The Curtis Sister - The Outsi...

By mysticcbabyy

41.9K 538 434

The story follows Baylee Curtis, The youngest of the crew. How the death of her parents and being raised by h... More

Strawberry Milkshake
Rhetorical Questions
Smokes & Toilet Paper
The Party
Let's Find Our Girl
Bunch of Hypocrites
Forever Grounded
Boy-Toys & Babies
Secret Spot
Family Forever
Lack of Authoirty
Thankful to be a Disapointment
Leather Jacket or A Cardigan
The Pregnant Cheerleader
Daddy Dally
Grade A Bullshitter
Love Sick Fools
The Hero
We are Greasers
The Rumble
Kill or Be Killed
Deny Deny Deny
This Ends Now
Just the Way the World is
Pierced Ears
Reminiscing & Shit
I Ain't My Brother
Happy Birthday
Doing the Best You Can
A lot to Smile About
Little Runaway
Peanut-butter and Betrayl
Ashes to Ashes
Gone Too Soon.

First Day of School

3.9K 25 21
By mysticcbabyy

I am sprung awake by the sound of feet running around our small house. Annoyed at the noise waking me up, I looked over at my alarm clock that flashed 7:00 AM. I let out a frustrated groan and rolled my eyes realizing I was already late for the first day back at school. I put a pillow over my head attempting to block out the noise before I rolled back over and drifted back to sleep. That was short-lived as my oldest brother Darry busted in the door not happy to see me still in bed.

"What'r you doin'? Ya gonna be late on the first day, that will not look good for us" He says shaking his head clearly irritated.

I whined still not making any effort to move or get ready only fueling his anger.

"I mean it, Baylee. I do not have time to deal with your attitude today, you better be ready to go in 10 minutes or you will be left here. he warned, walking out of my room while picking up dirty laundry to throw in the wash.

I sat up thinking to myself a million responses I wanted to say but decided to bite my tongue because I knew I would only get in trouble for talking back and who wants to be grounded before noon?

I didn't mind if I was left, school wasn't my thing, However with the state breathing down our necks Darry has to look like the perfect guardian or they will split up my other two brothers and me into different foster homes.

My second oldest brother Sodapop had dropped out of high school to work full time and help with bills and that was already a red flag to the state but they let it slide as long as my youngest older brother Ponyboy and I stay in school, mind our manners and act like perfect children. That was easy for the golden child but not me... I have been told I tend to test the boundaries and wherever I go for whatever reason so does trouble.

I don't know why Darry seemed so mad at me when I opened my bedroom door to head to the bathroom and finish getting ready everyone in the house seemed to be running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I am clearly not the only one running late this morning. I turned on the water and started brushing my teeth when I heard a "Yeow" from the shower.

"Ahh HOT HoT Jeez Bay ya gonna scold me" Soda said hopping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around his lower half.

"Sorry," I gabbled almost incoherently with a mouth full of toothpaste.

We have one bathroom in this tiny ass house so privacy was never an option. He started mumbling something about how I was late. It must be gang up on Baylee Day. I grab a breakfast bar and meet Pony, Johnny, and Two-Bit on the porch impatiently waiting for me as we head off to school. We have to travel in packs because in our small parts of Tulsa Oklahoma our town is divided into two parts the West-Side rich kids, Who drive nice cars, have nice clothes, and more money than they know what to do with, also known as the Soc's and then there is us the East side Greasers who have hand me downs, greased back hair and no money...the poor side.

Which would you rather be?

We get to school right as the bell rings. The boys look at me as I turn to head to the Grade 7 building, I don't get far when Pony's hand grabs my shoulder turning me around to face him "Meet me outside here, right after school. No lollygagging"

"Yes Dad," I said smirking and rolling my eyes. There is only a 2-year age gap between my 14-year-old brother and me but he acts much older for his age always trying to be in charge and stay out of trouble as I stated before the golden child.

