
By Sheila201223

5K 178 3

a misunderstanding occurs between Sky and his papa after he refused to acknowledge him.will time heal the wou... More

introduction 2
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
author's note
chapter 13
chapter 15
chapter 17
chapter 18

chapter 7

208 9 0
By Sheila201223

Sky's pov
There is nothing worse than been caught up in a lie by your own family in front of your own man and soon to be in-laws.well some girlies do know,but who could blame me when you're taught a little white lie couldn't harm someone,ok maybe not a little but you still get the point right? Anyways back to the discussion remember when I said getting caught in a lie by my parents couldn't get worse well  things just took a turn for the worst and apparently I just found myself in a lot of bs,things  just got complicated and who is to blame? You better not think it's me cause I blame physics or should I blame that dame wish I made,never had of phantom wishes, historic wishes,an act of anger, something one says in the spring of a moment.come on  I didn't mean it  I was just hurting.


As sky kept turning and tossing on the uncomfortable bed he couldn't help but fill the breeze that kept hitting his face .
'Sun for the love of all if your the one messing with the air-conditioning am going to impel you'

With no response from the so-called sun sky walk-up to find himself in the middle of nowhere. He could swear that that was the same spot his family house was on  just a night ago but know the whole place looked like a piece of bear land,no house not even evidence to show life existed in that place.
It took awhile for sky to try and figure things out before he decided to leave the place and make a call to prapai using a pay phone since his own had no service.
'The number your trying to reach does not exist please try the number again.
Ooh boy what the fuck how comes I can't get a hold of prapai, phayu and Rain.  55555 they must be playing a prank on me . Sky come down don't loose your cool yet.for all I know but at least I know who to call at a time like this

Kilen's head quarters

Meeting room
Employee: like I was saying the model drinks kilen water and turns beautiful .I guarantee the consumers would love that
Lian:( pissed) so if that's so then why should they purchase kilen waters?
Employee: excuse me ( offended)
Lian : you got me right if by just drinking water can instantly turn one into a diva then why bother.
Employee 2: well sir it's beca..
Lian: and using  such tactics that are considered offensive
Employee: with dew respect sir how is this offensive were including them aren't we( turning to the other members in the meeting)
Foei: sir( trying to stop the already angry Lian)
Lian: ( cooling himself down) kilen waters is an Ally,were an Ally as you said so don't you think we should know when something is offensive gone are the days when it seemed just ok to use LGBTQ+ as a comedic scrip just like your add trust to poltrat it,or am I wrong ( all in the room turn quiet)  if you can find a way to change that then I would consider giving it a nother chance
Foei:( looking all proud of Lian)

A knock at the door brought back everyone at their trance aah boss we have a situation
Lian: what's it secretary Kim; it's better if you, you know( turning to the door) come and take a look
Lian: if you're going to be getting me out of such an important meeting this better be good ( a tone a little bet angry)ok foei let's go yes sir it is
Lian:( to the employees) if you may excuse me for a second.
Much  to the employee please Lian left the meeting room accompanied by his assistant Foei and secretary Kim

                  .    .    .

Lian :  so let me get this straight  he said he knew me how your son
Lian: and you let him in
Skim: am sorry I just wanted to avoid all the backlash that would come with this plus people were already starting to gather here
Lian : good call.and where is he now in your office upstairs
Lian : ok thanks .( turning from kin to foei) get me in touch with Yi
Foei: ( doing a salute) Rodger that

As they approached the room that sky was seated on  Lian's chair spinning  round and round. Looking at the boys face Lian could not help but fill the familiarity in the boys eyes was it because he  kind of resembles some on he knows maybe in the past but the boy seemed in his twenties he can't pin point it.
Foei: he kind of looks like sir kuea boss must be telling the truth ( foei just forget to add the braid to mouth filter)
Lian's look at him and just at that moment foei  knew he meat up but who was Lian to deny that the boy kind of does.

Daddy ( sky ran up to hug Lian) it's really you thank God I thought they would bring me someone else ,you wouldn't believe all I went through to get here all the roads were unfamiliar the cabs were so expensive and when I got here non of the staff could recognize me and kept on saying I got the wrong place,like I would ever.( sky spoke to fast for the fellows to even get a word in.not only that but he couldn't forgot his papa's signature pout which did not go unnoticed by the rest) hi uncle Foei, secretary Kim  like I was saying dad what the heck is going on and why can't I find papa or sun anywhere
Foei: wait you know me ?
Sky: what kind of question is that? Of course I do
Foei: huh
Sky: dad  is he ok ( pointing at foei ) or he is somehow going insane .thought about what you said and I think it's about time I do apologize to papa and sun.( Sigh) you know
Lian:( confused) papa?. Whose papa are you talking about? And why are you constantly referring to me as your dad( slightly pushing sky a bit away)
Sky :( exhausted) my papa.and if you have forgotten Dad your husband  of twenty  some thing years .gosh you both can't keep your hands of each other ( confused) husband
Foei: twenty what again( shouting)
Sky: yes husband .what's wrong with you guys .dad please
Lian: I don't know what you're talking about and am not married
Sky : is this a joke ,where are the cameras don't do this to me please( running around the office) where are they where are the cameras
Lian: ok sky cool done take a deep breath for me okay

With the soft voice that Lian was using on sky got even foei amused for all this time he has known Lian he has not used that voice even with kuea his own partner

Race track
Diao: kuea go  slow you know ( on the walkie talkie with nhu) be careful
Kuea: come on every one needs speed once in a life(slowing down)
Kuea climbed out of the bike and ran to where Diao was sitting .
Diao: your a freak and the moment your hia finds out your a gone
Kuea: come on diao. How will he find out,oh you coming tonight
Diao: what's up tonight
Kuea: jays pub
Diao: oh maybe

Kilen's HQ

( hours later)
Hia Yi finally got to kilen's HQ and was immediately drugged to lians private room in his office

Yi:So your saying this kid just come in here and started blubbering that you and kuea are like married and have a family ( with a smirk  on his face)
Lian: ( serious tone)Yi am serious he has been saying so many pretty intimate things that am sure I would not be comfortable sharing with anyone.
Hia Yi:Wow he got you pretty good ha so what intimate stuff did he tell you,don't give me that look I would ask him  on my own but do you believe the things his saying and if you do what's the next step.
Lian: I don't know if what his saying is true
Yi:  then this  is weird

Without the two knowing sky who Lian left Kim and foei trying to cool down just entered the room
Sky: Dad, uncle Yi ( turning to the wall clock, pushing it a little)  I see it's still here.just a word of advice in the future this is going to be worth a lot trust me

Yi: you said my name you called me uncle, well that makes sense if Lian is your dad but still ( shock in his voice)

Sky: ya  got that quit a lot today so ya you can ask me anything from my precent I mean your future

Yi : ok so is it true that  your lian's son and sorry I don't know what to ask more

Sky: yes it's true that am Lian and kuea son but would like to change that and your my uncle my favorite actually
Lian : him( looking at Yi) didn't see that coming
Sky: dad I need your help
Lian: huh
Sky: with good reasons don't get married to papa kuea please
Foei and Kim :( picking at the door ) huh

Lian : why
Note  : do you think this was a good idea by telling Lian and Yi about the future did sky make the right decision?

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