I Reincarnated as Louis XVI t...

By KageNishi

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A man playing a history game falls asleep and wakes up in the Palace of Versailles. To his shock, the man was... More

Prologue: Welcome to France
The Man, Louis XVI
Box of Versailles
Let's Dance at the Ball
Red Rain Incident
Bourbon Reforms
I Will Conquer, with the People
Dawn of a New Era
Attitude Survey Results
In the Swaying Carriage
The Start of Reforms
Bath Arc
17 Years Old
Whereabouts of Foreign Currency
Be a Sword, Be a Shield
Academy of Sciences
Doctor Sanson
Enriching Meals
Operation Stork
New World Disturbance
Villainous Intentions Righteous Opportunity
1st International French Fashion Fair
Swedish Noblemen
His Majesty's Holiday
Made in Taiwan
Operation Leviathan
Bourbon Doctrine
How About Spices?
Last Kingdom
Fire on the Other Shore
Looming Threat
Economic Index
Anti-Britain Grand Alliance
Opening Moves for Dominance

If I Shouted Too Much Love in the Middle of Versailles, They Got Mad at Me

625 14 6
By KageNishi



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August 27, 1774

I believe my daughter is truly cute, and for me, Louis XVI, Antoinette is no exception to be in a position of the world's cutest. Thérèse, my cute Thérèse.

We have been observing the progress with the attending physicians, and she is growing well so far. From what I've seen, she's perfectly healthy. As a father, I'm in the midst of showering Thérèse with lots of love alongside Antoinette. After changing her diaper in her room and wiping her bottom clear, I took Thérèse in my arms.

"Look, Thérèse! Look over here~! It's Papa~!"

"Hahaha! Kyaa~!"

"Waah, she's smiling! Thérèse is really cute~"

"Hehe, she must be happy... Look, Thérèse. You should lean on Papa~"

"Kyaa~! Auu~!"


Unapologetically, in front of Thérèse, I shed all dignity and shallow principles, reveling in delight with a beaming smile. Yes, it's me. Thérèse, with her overwhelming cuteness and a million-dollar smile... Ah, she's just too cute...

Thérèse, born as the result of Antoinette and my love and effort, came four and a half years earlier than in history. I'm truly glad she's such a healthy girl.

I've become a father myself now. In my past life, marriage would probably have been considered a prison sentence, and I likely would have remained a virgin for life. But now, as I look at my child, I feel my heart warming up.

Warm... She gripped my fingertips tightly with those small hands of hers. Watching that scene feels so precious and purifying, like the sensation of popping the cork of a champagne bottle, with bubbles of joy fizzing and dispersing into the air...

"She's really... healthy, isn't she..."

"Yes, she seems eager to see different places... Thérèse must have a curious nature."

"Antoinette, you were quite curious when you were a child too. I'm sure she'll grow up to be a beautiful and lively girl just like you."

"Well...! In that case, it might be a good idea to introduce Thérèse to some physical activities!"

"You're right. Building up physical strength through exercise can be beneficial... Is there a suitable place for her to move around?"

The Palace of Versailles has a large area, but there are limited places where one can run around freely. The Palace of Versailles and the Trianon Palaces prohibit running around except in cases of emergency. However, letting Thérèse play in the woods within the palace grounds could be somewhat risky... It might be better to create a playground for her within the existing spaces in a year or two.

"What if we renovate an existing area to make it suitable for running around? If it's on the grass, it shouldn't hurt much if she falls."

"That sounds like a good idea. How about the area near the Petit Trianon? It already has grass..."

"Near there? Come to think of it, that area does have grass..."

How about developing the area near the Petit Trianon, which is right next to it, like a park, just like the Temple of Love in history? That area already has a well-maintained lawn and is a place where Antoinette and I have had lunch together. I remember it well. We had a simple picnic there, with a dish of boiled vegetables on top of steamed chicken, seasoned with a vinaigrette sauce of vinegar and oil. Sometimes, from spring to autumn, we would lay out a picnic blanket for a change of pace and eat together. That area seems like the best place for exercise.

"I remember there was a pond right outside the Petit Trianon... How about renovating that area where we often had picnics together and turning it into a park?"

"That sounds like a good idea... I recall that area having well-maintained grass, so there shouldn't be any issues... However..."


"It would be wise to put a fence around the pond. If Thérèse were to fall into the pond when we're not looking, it could be dangerous..."

"Ah, you're right. We should definitely add a fence for safety... It would be a major concern if anything were to happen."

A fence around the pond to prevent accidents from falling is necessary. Even though adults may be fine, children can sometimes drown. Such accidents still occur in modern times, so we need to be especially cautious. Yes, let's enclose that area with a fence until Thérèse grows older.

"If that's settled, we should arrange to start the construction tomorrow."

"You don't need to rush with the construction. We can take our time. It might be a good idea to improve the aesthetics of the area while we're at it."

"Oh... now that you mention it, it's mostly just grass, the pond, and occasionally a flower garden. We do have the Royal Farm Experimental Field, but it would be nice to design it more for parties and relaxation."

"Yes, and since it's an existing area, there's no need to buy new land, so it will only cost us the construction expenses."

"That's true. How about trying to create a Japanese-style garden..."

"A Japanese-style garden? That's quite a challenging choice... Do you have any knowledge of Japanese gardens, Lord Auguste?"

"I've seen some in books, at least. I've been thinking about incorporating some Oriental elements for a while now, so I thought we could try making one, and if it's well-received, we could turn this entire area into a Japanese-style garden... What do you think?"

"A Japanese-style garden...? As long as it's a peaceful place resembling a countryside landscape, I have no objections!"

Alright, now that I've received Antoinette's approval, I plan to turn that area into a Japanese-style garden, complete with a play area. It won't be a Queen's Hamlet; it'll be a Japanese hamlet with Japanese-style buildings. Of course, I'll incorporate Antoinette's input to create a facility that exudes elegance and tranquility. Four years into my reincarnation... my desire to build Japanese-style structures has been growing stronger day by day. So, I'll go ahead and create this place, indulging in my own whims along the way.

I've decided to create a truly authentic Japanese-style garden, rather than something that looks like a remix of China or Southeast Asia found in Western games and movies. From my perspective as a Japanese person, it often seems like a mishmash of Eastern-style elements from various sources found on Wiki-sensei or the internet. I might wonder if there were no Japanese staff involved in making those... but well, if I oversee it, there won't be any issues.

