By omori_sunflower

14.5K 268 2.1K

Basil is an average 16 year old shy boy with his soft and messy Dirty-Blonde hair and his stunning diamond bl... More

HANAHAKI BASIL (Part 1; A new world)
HANAHAKI BASIL (Part 2; A strange journey)
HANAHAKI BASIL (Part 3; A new alter)
HANAHAKI BASIL (Part 4; Strange Situation.)
Hanahaki Basil part 5: (Movie night?)
HANAHAKI Basil (Part 7: Bloodworks)
HANAHAKI Basil (part 8: What a surprise!!!)
Spreading the word around

Hanahaki Basil: (Part 6: A new Journey)

1K 20 98
By omori_sunflower

Welcome to FlowerSpace,


I woke up with a jolt, looking around to see a verity of items scattered around the ground. A field of flowers that seem endless, and a single orange light bulb extending from who know how far up.

I stand up and hear the voices of two younger boys.

I spin around to see Hana and Haki sharing apple slices. Haki didn't look very happy, but at least he isn't mad.

Hana spins around to look at me.

"Hi, Basil! Come eat with us."

I stared, feeling afraid seeing Haki there. I sat down next to Hana, he offered me an apple slice. Which I took-, chowing it down within seconds.

On the other hand, Haki was savoring his apple slice like it was the best meal he's had in decades.

Hana was eating his apple slices at a simple place.

Wait, why am I talking about eating Apple slices..?


Haki seemed calm for once in the last four years I've even remembered him. And since the day Mari died, he was upset that day.

Hana smiled at Haki.

"Wow! Haki's calmer than he normally is on bad days." I tilted my head, was it a bad day for Haki?

"Was Haki having a bad day today?" I asked Hana. Haki gave me a glare that gave me the chills...

"Well, he's mad because he wanted to go to Headspace today. Sunny invited him for some alone time yesterday and to say he was excited is an under-statement." Hana chuckled, Haki gave Hana a glare. But doesn't even think about attacking him.

"Oh, I see." I smile, chuckling. Haki glared at me and held one hand on his sickle handle.

"Well, Haki, we can probably get you into headpsace today if Basil feels like it." Hana says in a teasing voice.

Haki stopped glaring and gave Hana a questionable stare.

"Are you sure tha-" Haki stopped mid-sentence.

"I'm sure Basil would to take you to Headspace!" I freeze as Hana says that.

"...Take me, Basil." He says in a cold and blunt voice. I feel a cold sweat go down my back, but I nod out of pure fear of what might happen if I say no.

"Perfect." He stands up and stands in front of the door to Headspace. I sigh, feeling nervous that I'm doing this again after two years.

I tapped him on the chest. I felt a little dizzy, and then I collapsed. Then waking up from a different point of few. I was Haki, once again. I sighed, opening the door and entering Headspace.

I saw the colorful world, to be met with Sunny sitting next to the stairs that led outside. Once he heard the door open, he ran over to me- or Haki. I don't know who I should say.

"Haki, Haki, Haki!! You finally came!" Sunny said as he pulled me into a tight hug. I hug back, welcoming the warm embrace.

"Mhm..." I said in a soft tone. He lets go of me, holding my hand.

"Come on, I got a whole bunch of stuff I wanna show you since you were gone!" Sunny's face lights up with joy, happy to see me, or Haki? I still don't know.

"Okay..." I say in response, smiling softly.

'Okay..?' I can hear Haki say in a mocking tone.

"Mhm." I chuckle, in response to Haki.

'You seriously suck dude.' Haki said in a irritated voice.

"Lets go!" Sunny grabbed my hand and starts running up the stairs to led outside.

The light blinded my eyes, his hand was so firm around my own.

"I found this really cool flower garden, lets go see it!" Sunny smiled, pulling me away from the exit.

"Oh... okay..." I follow Sunny eagerly, the putter patter of our feet echo through my head.

We reach a large and lush flower garden. Something I've never seen before besides from inside of some of my dreams.

"Wow, Sunny....you weren't kidding..." Sunny smiles as I say that. He grips my hand firmly, pressing himself against my side.

"I know! Isn't it so cool?" Sunny seemed excited. I've never seen Sunny, Headspace or real life, this happy before.

It was like he was happy to be with me.

I feel my heart skip a beat, then I hear Haki's voice again.

"What's with the stalling? Speak to him." He growled, leaning back. A transparent image of him laying back in the air.

I nod my head, gulping before opening my mouth. But Sunny spoke before me.

"You know, Haki...you make me feel funny... my stomach feels like it's being tickled.* Sunny explained.

Haki seemed surprised, he just smiles as he waits for my next move.

"Like butterflies in your stomach?" I ask. He lights up.

"Yeah! How'd you know?" He tilted his head

"...experience." I say in a calming, he lays his head on my shoulder.

"Do you know what the feeling is though?" Sunny questions, I can hear Haki's happy noises from behind me.

I sigh, looking upat Haki before responding.

"It's called Love, Sunny." I stare down at feet.

"Love?" That's the last thing I heard vefore everything went black.

I was then, back in my house. I try to move but I feel something wrapped around my chest.

My head hurts a bit, I look up a bit to see Sunny snuggling his face into my hair.

Wait. WAIT, WAIT WAIT!!! Sunny's snuggling his face into my hair!?

I fall into a panic, my heart is probably visibly beating out of my chest. I feel the need throw up, I don't want to throw up all over Sunny!!!

He would think I'm weird, or something. I don't know!!!

I can't struggle too much, or he'll feel me and wake up.
But I also Can't throw up on him, because then he'll think I'm dying!!!

Who in the world even through up blood and flower petals?!


I feel a soft groan from behind me, knowing I'm doom.

"Bas..?" He said in a tired voice. I struggle out of his grip.

"Bas? Where you going?" He sits up slowly. I get on my feet and rush to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

I run over to the toilet, throwing up all the blood and flower petals. I feel light headed.

Everything is spinning. blood soaked flower petals slip out my mouth.

I hear the door open, and sunny's voice.

"BASIL! What's going on!" He says as he opens the door.

"Did I do something wrong or did I just not-" He cut himself off as he saw the blood flowing down my mouth.

I sit there with fear, not much I can do other then listen then some taunting laughter of Haki.

(ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE I LAST UPDATED THIS OMG!!! I felt so worried lately, and I wasn't able to write bc my friend started taking a lot of anti-depressants and started skipping school. He's fine now, thankfully. Anyways, I love you guys, I'll see you all in the next update/chapter!!!)

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