|| Bhanupriyaa : The Rule of...

By Nakshatra012m

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Book Ӡ in PandavaNandini Trilogy " Our love would remain forever, eternally going beyond the elixir of heave... More

1 | A Night of Ghosts
2 | The Labyrinth of Despair
3 | Celestial whispers
4 | Remains of Hastinapura
5 | Shattered Reflections
6 | Dead End
7 | Embers of Revelation
8 | Flames Turn Cold
9 | Scars of the Past
10 | When Virtue Ascends
11 | The Power of Belonging
12 | Moments that Matter
13 | United Hearts
14 | Heartfelt Connections
15 | The Throne's Call
16 | Stardust Gatherings
17 | Before the Mahotsavam
18 | Maharaja Patta-Abhisheka
19 | Whispered Goodbyes
20 | Miles of Love
22 | Duality's Canvas
23 | Velvet Dreams
24 | Stars Aligned
25 | In the Shadow's Wake
26 | Timeless Beginnings
27 | The Golden Hour
28 | Vivaha Utsavam
29 | Kalyana Vaibhavam
30 | In the Heart's Embrace
31 | Within Lotus Heartbeats
32 | Inside Their Hearts
33 | Heartstrings Attached
34 | Glow of Krishna's Plumes
35 | Progression with Reforms
36 | Moonlit Melodies
37 | Lands of Vrindavan
38 | The Immortal Bond
39 | Poisoned Roots
40 | Scattered Ashes

21 | Societal Chessboard

293 57 9
By Nakshatra012m

-|| Societal Chessboard ||- 

"In the intricate game of societal chess, every move holds consequences".


Hastinapura , after few months 

Nakula found himself ensnared in the ethereal strains of Draupadi's devotion, a symphony that echoed with the very essence of her soul's adoration for the Lord of Lords, the eternal Shiva Shankara. As the mellifluous notes caressed the air, Nakula, engaged in conversation, abruptly halted, drawn irresistibly towards the source of this divine melody. The soldier beside him observed Nakula's sudden stillness, casting a curious glance at the warrior whose gaze had shifted towards an unseen realm.

"Rajakumar," the soldier hesitated, a gentle inquiry hanging in the air.

"I'll get back to you," Nakula replied softly, his heart leading him toward the celestial strains. He moved with purpose, following an invisible thread that beckoned him. A smile, like a gentle bloom, adorned his countenance as he beheld Draupadi, her eyes closed in rapt devotion at the threshold of the sacred Pooja chambers.

Taking a moment to shed his footwear, Nakula settled beside her, joining his palms in harmony with her spiritual hymn. Her voice, a healing elixir, permeated the depths of his being, feeling like an ancient balm that he yearned deeply. 

"Swami?" Draupadi's surprise was palpable as she took in the sight of Nakula. 

"Your voice compelled me to come here, priye," Nakula confessed, accepting the offered aarti with grace. His hand moved, a tender caress, as he fed her the sanctified prasadam and partook in the sacrament himself.

"Can we walk?" Nakula extended his palm, and Draupadi, her heart stirred by the prospect of shared moments, placed her hand in his, a tentative smile gracing her lips. Hand in hand, they strolled, a simple act that spoke volumes, leaving Nakula overcome with emotion, a lump in his throat that defied words.

"Krishnaa, even now, your light illuminates our lives," Nakula declared, pausing to meet Draupadi's gaze. "I've never articulated this, but I am profoundly grateful and blessed to have you not only as my Ardhangini but as an unwavering source of strength."

"Swami, all of this, suddenly?" Draupadi inquired, gazing at Nakula with a mixture of surprise and affection.

"Not suddenly, Krishnaa. This truth is a constant in my life, a realization that accompanies me every moment, every day," Nakula confessed with a soft smile. "Allow me to express my deepest gratitude, Panchali. Thank you for being an indispensable part of my journey, for completing the canvas of my life rather being the canvas itself."