After all, I'm a modern-day Japanese person, so I should be able to handle a Japanese-style garden! (I'm not saying I can definitely do it.)

At the very least, I want to make sure it looks Japanese on the surface.

Some might argue that building a Japanese garden at the Palace of Versailles is nonsensical, but before World War II, Japanese gardens were highly regarded to the point where they were created at Schönbrunn Palace as well. After casually promising to create a Japanese garden at the Palace of Versailles, Thérèse immediately began to cry.

"Aaaaah! Aaaaah!"

"Aahh, Thérèse! What's wrong? I just changed your diaper..."

"Maybe she's hungry..."

"Hmm, that could be it... She probably won't need to go to the bathroom right away... Antoinette, please."

"Understood. Alright, Thérèse... it's time for your meal~."

Antoinette gave Thérèse some breast milk, and Thérèse stopped crying and eagerly latched onto it. It's probably about lunchtime now... and she must have been hungry. Our days spent together as a couple have increased more than ever. Even though we're royalty, we want to spend quality time as a couple. I manage my work moderately and try to do it in the evenings or during free time. These moments are priceless and can't be bought with money. It's almost time for us to have lunch. As we eagerly anticipate today's menu, we hear a knock on the door. At the same time, an incredibly delicious aroma wafted through the room.



"Taste is Important, After All"


Certainly, savoring such delicious food has become one of the pleasures. You really should eat a lot of delicious things. The taste is enhanced even further when enjoyed with Antoinette. Dining with someone you love is such a wonderful thing, isn't it? It's truly a luxury to be able to savor this happiness...

Especially since Antoinette began eating more after giving birth to Thérèse. She regained her appetite and received advice from the nurse to eat well in order to produce good milk. Initially, she had been reluctant to eat after childbirth, but when she was told that skipping meals was harmful to her body, she seemed to make up for the meals she had missed due to morning sickness.

About a week after giving birth to Thérèse, she expressed her desire for strawberry cream, so we made strawberry cream together with the head chef. King Louis XVI, in this timeline, cooks for his beloved wife. I will be a devoted surpassing Franz I to Archduchess Theresa! With this declaration of enthusiasm, I spent about two hours making a strawberry cream cake.

Honestly, I was surprised that there was already a recipe for strawberry cream. Antoinette seemed to enjoy eating cakes topped with strawberry cream along with Princesse de Lamballe and Madame Louise Marie. Even in this era, strawberries are not only for the nobility; commoners can enjoy wild strawberries. They are sweet, and the texture of the tiny strawberry seeds is irresistible.

However, there are no giant strawberries here that seem to have undergone modern breeding. It's more like... they are closer to wild strawberries and feel a bit smaller. Even watermelons still have thick skins and can't be considered as having juicy and delicious red flesh. It made me truly appreciate the advancements in crop breeding in the modern era.

I mean, there is no way that the strawberries of this era can compete with the ones that have been improved based on scientific data in pursuit of taste! Anyway, I mixed those strawberries, enough to fill both hands, with cream and sugar, simmered them as a base, and cooled them underground using ice.

The result was a refreshing, cold, and sweet strawberry cream... I sandwiched that cream between barley bread, which is more nutritious than wheat bread. However, that alone felt a bit lonely, so I garnished it with fruits like melons and oranges. It became a slightly extravagant cake (strictly speaking, a fruit-stuffed sandwich with strawberry cream in between), and when I brought it to Antoinette, she was delighted and happily ate it.

"Waaah! Did you really make me a dessert with so many fruits on it!?"

"Yeah, lately, you have been trying hard to eat lots of vegetables you're not fond of, Antoinette. So, I thought it'd be nice for you to refresh yourself with something sweet occasionally. If you eat it too quickly, your stomach might be surprised, so take your time!"

"Thank you so much, Lord Auguste!"

She said her thanks while savoring the cake, and it looked like she was really enjoying it. Fruits truly seem to be the ultimate in enhancing feminine charm... Well, I didn't expect Antoinette to enjoy it so much. Fruits are good for the body when eaten in moderation, and for Antoinette, who is working hard at childcare, it's important to relieve anxiety and stress with such sweet treats.

Having a healthy appetite is a good thing. Extreme diets are harmful to the body, and I believe in being natural. So, recently, I've been getting into making elaborate snacks for Antoinette. It seemed that my efforts have paid off, as lately the head chef seems to be putting even more effort into his cooking. From the fragrant smell of butter, it seemed like he had prepared a dish that involved cooking something with butter.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Your Majesties... here is today's lunch."

"Ooh! I've been looking forward to this!"

"Yes! The aroma is so enticing!"

"Hahaha, there's no need to rush; the food isn't going anywhere! Today's full-course meal is made with freshly harvested potatoes from the Royal Farm Experimental Field this morning."

"Right, let's entrust Thérèse to the nanny during lunch. It's a bit dangerous to eat while holding her."

"That's true... Thérèse, be a good girl, okay?"

She cooed in response.

With Thérèse in the care of the nanny, we decided to have lunch. Thérèse is not yet at the age for solid foods, so she will continue to be breastfed for a while. I really want to have a meal together... Thérèse, you'll start eating solid foods in about six months! Look forward to the extravagant royal baby food!

So, when I saw the dishes presented for lunch, my heart couldn't help but leap with joy. It was an abundance of potatoes as far as the eye could see. Potatoes, promoted as a wheat substitute and encouraged for its potential to prevent famine, were already a staple food for humanity. The domestic production in the country was steadily increasing thanks to improvements in varieties and such. The potatoes from the Royal Farm Experimental Field used in this meal would soon be grown all over France. This would help mitigate the impact of the eruption of Mount Laki as in the original history.

"First, we have a potato potage soup. It's served with snow peas, so I believe you'll find it to your liking."

"Potato potage... it has a gentle flavor thanks to the sweetness of the potatoes."

"Yes, it's thick and easy to drink!"

"Yes, we made sure to preserve the potato flavor and keep the soup in a state where the aroma is retained when you swallow it."

Potato potage soup... This is quite delicious. It's a creamy potage soup with a smooth texture, and the potato's natural sweetness gives it a delightful flavor without being overly salty. Even in the summertime, it's important to get some salt intake from the soup. If you only drink water without any salt, you might get heatstroke. After finishing the potage soup, the next dish that came out was a combination of potatoes and bacon, a dish that goes well with alcohol.

"Next, we have a stir-fry of potatoes and bacon. We emphasized the fragrance by adding butter. I'm sure you'll love it."

