Green and Gold / Male Reader...

By PhoenixFD

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The Gems, an interplanetary race of light-based beings, once linked to Earth, vanished millennia ago. 5,300 y... More

[S0] Chapter 0: Prologue
[S1A] Chapter 1: Introductions
[S1A] Chapter 2: The Visit (PART 1)
[S1A] Chapter 2: The Visit (PART 2)
[S1A] Chapter 3: Beach Party
[S1A] Chapter 4: Repair
[S1A] Chapter 5: Rose's Room

[S1A] Chapter 2: The Visit (PART 3)

457 14 6
By PhoenixFD

As the days passed, Steven fell back into the usual rhythm of going on missions with the Crystal Gems. He marvelled at Pearl and Amethyst's fusion into Opal, spent time with Lars and the cool kids, saving them from his mother's moss, and had a rather intense showdown with Onion over a toy. There was never a dull moment in Beach City.

Yet, through all of these adventures, there was a constant thought at the back of Steven's mind-Y/N. It had been several days since he had seen Y/N, and Steven couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to make amends for interfering that night. He was uncertain about what to say or how to approach the situation.

As he strolled along the boardwalk, the setting sun casting an orange hue over the horizon, Steven pondered the best way to initiate the conversation. He mulled over various options.

Steven: "*Hey Y/N, remember when I almost got hurt trying to protect that bad guy? No too casual. Hey Y/N, I've been meaning to talk to you about the events that transpired few nights ago. No too formal. Hehe, hey Y/N! What happened a few nights ago was just a dream! *Sigh* He's too smart for that.*"

Just as Steven wrestled with his thoughts, a series of panicked screams from the nearby beach snapped him out if it. He turned to see a horrifying sight-a corrupted Gem menacingly chasing after several terrified people.

Knowing that the Crystal Gems were on a mission and unable to help, Steven made a quick decision to confront the corrupted Gem himself. He dashed toward the beach, and just as the corrupted Gem was about to strike one of the beachgoers, Steven hurled his shield between them, blocking the attack.

The corrupted Gem turned its attention to Steven, charging at him with aggression. Steven summoned his bubble, which deflected the Gem's initial strike. However, the creature persisted, relentlessly pounding on the bubble until it finally popped. Steven, determined not to back down, threw another shield at the corrupted Gem, causing it to stagger backward.

Yet, the corrupted Gem was far from finished. It charged at Steven once more, who narrowly dodged its attack. Panic gripped Steven as he realised he was on his own, desperately trying to figure out how to subdue the corrupted Gem.

While Steven contemplated his next move, the corrupted Gem lunged at him once more, and Steven summoned his bubble again. This time, however, the corrupted Gem began to push down on the bubble, attempting to crush Steven. Straining with all his might, Steven pushed back against the relentless force, but he could feel himself slowly being overwhelmed.

As the bubble started to crack under the pressure, Steven lowered his head, preparing for the inevitable impact of the Corrupted Gem's attack. But the crushing blow never came. Instead, the sounds of a loud thud entered Steven's ears, and as he looked up, he noticed that the corrupted Gem had been sent flying across the beach, tumbling through the sand.

After his bubble dissipated, Steven gasped for breath, relieved that someone had intervened. He assumed it was one of the Crystal Gems, but when he looked up, his eyes widened in astonishment. It wasn't Garnet, Amethyst, or Pearl who had saved him-it was Y/N.

Y/N immediately turned his attention to Steven as the young gem apologised for his actions the nights before. However, Y/N swiftly dismissed the apology, his focus never leaving the threat looming before them.

Y/N: "We'll talk later, for now, I've got a monster to kill."

Following Y/N's gaze, Steven spotted the corrupted Gem hurtling toward them. Steven explained that he needed to inflict enough damage to make the monster "poof," but they had to avoid targeting the gem on its chest.

Looking towards the now upright creature, Y/N quickly nodded, motioning for Steven to get off the beach. Steven nodded as he moved away, and hurriedly directed the remaining townspeople away from the impending battle, ensuring their safety.