Moved by his sincerity, Draupadi reached out to wipe a solitary tear adorning the corner of Nakula's eye, a silent acknowledgment of shared emotions. She shook her head in gentle denial, her smile returning, a reflection of the love that bound them.

"If you are grateful, Swami, know that I am equally grateful. You are the haven I can walk into at any hour without hesitation, free from expectations or judgments. Every nuance of my heart finds solace with you, and in you, I discover a confidant for every dilemma. There's something sacred I share only with you, Swami – the echoes of our shared childhood, the partnership in mischief. You complete me, Arya. Being your Ardhangini is my greatest blessing, a divine grace I thank the heavens for with each breath," Draupadi confessed, her words a testament to the unbridled love that flourished despite the past trials.

Nakula, touched to the core, reciprocated her smile, grateful for the profound connection that transcended the realms of time and struggle.

As they meandered further along the quiet path, Nakula, his voice a gentle caress, posed a tender question that lingered in the fragrant air. 

"Did you speak to Jyeshtha about Thanu?" he inquired, his words woven with a softness that mirrored the tranquil beauty of their surroundings.

Draupadi's gaze, a reflection of myriad emotions, remained fixed ahead, and Nakula, attuned to the unspoken symphony of her heart, discerned the silence as an answer, a narrative yet to unfold.

"I don't know, Swami," Draupadi spoke, her voice a delicate melody, carrying the weight of countless sentiments. 

Despite the passage of months, the shadows of reluctance lingered. A sigh, pregnant with the sorrow of a mother's dilemma, escaped her lips, and crystalline tears welled in her eyes like morning dew adorning delicate petals. 

"It's not easy for any of us to bid her farewell, even after the sands of time have shifted. She has given her everything to us in the past months , days that weaved dreams of hope and light to us - thready by thread she sew it Swami but," she continued, her voice bearing the weight of responsibility, "I cannot subject her to further tribulations for our happiness. The pain etched in her heart is an open book to my gaze despite her ignorance. While her mere presence bestows joy upon us at any given hour, I fear I am falling short in shielding her from the harsh winds of adversity."

"Krishnaa," Nakula, perturbed by the undertones of self-doubt in her voice, halted their progress. Turning to face Draupadi, he gently brushed away the glistening tears that adorned her cheeks like delicate pearls. "There is an undeniable truth that I state with unwavering conviction. Suthanu's endurance is a testament to your indomitable spirit. Never, as a mother, should you bear the burden of blame upon your tender shoulders. You are the epitome of maternal grace, the paragon of love she could ever dream of and she herself thanks her Shiva Shambhu everyday for it"

Before further solace could be offered, Nakula's words were suspended, interrupted by the presence of Suthanu approaching from the distance. Draupadi turned to witness the silhouette of her daughter, enveloped in the contemplative aura of her thoughts, a delicate wisp of emotion painting her features.

Suthanu traversed the path with measured steps, her mind seemingly entwined with the intricate tapestry of unfolding events. In the quiet interlude, the air resonated with the recent incidents that danced in Suthanu's mind.

 "I do pity the fate of Matsyakumari," one of the maids expressed, her words carrying a thread of empathy.

"Pity?" an older woman rebuked sharply, her tone laced with bitterness. "Wasn't it her arrival that consumed our prince's life?" The air thickened with the weight of judgment, casting shadows upon Matsyakumari's name.

Suthanu, accompanied by Uttara, traversed the scene, her footsteps a measured rhythm against the undercurrents of discord. Unwilling to be a silent observer, she confronted the harsh judgment that pervaded the chamber.

"Kaki, tell me one thing," Suthanu interjected, "According to your thinking, if I say my brother entering into my Bhabhi's life doomed her entire existence, taking away her maternal family and himself?"

"Suthanu!" Uttara's exclamation held a note of restraint , eyes almost widened in shock.