"Hahaha... this aroma is making me crave some drink. It looks so delicious..."

"Indeed... it's an incredibly delicious aroma that makes your appetite gush forth like a fountain! Truly!"

"Antoinette, you must have been really hungry... It's a generous portion; shall we eat together?"

"Yes, yes, definitely!"

Potatoes with bacon... cooked in butter, this is definitely a meal that would make anyone's mouth water. Head chef... whoever came up with this must be a culinary genius! Potatoes and bacon are already an unbeatable combination, and when you add butter to the mix, it becomes an invincible lineup. Buttered potatoes are delicious on their own, but when you add the flavor of bacon, your stomach starts growling, and you just can't resist wanting to eat it. It's such a sinful dish.

I initially planned to savor each bite and chew thoroughly, but before I knew it, I had already shoveled two or three mouthfuls of potatoes and bacon into my mouth. I couldn't stop my hands! The deliciousness was unstoppable! Before we realized it, the dish that had been plated in front of us was almost completely devoured, both by Antoinette and me.


"I've already finished everything..."



Seeing this, Antoinette and I burst into laughter, unable to speak because we had devoured the food in silence. It may sound funny, but having the luxury to savor the food like this was a wonderful thing. Enjoying food with Antoinette and laughing together – it was a happier time than ever.



"Good Luck with Your Work"


This is my first post because I'm planning to introduce Fersen, whom Antoinette is fond of, in the next chapter.


After finishing the meal with Antoinette, I must head to work soon. Being the king means work is essentially year-round, without breaks. Well, to be precise, there are days off, but if weekdays are busy with duties, meetings can get pushed to weekends. Today, I have to attend one of those meetings. Of course, it's considered overtime, so those who attend will receive compensation.

I am the head of state, so weekends and holidays don't apply to me in case anyone is wondering. I mean, it's a good thing to have the support of the people, but it also means I have to lead the politics. To prevent a French Revolution with all my might, I must dedicate myself to the reforms wholeheartedly. Parting briefly (for about half a day) from my beloved Antoinette is tough, but I have to go to work.

"Well then... since we've finished lunch, I'll be heading to work."

"That's true... what about dinner?"

"Right, I'll be back by dinner time. If I don't return, feel free to have dinner without me."

"Alright. Please don't push yourself too hard, okay?"

"Of course not, I won't push myself and I'll think about you, Antoinette. Thank you."

"Well... thank you... I'll be waiting."

I gave her a light kiss on the cheek and then left my seat. Ah, it's still wonderful, isn't it? The "I'll be back" kiss is nice, but being a couple... it's the best!

Recently, Antoinette has become even more mature, especially since giving birth to Thérèse...

I felt like I understood why she's been called beautiful in numerous texts. My life wouldn't be complete without Antoinette. Today, for the sake of my beloved Antoinette and Thérèse, I mustered up the courage in my heart and headed to the grand conference room in the Grand Trianon.

The purpose of the meeting in the grand conference room is extremely important: to determine France's future course of action. The meeting was scheduled from 14:00 to 19:00. As the king, it's my duty as the leader of the country to attend this meeting. Alright, let's get the job done properly. With my face in a crisp work mode, I stepped into the grand conference room. There were various heirlooms passed down through generations in the royal family, such as gemstones and Oriental vases, decorating the room. Although it's a grand conference room, it's still quite stylish due to the many artworks on display.

"Presenting, His Majesty the King!" the guards waiting in front of the grand conference room loudly declared.

I had to wait for them to open the door, and then I saw the familiar ministers standing and bowing. They don't have to kneel, but they keep their heads bowed until they receive permission. It seemed that such formalities are essential even in such meetings. I needed to say a few words to everyone before taking my seat.

"Gentlemen, I appreciate your attendance. Please raise your heads and take your seats."

They won't sit until I tell them to. It's a chore in many ways, but once you're actually in this position, you find it surprisingly manageable. Now, let's take a look at everyone's faces. Not just members of the Department of Land Administration, but also many military personnel are present. Yes, this meeting will decide the future developments in both the economic and military aspects – it's a significant one. It is also called the National Strategy Council.

"From this point on, we will begin a meeting to establish our future economic and military strategies. I want to thank everyone for gathering here, even though it's the height of summer, and it must be hot to hold a meeting. If anyone wants to remove their jackets, feel free to do so. Also, we have prepared cold water with ice and buckwheat tea downstairs. We have enough for everyone, so please don't hesitate to enjoy."

Before starting the meeting, I removed the topmost layer of my clothing. The grand conference room had curtains, but the sunlight still hit my back directly, making it extremely hot during the summer. It's comfortable and warm in winter, but in the summer, it gets unbearably hot, to the point where I feel like I might get heatstroke.

It was too hot, so I took off my jacket. Of course, it was the topmost layer, so there was no problem with that. Taking off all the upper body clothes would be a different story, but this didn't violate any rules. I do have some summer clothes, but it's a royal tradition to wear a jacket when outside, so it's a bit uncomfortable. Moreover, in this heat, staying hydrated is crucial.

Buckwheat tea is good because it contains rutin, which lowers blood pressure and is overall beneficial for the body. Since it's also the season for harvesting buckwheat, it's considered fresh tea. I really want to eat cold soba, but in France, buckwheat is used to make galettes, like crepes, wrapping meat or grilled fish, so it's not consumed as noodles. Besides, since we don't have trade relations with Japan, we don't know how to make soba sauce, so I'll have to make do with buckwheat tea for now...

As I sipped my tea, those around me started doing the same.

"Well then, it's a bit hot, so let's get some tea right away. I think drinking tea made with clear underground water and ice like this slowly is the most pleasant way to do it in the summer. Don't you think so, Minister Claude Louis?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, Versailles water is very delicious. Just putting it in my mouth makes me feel more energetic. And... it seems to have a slightly salty taste... are they putting salt in this?"

"Hahaha, very perceptive. That's right! I ordered a small amount of rock salt from Provence to be added. It's to prevent our bodies from being overwhelmed by the heat."

"I see, it's a measure against the heat..."

"That's right, it was also the result of a test with Army officers last month. Didn't soldiers who drank water with a little salt perform better and not get exhausted after exercise compared to those who just drank plain water?"

"Yes, I was surprised by those results... I didn't expect that even a small amount of salt would lead to better results..."

