Damsel in Control (18+ Only)...

Por Random_roze

3.4K 176 68

Warning! This is an adult novel and contains sexual material (like a lot hehe XD). Read at your own risk. I w... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 13

75 4 0
Por Random_roze

And I'm back!! Sorry for the delay everyone, I've just started a new job and have been very overwhelmed working multiple days in a row so had to take a bit of time off. But I'm back! And hopefully will be sticking to my three chapters a week plan.

Enjoy xxx

It takes a solid ten minutes for the tears to finally stop, although impressively, the green eyeliner has managed to stay intact for the entire duration of my mini breakdown. Alice and Maria both have their arms wrapped around me, hugging me tightly as they comfort me in turns, reassuring me time and time again that they are here for me no matter what. This is why I love being a girl. It's the undying love and support you get, the "yas queen" in the club bathrooms, the mutual hatred of all dirtbags, or even the discrete, drug-deal-like sharing of sanitary products. I squeeze them both closer, trying to convey my gratitude.

"So... before you completely recover from that." Maria pulls back to her side of the table, sipping on her iced latte. Alice stays glued to my side, head resting on my shoulder, and for once, even though I can feel her breath on my neck, I don't feel the sudden overwhelming urge to pull away from the intimate contact.

"Did you want to tell us the whole story? Really get it all out. And you said something about your family... did you want to get into that? You know, while we're on a roll?" I feel myself grow stressed again as she reminds me of my key worry. Alice obviously feels me stiffen, and lifts her head to look at me.

"Erm... I think I need to work that one out myself before I can talk about it."

"Fair enough. But we're always here. So whenever you're ready to talk..." Alice leaves the sentence hanging in the air, giving me the freedom that I need. Her face is close enough to mine that I notice the small smattering of freckles on her nose, the faint scar on the side of her right eyebrow, her very kissable lips... Suddenly she shifts away, and the moment is gone. But my thoughts are raging inside my head. What the hell was that? To be honest, I'm no clearer than Aida.

After coffee, we manage to make our way through a couple more shops, but we're tired from our pre-break shopping, and we move much slower, taking our time to properly browse. It's already dark by the time I decide to head home and we part ways in the centre of town, Alice heading in the direction of the church as Maria and I head in the opposite direction, back towards the office.

It's as I'm waving goodbye that Alice that Maria decided to pipe up.

"Soo..." When she doesn't continue her sentence, I glance over at her, only to see her looking at me with a strange, almost cheeky, glint in her eyes.

"So?" I'm genuinely confused about what she's trying to convey. She huffs in annoyance at my obliviousness.

"You and Alice!!" She practically squeals the words and my automatic reaction is to laugh.

"Me and Alice what?" I'm not entirely sure what she's getting at, although there's a faint niggling suspicion at the back of my mind.

"Well... are you into her?"

"Erm... I... What..? What makes you say that? Alice and I are just friends!"

"True... but then you were crying and she was comforting you, with her head laid so gently on your shoulder, and I got the distinct impression that you'd both be interested in maybe being more than friends?" I can hear the blood rushing through my brain as my thoughts wrap themselves around this idea.

"Nah!! I'm not gay!" I brush off the suggestion almost subconsciously, before my mind has even had the chance to finish processing what she has said. "And anyway she tried to set me up with her friend Chris!" I can't deny that there was a moment in the coffee shop, so I'd be lying if I said that I didn't know where Maria was coming from, buy I can't be gay. Werewolves aren't gay. It just isn't a thing. I was always taught that the Goddess made us in her image, so that we could continue on our blood lines, so she never made any wolf gay. And it wasn't until I'd started interacting with humans that I even learnt about queerness. Gayness just isn't a thing in my world. Not that I can really explain that to Maria.

"Honestly Maria, it's not a thing!" Maria just shrugs her shoulders in response and I feel an overwhelming urge to explain myself further. In my head Aida growls, mirroring my feelings.

"Seriously! There's nothing going on between me and Alice!" Maria chuckles in response.

"I believe you Reyna. I'm just saying that there was definitely a moment back there, plus she was paying attention to you all morning in the office, she couldn't even tear her eyes away from you when she saw you were upset, so if you wanted something to happen..."

"Jaja, no thank you!" Even to my own ears my laugh sounds forced and I cringe inwardly. Luckily that's when Maria has to turn off to head home, and I rushedly say goodbye before marching off towards my own house.

I can't believe she thought we were gay! It's ridiculous. I mean doesn't she realise how many men we have sex with?!

My instinct is to agree with Aida. It's what my immediate emotional response to Maria's words is telling me. But then I remember that feeling when I was looking into Alice's eyes... and a little niggle of doubt creeps in. Even Aida falls silent when I replay that scene in my head.


