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By LocalAnimeGeek

135K 4.2K 2.8K

๐“๐Ž๐Š๐˜๐Ž ๐‘๐„๐•๐„๐๐†๐„๐‘๐’ ๐ฑ ๐…๐ž๐ฆ! ๐‘๐ž๐š๐๐ž๐ซ "C'mon (First Name), give us a smile!" Mikey begged wi... More

characters + Y/N info
characters 02
Special: Lazer Tag
My bad yall im back
Special Part 2: Mikey's P*rn Mags


561 29 11
By LocalAnimeGeek

I am SO sorry that I haven't posted. My life situation has been confusing me lately, and it pretty much caused me to pause everything I've been doing. I'll try to post more #ihate_horomoneslowk

—3rd person pov

(First Name) opened her eyes to see light being shown into them by a cellphone. She groaned, too bright dammit.

Once her vision unclouded, she found herself bound tightly by the wrists by a bunch of Black Dragon members. She didn't think BD was going to go this far. Dear lord, when she was spying on The Hanmas, there was nobody in sight.

With that information, she inferred that the members has just been funneling in. Taking a look at the numbers, she saw roughly a 100—maybe 130 surrounding the church grounds.

A part of her thought that this was Kisaki's doing, but she dismissed that thought quickly. This would be too large scale for him—it'd be too obvious and risky on his part. (First Name) could just tell Mikey that she was eavesdropping on him while they were making a deal with Kokonoi and he'd believe it immediately, just because she was the one who said it. The (Hair Color) haired girl sighed at the reality of that.

Either way, there was none of Black Dragons' prominent figures around. Both Kokonoi and Inui were nowhere in sight—likely got there first and already entered the church—which means that one of them knocked her out. She doubted that Hanma ratted you out to Kisaki. As much as everyone knew Hanma was loyal to Kisaki, he also seemed like the kind who'd enjoy keeping secrets for the hell of it. Potentially for blackmail purposes too.

(First Name)'s guess was Kokonoi. When she talked with him that time at the headquarters, he didn't seem repulsed by you for anything. She was actually suprised on how compliant he was, and how he believed that she didn't kill Akane.

At first she would've thought that Inui would've gladly knocked her out. But if he was in charge of that, she was 100% sure he would've killed her right then and there. The knockout she recieved was gentle. Not something Inui has in his vocabulary regarding the (Eye Color) eyed girl.

"Ooh! What a good looking little girl.."

"Uhm, Arkelli, why are you looking at her like that.. you're like 7 years older than her..?"

(R. Kelly 😭)

"Shut the fuck up, (Random Name). You're irrelevant. Besides, she looks weak anyway. I don't get all the damn yabbering about her. Shes just a cute little girl!"

"Aye, Arkelli shut the fuck up 'cause Kokonoi put me in command! Stop harassing the minor.. Anyway, little miss, you single?"

"Yeah! You look like a good time.. wanna come to mine?"

So there she sat, deadpanning at the puny delinquents trying to convince her, a minor, to sleep with them. Oh how badly she wanted to grab their balls and twist them till they rip off clean.

(First Name) sighed. She was useless right now. I mean, she did just stand in the middle of the path to the church like a dumbass because she was cold. That itself was a stupid move on her part, she apologized for that in advance. All the weaponry she had was confiscated from her when she was knocked out. Though for some reason, they just kept her phone a few feet away from the fencing she was tied onto. They probably saw a bunch of notifications from the Hanmas in there, and was just waiting

The only thing she can do now is think. Therefore, she closed her eyes and proceeded to tune out the members of Black Dragon.

Alright. Now that I know that Kokonoi was the one who knocked me out, the next question is how Takemichi and Chifuyu will succeed from this—and Kisaki's motive.

Starting with Takemichi's dilemma, I assume that Hakkai is in there already. What I heard by ThiccyChi is that Hakkai had the intention to kill Taiju and have Yuzuha stay safe.

(First Name) pouted at that truth. She thought she raised Hakkai better.

Anyhow, due to my visions results, it confirmed that nobody dies, and toman wins. I don't know how accurate they are and if they're legitimate to Takemichi's timeline system, but my gut tells me they are. But how does Takemichi succeed? I don't want to sabotage anything important.

Since there's a whole lot of enemy here, I highly doubt that Takemichi, Chifuyu, Kisaki, and Hanma can handle them themselves. Okay, maybe Hanma but I doubt he'd want to. He's more lazy than I gave him credit for.