During this era, the summer temperatures were about 2 degrees lower compared to modern times, and it wasn't common to have a week of scorching heat. However, there were still cases of soldiers or prisoners collapsing with symptoms that seemed like heatstroke. Hearing about this, I prescribed tea and water with salt to soldiers and prisoners doing labor, as a preventive measure against heatstroke, and the number of cases dropped significantly. It was a simple measure against heatstroke, but since its effectiveness was proven, it was widely implemented.

It received positive feedback from construction workers who sweat a lot in outdoor workplaces and was considered effective for preventing summer fatigue. Perhaps because of this, sales of soups and beverages using rock salt have been rising. However, I emphasized the importance of moderation since excessive salt intake or excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages like beer and wine could strain the organs.

"Mm, this buckwheat tea has a bitterness to it but is smooth and easy to drink."

"Yes, since I started drinking this tea, my body condition has improved."

"That's good, Necker. I feel like your complexion has improved quite a bit compared to when I first met you."

"Yes, thank you. And since Your Majesty has been promoting the cultivation of buckwheat even in barren lands, its cultivation has been spreading primarily in mountainous areas. We have also expanded barley production using a fertilizer method that utilizes wood ash, resulting in a fifteen percent increase in grain production compared to the previous year, and it has contributed to employment in the region."

"Oh, employment is improving too... that's quite good. Could you show me the report on the economic situation?"

"Yes, here is the detailed report..."

...And like this, we started the meeting in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, gradually moving forward. Getting too nervous can be tiring. This is just right; it's good for the body and mind to work while staying relaxed, except for serious situations like bad news or declarations of war. First, I decided to talk about the economic situation while reading the report that Hauser had handed to me.

"Has everyone received the report? Alright, I'd like a detailed report on the economic situation. Hauser."

"Yes, as indicated in this report, the economic growth rate for the first half of this year has increased by 7,4% compared to the previous year. France's market economy has also risen by 1,2% compared to the same period last year, resulting in an unprecedented and stable economic boom in French history. Furthermore, the earnings for various factories that started operations gradually from the fiscal year 1773 until the first half of this year have increased by about 5-20% more than expected. This leads to an overall upward revision of earnings by 9,6%."

"So, the market economy is booming... and the earnings from factory operations have also increased by about 10% ...Can we safely say that this is not only happening in Versailles and Paris but throughout France?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, that is a correct assessment. This is the result of the Bourbon reforms that Your Majesty has promoted. When I was compiling this report, I was pleasantly surprised by how effective the reforms have been."

"Well, to be honest, I'm quite surprised myself... it's one thing to come up with reform ideas, but... this is remarkable..."

The report contains figures representing economic indicators. Using visualized numerical values defined by the Marquis de Condorcet to illustrate various economic conditions, the report shows the situation from 1770 to the end of June 1774. It's clear to anyone's eyes that the economic situation has significantly improved. Previously, the state treasury was in dire straits, with a deficit so large that it seemed like it had a bottomless pit due to excessive spending. However, now, thanks to political reforms and the expulsion of troublesome nobles and clergy, income has far surpassed expenditure. If things continue like this, it's possible that within about ten years, we can eliminate the substantial debt that Louis XV left behind. That geezer really left too much debt! ...Despite being a ladies' man, he was absolutely terrible with money.

In 1770... the first half of the year when I reincarnated, the state treasury was in a disastrous state, and the economic situation wasn't looking good either. It took about four years since I started the Bourbon reforms with the authority granted by Louis XV as his regent to finally see tangible results. I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment as I looked at the numbers. However, I was also attentively listening to Hauser's explanation about future economic activities.



"Planned Economy"


This is my first post because I'm shocked that Nantes Cathedral was burned.


"...And now, I will explain the government's policy on economic reform, the 'Agricultural Land Settlement Plan.' In France, there is currently active cultivation of potatoes and barley. To further expand these crops, the government plans to conduct large-scale land development starting in January of next year. The country has already confiscated agricultural land previously owned by Adélaïde and Orléans faction nobles and clergy, and distributed it to former emancipated serf agricultural workers and reformists for production. However, there is still insufficient land available. Similarly, there is a shortage of manpower in the field of civil engineering."

"The agricultural workers were freed along with the abolition of slavery... They were supposed to have land prepared for their settlement, but..."

"Yes, the allocated land reached its limit by the end of September. It has filled up at a pace about a year ahead of the schedule. We would like to request this plan as a state project from the finance department, with the aim of providing jobs for land development while also securing personnel for professions that are currently understaffed."

"I see. That's why you titled it the Agricultural Land Settlement Plan."

"Yes, exactly."

It's mentioned that there is a shortage of land for agricultural workers and a shortage of labor for civil engineering. Therefore, the Controller-General of Finances, Necker, recommended land development for employment security and land expansion. It's unusual for him to recommend development as a state project, but he seems to want to redirect civil engineering professionals with a proven track record from various infrastructure projects towards this development. Personally, I understand Necker's viewpoint, but in Paris, sewer construction is only about 30% complete overall. Currently, repairs are mainly being done along the riverside, but there is still a labor shortage.

Paris has had a reputation as a city with a poor sewage system (the "City of Shit"), and the government is reevaluating it, leading to the development of a project where both the state and private companies are responsible for sewage treatment in Paris. Starting in 1772, they have been carrying out the Sanitation Effluent Treatment Project as a job opportunity for abandoned children, the elderly without relatives, and former criminals who have been released for minor offenses. Social reintegration, educational support, and providing housing are also ongoing, with more than 3.500 participants in these programs in Paris alone.

Some might think that they could reduce the number of participants a bit more, but they are already at full capacity. With incomplete sewer systems and inadequate sewage treatment... there are instances of people casually throwing waste out of windows. While it's one thing for food scraps, having accumulated feces raining down from the upper floors of buildings is a severe problem in Paris. Eugh, it's so terrible.

Even when successive kings have banned the dumping of such filth, it has had no effect at all.

So, until a sewage system is built, the sewage from the residents is bought by a specialized wastewater treatment company, which ferments it in a manure dump in the suburbs of Paris and uses it as compost for ornamental plants and tree-planting. Once people realized that waste, which used to be worthless, could be sold for money, illegal dumping in Paris significantly decreased. In Japan, it seems they use similar compost to grow crops, but if the compost doesn't ferment completely, bacteria and parasites from human waste may survive. This can lead to an unpleasant odor attaching to root vegetables like radishes and carrots, making them unsuitable for raw consumption.

