The Wilted Rose

By Zach42799

71K 1.8K 540

Y/N Rose was the son of Qrow Branwen and Summer Rose, and the oldest child of the Rose family. Due to Qrows'... More

Character Bio
Prologue: Beyond Repair
Chapter 1: One tiny problem
Chapter 2: Forehand or Backhand?
Chapter 3: Not without a fight
Chapter 4: Revival
Chapter 5: Initiation
# FUCKIN 3!!!
Chapter 6: Lonesome Road
Roy Winchester/Arsenal Bio
Chapter 7: Indebted
Chapter 8: Welcome to Mantle
Chapter 9: Uncovered
Chapter 10: The Rescue
Chapter 11: Outlaws At Last
Chapter 12: Tremors
Chapter 13: Trust
Chapter 14: Sticks And Stones
1K! Thank You Guys
Chapter 15: The Foundry
Chapter 16: Premonitions
Chapter 17: Death
Chapter 18: Rebirth
Chapter 19: Too Far Gone (Vol.0 Finale)
Chapter 20: Train Ride (Vol. 1 Prologue)
Chapter 21: Sisters
Chapter 22: The Lucky Ones
Chapter 23: Ghost
Chapter 24: Quiet Night
Chapter 25: Protector
Chapter 26: Calm...
Chapter 27: ...Before The Storm
Chapter 28: Lifeline
Chapter 29: Who I Am (Vol. 1 Finale)
Chapter 30: Costly Mistakes (Vol. 1.5 Prologue)
Chapter 31: Critical Care
5K reads!!!
Chapter 32: Testing
Chapter 33: Your Greatest Failure
Chapter 34: Guess Who's Back
Chapter 35: Progress
Chapter 36: Fix Me
Chapter 37: A Silver Bullet
Chapter 38: Should've Known Better
Chapter 39: The Road To Hell Is Paved In Good Intentions....
Chapter 40: Closeness
Chapter 41: Back In School
Next Red Hood Outfit Vote/Closed
Chapter 42: The Much Needed Talk
Chapter 43: The Company We Keep
Chapter 44: Prophecies (Vol. 1.5 finale)
Chapter 45: The Bookstore (Vol. 2 Prologue)
Chapter 46: You Atlesian Joker
Thank you Wattapad....
Chapter 47: Keep It Simple
Chapter 48: What's the plan?
Chapter 49: Fatherly Love
Chapter 50: Something I Cant Let Go Of
Chapter 51: I Hate When I'm Right....
Chapter 52: Takedown
Chapter 53: Goodnight Princess
Chapter 54: Too Much To Lose....
Chapter 55: Between Wants And Needs
Chapter 56: Concept Of Subtilty
Chapter 57: End Of The Line
Chapter 58: Nothing I Wont Do
Chapter 59: You Have Achieved Nothing
Chapter 60: Three Simple Words (Vol. 2 Finale)
Bonus Chapter: Your Scars Are Beautiful *Lemon*
Chapter 61: Demon (Vol. 3 Prologue)
Chapter 62: Round One
Chapter 63: I've Got Nothing For You
Chapter 64: Round Two
Chapter 65: We're Talking Aren't We?
Chapter 66: The Vault
Chapter 67: Breaking Point
Important Notice/updated
Chapter 68: Firing Squad
Chapter 70: Better Tomorrow
Important Notice Pt. 2
Chapter 71: The Easy Part
Chapter 72: Do Or Die
Chapter 73: Failure
Chapter 74: Two Options
Chapter 75: Bad Joke
Chapter 76: House Of Cards
Chapter 77: Bid Farewell
Chapter 78: Everything That Came Before
Chapter 79: Recovery
Chapter 80: Someone's Got To Stay (Book 1 Finale)
Book 2 is out now!

