Team JAPO: Part One Rosy Rene...

By Jenmouse45

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In a new world of Remnant, Salem and the relics are no more. The former teams who helped defeat her are now g... More

🌶️ Chapter One: Sanctuary Academy 🌶️
🍪 Chapter Two: Cookie Conundrum 🍪
🎮 Chapter Three: Video game night (take two of team building) 🎮
🌸Chapter Four: Jasper being a team leader 🌸
🚿 Chapter Five: Singing in the shower 🚿
💥 Chapter Six: A conflict in class 💥
🎭 Chapter Eight: Mission (Part Two) 🎭
📚 Chapter Nine: Free time after mission 📚
💔 Chapter Ten: Confession 💔
🕺 Chapter Eleven: School dance 💃
🎂 Chapter Twelve: Jasper's Birthday 🎂

⚔️ Chapter Seven: Mission (Part one) ⚔️

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By Jenmouse45

Jasper Polendina, Auburn Ren, Peridot Zaiden, and Onyx Ren walked through the crowd of students to get to the large mission boards waiting at the front of the auditorium.

Headmaster Oscar Pines stood in the center of the large boards, in front of a shiny microphone. He cleared his throat, and spoke into the mic, "Good morning students. Today your professors and I will be assigning your first infield missions. These were selected by the council and I, where towns and villages are in need of assistance from the aftermath of the War. Tasks can include helping with the injured, getting or moving supplies, or helping construct buildings. Most importantly, please keep an eye out for the people's safety, as there may be predators still lurking about. That is all from me. Please approach the mission board for your assignments."

Jasper tried to stop herself from bouncing up and down with glee, "I'm so excited! I could hardly sleep a wink last night."

"Yeah, I know. I heard you tossing and turning." Onyx grumbled.

Auburn gave a laugh, "I'm excited too! Let's head over to the mission board and see what the assignments are."

Jasper and her team approached a large blue screen. The white boxes and lettering indicated various missions, from helping rebuild shops and houses, to patrolling larger areas outside the city limits.

"Those last ones are definitely for the seniors." Peridot said, nodding to the description that Jasper had skimmed over.

Jasper let out a sigh and went over to a smaller board that was labeled "FRESHMAN ASSIGNMENTS" written at the top, "I guess this is where we go."

Jasper noticed a few of the boxes had giant black "X's" marked off, meaning that they were taken by the other freshman teams.

Jasper saw one that caught her attention:


Team needed to assist with moving lumber from fallen buildings. Assistance needed with town folk moving items from homes and discarding any rubble. A lookout would also be appreciated as we complete our tasks.

— Elon Oakheart

Jasper pointed up at the screen, "What do you all think about this one? It seems there is a job there that each one of us could help with."

Auburn scanned it quickly then gave a thumbs up, "I'm in!"

Peridot nodded, "You have my support Jasper. Plus, if my teammate is in, then I have to go."

Jasper and Auburn chuckled, and they all turned to look at Onyx.

Onyx shuffled her feet and looked down, "Yeah, I mean I guess we could go there." She looked up shyly at Jasper, "You have my support and trust too. It is something we will both need on the battlefield."

Jasper smiled and nodded. Turning back to the board, she pressed the ACCEPT button and the box crossed off with a giant black "X."

A ping was heard on each of their Scrolls. Jasper took hers out and stared at the information on where to report and when.

Jasper cleared her throat and announced to her team, "We have our mission. We will leave first thing tomorrow!"

🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️

A dirt road was speckled with whatever sunlight managed to escape through the oak trees leaves. The sound of trilling cicadas was heard through the heavy, hot air.

Jasper wiped a bead of sweat off the top of her lip as her and her team reached the end of the path.

A tall man wearing brown pants, a long sleeve white tunic, brown belt, and brown vest and brown arm bracers, stood. In his hands was an orange hard hat with a screen divider.

He turned his head to where Team JAPO was arriving, strands of his long hair blowing in the slight breeze behind him. "Hey there! I take it you all are the team that will be helping us out?"

Jasper threw a salute, "Indeed we are! My name is Jasper and these are my teammates, Auburn, Peridot, and Onyx."

