."

Jasper explained all that happened in the forest and with the dome. She finished with Aurelia coming in and finally defeating Indigo.

The Headmaster stood up and approached the front of the desk, a thoughtful look on his face.

Jasper hesitantly asked, "The shadow monsters. What were they? Auburn and Peridot saw them as well, but they did not know what they were."

Headmaster Pines' face tightened for a moment, but then relaxed. "Do not worry about the monsters."

Jasper noticed in his face that the subject should not be brought up again.

Jasper decided to ask a different question, "What will happen to Indigo?"

He stopped and looked Jasper in the eye, "There are new laws and a legal system being put into place. What I can say for now is Finian Mouse, director of Management of Indictment and Civil Events (M.I.C.E.) has a much different perspective on cases regarding arson and murder, in fact much different then what happened with the old Remnant. I can only say for now, Indigo will be put into a detainment cell and wait to hear from a court system about their fate, depending on how much evidence is gathered."

Jasper nodded, "They seemed confused and misled. As if they wanted someone to understand them."

Headmaster Pines smiled, "I forgot you still have the feature to sense how others are feeling. That is a skill that can be useful in class and on the battlefield. I hope you don't ever forget to keep that in mind."

Jasper gave a salute, "I won't Headmaster Pines!" Then she added, "Is there anything else I should know about or do?"

He straightened up a bit, saying, "Yes. Please send Aurelia in here next."

🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️

Jasper entered the dorm room, where her teammates were resting.

Or at least two of them were. Auburn was in the center of the dorm room floor, doing a combination of squats, sits ups, and push ups.

"Hey Jasper, welcome back!" Auburn called out, slightly panting. "Do you not mind clearing the floor for me, please?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, sure." Jasper used her semblance and navigated in a swirl of pink cherry blossom petals to the top of her bunk.

A cherry blossom petal landed on the page of the book Onyx was reading from. She swept it away, "Really, Jasper?"

Jasper put her head down to see Onyx's annoyed face and said, "Sorry about that Onyx."

Jasper then sat up on her bed. She reached for her scroll, opening up a video game app, one that she loved to play with her mother, Ruby Rose. She turned down the volume slightly, and clicked on the buttons as small noises responded.

Onyx continued reading her story. On the other side of the bunk beds, Peridot had his scroll in his hands, where his volume was slightly louder. On it, the news was showing about all that happened at Oakheart Village. There was an arrangement of eyewitness accounts and short videos and photos of the damages done in the area.

Auburn got up from the floor and shuffled in place. He looked over at Peridot's scroll, tilting his head to one side.

"Hey, do you not mind turning down the volume please?" Auburn asked.

Peridot looked up, his cheeks turning red, "Yeah, sorry." He tried to move his claws quickly to the side of the scroll to turn the volume down.

Onyx closed her book, setting it to the side. "Honestly, I don't know how you can watch that. Or you, still wanting to move around and exercise after all we have been through."

"What do you mean? I am relaxing!" Auburn protested.

"And I'm on bed rest. Doctors orders.'' Peridot said, holding up his injured arm.

Jasper paused her game. She sat on the edge of the bunk bed. She peered down at each of her teammate's faces before jumping down.

"The important thing is we are all here together. And that we have all learned from this experience, bringing in the skills we had and gaining new ones. One day after graduation, we will need to help others because they will depend on us to protect them." Jasper paused, a familiar warm smile filling her gaze.

The team stood quietly as Jasper stood there, eyes tearing up slightly.

Auburn let out a low laugh, "You spend five minutes in the Headmaster's office, and now you are now saying wise and elaborate statements for us to follow through."

Peridot broke out into a laugh. Onyx rolled her eyes, but a slight smile was on the corner of her lips.

Jasper broke out of her thoughts and looked at her teammates, seeing the light and joy each one had and brought to the team.

She gave them a smile and said, "Yeah, I guess so."

🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️

Jasper heard the sounds of a whimper. She rolled over sleepily, and opened her eyes slightly. Auburn was flat on his back, snoring loudly. She looked down to see Peridot was curled up, lips closed.

A small murmur was heard, and Jasper woke up a bit more. Quickly, she moved the blanket from her legs and got down from her bunk.

Onyx was moving about slightly, twisting and turning. She gave a small cry all the while saying, "No. Please. I can't...I'm not strong enough."

Jasper lightly touched Onyx's shoulder, giving it a small shake, "Onyx, wake up. You are having a nightmare."

Onyx gave a gasp, then her eyes flew open. "Jasper, what happened? Where am I?"

Jasper replied calmly, "You are in the dorm room at Sanctuary Academy."

Onyx gave a sigh. Jasper noticed her slim shoulders were shaking, "Thank goodness."

She looked over at Jasper with a look of guilt, "Did I wake you up?"

"A little. I'm surprised I heard you over your brother's snoring."

Even in the dark, Jasper could tell Onyx was giving her classic eye roll, which caused Jasper to giggle. She then told Onyx, "You know, my Auntie Yang used to have nightmares."

"How did she manage them?" Onyx asked, curiously.

"She had a good friend by her side, helping her." Jasper responded.

"Oh." Onyx replied.

The two sat in silence for a moment.

After a while, Onyx spoke up, "I've been wondering for a while, what type of story and legacy will I leave behind?"

"What do you mean?"

Onyx opened her mouth to speak her thoughts, but then said, "Actually, it's nothing. But there is one thing that does worry me, which is how did Indigo know about our fears?"

Jasper shrugged, "Lucky guess?"

But inside Jasper's beating heart she knew it was no coincidence. Someone or something knew about them, their fears and weaknesses. It almost felt all too familiar, this sense of connection. That one day all the parts would come together and expose their ugly head.

Jasper looked over to speak up her thoughts, but noticed that Onyx was now asleep.

Jasper lifted the blanket up to Onyx's shoulders and stared for a moment at Onyx's sleeping face.

While she climbed back up to her top bunk, Jasper turned her gaze out into the window and looked up at the broken pieces of the moon.

No way would anyone hurt her team.

(Cover art: A green book with a homemade paper flower on top. Photo taken by Jenmouse45).

To be continued. 

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