By MaskedDet

614 26 18

Y/N is part of one of the most dangerous yakuza in Japan. Most know him as "Fox of Death" in the yakuza world... More

Battle 2: The studnet council is a mess

Battle 1: Shuchi'in Academy

477 19 12
By MaskedDet

Man: P-Please! I swear I'll get the money! Y-you already killed all of my men!

It was a beautiful night in Nagoya, Japan. Most people are out eating dinner, some hanging out at bars, others are simply walking back home from work...

Y/N: Please, don't assume I would do anything that rash. I may have taken out all of your men, but reassure, they are not dead. They are simply unconscious... and bleeding.

But it was a different night for two people who are on the top floor on of a luxury building. Y/N was send to collect some payment the businessman had borrow.

Man: I-I just need more time! Please!

The businessman is currently backing up to the glass window overlooking the city. He looked at the "dead" bodies over his office. Then looked at the man is is currently walking towards him. The man was wearing open trench coat over some dark brown pants with black leather shoes and white suit shirt with a red tie.

Y/N: You said that last time someone else was here to collect payment. So they send me to deal with instead. So, I leaving this building with the payment, or I leaving with a body bag.

Y/N picked up the businessman by the collar. The businessman's phone fell out of his pocket and the lock screen turn on. It shows a high school girl next to a the business man next to a sign. Y/N kicked up the phone to his free hand to to take a closer look.

Man: Don't hurt my daughter! Please! She hasn't done anything!

Y/N took a good look at the sign on the lock screen

Y/N thoughts: Shuchi'in Academy...

Y/N drop the the businessman. He dialed up 119 on the businessman's phone and then toss it to the businessman lap.

Y/N: That's for your guards. You get extra time. You better have the payment the next time one of us is here, or else you won't be lucky next time.

Man: T-Thank you! I promise I will! B-But why did you chance your mind?

Y/N: I just felt like it. Just leave it at that.

Y/N walked out of the office and head to the elevator.  As he enters the elevator and descended to the bottom of the building, he sigh.

Y/N thoughts: I want some strawberry milk...


Dad: So you gave the guy extra time?

Y/N: Yeah...

Dad: *Sigh* How come?

Y/N: ...

Y/N was leaning on his motorcycle outside a convenience store. He was currently on the phone with his dad.

Dad: The great "Fox of Death" wouldn't do this without a reason. So explain yourself.

Y/N: I just saw something and it remined me of something.

Dad: What was it?

Y/N: Just a photo of the businessman and his daughter first day of high school.

Dad: So you pity him because of it?

Y/N: I didn't... it's complicated... that's all.

Dad: Sure... but probably not as complicated as the letter you hide in your room?

Y/N: *Shocked* Y-You when into my room?! What the hell old man!?

Dad: I did. I was looking for my katana that you took from me when I found it hidden on top of your bookshelf.

There was a few seconds of silence.

Y/N: I'm not going...

Dad: How come?

Y/N: Do I have to explain it? It's private school exclusively for the rich and nobles. Yakuza aren't noble, at least in civilians eyes. Plus, we might be rich technically, but compare to other businesses in Japan, we are basically broke to them.

Dad: and yet, you got a special recommendation, from the principal himself.

Y/N: ... I'm fine at the current school I'm at.

Dad: You may be, but I'm not. You have great intelligent, and you aren't using it to your full potential. I know you think this life is for you, but you should be living your life as a normal high school boy.

Y/N thoughts: Too late for that.

Dad: Plus, your mother would have want the same.

Y/N: ...

Dad: Please, at least think about it son.

He hung up the call, leaving Y/N alone with his thoughts. He head into the convenience store and buys some strawberry milk.

Y/N thoughts: "Plus, your mother would have want the same..."

Y/N took a look up into the night sky as he walked out of the convenience store.

Y/N: *sigh* Are you ok with me with following the old man footsteps, or do you want me to follow my own...



A few men all bow down in front of his Minka.

Y/N: Gee... I'm only going to be gone for 2 years. Plus, I'm probably going to visit again, so stop crying.


Dad: Get there safely.

His dad came out of the Minka while wearing his kimono.

Y/N: Yeah... it kinda hard not to be safe when 5 car are going to follow me to Tokyo.

Dad: Still. Also, don't forg-

Y/N: I know, I already got the keys to the new apartment.

Dad: Just making sure.

As Y/N head towards to the front gate, all of the men clear the path.


Y/N wave them off as he got in his into the back seat of the black car. The car slowly drove away alongside five other identical black cars.

Y/N thoughts: Now for five hours trip. Hm?

Y/N noticed a brown paper bag, on the other seat. He open it up to find a wine shaped bottle... of strawberry milk.

Y/N thoughts: *chuckles* Gee... Thanks for the parting gift, old man.


Adolphe: I want you to join the student Council.

Y/N: Huh?

Y/N is currently sitting in the principal office

Adolphe: Is there a problem?

Y/N: Yes! I just join this school and you want me to be apart of the Student Council?

Adolphe: Indeed. It should have been on the letter I send to you six months ago.

Y/N: I only read the first part of the letter...

Adolphe: I see... that would have explain.... I want you to be in charged of General Affairs.

Y/N: I don't know, I don't think I would be able to do that.