As Steven began his evacuation efforts, the corrupted Gem charged forward, aiming for him. However Y/N intercepted it, gripping its tail and hurling it backward. Y/N didn't waste any time, rushing in to deliver a powerful left hook to its 'face', sending it skidding. 

Recovering from the blow to its face, the creature raised one of it's large 'paws', attempting to squash Y/N into the ground. Y/N however, noticed this, taking a step back in order to avoid the overhead blow.

As the creature noticed that it had missed it's target, Y/N immediately took advantage of the opportunity, rushing underneath the creature, and with both fists, delivered a double handed uppercut, launching the creature into the air.

The corrupted Gem hovered for a moment before plummeting to the ground in response to Y/N's double axe handle strike, kicking up a cloud of sand around the area.

 Y/N dropped down to the ground and looked around, questioning if the fight was over. Sweating slightly, he glanced at Steven, who was a few feet from where the creature had landed.

Y/N: "What are you still doing here!"

Steven: "I'm making su-"

However, before Steven could finish, he immediately shouted a warning to Y/N to watch out from behind. As Y/N turned, he was taken by surprise as the Corrupted Gem leaped out of the sand cloud, jaws snapping shut. Y/N used his hands to block the creature's bite, however the monster began to overpower him, pushing him deeper into the sandy ground.

Seeing his friend in danger, Steven attempted to intervene, rushing toward them. But Y/N shouted at him to stay back. With pain shooting through his right arm, Y/N knew he had to end this fight now.

To Steven's shock, he heard Y/N start shouting, and as he watched, Y/N's hair began to transform back into the same golden hue he had witnessed before. Pushing back against the Corrupted Gem, Y/N's face contorted with anger, and his muscles bulged. In a final, powerful scream, his body emitted a brilliant golden glow, and his hair stood on end, creating a spiked appearance. The golden light that had engulfed him a moment ago, now radiated around him in the form of a rising golden aura.

Suddenly, the Corrupted Gem was flung into the air by Y/N. Without uttering a word, Y/N leaped high into the sky, charging toward the creature. They collided, crashing to the ground in another flurry of sand and dust. When the cloud settled, Y/N was seen with his hands plunged into the Gem's flailing form. The corrupted Gem's body thrashed around, a desperate attempt to throw Y/N off of itself. However Y/N's grip tightened, causing the creature to explode into a large white dust cloud.

As Y/N rose from his position, his serious expression shifted to that of confusion. In front of him, a palm sized, maroon gem hovered in the air. The gem tumbled to the ground, puzzling Y/N as he picked it up. Steven rushed over, a hint of concern in his expression, uncertain about Y/N's intentions with the Gem. Yet, Y/N said nothing and quietly offered the Gem to Steven.

Giving thanks, Steven took the gem. However, as soon as he did, Y/N fell to his knees and began to breathe heavily. Steven, worried as to why this was happening, asked if Y/N was okay, however Y/N remained silent. Tightening his hands into fists, Y/N let out a large exhale. As the teen did this, his body began to slightly slim down, his hair returning back to its black colouring, and the golden aura that had encased his body dissipated, leaving only small strands of steam radiating from his tired limbs.

Getting helped up by Steven, Y/N looked down at Steven as he held his right arm.

Y/N: "T-thanks, Steven. That *cough* p-power just... takes a lot outta me..."

Before Steven could ask another question, he noticed the Gems running to him. Pearl was the first to voice her worry of Steven's safety.

Pearl: "Garnet said that a corrupted Gem would appear here! Steven have you seen it?"

Amethyst however, noticed that Steven was holding a gem.

Amethyst: "Woah! Steven, did you beat a corrupted gem all by yourself!"

The group congratulated Steven on his apparent victory, not noticing Y/N standing a little ways away, turned around. Y/N wouldn't admit it, but he was slightly... uncomfortable? No. What he was feeling was something else, jealousy. Steven had people worried for his safety, while Y/N hadn't. At least... hadn't for a while...