The man gave a nod, "Welcome to Oakheart Village. My name is Elon Oakheart, leader of the village. If you all wouldn't mind following me, I'll show you where you all requested to help out."

The team followed Elon into the village. The sounds of hammers, saws, and sanders were heard, coupled with the sounds of shouts and banter from those working on buildings.

Elon pointed at a structure, "This is the warehouse where we store most of our products. Unfortunately it took quite a hit during the war. We wanted to work on the warehouse first to help with production as the building is halfway in the town. We need someone with the most speed to help deliver the bundles of wood to here."

"That would be me!" Jasper said with glee.

Elon smiled, "That's what I like to hear. Who will be the ones to help out the villagers with preparing materials?"

"That would be us, sir." Auburn said, and Peridot nodded.

"Excellent! Which means you are our lookout?" Elon asked, tuning to Onyx.

"Yes." Onyx replied flatly.

Elon gave her a hopeful smile, "Okay, I'll take you to the post myself. The rest of you can report to our warehouse manager and get started."

Onyx followed Elon, while Jasper went to the house.

However, Auburn started to drag his feet a bit, nervously glancing at where Onyx was headed.

"Hey man, what is it?" Peridot asked nervously.

"Well, I wanted to stay and work on this side, where the lookout tower will be."

"So, you can keep an eye on your sister?"

Auburn nodded, to which Peridot responded, "I understand that you want to look after your sister, but I think it is best to give her space. She can handle herself, and if she needs help, I'm sure she will call us over."

Auburn sighed heavily. Then he smiled at Peridot, "Yeah, you are right. Let's go help out the villagers."

The day continued as Jasper used her semblance, Cherry Blossom Burst, to speed along the process of delivering bundles of wood from a small cabin at the outer part of the village, to the main building.

Auburn swung a smaller version of his hammer to help nail some boards into place for a frame for a house. He wiped his brow, squinting over at Peridot, who wore a safety helmet and was helping to sand some boards for the crew.

Jasper managed to deliver the boards with such great speed that the warehouse manager called for a break. Jasper drank a small canteen of water and wiped away the water from her lips with her sleeve.

As she gazed back up, she noticed a shadowy figure in a bush. However, the figure darted back under the bush, trying to hide in the shadows.

Jasper set the canteen down, and approached the person.

"Excuse me, do you need any help?" she asked.

The dark cloak hid the face of the person, but they managed to speak up, "No. I'm fine."

Jasper spoke up again, "I mean, it is nice and cool under the trees. Yet, I can get you to the village and they can give you some food and water, if you need it."

The figure growled and started to move away from Jasper.

"Hey! Wait, I just want to help." Jasper said.

The figure turned their head and snarled at Jasper. A hand was placed on the hilt of an impressive looking katana. "I said I don't need your help! Or anyone's help!"

"Jasper, did you get lost?" She heard the warehouse manager call out.

"Get back! There is someone dangerous here."

The figure chuckled, "If only you knew."

The figure jumped forward toward the warehouse manager, drawing their weapon. Jasper pulled out her scythe and blocked the katana from striking the unsuspecting person.

The warehouse manager let out a startled scream.

"Go back to the village! Get to safety!" Jasper shouted, struggling at the weight the figure pushed through onto the blade.

The main leader ran toward the village, and Jasper pushed the figure back. Gasping for her breath against the hot air, the figure started to dart into the tree's shadows. Jasper then went after them.

Auburn heard the scream and looked over to where Peridot was taking off his helmet. "That sound, it could mean that Jasper is in trouble. We need to go see."

Peridot nodded, and Auburn started to leave.

Peridot set his helmet on the table and turned to several of the nearby workers, "Stay here. Make sure no one leaves the village."

The workers nodded, and they gathered their tools and headed for the main lumber building.

Auburn and Peridot ran through the forest, starting to draw their weapons. Onyx caught sight of them from the lookout tower.

With a leap, she slid down the ladder and started to run in their direction, despite the protests of the others near the tower.

Onyx saw a figure come through the trees and she drew her arrow.