(First Name) flashbacked to when she was driving home from a meeting, Hanma followed with for no reason than for what he said "Why not." At the entrance of her neighborhood, some shit talking delinquents tried to jump Hanma for brownie points. She was the one who beat them up, Hanma claimed that his knuckles were too sore and refused to fight so she had to do it before they became unbearable to listen to.

That means that there will likely be a third party. Toman, if anything. Since Hakkai is here I'm guessing someone would call backup with Mikey? Maybe Mitsuya? Who the hell knows.

The Black Dragon members had stopped watch dogging her like a hawk, and flirting too for her relief. (First Name) smirked and began to wiggle her wrists to see how tight they really were. She was suprised at how fast the knots loosened.

She rolled her eyes at it though, they really like underestimating women here, huh. She'll fix that later. (First Name) looked back at the delinquents, making sure to keep her in her line of sight at all times.

The girl had broken out the knot and stuffed it in her pocket. It was obviously done by some low-trained lackey because this knot was wack. She didn't understand why they thought ankles were more important than wrists since it took her a little longer to untangle her feet.

Eyeing the subordinates, they hadn't noticed and just kept yapping about hot chicks. She smirked at this, dumbasses. But did not immediately make a run for it. First she scouted her options: how to leave without anyone noticing.

Everyone is paying attention to the door. That means that the fight has already started. If the four of them had any chance to defeating Taiju, it'd be Hanma.

Fuck, but that doesn't sound right.

Going back to my backup suspicions, I'm now one billion percent sure that someone had already been called over when I was knocked out and hidden behind this.. thing. I think I was right in my hunch of Mitsuya being in there. If I'm not wrong then his motorcycle would be..

(First Name) slowly stood up, but stopped before she could get into a full stand. In her awkward squat position, she peered over some of the bushes to see lines of motorcycles. But she quickly sat back down.

Nah, theres no way Mitsuya's going to let his bike be out in the open. I bet a grand that he hid it behind the church so nobody knows it's there. I'll check. I know damn well that boy too broke to buy repairs if someone griefed it.

Letting out a mean snicker at her last teasing thought, she finally made the conclusion that she was going to make a run for it. (First Name) identified that she was placed in between a row of dead shrub and the gate behind her. Before they woke her up, just judging by how wet her clothes are from the snow, this might take her non-weather conquering ass longer to execute. Damn it.

Sadly, this downside will make it harder for her to stay completely quiet because of her panting, or to insure she won't be sick tomorrow due to her weather sensitivity. So, as the lackeys conversed and acted like idiots in the snow, she hastily made her way towards the church. (First Name) made sure she stayed along the fence she was roped onto previously and only began to move inland when she knew she was close enough to the backend of the building.

"Hey! Shes gone, fuck!"

Now, I have a good 2 minutes before I get found. With the numbers they have, it won't take long for them to scout out the entire ground. So I just have to focus on making sure Mitsuya's ride is out back. If it's not, then I'll call him here immediately along with Mikey and Draken.. though I was going to do that anyway.

By now, after quick process of elimination, she now knew that Kisaki and Hanma had to be pulling shit. She had no concrete evidence, but she realized that Kisaki actually had a lot to benefit to Taiju's death. A part of her is starting to believe that his motive is just to make Takemichi suffer as much as possible.

She had checked her phone. It was 1:02am. It's been an hour and two minutes since the four walked in. If Kisaki was really on their side, this would've been over relatively fast. (First Name) highkey hated Kisaki, but she had to admit that he has a lot of wit when it comes to the outcome of these things.

She rounded the corner to the back of the church with 40 seconds to spare. Bingo, there in plain sight, Mitsuya's ride. (First Name) smiled at this, she guessed that the lilac haired boy knew something like this was going to happen. She greatly appreciated him in the moment for that. At least she knew someone can look of for her two partners.

(First Name) looks around to see a toolshed and runs to it full speed, crouched down behind it. The (Hair Color) haired girl knows that they were going to see her blatant tracks, but thats okay because..

She just speed dialed Mikey.

He picked up after the second ring, "Let me guess, church right? I thought I heard Mitsuya's Impulse going towards there 10 minutes ago."

(First Name) cracked a small smile and shivered, "Y-yeah. I'd appreciate the backup. I'm so cold, I don't know how many I can take o-nn. I'm guessing half but I think I might lose the nerves in my fists by then."