Garnet placed a hand on Steven's head as she took the maroon gem and bubbled it, sending it back to the temple. Steven pushed past their praise pointed to Y/N, who was trying his best to remove himself from the area.

Steven: "Guys, I wasn't the one who beat the gem. He was the one who beat it."

Y/N turned around at the sound of his name, however immediately faced the other way when he saw the Gems staring at him. At first, their eyes were filled with confusion, however as soon as his eyes met their's, they filled with hostility. Amethyst was the first to realise who Y/N was.

Amethyst: "Wait, isn't that the human we were chasing a while ago?"

Pearl immediately recognised who Y/N was, and brandished her spear, thrusting it up towards Y/N's throat, slashing off a few strands of his unkept black hair in the process. Seeing this, Y/N, while fatigued, jumped back slightly up and got into a defensive position, raising his left hand in front of himself. Garnet remained silent as she immediately brandished her gauntlets, while Amethyst brought out her whip and shouted towards Y/N.

Amethyst: "I've been meaning to get some payback for how you threw me into Pearl last time!"

Steven, shocking the group, stepped in between the two sides.

Pearl: "Steven! Get out of the way! That human is dangerous!"

Pearl's comment caused Y/N to scowl slightly, he agreed that he was dangerous, but he didn't like being called that.

Steven: "No! He's not a dangerous person!"

While saying this Steven was trying to side hug Y/N. Y/N just stood there and took it, not taking his eyes off the Gems who still had their weapons drawn on him. Y/N knew that he wasn't in good enough shape to win if a fight broke out, or even try to escape for that matter, so he hoped Steven could talk the rising tension down.

Amethyst looked at Steven confused.

Amethyst: "How do you know he ISN'T dangerous Steven."

Pearl, adding to the conversation, continued.

Pearl: "You shouldn't just trust some random stranger Steven."

Steven, hearing this, let slip his secret about how he had been visiting Y/N, and how they had become good friends, shocking the gems, Y/N included.

Steven: "But he isn't a stranger, he's my friend! For the last few weeks, I've been hanging out with him at his home in the junkyard. I've even been helping him rebuild a car!"

Pearl, not believing what Steven had said, comments.

Pearl: "But every time that we've asked, you've said that you were hanging out with Connie or visiting Greg"

Hearing this, Steven dropped his head slightly.

Steven: "I... lied, and I'm sorry. But if you knew about where I was going, then you would have stopped me from visiting him."

Amethyst commented back while crossing her arms.

Amethyst: "So you've just been visiting him behind our backs, not cool Ste-man."

Garnet remained silent, however, and walked toward Y/N. Steven tried to reason with Garnet, but she picked him up and gently placed him behind herself. While still wearing her gauntlets, she looked down at Y/N, and Y/N looked up at her, the tips of his hair slightly glowing. Even though she was wearing a set of thick silver shades to cover her eyes, Y/N could somehow FEEL the tall woman's eyes piercing through him, as if looking for something.

The tense moment remained for around a minute, but suddenly Garnet removed her gauntlets and walked away.

Garnet: "He... isn't a threat."

Hearing this, Pearl was shocked.

Pearl: "Wh-what! Garnet, are you sure? We don't even know who or what he is! OR how he has access to those strange abilities."

Garnet: "It's fine Pearl. Now Steven, it's getting late, you should be in bed soon."

After saying this, Garnet proceeded to walk back to the temple. Pearl looked at her, then back to Y/N with a distrustful look, and then walked in the direction of the temple as well.

Amethyst walked up to Y/N and checked him out, noting how he had a lot of scars and smelled like garbage. Turning to Steven, she let out a small chuckle.

Amethyst: "Huh. Why does he smell like that?"

Looking down at the purple woman, Y/N let out a sarcastic reply.

Y/N: "I live in a junkyard, how'd you think I'd smell?"

Steven gasped, as if he had realised something, and turned to Y/N.

Steven: "That reminds me! Why were you even near the beach? Don't you always just keep to yourself in the junkyard?"

Y/N looked away sheepishly as he crossed his arms.