Chapter 69: Nightmare

231 13 6
By Zach42799


9:13 PM

21 Hours to the Fall

Red Hood Pov

The ride to Vale was marred with the growing concern that I was going to get jumped by Atlas again. It was bound to happen and the fact that it hasn't yet was concerning. What the hell was happening for them to not bother? Vale was still on the deserted side. I guess people still haven't gotten back from the colosseum. 

It was eerily quiet with no one around. It was good because there was no traffic or civilians traveling on foot. Juniors club was going to have just about everyone who hasn't gone to see the fights. It also meant that most of Atlas was going to be hanging around the police station, which is on the opposite side of the district. 

I pulled up just outside of the club. I got off and my head throbbed. This was one that was a warning. I waited for a second but nothing came of it. With that, I started to have a bad feeling about this. I walked through the front door with my hands on Black and White. My heart dropped when I saw the bodies on the floor. I pulled my pistols and rushed in. The first thing I did was hop the bar. If whoever did this is still here, I didn't want them to get the drop on me. 

I landed and looked up only to have my heart shatter. Junior was laying there motionless. I inched over to him, fearful of what I was going to see. I moved past him and was horrified to see a broad smile plastered on his face. Everything I've seen had nothing on this. I started at him for a second, just trying to comprehend what could have done this before forcing myself to look away. 

I had to force what I felt deep. I couldn't allow myself to think about it right now. I peeked up form the counter and didn't see any movement. I moved past Junior, having a hard time keeping my mind off of it. I stayed low as I made it to the back. I peaked out and saw some Faunas men wearing gasmasks that had White Fang markings but with slightly altered colors. Instead of the typical white and red, it was a strange green and red mix that looked almost clown like. 

My mind immediately flicked back to the strange clown man from the vision. Deductive reasoning dictates that he's probably here. I listened as best as I could to what they were saying. Anything I could get from them would be useful. 

White Fang 1: ....Found the mute yet?

White Fang 2: No. The clown has been up in arms that we haven't found her yet. 

White Fang 1: Maybe he should get off his ass and help us instead of cracking bad jokes....

White Fang 2: Don't let him hear you say that. The last guy who insulted him was beaten dead with a crowbar....

White Fang 1: What? He thinks he's the Hood now?

So at least Neo was safe for now, but what about Miltia and Melania? I didn't see them on the dance floor or at the bar. All I can do is hope that I find them before these assholes do. Either way, I wasn't going to get anything else out of these guys apparently. At least I know that their boss is here. I was angry and hurt seeing Junior like that so I think it's time I hurt these guys back.

I moved from around the corner and shot the two before they realized that I was there. A door burst open from behind me and I turned, seeing a single White Fang out in the open. I brought my pistol up and shot him right as he called me out on the radio. On que, they were coming out to play. 

I moved through the hall as fast as I could while checking every room I passed. The first was empty but the second had three of these clowns in there. The first pulled his rifle up to shoot but I kicked him away from me as I shot the other two. He rolled over only to see me aiming down at him. I fired a round into his head, not wanting to waste any time on the small fish. Just as I turned, the door burst open and I brought my pistols up, firing indiscriminately.

The guy in the doorway dropped but I heard a few more groaning from the hallway. I must have hit them when I shot the walls. I pulled a grenade and tossed it into the hallway and ducked behind the peppered wall. The explosion shook the walls and made a section of the wall collapse. I walked out of the room and found the messy remains of those in the hallway. At least it was easier to walk through now. Just had to ignore the bits of people that were dripping from the ceiling....

The next room was was the service room that I typically came though when I go through the back. It was empty with nothing of interest. I walked back into the hall but had to duck back in as a bullet came within inches of my head. I dropped to a knee and popped out putting one in this guys gut and another into his face. I moved out into the hallway before catching a bullet in the back. 

I spun around as I fell and unloaded on the asshole who just shot me. He dropped and I reloaded. I decided that these fucks were going to burn. Loading in fire Dust infused ammo, I stood up. My adrenaline making the pain in both my gut and now my back tolerable. Moving to the next room, I burst in and what I felt for Junior was tripled.