Three hours later and I'm on my way back into Ktukda. I'd been sitting in my house, mulling over the Alice scenario, the Rodrigo discovery, the family stress. Turning the thins over and over in my head until I felt about ready to explode. Needless to say I was desperate for a distraction to stem the overwhelming flow of emotions that seemed to be emanating from every square inch of me.

I'm sat on the train, feeling slightly guilty that it's only been two days since I last came in. So much for my supposed self control and plans to wait at least three weeks between visits. Yet I'm simultaneously justifying it in my head. Rodrigo is no longer an imminent threat, and I do, desperately both need and deserve a distraction. I think that tonight I'm going to head for the club rather than the bar. Not that I didn't enjoy my last stint with the barman, but I don't want to seem desperate and risk running into him again.

As I pull into the train station in the human part of Ktukda, I'm surprised to find it bustling with people, mainly werewolves waiting for the train into the werewolf central, and I find myself wracking my brain to remember why. I mean it's a Tuesday night, and sure wolves love a good party, but this is weekend-level busy. A young she-wolf walks past me in an Eve costume, more of her body exposed that covered by the costume and I quickly run a mental check on the date, a sudden thought coming to me. If last week it was the seventh then today... sure enough, it's the fifteenth of February. Lupercalia. One of our ancient festivals, intended to promote health and fertility. But as with most festivals, it's now just an excuse for a party. And since it was traditionally a festival celebrated by being naked... I chuckle to myself... I do love a good excuse to dress even more sluttily than usual.

Thirty minutes later and I'm walking into the club. My dress is baby blue and silky, and clings to my upper body. My bra is doing an excellent job of letting my boobs peer out of the top of the material. From my waist the material flares out, creating a cute little skirt that stops just below my ass. The look is complete with my hair free and flowy, curled down to my waist, and the green pencil eyeliner emphasises my doe eyes. It's not a themed costume per se, but I fit right in with the other revellers in the club.

I head to the bar, and order a drink. And then another. Despite the crowds filling the club, and the numerous glances my way, no one catches my attention despite my occasional peeks at the wolves streaming by. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn, taking in the boy in front of me. Chinos, fancy shirt tucked in, sleeves rolled up. A beta. He hands me a fresh drink before he even says hi, an excellent start in my opinion. I do sniff the liquid cautiously before taking a drink, just in case, but it smells and tastes fine. When he finally starts talking, he seems nice enough. He doesn't have much chat but he's cute, in a 'please help me' sort of way. I manage to pay attention for a full five minutes before I feel the need to scour the crowds again. He's nice, but he's one of those solo-chatters, the ones who can hold a whole conversation without asking you a single question, yet in his case he's also obviously also desperate to impress me. My eyes track the length of the crowd before, with an internal sigh, I drag my eyes back to please-help-me boy. He's chatting away about his passion for photography, mansplaining how colours and lighting work. I nod enthusiastically, humming in acquiescence at appropriate times.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" It takes me a second to realise that he's asked me a question. I sneak a final glance around the club, but no alternative options jump out, so. I nod in agreement, plastering a smile on my face. His arm reaches out, hand on my lower back guiding me from the room. I act pleasant, trying to make the most out of this. Even if he's just ok, he'll be a welcome relief from my burning loins and manic thoughts.

We leave the club and walk around the block. It's surprisingly chilly outside and he offers me his coat, wrapping it around my shoulders in a gentleman-like manner. Since he's spent the entire time talking about himself, he's relatively easy to make conversation with. I just have to nod along, occasionally making a slight comment, but otherwise he's on a roll all by himself.

When we reach the entrance to the club again, he leans in, soft lips brushing against mine. The kiss is short and chaste, not even starting to wet my sexual appetite. Not a good sign of what's to come.

"Can I walk you home?" His eyes are all cute and innocent, and I realise he is truly making the offer only to be nice. It's unlikely he has any intentions of actually accompanying me into my home.

"Why not another drink first?" He nods at my proposition and leads me into the club where the party is in full swing. He manoeuvres me towards a free table, then dashes to the bar to grab us both a drink, leaving me alone at the side of the dance floor. I lean against the wall, eyes closed, happy for a minute of peace where he's not talking at me, body swaying to the heavy beat of the bass.

"Who's that you were talking to?" The voice that interrupts my quiet daydreaming is definitely not unwelcome. It's deep and delicious, laced with power, with an intonation that makes me instinctively want to melt into its owner who, based on my senses, is standing directly behind me. But I manage to ignore the urge as my eyes flutter open to take in his face.

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