Just Because of a Coffee Cup

Por SomeoneFromHell

114K 3.7K 133

Melanie Carter is 26 years old. She had graduated from University 2 years ago and now she is working in a suc... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14. part 1
Chapter 14. part 2
Chapter 15

Chapter 12

4.4K 167 2
Por SomeoneFromHell

Chapter 12

Even though my stomach didn't feel very well in the morning, I didn't say anything to Alex, because he would make me stay at home, I still got up and went to my work.

I walked inside the familiar Starbucks coffee shop.

"Good morning, Melanie. I hadn't seen you for a while." Amanda greeted me. I smiled.

"Good morning, Amanda. I know. I was busy with work and then some family things. My dad woke up from coma and is home now." I told her.

"Oh my God. That's so awesome. " Amanda said while making my coffee.

She gave me the order and I payed for it.

"Ok, see you later." We said to each other, at the same time.

I made my way to the office building.

I put my bag and coat at my table and went to see Charlotte.

I knocked on the door and then opened them.

"Good morning, Charlotte. " I said. She just waved me with her hand. She was talking on the phone.

Charlotte put the phone down. "Good morning, Melanie."

"What's the job for today?" I asked.

"You have to cancel the meeting for Thursday. You have to send these papers to Mr. Holland..." She said handing me a pile of documents. "You have to book a table for four persons in a restaurant...I can't remember the name. I will tell you that later. And you will have to go through some papers and check if they are alright for a contract. " Charlotte said.

I nodded. I sat up and made my way towards the exit. I sat at my desk and started my work.

During the hours before lunch break, I had the urge to vomit like three times. I didn't tell anything to Charlotte because she would send me home, but I don't want that. I will just make an appointment to doctor if I won't get better.

Amanda had called me. We agreed to meet and have a lunch together. We hadn't hang out together for a while now. Moreover, when I started "dating" Alex.

Before I left for lunch break with Amanda, I told Charlotte I am leaving. She told me the name of the restaurant for the table reservation. I told her I will do it when I will get back.

I walked out of the buildig and saw Amanda sitting on a bench and texting someone.

I walked towards her. She looked up and saw me. She immediatly jumped off the bench and ran towards me. We hugged.

"Oh God, Melanie. I missed you so much!" Amanda said. I smiled.

"I missed you too, Amanda." I said.

We pulled away from each other.

"Where we will go?" I asked.

"Olive pit?" Amanda proposed.

"Sure. We haven't been there in forever." I said and we both laughed.

When we reached Olive Pit, we found our usual seat. The waiter came and gave us the menues.

"So, how's life?" I asked.

"Oh, ummm... nothing much. The same. " Amanda said. But I had the feeling that she is hiding something.

"Amanda, is everything ok? I can see that you are hiding something. " I said.

"Oh, it's nothing." She said again.

"No, it's not nothing. I can see it in your eyes. Did Greg do something to you?" I asked.

Amanda just looked out of the window. That was the answer I needed.

"What happened, Am?" I asked.

She made a deep sigh.

"It was 2 weeks ago. I was in LA, we had a meeting about Starbucks. We had a poll about customer wishes and opinions. We had to go to LA. Greg was staying here.

I was supposed to be in LA for a week, but the meeting finished earlier so I got home earlier. And when I went inside my appartment, I saw some clothes on the floor. And when I saw what is happening in our bed... I... I took all my stuff and left. " Amanda said.

"Oh my God, Am. I am so so sorry." I said.

"Apparently that was happening behind my back for 2 years." She said. "But what hurts the most, he had proposed to me 3 months ago. He proposed to me even though he has been sleeping with that slut for 2 years." Amanda continued.

"What an asshole. Although, I have to say, when you introduced us, I somehow didn't like him. I somehow got this feeling that he isn't good for you. " I said.

"Then why didn't you tell me that?" Amanda asked.

"Well, firstly, because it was just my feeling and I never trust my feelings. And that feeling dissapeared after a year of knowing him. He seemed so kind and loving. I thought that it was just my imagination.

Secondly, I saw how much you love him, and I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I thought that if I will tell you my thoughts about him, you will start to hate me and tell me that you don't ever want to see me again." I answered.

"Ok. I guess, I understand." Amanda said.

The waiter came back and we ordered some salads and coffee.

"Ok. But enough about me. Tell me about your life."

"Remember thay guy 4 months ago, when I poured one of the lattes all over him?" I asked.

Wow, four months. I have been with Alex for four months now.

"Yeah. The hot and angry one in Armani suit?" Amanda asked.

"Yeah, the same. Well, we are kinda together." I said.

"WHAT? "Amanda asked. "How come you didn't tell me that?" Amanda asked another question. "And what do you mean by kinda together?"

"Well, he works at Grey Inc. and as you know, Dorian Grey and Charlotte Haulden aren't best friends. Charlotte told me to go out with him, but I need to find out about Dorian's plans for future. And I agreed to do it. " I said.

"Oh. My. God. Tell me everything. Have you alredy had sex with him?" Amanda asked.

"What kind of question is that. We have been "dating" for four months. We had sex in the second week. " I amswered.

"But any way... At the begining we were just hanging out and having sex. Then my family and all the other stuff. Until I actually fell for him. " i said.


"Yeah. I have actually fallen for him. And last few weeks we have been very close. And I finally got to be in his appartment. And I found some documents and I have given them to Charlotte. But I won't do it anymore. I kinda feel bad about doing it. " I told.