Melania was laying there, blood staining her white dress. Miltia was also laying beside her , though she was still moving. I closed the door and locked it. Hopefully that would buy some time if we get interrupted. I kneeled beside Miltia, setting my pistols down beside me. 

Miltia: ....Help....

Red Hood: I'm going to get you out of here. 

I didn't wait for a response. I tried to pick her up but the blood curdling scream that she made had me stop immediately. She only had a single bullet wound to her midsection. There's a few things that could have been damaged, the most concerning being the spine. If I was hurting her like that just trying to move her, then there was no way I was going to be able to help her. That only left one more option....

I grabbed Miltias' scroll and dialed the the emergency services. Even if there was no response, they would make a welfare check and find the carnage. I put Miltias' hand over her wound and made her press down. It hurt but it would slow the blood loss. I don't know how long she's been like this but it's better late than never.

Red Hood: Keep pressure on the wound until the medics get here. Can you do that? 

Miltia: Red.... Help Melania....

I didn't know what to say to that, so I just stood up right as the call connected. Miltia was trying to reach out to me. I hated not being able to do anything but she would get the help soon. I unlocked the door and left the room. I felt horrible leaving her, but I had to remind myself again that there was nothing I could do to help her. Junior and Melania were dead. Miltia was hurt bad, and Neo was still nowhere to be found. She needed to be found now. 

The longer I take, the worse her chances are. The other three could take care of themselves but they were still taken down, I don't like Neos' chances. I followed the hallway around the corner. There was a stairway leading up to the management offices. The stairway was a long and narrow corridor leading up. It wasn't something that I wanted to go through but I didn't have the luxury of finding alternatives. 

I walked up the stairway as quietly as I could. Faunas had better senses than humans so the last thing I wanted was to give myself away right now, especially when they already know that I'm here. I made it to the top of the stairs and pulled out a remote explosive. Placing it on the center of the door, I took a few steps back down the stairs before blowing it. 

The explosion shook the building, presumably disorienting anyone on the other side of the door. I rushed in and saw that I was right. They had prepared a ambush for when I entered the room. There were five of them waiting for me on the other side. I quickly shot all of them before running for cover.

Red Hood: Neo! You up here!?

Obviously she couldn't speak but it would be enough to let her know that I was close. Maybe she could even work her way to me while I did the same for her. Ironically enough, I didn't even need to worry about it. She came dropped down from one of the ceiling tiles right next to me. Smart of her to get up high like that. 

Red Hood: You hurt?

Neo shook her head. 

Red Hood: Good. I cleared out the lower floor. Go downstairs, through the first door. Miltia is there and she's hurt. Just make sure that the only people who get in is the police. 

Neo nodded and took off through the door that I came through as more of the assholes came in, firing at her. I popped out and shot one before the rest shifted fire to me. I rolled back into cover, crawling away from the hail of bullets that was breaking through the desk I was behind. I circled around them as they destroyed the desk. I came around on their right and started dumping ammo into them. The ones who died from the bullets themselves were lucky. A couple of them burned, which was exactly what they deserved. 

The upper floor was only this office area and another side room that Junior used as his personal office had only one way in and out. If their boss was here, he'd be there. I moved to the door and kicked it in. The tacky room was untouched aside from the several pieces of shit that was aiming at me. In total, there was seven of them. Behind Juniors desk was his chair with it turned away from me. 

Red Hood: So before I kill you all, I want to know why. 

???: I ask myself that all the time? Why are we here? What is the point of life? What-

Red Hood: Why did you attack the fucking club!? 

???: Oh that!? I just wanted to have a little fun while I hit you. Might as well enjoy my work, right?

Red Hood: You son of a bitch....

???: Oh, don't be such a spoil sport.... Champ!

The man turned the chair around to face me and I nearly dropped my pistols out of shock. He looked undeniably different but I would recognize the man from anywhere. My literal worst nightmare was actually sitting in front of me. I couldn't make him out when I had the vision because of the distance, but being this close, it was unmistakable....