Y/N: "Well... ever since I told you to leave, I've been... thinking and... wanted to... apologise."

Hearing this, Steven quickly ran up to Y/N and hugged him, also apologising for his actions. During this, Amethyst stretched slightly.

Amethyst: "So... you gotta name?"

Seeing that this 'Crystal Gem' was willing to forgive him for his prior actions, Y/N gave up his name without complaint.

Y/N: "Y/N."

Satisfied with the answer, Amethyst nonchalantly picked Steven up and walked away, side waving to Y/N.

Amethyst: "Laters trash-man!"

Y/N stood there somewhat awkwardly, thinking to himself about what had just happened. Snapping him out of his thoughts however, he heard Steven's voice.

Steven: "Hey Y/N! Come by the Temple tomorrow!"

However before Y/N could even question what the Temple was, or what Steven meant by that, they had already disappeared from his view. 


When Steven and Amethyst made it back to the temple, they could hear Pearl talking to Garnet about Y/N. Well, to put it accurately, Pearl was talking AT Garnet about Y/N.

Pearl: "I'm telling you Garnet, that human is nothing but disaster waiting to happen!"

After hearing this, Steven cuts in to defend Y/N.

Steven: "No he isn't! Pearl, he's my friend, and he's not trying to hurt me or anyone."

Amethyst doubled down on this.

Amethyst: "Pearl is right about him being weird, but he's not dangerous-weird. I say he's cool."

Steven, desperate for Pearl to see what he sees, tries to to appeal to Pearl's practical nature.

Steven: "With his powers, he could even help out on missions!"

Pearl: "Oh no! Absolutely not, that is out of the question!"

Shocking everyone, Garnet butts in.

Garnet: "That would be an excellent way to see if he is our ally."

Pearl: "Garnet, are you sure about this?"

Without answering, Garnet threw a thumbs up and nodded.

Pearl: "*Sigh* Fine. But if he steps out of line once! I'll make sure he never steps again!"

Hearing this, Amethyst laughed at Pearl's attempt to be threatening. Annoyed, Pearl walked off in a huff towards her room, with Amethyst following quickly after, still laughing.

Ignoring the attempted threat, Steven turned to Garnet.

Steven: "Garnet? Is Y/N going to be okay while on the mission?"

Garnet ruffled Steven's hair as she looked down at him.

Garnet: "Yes Steven, he will be just fine."

Picking the young boy up, Garnet placed Steven on his bed, allowing him to settle in for the night. As Steven fell asleep, Garnet's smile reverted back to its stoic expression as she entered her room inside the temple.

As she walked past the many bubbles that held corrupted gems, she stopped in front of the small lava pool in the centre of the room. Crossing her arms, she tried to focus once more, like she had done back when she had stared silently at Y/N. Back on the beach, she had attempted to use her abilities in order to look into Y/N's past. However, for some reason... she couldn't.

She couldn't understand it, she had done it many times, with both gems and humans alike, and yet, with this human, a mere look into his past was nothing more than a chaotic mixture of emotions and static.

Wanting to ensure that her abilities were fine, she changed her target from Y/N, to Steven, and it worked almost immediately. She watched as he spoke his first words, as he tried his first Cookie Cat, when he scraped his knee on the boardwalk, and even when he met Y/N for the first time.

Stepping out of the vision, she removed her visor and rubbed her eyes. Clearly she was fine, that was proven to be true. So what was it about this boy? He wasn't a gem, he was nothing but a normal human, and yet... here he was. It was as if his memories were somehow disconnected from his mind, stored in some kind of seperate space. No, that wouldn't be possible, for if it were, he'd be in some kind of catatonic state.

Putting her shades back on, she dismissed the 'situation' for now, and instead, shifted her attention upward, toward the many bubbled gems suspended in the air. There were many corrupted gems still out in the world, posing both a danger to themselves, and humanity. She once again activated her vision, however this time, she looked towards the future, intent on finding the next Corrupted gem to poof and contain.


(The Next Day)....

