Intertwined Bloodlines (Blood...

By Sexyglamoruz

545 68 2

Annika's life has been quite ordinary, despite having grown up among a werewolf pack as a human. But the tran... More

Copyright & Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 10
11: Siblings
12: Unveiling Secrets
13: Son of the Nightshade Alphas
14: An Ally's Gifts
15: Tensions Among Allies
16: Shattered Hearts
18: The Eye of the Storm
19: Heartbreaking Revelation
20: Allies now Foes
21: Finale

17: Intertwined Bloodlines

19 3 0
By Sexyglamoruz

As her eyelids fluttered open, the warmth of the sunrays caressed her face. Tears welled up in her aching eyes at the memory of what had happened. It hadn't mattered that she had informed them of her visions. In the end, it changed nothing.

"You're one heavy sleeper," a familiar deep voice said.

She turned on her side and met Frederick's gaze. Her sorrow threatened to wrap around her and suffocate her. "Please tell me that last night was nothing but another nightmare."

He settled on the bed by her side and took her hand in his. "I'm so sorry, Ann." When she sat up and wept like never before, he wrapped his arms around her. She had no idea for how long she sobbed. Once she calmed down, she left the room and headed downstairs. For a moment, her legs wobbled, and she clung to the railing.

"Where are my siblings?"

"Out for runs still."

"And my mother?" When he didn't answer, the agonizing pain threatened to crush her heart. "Frederick, answer me."

"She's unstable. We had to lock her in a cell where her powers can be contained."

Annika headed toward the elevator at the end of the corridor that not only led to the clinic but also the cells where werewolves who broke the law were kept until they were transferred to the prison.

"Annika, stop!" Frederick slammed his hand on the button and the doors of the elevator closed. "She needs to calm down first before anyone sees her."

"I want to see her! Get out of my way!" She attempted to push him away, but he didn't budge. When he pulled her closer, she broke down again.

The pain she felt had to be ten times worse for her mother. She lost someone she considered a sister and now, her mate. If they didn't keep a close eye on her, the pain could consume her and destroy her.

"We need to find out who is behind this..." She took a deep breath before pulling out of his embrace. "I want no more deaths... I wouldn't be able to bear it."

He stared into the distance before meeting her gaze. "Some are beginning to suspect it's the Alpha of Ulfur."

"So, my mother and Landon are the next targets."

Frederick nodded. "It's obvious now that whoever is behind this, they're going after the leaders of the packs. Alphas, Betas and the Deltas."

Annika took a deep breath, fighting back tears to no avail. "All those I care for are either Alphas or Betas."

The front doors opened wide and Scarlet rushed inside and down the large hall. She engulfed Annika in a hug as they both cried.

"I know nothing I can say can take your pain away... I'm so sorry."

"Scarlet, I convinced him to not go on a plane... it changed nothing. He's... dead." A scream of frustration escaped her lips. "What's the point of these visions if I can't change fate?"

Scarlet's hold around her tightened. Annika's gaze fell upon the opened front doors to find Devyn there, Luna by his side with a mask. After pulling away from Scarlet, Annika headed toward them.

When he pulled her into an embrace, it didn't have much effect. The pain was beyond healing. She tightened her hold around him and wept. Then it began to abate. As she pulled away, Devyn kept his hold on her arm. The marks that once were dark glowed pearl-white.

Annika wiped the tears from her face. He cupped the side of her face and she leaned into his touch.

At the sound of the elevator doors, Annika glanced over her shoulder to find Nina standing in front of them as they slid shut. She stared wide-eyed at Devyn, her eyes welled up with tears.

"Is something wrong with mother?" Annika faced Nina feeling the agonizing pain in her chest intensify.

"No—She's doing better." She didn't stop staring at Devyn in complete astonishment. "She should be—She should be coming up soon—I need some fresh air." Without another word, she rushed out of the house.

Annika headed outside to make sure Nina was okay. At the front of the house was parked a sleek red car she knew too well. Demarcus had Nina in an embrace as she cried like never before. He seemed to stare into the distance as he obviously struggled to stop his anguish from spilling to the surface.

Annika couldn't take the sight and headed back inside. The second she stood in front of the large sofa, the wall across began to flicker, and then it became glass-like in the shape of an arched door. Jeanette walked through, helping a barely awake Gabriel walk. The portal vanished within seconds before they both fell to the ground.

Devyn and Luna rushed to Jaenette's side as Annika and Scarlet checked on Gabriel. Annika screamed for help. Demarcus and Nina rushed inside. Demarcus wasted no time and used his unique healing ability.

Then it hit Annika.

She stared wide-eyed at the glowing web-like marks that matched Devyn's. Devyn stared at Demarcus, curiosity evident in his expression.

"What happened?"

Jeanette raised her hand and, as an act of magic, a sword Annika hadn't noticed, vanished. "I'm so sorry." Then she fainted.

"She's not human," Nina said in astonishment.