Red Hood: ....H-how are you-

Joker: Alive? The same way you are. It's funny that after all these years, I still scare you like this!

Red Hood: I'm not-

Joker: Yeah you are. You pretended to be "brave" when you were half my size, but I always saw it. That debilitating fear you tried to hide behind the defiance. It always made me want to stomp it out of you. Why don't we pick up where we left off!?

He stood up and it was like I regressed back to when I was nine. The fear I felt had me frozen for a moment. I took a step back and started to shoot everything. I didn't care if I hit or missed, my only concern was getting Neo and Miltia out of the building and as far away from him as possible. I don't know how I was going to move Miltia but I was going to figure it out. 

The White Fang beside him fired back. I backed out of the room before petal bursting away from the office. I stopped at the stairway and reloaded, before popping out and shooting the first two out of the office. They started firing at the doorway I was in, catching me in the gut. I was starting to get annoyed with how many times I was getting shot now. I put Black and White up and grabbed a grenade, tossing it into the room and hauling ass down the stairs. 

The explosion rang out followed by shrill laughter. It felt like he was right behind me, though I knew that he was taking his time. He knew what he was doing to me right now, and he was enjoying it. I burst into the room that Neo and Miltia was in, forcibly yanking Neo up and trying to be as careful as I could with Miltia. 

Miltia screamed as I picked her up. As much as I wanted to stop, I knew who was in the building. Neo looked at me like I had lost my mind. 

Red Hood: You got to go!

I ran out into the hall just as Tai turned the corner out of the stairwell. Neo came out behind me, getting ready to fight but it only took me backing up into her to realize that something was seriously wrong. 

Red Hood: Neo, RUN!

Neo ran to the end of the hallway and I turned around to follow. I wasn't about to fight him while these two were here. Honestly, I was tempted to just burn the entire building down with him in it just to avoid fighting him at all but I needed to know for a fact he was dead. I heard a click and felt yet another bullet tear into my back. I stumbled a little and kept going before feeling a second. I turned onto the dance floor and ran as fast as I could after Neo. 

Neo opened the door and stayed for a second before I practically threw Miltia at her. Miltia screamed on more time before blacking out. That was both good and bad. I looked behind me and saw Tai coming before pushing Neo out of the doorway. 

Red Hood: Get her to the hospital, and go to any of my safe houses! I'll find you!

I slammed the door and turned around to face Tai. I was terrified but I took a deep breath and refocused. I couldn't run from him. I had already spent the last ten years trying to forget about him. 

Joker: Aw, done running away? I was starting to find it funny just how much power I have over you! *Psychotic Laughter*

Red Hood: ....I didn't run away from you when I was a kid. I'm not about to start now.

Joker: Hmm, well I think it's time daddy taught you a lesson in manners.... Champ.

I brought out the crowbar and the knife, just like ten years ago. I had beaten his head in once, I could do it again. I dropped my stance low, ready to rush in while he laughed at me and got ready. I at the very least had to buy time until the cops got here. I couldn't let him control me anymore. Even in death, his shadow loomed over me. Not anymore. I gripped the knife and crowbar tightly. This nightmare had already ended, I was about to make sure it stayed that way. 

Tai and I stared each other down. Neither of us making the first move. I took note of Tais' physical appearance for the first time. He was smaller, thinner.... Probably even weaker. If Mercury and Emerald got their hands on something that disrupts the Lazarus energy from Talia, then it's safe to assume that they tracked down Tais' body and put him in the pit. Maybe I'm right in thinking he's weaker now.

Who knows what a decade of being dead would do to someone before revival. Tai made the first move, coming in quick with a haymaker. I ducked under and slid my knife across his side as we passed each other. He didn't even flinch before he kicked me away. I tumbled before righting myself, finding Tai back on top of me. I brought the crowbar up as he kicked again and rushed into him while prying his leg up.

