Campus Couple | A Hyunjin ff

By timeforbedsweetie

1.2K 27 53

"I need you to be my fake girlfriend" A cute lil story for y'all delulus<3 More

First Day
Someone's Jealous
Stray Kids
Author's note


171 3 7
By timeforbedsweetie


(It looks so stupid tf💀)


That bitch...

Is she stalking me or what? She saw me talking to Eric and now she won't shut up about it.

Oh no what about everyone at school? There's gonna be a bunch of rumours...

The next day

I get ready and sit at the breakfast table. Picking my fingers and staring into nothingness as I grow more and more anxious about going to school. I just started enjoying it and now there's another problem.

Oh shit what about Hyunjin?

Would he be mad at me?

Nah he wouldn't...

... what if he is?

I can't even enjoy my breakfast for once-

"Aren't you gonna eat, dear?" My mom snaps me out of my thoughts.

My head shoots up and and I immediately fix myself and give her an awkward smile before holding up my spoon for my cereal.

"Oh... yeah yeah of course..."

"Y/N... is everything alright? You seem nervous..." My mom gets more concerned the more she looks at me.

"Don't worry mom, it's just some school work, nothing much." I try to reassure her and she seemingly believes me.

Damn I feel terrible for lying...

But I can't tell her about the whole Eric situation either, can I?

"Alright then, eat up. Hyunjin's gonna be here in a few minutes."

I nod and continue eating until I hear the doorbell ring.

Of course my mom rushes to see her favourite kid on earth...


"Good morning auntie!" Hyunjin greets her with a smile.

"Good morning dear. Y/N's almost done with her breakfast, why don't you come wait inside? Oh have you had breakfast yet?" My mom asks him with a big smile on her face.

"I already had breakfast, I'll just sit next to Y/N and wait for her to finish." Hyunjin looked quite disturbed but he kept a smile for my mom.

Now I'm scared.

He walks up to me and sits on the chair next to mine. Hyunjin just stares at me as I finish up my cereal bowl without looking up at him.

I don't like where this is going...

Once I'm done, I get up and grab my backpack before hugging my mom goodbye and leaving the house.

Hyunjin followed behind but he wasn't saying a single word.

This is so awkward...

We walk awkwardly for a while until he clears his throat to say something and I look at him.

"So... had a good night?" He had his hands in his pockets and his eyes were focused on the path in front of us.

What does he mean by that?

Is he bringing Eric into this or just asking me about my night?

How do I answer him???

He looks at me when he doesn't hear a word coming from my mouth and repeats his question.

"Did you have a good night?" His voice was very monotone along with his expressionless face.

Why am I so scared to answer?

C'mon Y/N just tell him how you slept.

"Oh my sleep? Yeah it was alright..." Once again I was picking on my fingers in anxiety as I said those words.

Hyunjin sighs.

He does not look happy at all.

He suddenly grabs my hand, stopping me from picking my fingers further, and puts it on my side.

"I wasn't talking about your sleep." He lets go of my hand and looks ahead again.

What do I tell him?

Is he asking about Eric?

He saw Jennifer's post didn't he?

Just as I was about to finally open up my mouth and answer, the one and only Jennifer appears in front of us.

"Oh my god hey guys!" She walks up to us with a big smile as all of us enter school.

Hyunjin greets her with a small smile while I just look ahead and walk.

She knows what she did but she's acting all nice and oblivious now.

"So Hyun, did you get soccer team captain?" Jennifer asks with an excited look on her face.

Hyunjin nods without looking at her and speed walks into our classroom, not wanting to interact with anyone.

I feel so bad...

What do I do now?

Before Jennifer and I enter our classroom, she pulls me to the side and looks at me with her ugly smirk.

"I see your boyfriend's a little salty about that Instagram post of mine~"

I really feel like punching her right now.

"What's wrong with you? Why can't you just leave me alone?"

"You want me to let you fuck around with other guys and break my poor Hyunnie's heart? No way."

"You don't know anything about me and my life, you don't know who that guy was, and you don't know what my relationship with him is. Can't you just mind your own business for once?" I was fuming at this point.

"Oh sweetie, whatever you say. I will make sure to keep an eye on you and soon enough, Hyunjin will be mine" She walks away giving me that confident look.

As I enter the classroom, I see Hyunjin sitting in his seat in silence.

I walk up to my own seat, which unfortunately is right next to his. Before I could sit down, he puts his hand on that seat.

"Felix wanted to sit here today." He says without look up at me.

Hyunjin and Felix always sat together but Felix and I decided to switch seats for this year because of the whole fake dating thing.

I felt a bit heartbroken to be honest...

I didn't even get a chance to explain this whole situation to him, now he thinks I actually hang out with Eric.

I nod and head back to my old seat, at the back of the class.

I sigh and look out the window as the teacher walks in and starts the class.

The only thing that was heard, other than the teacher, was other kids whispering about Hyunjin and I.

"Did she cheat on him?"

"Wow she's really horrible..."

"I feel bad for Hyunjin..."

"Does this mean they'll break up?"

"Didn't they already break up?"

Hearing all these things is making my head hurt.

I really just want to talk to him properly...
Author's note: I'm so so sorry for not posting for so long, if anyone was even waiting💀

I've been extremely busy with school. I had tests, a camping trip and many other things.

Even my mental state hasn't been the best recently, I've been having trouble keeping up with life and I'm just trying my best to finish all of my tasks.

Anyway, I'll try my best to finish this book and feel free to leave any suggestions that you have<3

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