Mikey chuckled at this, his CBT250T audible in the background of his phone. Not long after, she heard it from nearby, thank fuck.

"Alright. Draken and I were already on that. I dunno what you're doing right now but since you're panting so hard, I feel like something happened. So sit tight and wait for us, 'kay?"

"Okay, I will. Thanks, and dont look at your phone much while driving, we both know how dangerous that is."

"Jesus, chill. You're the one who called me anyway! I'll see you in a bit, by—" she ended the call.

The Black Dragon goons had made their way towards the backend of the church and saw the bike, "Huh? Whose is this?"

"Dunno, maybe some guy here thinks that his bike is better than ours."

"I can't even deny that. Some of the fuckers here think they hot shit."

"You can't be talking."

"Nor can you!!"

(First Name) realized now that she severely overestimated the brain prowess the lackey's here had. She thought they were going to get here in the 120 seconds she had to hide and dial Mikey, but they took a whole five minutes. That's just insane to her.


She felt her shoulders relax instantaneously at how loud Mikey and Draken's exhaust had became. They're here now.


The ones that were previously in pursuit of
her, who also apparently were too fucking dumb to see the feet tracks, ran back to the front of the building without missing a beat. She smiled at the sound of the motorcycle coming to a stop and immediately took out your phone again.

Ignoring the stiff coldness in your fingers, she immediately texted Draken, I'm behind the church, I'll help you get rid of all the lackey's once you get Manjiro inside.

Alright, Draken replied.

Moments later, she hear the collision of a hard fist onto someones jaw. She can recognize that sound anywhere, and the voice of the victim of that punch was way too high to be Draken's. So she made her way towards the front door of the church, rounding the corners sneakily to stay keen on the sounds inside the church (not like that tho 😋).

With this time, (First Name) opened her phone again and really took a good look at the notifications from Takemichi and Chifuyu. Yikes, my bad.

But one stood out to her.



Clicking on the notification, her eyes widened. Fuck.

Yuzuha Shiba ❤️
I'm doing this for Hakkai.

Shit..! I thought..!

(First Name) began to run over to where Draken is and assist him in combat, "Hah! Took you long enough Mav!"

"Yeah, yeah, let's get this shit done fast! Hakkai's sister texted me something pretty damn concerning and I needa get in there, stat!" she yelled over the groans of enemy.

Punch by punch, kick by kick, (First Name) and Draken had already eliminated half of the hundred-something men there in thirty-five minutes. Impressive, but not for two brute delinquents.

"Mav," Draken peered over to her, "You said you needed to get in there, yeah?"

"Yeah, I do."

"I'll take the rest of these guys, they weak as fuck, go inside. I'll be fine." he pointed to the churchc door for her to go.

"Are you sure..?"

Draken rolled his eyes and smiled, "C'mon, you know I won't lose. I paved the path for Mikey to enter before, it'll be even easier for you!"

A small smile graced her lips as she thanked him and ran into the said building.

Immediately, (First Name) was met with blood splats onto the floor. Not good. Looking up a little more, she widened her eyes in horror.

Mikey was on the ground, out cold.

Her hand flew to her mouth as she instinctively ran over to him and checked his pulse. But now, everyone in the building knew she was there. Taiju smirked at her appearance, while Yuzuha stared in horror. Did I change something to the timeline..?

"(First Name)-senpai!!" - Takemichi.

"(F-First Name)?!" - Hakkai, Chifuyu.

"Oh shit." - Hanma, hiding behind the pipe organ.

"..." - Kisaki (He wasn't there).

"Hah, finally you arrived!" Taiju grinned, "I have finally defeated your leader. What will you do now, (First Name)?"

(First Name) grit her teeth. Shit, this wasn't supposed to happen. I know nobody will die, but there's levels on how "alive" someone can be. 'Nd I've never seen Manjirō on the floor like that. I'm such a shitty backup.

She stood up, looking over at Taiju who still wore a smug, victorious grin. Anger spread all through her veins as she ran towards the bulky man, a fist in the air.

Taiju who saw it coming, grabbed her fist, but she took the momentum and swung him around over her head and onto his back. A move she learnt from one of Muto's Judo lessons she recieved.

He winced on the floor, the light stab on his lower abs taking a toll after being pummeled to the ground. (First Name) quickly repositioned herself on his waist and began punching his face sporatically without any thought.