"Wait! I'm one of the good guys! I was helping out the girl with the pink skirt and scarf, or rather she was helping us out."

"Where did she go?" Onyx asked, pulling the arrow away.

The warehouse manager pointed through the trees, "Just follow this tree line and go north a bit. If you reach the stream in time you should be able to see her."

Onyx gave a nod and ran to where her teammates were.

🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️

Jasper faced the figure, "How are you not sweating under that hooded cloak?"

The figure smiled at her, "Oh, I have my ways."

Jasper gripped the scythe handle a bit tighter, "Do I even want to know? Why won't you let me help you?"

The figure sneered, "Too many questions. Is this an answer enough for you?"

The figure quickly stepped behind an oak tree trunk. Jasper ran over to the figure, but saw that they were gone.

She gasped, as something else came into view. An enormous amount of black shadows, both big and small rushed towards her. She covered her face with her arm, the scythe clutched in the other hand. As the creatures rushed past her, shrieks and growls were heard.

Jasper thought she heard something with wings, and went to remove her arm from her face.

She stood in the clearing of trees and fallen leaves, not a shadow in sight.

The figure reappeared, smirking.

Jasper felt her heart flutter faster and faster until she heard a yell.


Jasper turned to see where Auburn and Peridot were running towards her.

"What were those things?" Peridot asked.

"You saw them too?" Jasper inquired.

Auburn nodded, shouldering his hammer, "We did. Little monsters ran past us in a hurry." His face softened for a moment, "More importantly, are you okay?"

Jasper nodded.

"Good." Auburn said, his face in a grimace.

Auburn held up his hammer, shouldering its weight back. With a giant step, he lunged it towards the figure.

"Thunder Strike!" Auburn called out.

An arrow whistled over the group, and Jasper looked back to see Onyx in the trees, her hands loose by her bow.

However, the figure smirked and moved to the side. The arrow thudded on a nearby oak tree, burying deep into the bark. Auburn's mighty war hammer, Storm Bringer, hit the ground with a large thud, causing an indent into the earth.

Jasper nodded at Auburn and crouched low to the ground, gripping Crescent Blossom with both hands.

"Petal Storm!" Jasper called out, then started to run fast with her semblance around the figure. Auburn managed to pull his hammer back with the help of his arm bands, the magnetic pull managing to bring the hammer back to his hands.

Auburn began to spin around in a circle fast enough as Jasper went around him and the figure. Peridot kept an eye out from the trees, and Onyx came to stand beside him.

Cherry blossom petals swirled in the air, and eventually the two slowed down.

Jasper gasped for breath and looked for the figure. Her teammates came to stand near her.

Peridot sniffed the air around them, "Well, at least the air smells nice."

The team started to laugh.

"And what is so funny about the little tricks you all just tried to pull?"

The figure emerged again, this time the team caught a proper glimpse of their appearance. A short sleeve, dark purple hooded cloak was long and went past their ankles. Enough of the fabric covered the shoulders. They wore a black tank top and black pants, held with a belt. Purple boots with dark blue laces completed the look.

The figure pulled the hood back to reveal their hair was a black color that was shaved on the left side. A large, jagged scar went from their ear to the tip of their chin on the right side of the face. But the main pieces of the outfit were the matching legs and arms protections that shined under any patch of sunlight.

Jasper let out a gasp, "What- who are you exactly?"

The figure let out a sinister smile, "My name is Indigo Black."

"Yeah, it seems like the color black is your favorite color." Auburn muttered.

Onyx elbowed him in the ribs and Indigo laughed. "Now that was a good joke! I have the same lifestyle as my father minus one thing. I have a semblance, and I will not hesitate to fight anyone who approaches me. Perhaps I'll tell you something after you all fight me."

"Easy! Let's go, team!" Jasper said, and they all readied their weapons.

"No! No! No!" Indigo shouted. Indigo's face turned red from the shouts they gave out.

Jasper and her team halted their approaches. Jasper casted a confused glance over at Onyx, who shrugged.

Indigo huffed, "You're fighting me? Well then, we do things my way. I like to keep an order, one person at a time. Now to do this, let us go over the team assembly line."