"Yes, she is." Luna raised Jeanette's arm to show a bracelet that seemed to have electricity flowing through it. "This helps protect her. Her father gifted it to her long ago."

No one spoke again.

Gabriel seemed to wake up but wasn't strong enough yet to walk on his own, so Annika and Demarcus helped him up to his room. Once he lay on the bed, he passed out, presumably needing rest to fully recover.

To everyone's relief, the lacerations on his arms and across his cheek healed.

"Why did no one keep an eye on him as well? He must have gone to find the one responsible for Mason's death."

Nina stood at the opened door. "It was a mistake we won't make twice... I'll go check on Kiroko."

Annika didn't move from her brother's side. Neither did Mikaela nor Demarcus. About an hour later, Jeanette walked in. The pack doctor had stitched her wounds up. She stood beside the bed Gabriel still slept in and grabbed hold of his hand.

Mikaela shot her a look of mistrust. "What are you?"

"I'm human."

"I find that difficult to believe."

"Why? Because I am good with weapons? I'm human and so is my mother—my father wasn't, though." She hesitated. "He was exiled for not completing his mission and terminating a threat." She faced them now and raised her hand as the blade emerged from the bracelet, electricity flowing through the intricate silver marks carved into it. "He was a slayer."

Annika was left dumbfounded. Slayers weren't welcomed on pack land. No one trusted them, even if Julius had made a peace treaty with their leader.

Demarcus's eyebrows knitted together as his eyes flickered amber. "Does Gabriel know?"

"He knows everything about me."

Annika smiled when Gabriel woke up. After getting out of bed, he hugged Jeanette. As he pulled away, he cupped her face, eyes narrowed.

"How did you get us out of there?"

Jeanette hesitated before grabbing the chain around her neck and raising it. A pendant that matched Annika's glinted against the light from the chandelier.

"My father created this for me... I can conjure up portals whenever I desire it."

Annika removed hers and stared at the sharp pendant. "Why did Devyn have one?" Jeanette's mouth opened, but she said nothing and squeezed it shut. "How did he get one?"

"I asked a friend to create me a couple more."

"A friend?" Gabriel's eyes flickered amber. "You told me you had no communication with them."

"She was my father's best friend—thanks to her, they haven't found me." When she tried to touch his arm, he jerked away. "Gabriel, she's family... I know you all think of them as monsters, but they're not. All they seek is to protect the humans."

"I think we should give you two some privacy," Demarcus said as he motioned for Mikaela and Annika to follow him, and they did.

"I'm going to check on the babies," Mikaela said as she headed down the hall and entered a room. When they arrived downstairs, Annika ran to her mother and hugged her.

As she pulled away, her mother wiped her tears away, a smile on her lips. "Why are you crying?"

Annika's eyes narrowed, and she glanced at Kiroko, who stood behind her mother, concern evident in her eyes.

"Don't be sad—Your father is alive." Annika fought back the tears as she stared into her mother's eyes. "If he was dead, I wouldn't bear his mark."

"I told you that a fae's mark lasts forever... even after death." Zayn walked into the house, pain evident in his eyes. He glanced at Kiroko. "I apologize for not coming sooner, but something came up."

"You're right on time," Julius said as he came from the kitchen, a drink in his hand, which he handed to Annika's mother. "Please join us in the study."

Zayn followed them down the hall. Annika stood in front of the opened doors and shivered. As she turned around, the wind blew snowflakes inside. Her eyes widened as she witnessed the forest coated in a blanket of snow within seconds.

Scarlet stood from the sofa and stopped at Annika's side, staring at the snow in awe. "I've never seen this much snow."

She stumbled forward and held onto the doorframe as a cry escaped her lips. At that exact time, the wind blew furiously in every which way. "L—Leo."

"What's wrong?" When she met Annika's gaze, her eyes were completely white, appearing glass-like. "I can sense his pain..."

"Where is he?"

Scarlet shook her head. "I—I don't know."

"Concentrate—mates can track each other using the pull." When Scarlet broke into a run, Annika tried her best to follow. Of course, she wasn't as graceful as Scarlet. Within minutes, they reached a waterfall that had frozen at the sudden drop in temperature.

Annika halted at the sight in front of her. It was said Faes affected the forest and the weather. She never believed it until then.

Leo stood still, eyes white as snow, and the pain in them made her heart ache. His hair, hands—almost all of his body was covered in frost.

"Leo?" Scarlet cupped his face and his eyes settled upon her. "It's okay to let it out... don't hold your pain inside." When she hugged him, he didn't seem to react. But then, his arms wrapped around her as the snow rose around them, sparkling against the dazzling sunlight before vanishing.

Annika inched closer as Scarlet pulled away from him. She placed her quivering hand on his shoulder. "I know how you feel, but we cannot let it consume us... Father wouldn't want that for us."

When they returned to the house, to their surprise, everyone was still in the meeting room. Leo leaned his shoulder on the wall. "What do you think they're discussing in there?"