"Bhabhi, I didn't finish," Suthanu continued, turning her gaze to the woman who had dared to pass judgment. "Kaki, just as my Bhrata wasn't responsible for doom, likewise my Bhabhi is not accountable for his demise. In fact, she is the Lakshmi of our household, bearing the future of the Kuru kula. Without her, our legacy would have met its end with the war. She is the future Rajamata of this Aryavarta—disrespect towards her equates to disrespect to your rulers. She is an intergral part of the royal family and has a place more than I do - that is what Pandavaparivaar follows for it's Kula vadhus. Such words again will not be tolerated , Is that understood?"

With the weight of truth in her words, Suthanu emphasized the last sentence, her gaze unwavering and stern. Uttara swallowed the lump down her throat , her heart brimming up with love that she always had harbored for Suthanu. 

The woman, chastened, lowered her eyes to the ground, nodding in reluctant acknowledgment. Suthanu's silent command expelled them from the chamber, leaving behind an air tinged with tension.

"Anu," Uttara's comforting hand found its place on Suthanu's shoulder, their connection transcending words. Suthanu's eyes softened, her heart burdened by the undeserved disdain directed at her beloved sister-in-law.

"Bhabhi," Suthanu gently clasped Uttara's hands in hers, her concern palpable. "I am not okay with this—such demeaning words toward you. Do you even know what you are to us?"

"I didn't take it to heart, Anu," Uttara responded with a serene smile. "I believe any widow may face such phases throughout her life. I endure just a fraction of it, being in a royal clan, and even less since I am now the daughter-in-law of the rulers of the entire Aryavarta."

"Bhabhi, I didn't understand. Do widows bear the weight of harsh customs?" Suthanu sought clarity, her bewilderment evident at the information she received.

"I am surprised you are unaware of the ruthless customs they endure," Uttara admitted, taken aback. "Thanu, if you wish to comprehend, you must venture beyond these palace walls because recently I hear a lot and witness the reality that unfurls among the common people."

Suthanu found herself entangled in a web of revelations, and it was then that she embarked on a clandestine journey through Hastinapura. In disguise, she observed the societal reforms—or the lack thereof—that governed the lives of widows. The cruel rituals unfolded before her eyes, such as the forced shaving of a young bride's hair, the meager sustenance they were offered, and the severity of their existence.

As the harsh reality unfolded, Suthanu's world spun, almost colliding with Nakula in her thoughtful state oblivion to her surrounding.


"Pita?" Suthanu halted, her hand instinctively reaching for her forehead. "I am so sorry; I didn't realize..."

"Child?" Draupadi exchanged a glance with Nakula, concern etched on their faces as they sought to understand Suthanu's distress.

"Maa, I need to talk to you. To all my mothers. I seek your guidance on an important issue," Suthanu implored, her eyes earnest and searching.

Nakula's brow furrowed, and Draupadi, stunned by the urgency in Suthanu's voice, met her gaze with a blend of empathy and concern.

"We will let you know soon, Pita, but for now, you don't have to worry," Suthanu reassured, a soft smile playing on her lips, concealing the turmoil within. The delicate promise of guidance lingered in the air, a balm for Suthanu's troubled soul.

Within the opulent chambers, the air stirred with a tempest of emotions as Suthanu unveiled the distressing encounter faced by Uttara. Vijayaa, a bastion of maternal wrath, erupted with fury. "Who had such audacity to talk to our daughter that way?" she thundered, her protective instincts ablaze.

"Why didn't you give back, Uttara?" Draupadi, gently interjected, her palm caressing Uttara's with a tenderness that spoke volumes.

"Mata..." Uttara faltered, her voice laden with unspoken grief, tears welling in her eyes.

"Child," Draupadi enfolded her in a comforting embrace, a sanctuary in the storm. "You know that's not true."

"I know, Mata, but maybe..."

"No, child, never ever think such. You are the cause of happiness to our entire family," Devika chimed in, her warm smile a beacon of reassurance.

"Yes, Uttara, jiji is right," Valandhara added her support, a united front against the shadows of doubt.