Tai fell over and I slammed the crowbar down. He moved his head just in time to avoid reenacting his death ten years ago. He kicked his legs out into my knees, knocking me down. He quickly grabbed the hand with the knife and twisted it from my grip before slamming it into my side. I reeled my arm back and punched him as hard as I could before backing off of him.

I yanked the knife free from my side. I was starting to really hurt. Blood was pouring out of me, and I didn't have the time to stop it. Tai stood up completely fine and laughing.

Joker: Deja vu Champ? Your looking a little hurt, why don't you come to papa so I can make it worse!

He pulled his revolver and fired at me. I ducked down low and petal burst at him. I was about to tackle him when he stepped to the side at the last moment. He swung the revolver around and I petal burst again, this time splitting off into two directions. He stepped back as I reformed in front of him and slammed my head into his face. He brought the pistol around but I slapped it from his hands before bringing the crowbar around and smashing it into his head. 

He dropped, cradling his head before laughing. Just then, a cop came through the door. That was a nice quick ending to this. The cop that came through the door took one look at me and Tai before seeing the numerous bodies and pulling his service pistol.

Joker: Tsk. And we were just getting to the good part. Oh well.... Boys!

As he called out, several White Fang soldiers came rushing out of the hallway behind us. They must have been what remained of the ones in the office. I was about to bring the crowbar down again when Tai rolled away and started to run towards the soldiers as they started firing. The officer froze when he saw the four soldiers with rifles. Without any time to think, I grabbed the cop and petal burst behind the bar. The cop tumbled as we reformed. I put the crowbar up and pulled Black. 

Red Hood: Call in the cavalry, I'll take care of these guys!

The officer didn't even waste enough time to acknowledge me before he was screaming into the radio. I poked my head up to see that there were four of them, meaning that I only got three of them before. I jumped back over the bar and petal burst into the closest guy. I reformed right in front of him and slashed my knife across his throat before pushing him into another guy. 

I grabbed hold of the soldier next to him and put a bullet in his leg and popped the last guy in the head. I kneed the guy I had in my hands, knocking him out. Learning from past mistakes, I put a extra three rounds in the two that I threw into each other. I've been shot enough today and I would rather not add another one to the tally. I turned around and walked back to the bar to check on the cop. 

Red Hood: Five-oh, you good? 

Cop: ....I'm alright....

I jumped over the bar and grabbed the first-aid kit that Junior kept behind the bar. He wasn't going to need it and I was starting to get dizzy from blood loss. I pulled my shirt up and got to work on the gut wound. The cop started helping me, seeing that I had three bullets in my back as well as a stab wound to my side. 

Red Hood: You don't have to help, you know? I know your all not fans of me. 

Cop: You saved my life, that makes you ok in my book kid. 

Red Hood: ....Kid....

Cop: ....You don't know? It's all over the news saying who you are. 

Red Hood: ....Fuck.... 

I took off the mask since it wasn't going to be doing any good anyway. I know I looked like hell. I certainly felt like I had been through it. It didn't help that Tai while I was saving the cop. I hated myself for letting fear get to me. I was more than willing to run away from Tai. That's not who I am and I'll be damned if it'll ever be again. 

That being said, it might have been a good thing being interrupted when we were. As weak as he looked, I was hurt bad and I've got Neo and Miltia to worry about. After getting the bandages on and making sure that I didn't still have a bullet lodged in me. I got my shirt righted and stood up. 

Red Hood: One of them is still alive. He's all yours. 

I didn't wait as I pulled out my grapple and was pulled up into the rafters. I needed to track down Neo. Chances are she's still trying to get to the hospital. The closest one is about four miles away. I can meet Neo there and get her to a safehouse so we can start figuring out how to get Torchwick. Once we get him, we can start working on taking down Cinder. I just hope it's not too late to stop whatever she has in motion. If Tai is here and gunning after me, then it's well and truly underway already....

9:47 PM

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