"Wow. But what are you going to do later. Like, do you plan on staying with him forever or break up with him?" Amanda asked.

"Wow. That's a good question actually. " I started but I was cut off with the waiter who came with our salads.

"Thank you." We thanked him and he left.

"Well, my heart wants to be with him forever. But then there is one thing Cass told me." I said.

"What thing?" Amanda asked.

"She has a theory about my "relationship" with Alex." I said.

"A theory?"

"Yeah. There are two sides of it. First, he has been a player all his life. And whenever he gets a girlfriend he is sleeping with hundred different girls behind her back. And she thinks that even though we are together, he has hundred girls behind my back. So, while he thinks I am in love with him, he is actually playing with me." I said.

Amanda was sitting with her mouth opened.

"The other side is that he is actually in love with me and I am the only player in this relationship. And the reason why she thinks that is because Alex said that he is in love with me. " I continued.

"Ok. And what do you think about all that?" Amanda asked.

"Well, I know I am the player. My brain agrees with the part where Alex is playing me but my heart believs that he is actually in love with me and that we should be together forever. " I answered.

"Ok, and what does your inner self says? Not the heart or the brain."

"My inner self says nothing. She is keeping her mouth shut and just watching the show. "

The truth is that I have no freaking idea what am I going to do.

"What will you do is he is actually playing you?" Amanda asked.

Huh... I hadn't thought about that.

"I don't know. It will depend on how much I will be in love with him when I will catch him cheating on me or when he will just break up with me. " I said.

After the lunch with Amanda I headed back to the office. I walked inside the elevator and pressed the button which I needed.

The doors were already closing when someone stopped it. It was Danny.

"Hey, sis!" He greeted me.

"Hey, Dan!" I said back.

"Umm... I have a question for you. Umm... have you talked to Cassandra lately?" Daniel asked. That's a weird question.

"Umm, no, not really. Last time I spoke to her was like a week ago on the phone. It was a quick chat." I said. "What is it?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I just need to talk to her about something. That's all." Daniel said.

"About what?" I asked again.

I remember when Cass asked me about Daniel. And now Daniel asks me about Cass. Something is up. I can feel that.

"Oh, really. It's nothing." Daniel said. I could feel and see how this question makes Daniel uncomfortable.

"Oh, look. It's my stop. See ya later, Mel." Daniel said. The elevator doors opened and he rushed out of it.

I walked out in my floor. I hang my coat and then got back to work. I called to the restaurant and booked the table for four persons.

Then I started to check the contract papers. Charlotte wants to make a deal with some company. I remember the name. It is the company Dorian wanted to have a deal with. Looks like Charlotte has started to work.

At 7PM I received a message from Alex that he will pick me up in 10 minutes.

I had finished all the work and I went to say goodbye to Charlotte.

"Hey. I have finished everything. I'm gonna head home now. " I said.

"Ok. See you tomorrow." Charlotte responded.

"Ok. Bye." I said and started to close the door.

"Oh, and, Melanie! Tomorrow you have to be at 7.30AM sharp. We will have a meeting at 8.15 and we need to discuss some things." Charlotte interrupted.

"Ok. Bye. See ya tomorrow." I said and closed the door.

I walked outside the building and spotted Alex. He saw me too.

"Hey, baby!" Alex greeted me, wrapped his hands around me and kissed me passionately.

We were going to Alex' apartment.

"How was work today?" Alex spoke.

"It was good." I answered.

"Did something interesting happened today?" He asked again.

"Well, something did happen today. I met my brother today. And I think he is hiding something from me. And Cassandra is too. " I said.

"What do you mean?" Alex asked.

"Well, 2 weeks ago she acted strange and asked me about Daniel. And today Daniel acted strange and asked me about Cassandra. It feels like they are hiding something from me. And I want to know what is it." I answered.

"Interesting. But may be, if you really want to know what's going on, then may be we can just invite them both to dinner. My place, your place - you can choose. Let's just invite them to dinner. And you can tell them that you just want them both to get to know me better." Alex proposed.

"That actually sound like a good idea." I agreed. "Only, when we will make the dinner?" I asked.

"Well, we can do it tomorrow night. After work. Tell Charlotte you have to leave a bit earlier. Like thirty minutes or an hour earlier." Alex said.

"Ok. I could call Cassandra now and tell her. And then I could tell that to Daniel tomorrow at the office." I said.

"Yeah. You can do that." Alex said.

"Ok. But where - your place or my place?" I asked.

"Tell them my place. So that your brother would know that everything is serious, not just a drunk night where I took your virginity." Alex said.

That made me laugh. I hadn't told Daniel what had actually happened with my virginity.

We walked inside Alex' appartment. I put my bag on the couch and took my phone out of it.

"Ok. I'm gonna call Cassandra now." I said. I started to search for Cassandra's number.

"Hello!" Cassandra answered.

"Hey, Cass. I wa... Alex and I want to invite you to dinner tomorrow night at about... 9PM. Alex' place. I'll text you the adress later." I said.

"Ok. But why? Did something happened?" Cass asked.

"No. Nothing happened. Alex just wants to get to know you better. That's all. " I said.

"Well, ok. I'll be there." Cassandra said.



Hey, my lovely readers!
Chapter 12 is finished.
Hope, you guys, liked it.
Any ways, I just wanted to tell you that soon the story will finish. There are a couple of chapters left. Including epilogue.
Leave your thoughts in comments.
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Thank you for reading this story! :)

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