"Maa, you all should be aware of the customs that widows undergo outside this royal palace. Isn't it?" Suthanu, with a voice resonant with compassion, posed a question that echoed in the chamber.

"Thanu, we have been away from this place for years now. If you have something to tell us, go ahead," Draupadi, sensing the gravity of the situation, encouraged Suthanu to share her revelations.

Suthanu unfolded a tapestry of cruelty that prevailed beyond the palace walls, her words weaving a disconcerting narrative that painted a grim portrait of the plight of widows.

"What's happening in Aryavarta?" Draupadi, with furrowed brows, questioned the unfolding reality. The echoes of reforms she initiated during their rule in Indraprastha reverberated in her memory, contrasting sharply with the grimness Suthanu unveiled. What had become of the rulers, and what was the state of the common people if such brutality persisted unchecked?

"I think we have to think about this in more detail," Devika proposed, a voice of reason amid the storm. "Before thinking about what we can do, let's analyze what the problem actually is."

"Maa, imagine a young girl of hardly fourteen being treated as a living corpse," Suthanu's voice, a gentle lament, fell to a hush as she turned her gaze towards Uttara.

"Bhabhi, why don't you take up this issue and represent it in the royal court after a thorough study?" Suthanu's suggestion hung in the air, a thread of hope woven into her words. "You will be the most ideal person to represent it, not just because you can understand their side but also because your support will empower them. It's your right as well, given you are the future Rajmata of this empire."

"Thanu?" Uttara, caught off guard, voiced her astonishment. "Myself in the royal court? I have no experience in how Rajya Dharma works. I haven't been trained like you to interfere in the matters of royalty and offer suggestions."

"Maybe in the form of education, it wasn't Bhabhi," Suthanu responded with determination. "But I have seen your morality back in Virat Nagar when you gave justice to a single mother, ending Kichaka's cruelty. You can stand up to this."

"Thanu, wait," Draupadi intervened, her wise eyes meeting Suthanu's with a blend of understanding and concern. "While I agree with you, let's not impose it on Uttara. If she wants to do it, let her decide. Let Uttara choose her path, and I don't want her to feel forced into anything given her current situation. This is a monumental issue, and standing up to it won't be possible if her heart isn't willing."

"Maa, what does maternity have to do with work?" Suthanu questioned softly,"You all have been through the same phase as well."

"But we weren't amidst a deep chaos like Uttara. To compare our situation with hers isn't right. We didn't have anyone to manage our responsibilities, but Uttara has..." Draupadi's voice softened as she caressed Uttara's hair lovingly. "The battle that you are placing in Uttara's hands would become a burden if she is not willing."

"I understand, Maa. I respect Bhabhi's decision and yours," Suthanu agreed reluctantly, though her smile held a glimmer of acceptance.

As everyone departed from within the regal chambers, Draupadi approached Suthanu with a gentle understanding. 

"Thanu, I comprehend the depth of your sentiments, and I stand by your side. While Uttara stands to regain her self-confidence and an understanding of royal intricacies by embracing such a challenge, it is not our place to impose such a weighty responsibility upon her," Draupadi spoke, her voice a soothing melody that resonated with empathy.

Suthanu, sought to think about the gravity of the situation because if her mother was against it , a solid reason would always be present. Draupadi, smiled before gently illuminating the complexities that lay ahead.

"Given the sensitivity of her situation and the case, I don't believe the timing is opportune. The battles Uttara would face extend beyond court politics; they delve into a societal fabric that has long been woven with threads of male dominance and ingrained customs since eons. Convincing them to address this issue would be a formidable task, and the path forward may be fraught with protests and opposition, especially from traditionalists from the religious conservative scholars of higher classes," Draupadi explained, her gaze meeting Suthanu's with a blend of foresight as Suthanu looked at her extremely shocked that she ignored such a fact. 