Y/N was walking around, trying to find this so called "temple" that Steven had mentioned. He had started from the beach and made his way in the direction where Steven's group had walked last night.

After about 10 minutes of walking, he noticed a massive statue built into the cliffside, with a beach house at its base. He assumed this was what Steven meant and approached cautiously.

When he reached the base of the temple, he just stood there, unsure of how to approach the situation-should he just call out, knock, or stand there and just wait for someone to greet him. Fortunately, he didn't have to figure it out, as Steven burst through the door and beckoned for Y/N to come up.


Hesitantly, Y/N entered the home and was greeted by the same purple girl he had seen last night lying on the couch, and the tall red woman standing in what was presumably the kitchen.

Y/N remained tense and on guard, but Steven assured him that they wouldn't try anything. However, Amethyst jumped up from her position and looked Y/N dead in the eyes.

Amethyst: "Only if he doesn't make any trouble..."

However as soon as she said this, she bursted into laughter as Y/N's expression shifted immediately from neutral to alert. Garnet knocked Amethyst in the back of the head as she walked up to Y/N and extended a hand. Y/N looked at it for a moment before quickly realising that this was a handshake, something Steven had taught him. He hesitantly took Garnet's hand and shook it.

Garnet: "I'm sure that you've gathered this by now, but I am Garnet, the purple one over there is Amethyst."

Amethyst: "Yo."

Garnet: "Steven has told us much about you."

Hearing this, Y/N looked at Steven, who sheepishly rubbed his neck.

Y/N: "...How much exactly?"

Garnet: "Enough to know that you may be an ally. Would you be willing to come with us on a mission?"

Confused by the sudden request, Y/N looked up at Garnet, genuinely puzzled by what the missions would be.

Garnet: "Our missions revolve around the hunting and capturing of corrupted gems, dangerous creatures that roam the planet. We locate, capture and contain these gems in order to prevent them from harming any life on Earth."

Y/N was sceptical, from what it seemed, these "Gems" were already proficient at their jobs of containing these beasts, so why would they need him.

Y/N: "And why would you need me exactly?"

In response to the question, Garnet smiled slightly.

Garnet: "To see if we can trust you with keeping Steven safe. Also, because it was Steven's idea."

Y/N raised his eyebrows slightly and simply looked at Steven.

Y/N: "Ah."

Suddenly, a door on the far side of the room opened, and Pearl appeared from it. She immediately noticed Y/N and pulled out her spear.

Garnet: "Pearl, we talked about this."

Hearing this, Pearl reluctantly put her spear away.


The gems, Steven, and Y/N stood together on the warp pad, and Y/N couldn't help but question what was supposed to be happening.

Y/N: "So... what's supposed to be hap-"

Suddenly, the warp pad activated, and they were all sent into the warp stream. Y/N was slightly freaking out, as this was his first experience with warping.


After landing on his face with a small grunt, Pearl looked at him coldly.

Pearl: "Oh calm down."

Garnet: "These warp pads are what allow us to travel to and from any point on Earth. If a location has a warp pad, then we can warp to it.

When the warp stream finally dissipated, Y/N was surprised to find that the environment had changed. Instead of Steven's home, they were now in a grassy field filled with flowers and small hills. Y/N's wide-eyed expression didn't go unnoticed by Amethyst.

Amethyst: "What, never seen flowers before?"

Y/N stepped off of the warp pad, and without looking at Amethyst, he answered.

Y/N: "No...not like these ones."

Garnet informed the group that they would find the corrupted gem near the heart of the flower field, and they all began walking.

Sensing that Garnet was the leader of the group, Y/N walked beside her to ask a question.

Y/N: "So, what do you want from me exactly?"

Garnet, still looking forward, answered.

Garnet: "Your job is to keep Steven away from any danger. Can you handle that?"

Y/N nodded, looking forward as the group made their way through the field.

Y/N: "Sure."

Garnet: "Good."

After about two minutes of walking, the group came to a stop in a small clearing. Garnet equipped her gauntlets, and Pearl and Amethyst followed suit. Garnet silently motioned to a larger mound of flowers near the centre of the clearing, and they all approached it silently. Y/N stood at Steven's side, ready for any potential danger.