Jasper spoke up, "Then, I would go first, since I am the leader and the first one in our team acronym, JAPO."

Indigo nodded, "Good! That is more like it! Now then, who would be second?"

Auburn raised his hammer. Peridot held up a claw. And Onyx gave a scoff.

"Then we have an order!" Indigo shouted, a mischievous light in their eyes. They put a hand on the katana handle, and looked in Jasper's direction, "You will be the first to go against my beloved Color Slicer."

Jasper let out a slow, even breath and attempted to use the scythe blade to parry against the katana. Despite its flat blade, Indigo blocked every attack, causing Jasper to go back a few steps, panting slightly.

"Not bad!" Indigo said, "You've definitely seen a thing or two to fight like that. Or trained against someone who is equally as strong as you." They said the last part through gritted teeth.

"I have. My mother has the same weapon as me and we trained quite a bit."

"Glad to hear it, but your time is up. I suggest you find a better way to use the blade with a better purpose and not be so predictable. You have more power in you than you realize it, but you're afraid of losing control. Afraid of showing who the real you can really be."

Jasper gave a gasp and went to speak up, but Indigo held the katana up, and she fell silent.

Indigo turned to Auburn pointing the katana blade at him, "I am wondering, could there possibly be more to the hammer than swimming it around? Give it a true purpose and direction? Or do you just go through life that way?"

Auburn felt his ears heat up and he gripped the hammer's handle tightly with both hands. With a deep throated roar, he hefted it up over his shoulder and charged at Indigo.

Indigo dodged each attack swiftly, their legs springing back with ease, despite the heavy appearance.

"Now, now. See what I mean? I thought we were past all this, ready to do something new?"

Auburn huffed, "You know nothing about me."

Indigo twirled around, "You thought your hammer could stop me before, but I need to give you another try."

"Huh, so you wanna dance? We can do that!"

Auburn started to spin around, hammer out front, waiting to strike its opponent.

Indigo let out a satisfied smile and leapt into the air. Auburn tried to keep his eyes on the black blur, but before he could, Storm Bringer hit the side of a particularly strong oak tree, and embedded itself into the tough bark.

Auburn hit the side of the handle. With a grunt, Auburn quickly knelt onto the ground, panting heavily.

Indigo landed nimbly on the ground a few feet away from Auburn. They titled their head back and sneered, "Aw, are we stuck now. Nowhere to go? No one to love?"

"Leave him alone!"

Indigo adjusted their neck and head to look at Peridot, who just shouted at him.

Indigo grinned at Peridot, "You're turn, mole claws."

"I mean, you were close to the name. It's Gem Claws."

Peridot placed his claws to the earth and a rumble sound was heard.

Auburn felt his hammer start to loosen and let go of the handle. He stood back from the tree.

With a grunt, Peridot pushed his body forward, and the shaking became more forceful.

Indigo placed the katana blade in the ground, and knelt beside it, hanging on.

The tree bark started to expand and crack more. The hammer managed to loosen up a bit more and Auburn reached for it, pulling the weapons free from it from its trap.

Peridot lifted his claw up from the dirt. The tremors stopped.

Indigo stood up, catching their breath. "What the hell was that all about?"

Peridot nodded to Auburn, "It's because he does have someone to go to. Someone he can talk to."

Jasper spoke up, "Yeah! Great teamwork you two!"

Auburn lifted his hammer in the air and grinned, "Yeah, all thanks to the power of friendship!"

A loud screech was heard, catching the three of them off guard.

Indigo was stomping around angrily, "No! Anything but that! It doesn't work like that! You have to work hard to protect yourself!"

As Indigo continued shouting and pacing, Onyx lifted her bow to where they stood.

"Just say the word Jasper, and I can end this."

Jasper held up a hand, "Wait, we need to find out what they mean by that."

Jasper approached Indigo, who mumbled and was swaying while holding their katana in their hands.

"Indigo? Please, we can help you. We can try our best to understand where you are coming from, if you need to talk about something."