Sorry, I got a bit off track there. In any case, due to Bourbon reforms, Jews and Protestant factions are returning to France. However, they mostly have acquired technical skills. Therefore, those who have acquired technical skills are being placed in civil engineering projects, and those with specialized skills are directed to professions where they can apply their skills. Let's focus on increasing personnel for the expansion and development of agricultural land.

"I have no objections to the Agricultural Land Settlement Plan. Land development is necessary when embarking on such projects. How about actively involving the immigrant hopefuls who are coming to France in the development efforts? Of course, we must work on coordination and integration measures with the local communities, as well as wage disparity correction. If needed, the government should provide support to bridge these gaps."

"Yes, exactly! The wage disparity between agricultural and immigrant workers has improved over the past few years, but there is still a significant gap that needs to be addressed. Many of those who were formerly from the serf class rely on in-kind payments like food rather than money. It's these differences in how we pay them that have caused disparities between regions recently."

"I see... That will require new regulations and a legal framework. Above all, they are bona fide French citizens, born and raised in France, and they have been supporting the stomachs of the French people. It is the duty of the country to create a conducive working environment for them... I encourage everyone to express their opinions freely to come up with the best solutions."

Discussion on the Agricultural Land Settlement Plan immediately began. Calculations regarding the costs involved, the number of personnel needed... and the days required for land development were made. In the meeting, the focus was on how to proceed with such a plan. First, regarding costs, it was determined that the expenses would be covered by the national treasury, amounting to approximately 48 million livres in the first year, including land development costs. This is equivalent to the cost of 30 diamond necklaces like the one used in the Affair of the Diamond Necklace, which was 1,6 million livres each. Using such resources for land reform would be a highly worthwhile endeavor.

Next, the estimated number of personnel required is around 50.000 people. These people will not all work in one place; instead, they will be spread across various regions. They will work on fallow lands and undeveloped land, and also purchase estates and farms previously owned by bankrupt nobles and clergy after the reforms. The plan includes the redevelopment of such land and the construction of riverbanks and agricultural waterways. Each of the 50.000 personnel will receive a uniform salary and work attire. The wages will be equal for all, without discrimination based on origin or social status, amounting to 400 livres per person annually. This corresponds to 1,3 times the average annual income of commoners in France at that time.

"400 livres per person...? Are you setting the salary a bit high? Is there a reason for that?"

"Of course. One reason is that land development involves heavy labor. If the pay is low for such strenuous work, nobody will want to do it. Another reason is that since the government is taking the lead in the development project, how much the government pays the laborers will affect its reputation. To gain support from the citizens, increasing expenses like this should be within an acceptable range."

It's not about cost-cutting; it's about how to attract people. The answer is straightforward and simple: raise wages, promise fair compensation, and actually pay it. By doing so, people will generally be attracted. Looking at Japan's economy, which suffered due to cost-cutting measures and reducing wages during tough times, it's evident that, at least in government projects, employment can be secured without reducing wages. With no significant objections, the Agricultural Land Settlement Plan was officially launched.

"Then, I would like Necker to take charge of the Agricultural Land Settlement Plan as the officer in charge. Of course, the Department of Land Administration will conduct land surveys and provide backup support."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I appreciate your trust, and I will also seek assistance from the Department of Land Administration."

"No need to thank me, Necker. Thanks to you, we have reduced the budget deficit and achieved a surplus. I want to express my gratitude to you."

"Oh no, Your Majesty. I haven't done much. These reforms are all thanks to your wise decisions."

Necker may have said that, but his financial management was certainly innovative. Furthermore, thanks to his experience as a banker, he made it easier for investments from Jewish and emerging capital sources. This era of France truly had specialists in various fields, including economics, military, and science. After concluding discussions and deliberations on economic matters, there was a one-hour break before moving on to the next topic: military affairs.


Arson against cultural heritage and historical buildings is prohibited.



"Modern Armaments (Army)"


This and the next part will be the first post as the author's militaryspirit will be exploding.


The allocation of military expenses from the national budget is included in a military conference. In Japan, this is accounted for in the form of the Self-Defense Forces' defense budget. However, the French military deploys units for potential invasions of enemy countries, and when you look at the military expenses, it appears that there is a bit of a surplus due to the improvement in the economy. Nevertheless, because the budget is also allocated for repaying the country's debts, military expenses have been kept slightly increased by activities such as improving existing weapons and military adaptation of new inventions.

'To fully engage in confronting the maritime nation like Great Britain, it would require a military budget equivalent to three years of the national budget, and even if we were to win a direct confrontation with military power, we would go bankrupt...'

Yes, it is known that during the OTL American Revolutionary War, France supported the Americans as volunteer troops. Many soldiers gained combat experience in America and achieved victory in battles against the formidable British Royal Navy, but France ended up with a massive debt. It is said that the total amount of debt exceeded 1 billion livres, which was equivalent to one-third of the national debt at that time. Increasing the national debt rapidly made it impossible for the domestic economy to function, resulting in an economic collapse.

Even if you win a war, if you lose in terms of the economy, it ultimately becomes a significant negative outcome. War is a fool's errand that consumes money and manpower. However, neglecting defense can lead to unforeseen circumstances when the need arises. With these considerations in mind, I have decided to strictly adhere to the principle of self-defense in the event of an attack from an enemy country. I do not want to become a warmonger who aggressively starts wars.

Therefore, I do not want to repeat the mistakes made by France in the original history, and I have chosen not to participate in the American Revolutionary War. Instead, I maintained neutrality and engaged in trade with colonial states and British territories, while also sending intelligence agents from the Department of Land Administration to report on the state of the war. By examining the war's progress, we can understand what kind of battle is taking place, and engaging in a war with Britain, even as a hypothetical enemy country, could potentially undo all the efforts made for economic reform.

"For now, economic priorities come first. However, we must continue with reforms for the modernization of our military. That's why I called for this military conference."

Military expenses for this fiscal year have already been secured, but ongoing efforts are being made to incorporate technologies developed by the Academy of Sciences into the improvement of existing weapons and equipment. With that said, first, Claude Louis, the Minister of the Army, started explaining.

"First of all, the Army plans to upgrade the existing muskets to new models over the next year, and to develop and operate a new arsenal of weapons. Regarding the anti-material grenade launcher and the new blunderbuss, they are in the final checking stage. Furthermore, Major Cugnot has completed the development of a transport model of the gun carriage, equipped with armor plates to defend against attacks from the front and sides. We have also ensured that it can be transported and carried in accordance with the future railroad tracks."