Suddenly, large roots sprouted out from the ground and targeted the gems. Pearl managed to cut through them with her spear. Then, a large flower-shaped creature erupted from the ground and swung its roots at Amethyst, who jumped up to avoid the attack. However, while in the air, she was hit and launched into the ground by another large root.

Garnet was trying to punch the main body of the corrupted gem, but it didn't seem to be doing much. Soon after, she was wrapped up in another root and tossed around.

Pearl was attempting to cut through all of the roots, however one latched onto her spear, while another wrapped itself around her waist, tossing her to the side in the direction of Steven and Y/N.

Before Pearl could collide with Steven, Y/N caught her and quickly placed her back on her feet.

Y/N: "You good?"

Instead of answering, Pearl just scoffed and ran back into the battle.

Y/N: "Whatever."

As the battle raged on, Steven noticed a few roots making their way toward him. Y/N was quick to react, ripping the roots out of the ground and effectively neutralising the threat. However, while Y/N was defending Steven from the approaching roots, Steven suddenly noticed that Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl were all ensnared by the roots and slowly being dragged toward the creature's gaping maw.

Amethyst was being slowly dragged to the mouth of the corrupted Gem.


Garnet was caught in a seemingly endless cycle of breaking free from the roots, only for more to take their place, and Pearl desperately tried to cut through the ensnaring roots as they surrounded her.

Distracted by the roots that were closing in, Y/N didn't notice Steven rushing to their aid. Steven bravely jumped onto the roots that held Pearl, and began to pull on them.

Pearl: "Steven! Get away! Return back to that human immediately!"

As soon as she said this, both Steven and Pearl turned to notice a large root swinging toward Steven.

Realising the imminent danger Steven was in, Y/N charged forward and dove in front of Steven, shielding him from the blow. The impact sent them both hurtling into nearby trees, causing the Gems to cry out in alarm, their worry for Steven evident.

As Steven slowly opened his eyes, he saw Y/N lying unconscious, his arms still protectively wrapped around him. A trickle of blood ran down from Y/N's forehead.


Steven desperately tried to wake Y/N, but he refused to wake up. Determined to help his friends, Steven got up, spotted a large stick nearby, and rushed back into the fight, ready to assist the Gems.

As Steven reappeared, shock washed over him as he saw a tied-up Pearl and Amethyst trapped inside the corrupted Gem's mouth. Garnet, though freed from the roots hold, was struggling to keep the creature's mouth open.

Steven tried to rush in to help them, but multiple roots advanced towards him. Desperation set in as he swung the stick he had found, but it immediately broke on impact with one of the roots. Soon after, a root quickly ensnared Steven's arm, attempting to drag him into the creature's menacing maw. Feeling helpless, he cried out for Y/N, a last-ditch effort to save the group.

With the name Steven uttered, the roots entwining his body were quickly torn apart, and he was swiftly moved to the edge of the battlefield. As Steven looked up, he saw Y/N, back in his golden form, facing away from him.

He asked if Y/N was okay, and Y/N looked to him from the corner of his eye, and responded with a quick thumbs up. Y/N silently wiped his brow and gazed at the blood, clenching his fists before charging in to rescue the gems.

Faster than Steven could follow, Y/N extracted each gem from the creature's mouth and quickly dropped them next to Steven. After saving the gems, Y/N's arms ignited with a golden aura as he charged back in to confront the corrupted Gem.

In a breathtaking display of speed and power, he sliced through all the roots that the creature shot out in an attempt to defend itself.


When the creature tried to burrow into the ground, Y/N pulled the Corrupted Gem out of the ground and yanked at the gem imbedded in the creature's base, causing it to poof into a large cloud. All the roots went limp immediately after, allowing Pearl and Amethyst to escape their binds.

The gems and Steven rushed up to Y/N, who was looking at the gem in his hands with a serious expression. He threw the gem to Garnet, who promptly bubbled it. Amethyst was the first to enthusiastically run up to Y/N.