"I have no idea."

"Maybe," Scarlet began. "How to capture our enemy. If this is a phoenix, catching them will prove difficult. Imagine if they too can see the future? They have the advantage."

"There has to be a way to put a stop to this madness," Annika muttered.

Scarlet and Leo seemed to be lost in their heads... or were they speaking to each other using their bond?

"Mind joining me in?"

"If it is another Phoenix, we think it's a male," Scarlet blurred out.

Annika arched an eyebrow. "And why exactly?"

"It would explain why he desperately wants you. Annika, you are the last two of your species."

At Scarlet's words, Annika's eyes grew wide. "Well, I hope you're wrong." She ran her hands through her hair. "I have enough to deal with..." Her eyes averted under Scarlet's stare.

"Oh, you mean your love triangle?" She chuckled.

She hated that what she was about to say confirmed their suspicions. "I had a vision of a male marking me." She rubbed her wrist. "It looked like a phoenix in plain flight." Scarlet's eyes widened. "What? Does that sound familiar?"

"The royal family of the Phoenix was a phoenix on their wrist."

"So, your grandfather murdered my family..."

"Annika, they were becoming too unstable."

"That's not the story I've been told," Leo said.

"Really? And what exactly have you been told?"

Leo glanced at Annika before averting his gaze. "The Phoenix lived peacefully until your grandfather invaded their lands and murdered their king and queen. He thought everyone would fall to their knees and follow him, but everyone fought until the end."

"I've lived long enough to confirm the boy's story." Annika's grandfather Julius stood in the hall, curiosity evident in his eyes. "But now, I'm curious how you know this when most of those who lived during that time are dead, except Harrison and I."

"Does it matter—"

Her grandfather stepped closer to Leo, eyes turning blood red. "Do not try to lie to me, boy. The only person capable of speaking about this is Zamora."

Annika's eyes grew wide at the name. "I've heard that name before. Who is she?"

Her grandfather smiled for a moment. "An old friend..." His smile vanished as his eyes narrowed, as if he was thinking something over in his head. "The last Phoenix, or so I believed."

"So, where is she?" asked Annika.

"About twenty-one years ago, she came to me for Asylum." Again, he appeared lost in thought. "She was there for a while, but then she left without saying a word."

Leo's eyes widened as he stared at her grandfather. "You—Please tell me you're not the man who won her heart."

"That's an odd question." Scarlet raised an eyebrow. "Why does that matter?"

"No, I saw her as a daughter. Is she alive?"

Leo hesitated. "We don't know..."

When Harrison entered the house, her grandfather glanced from him to Annika. "We need to talk." He exited the house, motioning for Harrison to follow him.

"So," Annika propped her hands on her hips. "Are Zamora and I related? Is she like a cousin—"

"No." Leo met her gaze. "She's your mother."

Annika's leg became wobbly, and she took a seat on the sofa. "My—my mother?" She ran her hands through her hair. "Why... why did she abandon me? If it wasn't for Candice and Mason, I would have died." She lurched to her feet and grabbed Leo by the shoulders. "Tell me why!"

"To save you!" Leo jerked away from her. "She told me that their camp was attacked. She sensed Mason and Candice, so she asked the pixies to protect you and ensure they found you. She knew with them our enemies would never dare... She was wrong, though." He met Annika's eyes. "She wanted to meet you and tell you everything, but she headed to Snow Haven and never returned. We don't know if she's alive or not."

"Who is my father?"

Leo shrugged. "I don't know. She never revealed it."

Scarlet seemed to be in shock. She hadn't moved or said a word at all. "Scarlet?"

"It adds up..."

"What adds up?" She grabbed hold of Scarlet's forearm. "Scarlet?"

She met Annika's gaze with wide eyes. "You're strong, but not only because of your Phoenix side but because of your vampire side."

Annika released her hand as she took a step away, trying to understand what her friend was implying.

"Impossible," Leo said. "Harrison?"

Her grandfather returned, Harrison following right behind. His gaze settled upon Annika for a moment before he stared at the floor.

"So," her grandfather said, a smile on his lips. "Harrison here had what humans would call a one-night stand with Zamora and then Zamora left our home. The time adds up perfectly."

Annika shook her head. "I'm not his child."

"It's best we make sure."

An hour later, she sat in the waiting room of the clinic, her friends on either side of her. "I hate this."

Leo put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it. "What's so bad about being his child?"

"Our friend here dislikes him a lot."

"I would see it as a blessing in disguise."

"Why would you say that?"

Leo looked way too comfortable in his chair. "Harrison is of a royal bloodline, which means you're far stronger than we believed, that our enemy believes."

Annika stood and ran her hands through her hair. "You act as if it's already been confirmed."

"It has." Annika turned around to face her grandfather, who held a paper in his hand, the pack
Doctor beside him.

Annika took the document from him and stared in complete disbelief.

It was true.

Harrison was her father.

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