Indigo let out a deep sigh, and placed a blade on the ground, drawing circles in the dirt and leaves as they spoke, "All my life I wanted happiness. A place to call my own. To be understood and loved. But it is hard to know those things when the one person you think is supposed to do those things, despises you. When you become so filled with hate and disgust, you have to hide parts of your body to make sure you don't end up the same way as them."

"Your arms and legs, they seem familiar to me." Jasper said softly.

Indigo let out a sob and slowed their scribbles, "Yes. My father's father took the legs from him after a bad fight. Because me and my father were always on edge and would often argue, I had to do something to protect myself. I made custom arm and leg protectors to help guard against him. He seemed to notice and didn't say much until one night, while I was falling asleep, I heard him in my room, removing the armor from where it lay next to me, and where I could easily put it on the next morning. Enraged, I sprang up and attacked him with my blade. He stood there, holding my arm and leg armor pieces in his hands, as blood dripped from his face and chest. He collapsed in a heap in front of me."

Jasper let out a gasp, but Indigo continued, "I grabbed those armor pieces, put them on, and hurriedly left the house. I ran for days, until I stumbled across Oakheart Village. I watched from the shadows. Overcome with grief and anger, I thought about what I did. To him. What I saw and committed, I could never rejoin society. That I am a lost nobody."

"You're not a lost nobody. You were feeling scared and alone. But we can help you. Please, let us help you."

Jasper reached out her hand to Indigo who was huddled next to their katana.

Onyx watched as Indigo's hands gripped the katana handle a bit tighter.

"Jasper! Drop to the ground!"

Indigo swung at Jasper, but she was not there. Using her semblance, Jasper moved back and away.

An arrow whistled close to Indigo's ear. The arrow embedded itself into a nearby tree with a hefty thud.

Jasper crouched on the ground close to Onyx.

"Thanks, Onyx."

Onyx nodded, another arrow already drawn in her bow.

Indigo looked up at the two of them, "Oh, I forgot about you. Little Miss 'Don't care what others think, even though I secretly do.'"

Onyx huffed impatiently, "Jasper, please, let me finish them off."

"Not on my watch sis!"

Auburn leapt in the air towards Indigo. Indigo dodged the attacks as Auburn continued aggressively attacking.

"What did I say! Everyone needs to wait their damn turn!" Indigo screamed.

"Not anymore!" Peridot called out, and started using his claws to swipe at Indigo. The three continued their defenses and attacks, leaves scattering around them.

Auburn let out a grunt, and hit Indigo in the chest area. Indigo went back flying, landing against the bottom of a tree with a loud thud. Part of Indigo's aura began to fade, black flecks starting to fade into the air.

Auburn gripped the hammer's handle with both hands. He walked backwards a bit, and started to spin around, faster and faster with each and every turn.

However, his motions were cut short at the sound of his teammates screaming, and he stopped spinning around.

Auburn caught sight of Peridot, his left arm starting to bleed, as the green aura flecks disappeared around him. Below him, Indigo crouched down, his katana dripping with blood.

"Peridot!" Auburn shouted, and rushed to his side.

Indigo began to slowly saunter away, "Have fun dying."

Indigo began to approach where Jasper and Onyx stood.

Jasper saw Indigo's hand shake, "Onyx, we need to get out of here."

Onyx began to loosen her bow, but stiffened it back into place at what she saw next.

Indigo began to slowly move their body backwards. Slowly, calculated moving, until the back became parallel to the dusty ground below them.

Reaching their lowest point, Indigo raised their left hand up into the sky.

As the sword tip pointed at the pale blue sky, a red bubble appeared. It then went to blue, back to red. It slowly began to expand, as the red and blue colors emerged and danced together, into an almost purple color. The ball began to take a dome shape, the edges starting traveling down to the ground.

"We need to go now!" Jasper said urgently.

Jasper and Onyx started to run to where Peridot and Auburn were.

However, their movements were not fast enough, and the wall began to spread down faster and faster.

To where now, Auburn and Peridot stared at the two other teammates from a wall of red and blue swirls.


(Cover art designs of Team JAPO made in Hero Forge).

To be continued.

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