"Maa, you mean Bhabhi might be prone to life threats, and along with her... her child?" Suthanu's realization painted her eyes with a mixture of shock and apprehension, and Draupadi nodded with a soft acknowledgment.

"None of your fathers would approve of Uttara leading this endeavor, especially given her current state of unwillingness," Draupadi added.

"Maa, I cannot fathom endangering Bhabhi's life in my wild dreams. Now that I understand why you were against it, you are right in your place. But if not Bhabhi, whom do you think can take on this responsibility for the time being?" Suthanu inquired, her eyes searching Draupadi's for guidance.

"I am wondering the same," Draupadi admitted, her thoughts entwined with the weight of responsibility that lay ahead.

After a contemplative pause, Suthanu's countenance transformed into a smile as she suggested a name: "Pitruvyaa Bhanumati."

"Bhanumati?" Draupadi echoed in surprise.

"Why not her, Maa? She is a virtuous woman, albeit having been on the wrong side until now. I see a new phase of life for her. If Pitruvyaa involves herself in this cause, it could serve as a distraction from her torment. It might not only help her accept the reality but also bring happiness when she is able to do something for others. In the long run, this involvement could foster connections between our families involving the other royal ladies of Kauravas, initially through royal matters since she would need your assistance and eventually on a personal level - bonds do happen Maa. It's a new beginning I envision for our family," Suthanu shared, her optimism casting a radiant glow upon the dimmed corridors of uncertainty.

Suthanu's infectious smile resonated with Draupadi, and in that moment, a daughter's astuteness and compassion illuminated the path forward. Draupadi, moved by the depth of Suthanu's insight, reciprocated the smile.

"We are indeed so lucky to have you with us, Thanu. You are our light, indeed!" Draupadi embraced Suthanu.

"Who would talk to Bhanumati about this?" , Draupadi inquired.

"Don't worry, Maa. I will take care of it," Suthanu assured, and together, they strolled through the palace corridors.

"Maa, today Bhabhi's situation isn't in her favor, physically and mentally. But I have a strong feeling she herself will involve herself in royal affairs in the future. I have a strong belief in her strength, Maa. She will walk on Pitamahi's lines!" Suthanu's eyes shone with unwavering faith.

"What you see as a possibility is a necessity, my child," Draupadi's words redirected Suthanu's attention. "She will take your mother's place one day. After all, we aren't going to be here forever."

"Maiya!" Suthanu exclaimed, enveloping Draupadi in a tight hug. "Don't ever repeat that to me. You aren't leaving me and going anywhere."

"I thought my daughter forgot that she is a baby to us," Draupadi laughed, a melody of maternal warmth,"You think politics, devise strategies, but when it comes to us, you turn into a child."

"What's wrong with that, Maa? I am your baby girl," Suthanu replied, her smile reflecting the pure innocence of a cherished child.

"A baby girl who is going to get married soon," Draupadi teased, her laughter tapering off as Suthanu's smile softened.

"Thanu, I am..." Draupadi began, her tone gentle.

"Maiya, it's the truth, and his memory is a part of my day. You didn't remind me of anything," Suthanu smiled. "I am happy here."

Draupadi tenderly placed her palm on Suthanu's head, and within her heart, she held a silent wish for her daughter's happiness to be complete. The winds of change whispered softly through the palace corridors, carrying with them the fragrant promise of a new beginning very soon. 

In the ethereal chamber where the past and present converged, Draupadi pressed Kunti's feet,a serene smile that held the wisdom of countless ages as she heard everything Draupadi told her.

"Panchali, I think Suthanu's opinion is right," Kunti's words, adorned with the tranquility of a sage, flowed like a gentle stream of guidance. Her eyes, windows to the experiences of a lifetime, held a silent affirmation.

"Maa, if this wasn't of utmost importance, I wouldn't have sought your counsel. Suthanu wished to approach you for the same matter," Draupadi humbly pressed Kunti's feet with a herbal oil even as she spoke. 