"Later trouble maker" Two-Bit shouted as we went our separate ways. Is Two-Bit Matthews calling me a troublemaker? The 18-year-old Junior? Yeah okay. Let's get this over with.

I hate first days.

All eyes darted to me when I walked into the class. I handed Miss. Tucker my late pass which she rudely snatched out of my hand. I slipped into a chair up front. She continued on with the lesson and before you know it the lunch bell rang. Most kids already had their cliques and sat with the same friends from the previous year. I had no such luck at making friends last year so I sat at a table alone and started doodling on my hand with a black permeant marker. I was caught off guard when a girl with long black tangled hair and a shark tooth necklace hanging off her neck sat down across from me. She made eye contact with me for way too long before asking if it was okay if she sat there.

What was I supposed to say? She was already sitting there. "I don't care," I said with more attitude than I intended.

She pulled a book out from her bright yellow bag and just started reading. Ponyboy loved to read and write. He was good at school. I found it boring and a waste of time. I went back to my doodling in my zone before my thoughts were interrupted once again.

"I'm Ella.." she said looking up from her book.

Is she actually trying to start a conversation with me?

"Baylee" I said simply trying to keep my words and this conversation to a minimum.

"I'm new.."

clearly. I thought to myself.

".... just moved from some other boring little town, any good place around here for a milkshake?" Ella pressed. She didn't seem at all bashful for a new girl in an unfamiliar place.

If I'm being honest I was so tempted to get up and walk away, but I could tell she was trying to have a conversation and break the ice, plus I was told to be on my best behavior so why not try to make a friend and surprise everybody?

"The Shake Shack is pretty good lot'a Soc's hang out there though" I explained.

Her response shocked me to my core. "What's a Soc?"

I nearly spit out my milk. Ella could see my eyebrows furrow together confused by her lack of knowledge of the social classes I assumed were everywhere.

"Are you serious?" I ask. I'm not sure how long Ella has been in town but I assumed everyone knew the difference between a Soc and Greaser. Did other towns not have this rivalry?

"If ya gonna live here ya have a lot to catch up on or you are going to end up dead...Literally".

"Oh? I want to avoid death if possible...She giggled "Maybe you can show me around after school if you aren't doing anything".

I think my answer surprised even me. "Um- yeah sure- I shrugged and cleared the dryness in my throat -I just have to clear It with my brother first and make sure it's okay."

I was in the front of the school waiting for Pony at our usual meeting spot when I was almost tackled by a wired-up Two-Bit.

"How was your first day kiddo" he asked with too much energy.

I looked at Pony and Johnny who walked up slowly behind him. "Let's see I did drugs in the girl's bathroom, punched a girl for looking at me the wrong way and oh yeah don't forget sex lots 'n lots of sex". I received eye rolls and smiles from all of them before they all busted out laughing. "Did I miss the joke?" I tried to stay as serious as possible.

Just then Ella came bouncing up. "Hi Baylee" the laughter stopped and all three of them stood there confused and silent.

"Oh yeah I made a friend" I added with thick sarcasm. I grinned and Introduced Ella to my brother and his 2 loser friends before asking if I could show the new girl around town.

Pony was the least bit thrilled. Darry is strict with homework and chores and likes us to come straight home after school to make sure we get what needs to be done, done. You never know when the state will drop by.

"I dunno if that's a good idea Bay" He replied scratching the back of his head.

Chapter Notes:

If you have not noticed Baylee is a tad sarcastic, Her personality is very much like Ryan Reynolds from Deadpool meets Paris Geller from Gilmore Girls. I don't think of her as girly mainly due to the fact she is being raised and surrounded by testosterone and doesn't have a female role model since her mother passed. Needless to say, she is still a young girl and does have young girl tendencies and emotions. I tried to introduce Baylee's personality and lifestyle in this chapter but in case I didn't hit the hammer on the nail I hope this helps a little more lol.

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