Adolphe: I know you can. You are the heir of a dangerous yakuza group.

Y/N thoughts: Of course you know that.

Adolphe: Listen, if you really aren't up for it after trying it out, then you can quit.

Y/N: *sigh* I understand.

Y/N stood up and head out of his office. Once he closed the door, Adolphe remembered something.

Adolphe thoughts: Oh, I should have warn the other students council members about his arrival... Eh, what's the worst that could happen...

Y/N is walking down the empty hallways. He was looking for the students council office:

Y/N: It should be around here if I remember correctly... Oh, there it is.

As he head to the door, he heard a conversation coming inside. The door was slightly open, so he peaked inside to look at who was talking. When he did, he saw three people, a blonde dude, black hair girl, and a pink hair girl as well.

Blonde dude: Could something so easily swayed be true love?

Black hair: Ah!

The blonde dude begins walking away.

Blonde dude: Hahaha! If being wooed by another man can make you forget him, then there's no way it's true love!

Black hair: I just said there's a possibility!

Blonde dude: I see, I see. Then it's true love.

Black hair: I don't care what you say! I'm really going!

Y/N thoughts: I... feel like I'm missing something here...

Someone grabs the black haired shoulder. Black hair turns around to see pink hair was the one who grabs her shoulder. She is on the verge of tears.

Pink hair: M-Mm... Wahhh~...

Pink hair hugs black hair tightly.

Pink hair: I don't want anyone to have you, Kaguya! I don't want you expelled!

Black hair: Fujiwa --

Pink hair: Wahhh! No, no! Don't go away!

Black hair: Hey...

Pink hair: I'm crazy about you!

Black hair: Ugh...

Pink hair: I love you!

Black hair: Ahh, enough! I won't go, so get off me!

Y/N thoughts: I should probably enter the room now...

With that, Y/N open up the door to the student council room. In an instant, the black hair girl pushed away the pink hair girl to the couch.

Pink hair: Wuaaa!

Blonde dude: Fujiwara... *cough* Hello there, how may the student council be of assistance to you?

Y/N: Hi... I'm new to this school and-

The pink hair suddenly got up from the couch.

Pink hair: A new transfer student half way through the school year?

Black hair: That's interesting. What is your name?

Y/N: My name is...

Y/N thoughts: The principal already know my ties with the Yakuza... However, I don't need to reveal my surname to them. So I'll just tell them it's...

Y/N: Y/N L/N.

Miyuki: L/N? My name is Miyuki Shirogane. I'm the president of the student council. The girl next to me is Kaguya Shinomiya, the vise president. And th-

Chika: I'm Chika Fujiwara, the secretary here!

Kaguya took a good look at Y/N. She notice, while he is wearing the school uniform, his school jacket is unbutton, giving him a typical high school delinquent look.

Kaguya: L/N, please button you school jacket up. It's not up to school standards.

Y/N: I know, but I feel more comfortable like this.

Miyuki: Please L/N, just do it or else I have to send you the principal office.

Y/N: Oh yeah, speaking of him, he allowed me to wear it like this.

Miyuki: I-I see... So what buissness do you have here?

Y/N: Hm? I'm the new person in charged of General Affairs.

Miyuki: That's great. Now if you would...

Miyuki then fell silence. Miyuki, Kaguya and Chika all looked at each other with confused looks. after a few seconds, they all turn to Y/N.

All: HUH?!?!

Y/N thoughts: Guess he didn't tell them about me...


Kaguya: Can't believe he is going to be in charged of General Affairs now? *sigh* I wish the principal told us before hand.

Ai: Oh? Someone new joined the student council?

Kaguya: Yes, his name is Y/N L/N. He's not a bad person... so far. Fujiwara printed out a photo she mange to sneak of him.

Ai: And why did Fujiwara take a sneaky photo of L/N?

Kaguya: Because I asked her to. Though, she take more photos them needed. I still don't know why.

Ai: I see... So you want me to look up info about L/N, I assume.

Kaguya: Yup, I'll get the photo.

Kaguya reach into her bag before pulling out a photo of Y/N. The photo was of him walking towards the school gate while drinking some strawberry milk. She handed to Ai who took a minute looking at the photo.

Ai: ... Do you have more?

Kaguya: I do but shouldn't this be en-

Ai: Give me all of the photos. I need an accurate look of him.

Kaguya: But shouldn't that help? It's a clear photo of hi-

Ai: The more photo I have of him, the faster I can find info of him.

Kaguya: Ah, you are right about that. I'll get out the rest.

And with that, Ai gather the photos and begun her search for info on Y/N... but not before making some extra copies for herself.

Narrator: How will Y/N get use to the strange school with even stranger people in the student council? Will the rest of the members accept him or will their be tension between them? Only one way to find out, on the next chapter of "Y/N-SAMA: LOVE IS ETERNAL"!

A/N: Hello! I hope you like this 1st chapter. This might be a Chicka Fujiwara x Male reader x Ai Hayasaka story, but I'm still thinking about it. Anyway, This will mostly follow the anime plot, but it will have some manga only chapters as well as some original chapters, so look forward to that! Also, the Narrator will appear time from time, so don't worry. Until next time! ❤️

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