Amethyst: "WOAH TRASH-MAN! That was awesome man!"

While she said this, she attempted to mimic Y/N's actions by shapeshifting into him and copying his movements with her hands. Seeing this, Steven tried to replicate the gestures.

Garnet approached Y/N who was watching the shorter gems antics. Seeing Garnet approach, he looked up at her with a serious expression. She stood in front of him as she addressed him.

Garnet: "You did good Y/N, well done. If you wish to, you may join us on more missions."

Y/N simply nodded, before crossing his arms and looking back to Amethyst's attempts to copy him.

After speaking to Y/N, Garnet then turned to Steven.

Garnet: "Steven. You have our permission to hang out with Y/N."

Hearing this, Steven ran up to Y/N and hugged him. Y/N looked down at Steven, his furrowed eyebrows and facial features softening slightly, and with a small smile, placed a hand on Steven's head.

As soon as he did this however, Y/N reverted back to his base form, clutching his head briefly, as if struggling with a possible concussion. Mid-hug, Pearl quietly approached Y/N and offered her hand. Y/N looked at Pearl, then her hand, then back at Pearl.

Y/N: "...What?"

Pearl: "When Steven was about to be hit by that root, you jumped in and took most of the damage, protecting him. You did your job, so I'll consider you an ally for now... Y/N."

His eyes widening slightly, Y/N accepted Pearl's hand, shaking it, but as soon as he did, his vision blurred, and he collapsed.



With a groan, Y/N stirred and gradually awakened to find himself back in Steven's home. He could feel a bandage wrapped around his head, indicating that his injury had been cared for.

Sitting up on what appeared to be a couch, he gazed out the window and noticed that the sun had gone down.

Y/N: "What a day..."

As he sat in silence, the sound of soft snoring from above caught his attention, and as he glanced upward, he saw Steven peacefully sleeping on his bed. Y/N decided to quietly slip out, assuming the others were elsewhere in the house.

As he stepped outside, Y/N immediately noticed Garnet standing to the side, her gaze focused on something in the distance. He couldn't help but wonder if she had been watching him to ensure he didn't pose a threat to Steven.

Y/N: "You were making sure I wouldn't try anything, right?"

Garnet: "No, just stargazing."

Looking out at the sea, Y/N leaned his left arm on the railing.

Y/N: "So... mind telling me how I wound up here?"

Garnet: "When you fell unconscious, likely due to a concussion, I picked you up and brought you back here. And as for the bandage, Pearl tried her best to stop the bleeding."

His eyes widening slightly, Y/N was surprised to hear that Pearl had helped him. Looking down, Y/N nodded to himself, seemingly acknowledging what Pearl had done. Garnet took note of this.

Y/N: "Well... I should get going."

As he bid farewell to Garnet, she quietly called out to him.

Garnet: "Y/N, just know that you are welcome here anytime. Whether that be to hang out with Steven, or to help us on a mission."

Hearing this, Y/N placed his hands in his jacket pockets and looked up to the stars, seemingly contemplating the offer. Soon after, he turned back to Garnet and responded with a quick thumbs up.

Y/N: "I'll... think about it. Laters."


NOTE: Hey guys, just incase you were confused about why Garnet can now see the past, I'm here to answer that.

- In Canon, Garnet can ONLY see the future, however, for the sake of this story, I'm also giving her the passive ability to also see a limited portion of someone's past. Not too much to do things such as figure out that Rose was Pink and all that, but more than enough to see what they've done 'recently'. Say, she can see up to around 10 years in the past, however the further back she looks, the fuzzier it gets.

- The way this works, is she, well, essentially creates a very VERY small link with herself and the targets mind (Gemstone if they are a gem). Kind of like a USB in a sense. This allows her to see the past either through the target's eyes, or in a 3rd person 'window'.


- In Conclusion, Garnet can see both the future, as well as the past. However she can only see up to 10 years of the past, however it becomes very fuzzy and incoherent noise the further back she goes.

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