"Seems quite promising. You mentioned that you have the anti-material grenade launcher and blunderbuss on hand... Where are they?"

"Here they are, Your Majesty. Although we expect some design changes based on the final operational results, we don't anticipate any major alterations."

"I see... So this is the anti-material grenade launcher. It's quite big. It appears we'll aim this at the enemy and go 'Boom!' with it, doesn't it?"

What Claude Louis handed over was a shoulder-mounted anti-material grenade launcher that an adult could hold. Gripping the wooden handle, one could tell that it was the equivalent of a modern-day grenade launcher, and its structure was mostly the same. It was a large tube into which grenades and shrapnel were loaded and then fired. In reality, the anti-material grenade launcher was a weapon deployed in the early 19th century, designed to launch small grenades and shrapnel, drawing inspiration from the existing flintlock muskets.

So, in close combat, it could also be used as a substitute for a shotgun. However, this weapon was not issued to all soldiers because it had its pros and cons.

"This is quite a nice weapon... but it's not going to be issued to every soldier, is it?"

"Exactly. This weapon is difficult to handle, so we're entrusting it to trained grenadiers. It also takes a long time to load. However, the advantage of this anti-material grenade launcher is that it can use larger projectiles than traditional shrapnel, allowing it to eliminate enemies in close-quarters combat or behind cover."

"It seems to be suitable for fighting in urban areas or densely wooded areas with poor visibility, but it might be somewhat disadvantageous in open plains."

"Yes, on the plains, muskets would be more advantageous. So, in open areas, soldiers would have to use cover or shields for their engagements. Considering that, the blunderbuss we have here might be a better choice."

The downside of this anti-material grenade launcher was that it took twice as long to load a single round compared to a musket. To ensure safety and prevent accidental discharges, loading the anti-material grenade launcher took one minute. Loading times for muskets were around one minute for new recruits and about 20 seconds for experienced soldiers. Modern ammunition, such as those for assault rifles, already contained primers within the cartridge, allowing bullets to be fired directly by applying an impact to it with a firing hammer.

However, since there was no such thing in this era, bullets had to be loaded one by one. Care had to be taken during this loading process to prevent misfires, and on rainy days, especially during heavy showers, the gunpowder often failed to ignite. Weapons that could fire 2-3 rounds in one minute and those that could only load one round in a minute required significantly different handling. Therefore, this anti-material grenade launcher would likely be used as a trump card in case of group combat. On the other hand, the blunderbuss was easier to handle than the anti-material grenade launcher, making it suitable for new recruits.

"...So, this blunderbuss is made by dismantling old guns, replacing parts, shortening the barrel, and widening the muzzle, right?"

"Yes, it's a gun primarily made for hunting. The former King also used it during hunting."

"I see, even grandfather, huh... Indeed, with a muzzle this wide, the shot will scatter, and it should be relatively easy to adapt a hunting weapon for military use. In fact, the blunderbuss is better in terms of spread and firepower than the musket. Its effectiveness will increase in close-quarters combat, such as castle battles."

"You're absolutely right. In close-quarters combat, there's nothing superior to this gun."

The other weapon, the blunderbuss, can be considered a precursor to the modern shotgun and is characterized by its muzzle that looks like a gaping mouth. If the musket is a weapon designed for precision, the blunderbuss excelled in projectile dispersion. Both the blunderbuss and the anti-material grenade launcher are effective weapons when used in close combat or in densely wooded areas with poor visibility.

The reason for developing these weapons was the belief that having weapons with better maneuverability and higher suppressive power than muskets would be advantageous in urban warfare. During the French Revolution, most of the combat occurred in the streets of Paris. In cases of riots or terrorist attacks in urban areas, muskets alone lacked suppressive power, and indiscriminately firing cannons was not an option.

Therefore, in such situations, the goal is to achieve overwhelming close-quarters firepower through the use of the anti-material grenade launcher and the blunderbuss. Evidence of this being feasible has also come from the New World.

"The Boston rebellion, for instance, saw significant use of the blunderbuss, right? The British soldiers armed with muskets who were organized for urban combat, suffered heavy casualties at the hands of militiamen armed with blunderbusses, which have excellent dispersion. Is that correct?"

"Yes, it seems they were used in the suppression of military factories and administrative centers in the city. They were more affordable and more widely distributed among militiamen than muskets, so when brought into close combat, even British soldiers armed with musket rifles were powerless."

"Urban warfare... especially indoor combat, favors weapons with high dispersion..."

If the effectiveness of the blunderbuss has been demonstrated, it can be argued that mass-producing the new model of blunderbuss is a reasonable decision. The new model has been improved to specialize in indoor and close-quarters combat by shortening the barrel. Additionally, based on the previous combat results, it has been decided to provide them as escort equipment for the Navy.

"That concludes the important reports from the Army. Furthermore, the blunderbuss is also scheduled for introduction into the Navy, as well. Now, Minister Rochambeau, please provide an explanation regarding the new naval fleet."

"Understood. I will now proceed with the naval report."

As Claude Louis' explanation concluded, it seamlessly transitioned to Minister Rochambeau, the Minister of the Navy, who began explaining the details of the new naval fleet.



"Modern Armaments (Navy)"


"At present, the Navy is proceeding with the construction and deployment of the Charlemagne-class frigates, which emphasize both offensive and defensive capabilities. As per Your Majesty's instructions, a significant portion of the ship has been reinforced with iron and steel, and we have equipped the ship with two 48-pounder cannons in the front and rear and twelve 12-pounder cannons. While the number of cannons is considerably fewer compared to traditional frigates, we have designed them to excel in firepower and effectively engage ships-of-the-line."

"That's excellent. No matter how many cannons a warship carries, it's useless if it lacks accuracy and penetration power. I heard they're also developing ammunition specifically for engaging warships; any progress on that?"

"In regards to that, joint research with the Army is underway to develop excellent shrapnel for attacking warships. It should be ready for deployment within the next six months, at the latest."

"I see. When the test results for the shrapnel currently in development are available, be sure to bring a report."

As for the Navy's capabilities, we are advancing the construction of the Charlemagne-class frigates, which prioritize speed and offensive power. I chose the name myself. The reason is that even in this era, it is a legend that has gained fame as a heroic poem, and many French people are familiar with it.