"Why worry, child, when you have a daughter like Thanu? Everything will fall into place," Kunti, smiled while caressing Draupadi's head. "Tell her that her Maa can guide her better than me."

"Maa ".

"I am serious, Krishnaa," Kunti affirmed, her gaze holding the weight of experience. "My endurance wanes with the passage of time. Without Partha by my side and the loss of Karna, my mental fortitude has weakened."

"Maa," Draupadi placed her palm on Kunti's, a gesture of solace. Kunti's eyes, wellsprings of emotions, glistened with unspoken sentiments.

"I know how deeply you miss Swami, Maa. Rest assured, everything will find its balance," Draupadi reassured, her words woven with the assurance of a thousand tomorrows. "Hope is the anchor in our sea of uncertainties."

"I hope it does, child. I just hope," Kunti's voice trembled, an echo of vulnerability. "Yudhishthira is my strength, yet I never fathomed a day where he might turn away from me,not that he is to be blamed for it.."

"Maa, is that even possible? You are the cornerstone of Swami's existence. In every prayer, I have witnessed his gratitude for having you in his life," Draupadi smiled in unwavering support as Kunti looked at her , "Even now he does Maa even if it's not loud. He might navigate through the labyrinth of tribulations, but the compass of his devotion to you remains unwavering."

"Did I mention that even I don't have to worry when I have a daughter like you?" Kunti's voice softened, her palm tenderly tracing Draupadi's cheek, "Maybe it's just about a daughter and a mother, Krishnaa."

"It's not just about that, Maa," Draupadi responded with a warmth.

"It's about 'everything' for some moments," Kunti's smile, a fleeting yet profound expression, held the essence of maternal love. As Draupadi wiped away Kunti's tears that spoke of both joy and sorrow, the celestial chamber bore witness to a timeless exchange—a mother's enduring affection and a daughter's unwavering devotion.

In the sacred confines of familial bonds and unspoken pledges, Suthanu stood facing Bhanumati.

"Pitruvyaa, I beseech your assistance for the widows, a plea rooted in the favor of the moment when you once bestowed me with a promise for saving Lakshmanaa's life. It was a Kshatrani's word that I could ask anything I wish for and this is my wish," Suthanu's voice, a melodic symphony of sincerity, resonated in the hallowed space. Bhanumati, caught off guard, concealed her emotions beneath the veil of her composure.

"Politics with your Pitruvyaa?" Bhanumati concealing her sentiments, swiftly veiled her initial surprise.

"Never, Pitruvyaa," Suthanu's smile, akin to the first rays of dawn, graced her countenance. "It is the duty of a daughter of this land, and I found myself compelled to invoke the promise you made to me. In truth, the saving of Lakshmanaa's life was not a favor; rather, it was for my own happiness of not losing my sister."

"Even as you chose not to remind me of the promise, I had no intention of turning you down, Thanu," Bhanumati's unexpected smile startled Suthanu. "Be it myself or Swami, we could never consign you to the confines of retribution. Despite the complexities that have woven their threads between our families especially my hatred directed towards your family.I don't have anything against you. Even the shifting sands, could not take away the affection I held for you Thanu."

"We tread upon uncertain paths, Pitruvyaa," Suthanu's smile, a reflection of her innate wisdom, met Bhanumati's contemplative gaze. In that silence, both women recognized the impermanence of life's certainties—the ephemeral nature of joy and the profound impact of unforeseen upheavals.

Who better than Bhanumati understood the fragility of life's grand tapestry? She, who had witnessed the collapse of her world, now stood on the precipice of a new beginning, her breaths echoing the rhythm of resilience. Life, in its capricious dance, had bestowed upon her a new purpose, a responsibility to uphold the promise made in the crucible of fate. In that moment, amidst the interplay of destinies, Bhanumati found solace and a reason to embrace the unfolding chapters of her existence that once again she had found that came on her way through Suthanu's form. 

To be continued...

Please do leave your votes and comments. Yes , I will be coming back the new chapters soon here on.

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