The Founder's Secret

By Book1_1Lover

17.7K 401 3

What happens when a diary regarding the founders is found? Truths released, A seer trying to change the futu... More

The founder's Secret
My Honorary Sister
Finishing what I started
The council meeting
Quiet before the tempest
ENTRY - 9 Part -1
Repairing a broken marriage and an unwelcome marriage
ENTRY - 11
The Duel of Destiny
Family No More
Rena's sweet 19
ENTRY - 19 Part -1
Time Loop ?


322 11 0
By Book1_1Lover


It was scary. The dream, or should I say nightmare? Why did it look so vividly real? How can someone do such a terrible thing? One of the purest spells used for murder! My heart raced as I tried to shake off the lingering fear from the nightmare. The vividness of the dream left me questioning the boundaries between reality and imagination. I couldn't help but wonder if there was a deeper meaning behind this haunting nightmare. Was it a warning or just a product of my overactive imagination? The thought of someone using a spell like that sent shivers down my spine. The lingering fear from the nightmare made it difficult to focus on anything else. I nearly spent the whole day locked up in my room, pondering what kind of supernatural creature could cause such a dream. As I delved deeper into my thoughts, I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something more to this nightmare than meets the eye.

I could feel Ellie wanting to ask me about my odd behavior. Ever since I confided in Ellie, she has become overly protective and treats me like a child. I often regret opening up to her. It is like she has an eighth sense that detects changes in my behavior. She acts like a mother figure, not only to me but to everyone else too. It makes me wonder: would my mother be like this? As soon as I started thinking about my mother, the duel popped into my mind. The image of my mother's disappointed face after the duel haunts me. Would she be disappointed if I dueled my father for a man who doesn't even love me? After all, everyone says that she loves my father very much. How she ever liked that ******* is unbelievable.

Marrying on the same day as his wife's death is a sin.

Anyway, back to the nightmare: I need to see it once again to figure something out. So, plan X? or plan Y?

I should follow Plan Y since it would be safer.

Yes, plan Y might very well work.

I might lose my pride in front of Salazar, but it's Salazar. One word out: I will make sure that his secret obsession with purple ball gowns in his youth is out. That should teach him a lesson if he reveals this. Plus, it might be entertaining to see his reaction when his secret is revealed.

I will follow Plan Y. Now that's decided, I really should pester Sal until he lends me his pensieve.

As I started to walk towards the dungeon to find the dungeon bat, Nyassa sent an IM. I know that we have repaired our relationship, but Nyssa is as keen as an eagle. So I quickly responded to Nyssa's message, assuring her that everything was okay between us.

She requested to meet me in the coming week.

And I agreed to come...

Now, I have to try my best to get his pensive.

Unexpectedly, I bumped into him on the stairs. I couldn't help but notice the pensive tucked under his arm. My heart skipped a beat as I seized the opportunity and nervously asked if I could borrow it for a while. To my surprise, he agreed without hesitation, but only if I promised to return it promptly.

I thanked him too many times. I don't think that I'll be able to face him afterward.

I raced to my room to see the memory. But I was unable to find it in my memories. Do I need to sleep again to get it back?



Then Ellie sent me a patronus asking (ordering) me to come to the dining hall immediately. Now I have to run to reach the dining hall. Why does everything happen in one day?

"Dramatically sighs"

What the heck was I expecting? Well, it was not to see a lion and snake fighting.

Now is Ellie expecting me to stop their fight? Nah uh, not happening. I wanted to escape before she spots me unfortunately nothing is going my way! she spotted me.

I helped Ellie to break their fight. Their fight was pathetic. I dragged the dungeon bat to his heavenly abode- the dungeons.

I placed his pensive on his table, wrote a note, and left to help with dinner. Ellie's wedding is coming up soon, I think the jewelry and dress I made for her will be liked by her.


[ Author's Note - I apologize for writing such a boring chapter, but it's a filler, so my excuse is fillers are supposed to be like this. I misplaced the pen drive in which I saved the draft of the original chapter and my plot note was left in school. My exams just got over a few days ago, and the results haven't been announced, but if I get wonderful marks, you all can expect more than one chapter in a single week.


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