This work was created around the 11th to 12th centuries, and during that time in Japan, works like the "Tale of the Heike" were being produced. By the way, about a hundred years before this heroic poem was created, "The Tale of Genji" was already completed. Thinking about it, isn't Murasaki Shikibu, who wrote a romance novel set at the Imperial Court, a genius?

Anyway, the story of Charlemagne is the most famous story in France. The characters from this famous story have also become well-known in Japan through modern fantasy novels and games. I first learned about the legend of Charlemagne through a certain modern fantasy game character.

The legend of Charlemagne is still fascinating even in modern times. There are stories based on historical facts and tales told as hero biographies, but naming the frigates after this seems like it would add prestige to the Navy, don't you think? So, I named them such.

If you were to ask me about my favorite character from the legend of Charlemagne... it might be Astolfo. The reason? He's carefree but a good friend. Yeah.

Well, if I keep talking passionately about Charlemagne's story, I'll become that kind of guy, so let's get back on track. From here, let's discuss the Charlemagne-class frigates in more detail. These ships are newly constructed vessels currently being built and deployed by the French Navy. They are designed to achieve high speeds to quickly respond to coastal and distant maritime regions like Saint-Domingue in times of alert or crisis.

With a length of 40 meters and a total weight of 1.300 tons, they are smaller in size compared to ships-of-the-line, and as Rochambeau mentioned, they have fewer gun emplacements on board. It may seem like an unimpressive, ordinary design, but it is primarily built around the concept of precisely targeting the lower hull of enemy ships, which was a weakness of warships in this era. It incorporates new technology for the French Navy, as abundant as the garlic in a certain family's ramen, with the wisdom and technology of the Academy of Sciences and reformist military officers.

"I've reviewed the documents, and it mentions two 48-pounder cannons on the frigate. Are these cannons equipped with the highly accurate Gribeauval cannons for projectiles?"

"Yes, they are Gribeauval cannons. In the Army, we are in the process of replacing the majority of 12-pounder cannons with these models."

"However, when it comes to 48-pounder cannons, handling the heavy projectiles for loading must be quite difficult. Have you resolved that issue?"

"Yes, with the cooperation of the Academy of Sciences, we have successfully acquired new loading technology. Lieutenant General Gribeauval is well-informed about this aspect."

First and foremost, what stands out in terms of armament is the 48-pounder cannon. These cannons were completely newly designed for naval ships and were developed by Jean-Baptiste Vaquette de Gribeauval, who had risen to the rank of Army lieutenant general, recognizing his achievements in constructing a new artillery system as an artillery engineer. During this era, many ship-mounted cannons emphasized firepower, but they had the weakness of poor accuracy, even if they had significant firepower upon hitting their target.

So, the conclusion was reached that if accuracy was an issue, why not increase the caliber of the Gribeauval cannons, which had a higher accuracy, to ensure stable firing from the deck of a ship? While I had a reasonable knowledge of military matters, I couldn't do things like modern-day cheats in artillery systems, but I could make use of the technology of this era to achieve stable firing with large cannons.

The main cannons at the bow were positioned slightly higher, and thick iron plates and ironwork were used to create a bulletproof barrier surrounding these main cannons. This design aimed to protect the gunners from projectiles fired from the front. Externally, it looks like an anti-tank gun. The pedestal can rotate, allowing for adjustments to the target's position using a large handle. Due to the nature of sailing ships, they couldn't fire directly in front or to the side, but the Gribeauval cannons had become capable of accurately penetrating the target within 600 meters. This was twice the effective range of large-caliber cannons at the time.

What's unique about these 48-pounder cannons is the method of loading the projectiles. Lieutenant General Gribeauval, in collaboration with the Navy and the Academy of Sciences, had completed a new loading mechanism. It's a revolving loading mechanism, similar to a revolver pistol. Gribeauval himself explained it during the meeting.

"As it is for naval use and loading while the ship is rocking on the waves, we've attached a loading device in front of the cannon to ensure the safety of the soldiers loading the projectiles. It's a revolving device capable of loading four projectiles. Two methods were devised, steam-powered and manual, and this time, the manual method was adopted. Four sailors operate the revolving mechanism, moving the projectiles in front of the cannon. On the cannon side, there is a safety device to ensure that the projectiles do not accidentally fall, and the gunner places the projectiles onto the sliding board."

"A sliding mechanism, you say... How much time can be saved with this loading mechanism compared to traditional methods of transporting projectiles?"

"It depends on the sailors' level of skill, but it can save about one minute. Considering the weight and safety of the projectiles, this loading mechanism is quite remarkable."

The loading method for the 48-pounder cannon involves retrieving the projectiles from the ammunition storage located directly beneath the cannon, setting the projectiles in the loading device, and manually rotating it to stop just before the entrance of the cannon. This system involves loading the projectiles into a cannon that has already had the gunpowder set, and then firing. It is a simplified version of the turret system used on battleships and destroyers a decade ago, and can be performed manually. The reason for making it a revolving system was due to the simplicity of loading the projectiles and the feasibility of achieving it even in this era. Prototyping began in the winter of 1772, and it was successfully cleared in the final tests by late May of this year.

"In any case, even if the loading device were to break down, we've incorporated an emergency moving mechanism to transport the projectiles. It's a cutting-edge naval ship that has been built with double measures. It's a warship that our country should be proud of. Overall, it should have a higher offensive capability than ships-of-the-line."

"Indeed, it should easily penetrate older warships. I believe even the British warships could suffer significant damage from the attacks of these 48-pounder cannons."

"Yes, well, our newly constructed naval fleet will primarily be responsible for escorting merchant ships, rapid-response guarding, and coastal defense. The inclusion of these 48-pounder cannons is primarily for experimental purposes. Considering that, I hope you'll continue to contribute to its development and improvement in the future."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I'll keep that in mind."

While we won't intervene in the American Revolutionary War, safeguarding distant regions like Saint-Domingue has recently become a concern. Information has been coming in that maritime security has deteriorated as a result of the turmoil in the New World. The Charlemagne-class frigates... perhaps these ships will indeed play a significant role in the future. I couldn't help but hold that conviction somewhere deep in my heart. After that, the military meeting concluded with budget reports and such, and as soon as reports related to internal affairs were finished, the meeting was adjourned.

The meeting ended a little past 19:00.



"Devoted Husband"


Thinking back, I've already written 620.000 (Japanese) characters worth, so this is my first post.

★ ★ ★


"Oh dear, Thérèse. You've woken up again, haven't you? There, there, you're such a good girl..."