Everyone watching couldn't move, similar to the Valhalla incident. They didn't know what to do, she looked horrifying. A blank look was present in her eyes with a dense air that suffocated everyone within a twenty foot radius.

Chifuyu, Hakkai, and Takemichi looked at each other gulped. They needed to do something, but what? How would they stop someone only a halfstep below Mikey? That's the gang equivalent of stopping a lion bare fisted. Kokonoi was also frozen. But he took the liberty to glance over at his comapanion.

Inui looked terrified.

He slowly walked over to the blonde and placed his hand on his shoulder, supposedly for reassurance, but Inui swatted it off and began making his way towards (First Name). He was hesitant, but he was not about to let the girl who hurt him in the past win.

Fuck whatever sappy shit Kokonoi said about giving her another chance and such. He knew it damn well—as much as he tried to back up his claim on (First Name) starting the fire, a part of him knew that wasn't right.

But at the same time, it did feel right. This vileness radiating off of her.. it's the same thing. This was the chick that he saw that day. Not during the fire, but before that. The real reason why he resents her.

No.. not resent, fears her.

He's scared of what she can do.

A groan echoed softly through the church walls aside from Taiju's cries of pain, Mikey. He had regained consciousness and sat up to look at the scene, effectively stopping Inui from proceeding his action.

"(First Name)...?" he said, making the girl stop her actions. Taiju pushed her off immediately, holding his slightly mangled face and kicking her onto the floor. He stood up and glared at her.

Takemichi, Chifuyu, Hakkai, and Koko all relaxed their shoulders in relief. They weren't going to watch a murder tonigh—


Their jaws dropped. There lied Taiju on the floor in the same state Mikey previously was. The said blonde had apparently advanced towards the bulky opponent in a flash before roundhouse kicking his face to the floor. (First Name) widened her eyes at this. She was startled, but not suprised.

Her eyes had redialated. Completely back to normal as she glanced around the church room. Huh? What happened? I don't remember anything..

Using another process of elimination, she concluded that Taiju whose face was beat the fuck up.. was probably her doing. As much as she was scared of that thought, she wouldn't be suprised.

It's not the first time she beat up someone and woke up blanked out.

"You lose, Black Dragon. Your men will be under us now. Admit defeat right now."

Taiju, who had regained consciousness seconds before Mikey started talking, grunted, "Tch, as if. We got.. ow.. around a hundred of us outside waiting for you guys. You nut brains are the real done ones."

"Ha," you sarcastically laughed, making Taiju flinch and blush slightly—blushing at the fact he got his shit rocked by a girl.. hot.. "Draken took care of 'em."

That's not hot anymore, Taiju sighed.

Draken widened the door more to show everyone the scene. A bunch of white uniforms on the ground completely knocked out.

"Y'ouch.. that gotta be cold bro.." - Hakkai

"Oh shut up I was like that a second ago." - (First Name).

"Me too." - Chifuyu.

"Kisaki we gotta go like now.." - Hanma.
"SHUT UP." - Kisaki.

"Wait damn this boy strong.." - Kokonoi.

"Fr cus wtf?" - Inui

Taiju stood up and exited the chapel, taking a good look around the premises. Not a single soul conscious. Previous trauma took over his body as he fell to his knees in pain.

Chifuyu, Hakkai, and Takemichi who was in this predicament the longest, grinned eagerly and ran out the building with smiles on their faces—cheering as they ran down the steps with adrenaline.

(First Name) smiled a little. This is a great sight. However..

She looked behind her, suprised to see the guy she was looking for already staring back.

He looked away, and so did she.

Draken and Mikey made their way to her side and began rough housing with her, annoying the shit out of her. It was too cold for that shit, "Aye—wait wait wait wait!! I need to talk to the big guy before we go, okay?"

They complained, but complied. Walking down the steep stairs without her.

Furthermore, she dropped the smile, and made her way towards the.. other man of the hour:


Taken place after the fight

"You know, Chifuyu?" (First Name) started, making the blonde look at her.

"You're a lot less nervous around me now!! Ever since that dammed fight you graduated from being a Hakkai-kinnie." she rung her arm around his neck and gave him a nuggy.

"HEY WATCH THE HAIR." he blushed, attempting to pry her off.

She was right though. It wasn't that he was uncomfortable, it's just now, he finally feels like he got to a point where he understands you,

and he smiled at that thought.

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