"Ah-woo~ Goo, goo!"

When I whispered, "Such a good girl," this child laughed. It felt like she understood my joy from the bottom of her heart. Perhaps it's because she's the child born between me and my beloved Lord Auguste, but for now, she's growing up healthy and strong. When she grows up, what will France be like?

I'm sure France will have developed even more. Factories and steam engines... We are continuously advancing new research by gathering scientists and medical researchers. The national budget is also allocating significant funds toward this future. Since Lord Auguste took power, the economy has been on an upward trajectory.

Lord Auguste wished to change France and worked tirelessly toward that goal. It's been four years since I became a part of France... Time passes so quickly.

There were times when I cried... knowing that I could never return to the nostalgic days spent at the Vienna palace with my mother and family. But even in those moments, Lord Auguste has always been considerate of me. He never treated me poorly; instead, he has cherished me.

Ah, I must write my monthly letter to my mother as well. Last month was chaotic due to the childbirth. Now that things have settled down, it's necessary to write.

"Hehe... I must write a letter to my mother as well... Thérèse, please be quiet while I write, alright?"


"Will you take care of Thérèse?"

"Yes, My Queen. The Princess is under my care, so please take your time and enjoy."

Leaving Thérèse in the care of the nanny, I sat at my desk and began to write. A letter to my beloved mother. And I must finally report that I have become a mother myself. Although the first news of the birth has already reached Vienna, I must personally convey it.

"To my dearest mother, it's Antoinette. I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. As you may have already heard, I gave birth to a baby girl last month. It was earlier than expected, but the baby is growing well. When Lord Auguste and I discussed her name, we decided on Thérèse, which is the French pronunciation of your name. I will work hard to raise Thérèse properly and provide her with a good education."

I'm sure my mother is overjoyed at the news of her granddaughter's birth. However, I knew she wouldn't come rushing from Vienna. If she does visit, it will only be for significant events like treaty negotiations. So, this exchange of letters with my mother has become a source of comfort for me.

While writing the letter, I began to think about how my mother raised me... When I was little, my body couldn't stay still for a moment, constantly moving like the gears of a steam engine. I was restless, more interested in elegant butterflies fluttering outside than the teachers' lectures, and I often found myself sneaking out of the room... Looking back, I received quite a few scolding from my mother.

I was a willful and active child... Hehe, even as I try to remember, I recall moments of diving into fountains while wearing dresses, plucking flowers with my bare hands in the palace gardens and adorning my hair with them, and generally being more mischievous than a boy. However, since I began spending time with Lord Auguste, I learned to restrain such behavior and started behaving as a Dauphine... and eventually as a Queen.

It was Lord Auguste who recommended the Princesse de Lamballe as one of my close confidantes. Due to our similar ages and excellent compatibility, we soon transitioned from a mere working relationship to a deep friendship. My sister-in-law, Madame Louise Marie, also became a close friend. After her husband, Philippe II, was revealed to have subjected her to repeated violence, she took refuge in the Department of Land Administration, where she became a cherished friend to me.

Could I fulfill my duties as Queen? When doubts crept in, it was thanks to Lord Auguste, Princesse de Lamballe, and Madame Louise Marie, among others, that I didn't succumb to anxiety. They kept me from indulging in nighttime revelries and more. I must write about Lord Auguste and my dear friends as well.

"Today, I can fulfill my duties as Queen because of the support of various individuals like Lord Auguste, Princesse de Lamballe, and Madame Louise Marie. A loving husband, loyal subjects, and dear friends... I am truly blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people. Although I had some worries when I first came to France, they have all vanished with their presence, and I have no trouble adapting to life in France. I am very happy right now. I will send you portraits of those who have taken care of me very soon."

Living a life of comfort without any hardships and being surrounded by such enriching relationships, I am truly fortunate. Someday, we should have a court painter depict all of us together. We could gather with the upper echelons of the Department of Land Administration and have a painting done. This way, when Thérèse grows up and needs to rely on various people, I can recount our stories, not just as memories, but as a historical record.

One year later, ten years later, a hundred years later... We can't be certain about the future, but we can make predictions to some extent. It's something Lord Auguste and I talked about last night, trying to foresee what the future holds for France. We discussed what kind of future would be ideal for us.

Here's what Lord Auguste predicted: Science and medical technology will advance, and factories and other facilities will continue to be built over the next few years. If steam engines continue to develop, they may eventually be used to produce food, and those magnificent Cugnot gun carriages might run energetically on rails throughout all of Europe. Furthermore, if they can secure a dominant position at a significant turning point in history, France will likely experience significant advancement.

I had similar thoughts as well. Steam engines have improved tasks that were once extremely challenging for human labor, and machinery is gradually enhancing these processes. Could this development allow for more complex tasks? When I shared this idea with Lord Auguste, he nodded vigorously and said, "Exactly."

What will happen in the future... Lord Auguste's words were strangely convincing. He talked about an industrial and technological society where machinery and science advanced dramatically, a time that will not only change France but the entire world. When I first heard about it four years ago, I thought it might be an exaggeration. However, after seeing the steam engine, I was convinced that it was not just a dream or a fantasy.

The establishment of the Department of Land Administration, the abolition of serfdom and slavery, the purging of the Adélaïde faction and Orléans faction, significant funding for the Academy of Sciences, and Dr. Sanson's scientific medical treatments... These reforms and the evolving society are accompanied by daily technological advancements. Could it be that Lord Auguste was thinking about and acting on these matters even before I arrived?

"If that's the case... Lord Auguste must have been building an information network for quite some time. I've heard he used to be a person of few words in public, so he must have maintained silence until the time was right."

Lately, I've been reminiscing about when I first met Lord Auguste. Back then, there were still many enemies surrounding us. If we had made one wrong move, I might have fallen prey to various rumors and nefarious individuals. There's a saying that silence is the condition of becoming wise, and if he had been strategizing all along, it makes sense.

"Now, since I've finished writing the letter, shall we wait for Lord Auguste's return with Thérèse? Spending time together as a family of three... It may seem ordinary, but it's these ordinary days that may be proof of the stability of the country..."

With no major conflicts, political stability, and a tranquil reign, France is in a state of peace. To ensure that we can continue to enjoy peaceful times, I will support Lord Auguste with all my heart and soul, not just for my sake but for the sake of the nation! With this deep-seated pledge in my heart, I awaited his return.

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