Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x F...

De jennaloverz

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You and Jenna, separated by a 6-year age gap, grew up together like two parallel lines. She was once the anno... Mais



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De jennaloverz

SMUT warning

That night you were restless, just overthinking every single thing.

At around 5 in the morning you were able to fall asleep after watching at least 3 movies.

At around 8 you were awaken by your phone vibrating, Jenna was calling.

"Hey. What's up?" Your voice was raspy and you barely could keep your eyes open.

"I'm coming over." Was all she said.

"You know the password, let yourself in." She agreed and hang up.

Next time you woke up again, the brunette was jumping on top of you, her whole body against your back.

"Wake up." She said sweetly, but you grabbed an extra pillow and put it over your head, trying to block the noise.

"Just a few more minutes."

You felt her weight leave your back and suddenly all the curtains were being opened and the daylight made its way even through the pillow on top of your head.

"Jen. Please, 15 minutes." You groaned.

"Alright, 15. I'll make you breakfast and I'll be back." You appreciated this girl so much, but you also appreciated your sleep just as much.

You didn't get those 15 minutes though, because as soon as Jenna started to cook your breakfast she put music blasting through the speakers.

You let out a loud groan and forced yourself to get up. You washed yourself, brushed your teeth quickly and peed, washing your hands afterwards.

You put a basketball shorts and kept your oversized shirt, and walked to the kitchen.

"Heyyy y/n/n. You still had 10 minutes to sleep." She teased you.

"Oh yeah, sure. You sure were letting me sleep with this loud music." You rolled your eyes and sat on the counter of your kitchen.

She was even shorter now as you looked at her from the counter. She was cooking you eggs on the stove and handed you a cup filled with black coffee.

You thanked her and sipped the dark liquid, letting the warm feeling wake you up completely.

"So let me tell you. My mom booked a whole week at the lake, and she showed me pictures and it seems beautiful." Jenna said as she put your eggs on a plate.

"That's nice." You began eating your egg and listening to the brunette near you.

"So Mariah and Mia are coming back and then we'll be driving there."

You hadn't given much thought. The Ortega loved to go out vacationing whenever everybody could squeeze in their busy schedule, specially Jenna's.

"Cool. I hope you enjoy it. You deserve this rest."

"I hope too. Go get your things ready."

You were in shock. You definitely thought you heard wrong.

"What do you mean? It's only family and partners." You finished eating and drank the last bit of your coffee, placing the dish on the dishwasher.

"Yeah well, you will be going as my other half and we'll share a cabin by the lake. So hurry up." That was definitely a shock for you. All those weird feelings you were thinking about the night before seemed stupid now.

You guys hadn't acted romantic around each other ever since she came back, but if she made sure you'd tag along to a family trip, it most likely wasn't just like friends. Or was it?

You kept staring at her for a couple of seconds. And she looked inside your eyes.

"So? Hurry up!" She pushed you towards your room up the stairs.

You were still in shock as you threw clothes inside a bag, not speaking a word. You weren't sure what to say. Jenna was in the kitchen talking on the phone with someone, it sounded serious since she paused the music to answer it.

You filled your bag with clothes of all sorts, making sure to have appropriate clothing for all type of programs. You closed your bag and then walked to the kitchen to meet the shorter brunette.

You waited for her to finish talking on the phone. The tone of the conversation was serious, and you assumed it was her manager, because it sounded business. Not wanting to invade her privacy you decided to take your bag to the car and make sure to lock the whole house.

After 5 minutes you both were ready and you were waiting Jenna by the front door. She came running your way and jumped on you. Thinking fast you barely caught her, as she wrapped her legs around your waist and you held her by the thighs.

"I FUCKING GOT IT. I GOT THE WEDNESDAY ROLE. HOLY SHIT." She yelled at the top of her lungs and you just hugged her extremely tight and spun her around.

"HOLY SHIT JENNA. CONGRATULATIONS. YOU DESERVE THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD." You could tell she was excited cause you could feel her heartbeat against your chest.

You placed her down and then you took your time to look inside her eyes, she had the biggest smile on her face, her eyes were shining so bright.

"Thanks y/n/n." She hugged your torso and you hugged her back.

"Shall we go, we have a lot to celebrate." You told her and she nodded. As she pulled away from your hug, you placed a loving kiss on her forehead and she continued to smile big.

"Let's go." You both got inside your car after you locked the front door and turned on the alarm. The drive to the Ortega's house was fast and as soon as you pulled up on the driveway, Jenna ran up inside to tell her mom she got the role to the newest Tim Burton series.

Everybody celebrated and you all got inside the cars. Markus, Aaliyah and Jenna rode with you. Natalie, Edward, Mia and her boyfriend got inside another car. Isaac, his girlfriend rode another one. And Mariah her spouse and the kids rode the last car.

Jenna took care of the playlist inside your car, and you both held hands the whole ride. Not going without a few teasing from the twins.

After the long drive you all arrived at the lake. It was beautiful. The lake was huge and it had a lot of cabins by the edge of it.

After lunch you all went for a walk, Jenna seemed excited about her new role, and she was talking none stop to her mom and dad about it. Leaving you to interact with Markus and Aaliyah. You were messing around with them, trying to make them trip over their own feet, and just pretending it wasn't you.

It was like you all were kids again, you were just making everybody laugh.

"Yoh y/n/n." Markus called you, walking up to you. "What's up with you and Jen anyway?" You looked the brunette boy in the eyes and just shrugged with your shoulders.

"I don't even know honestly. It's like sometimes we are back to just being great friends ever since she went to New Zealand, and sometimes she says something about dating. I'm kinda confused." Your answer was honest.

"Yeah I know what you mean, girls are confusing." You looked at him with a single eyebrow raised, maybe he forgot for a second that you, as well, were a girl.

"I mean, most girls." You both laughed and Aali appeared beside you asking what was so funny.

After an hour long walk, you all decided to just enjoy the indoor of the cabins, relax after the long drive, cause at dinner you would be having a bonfire.

You said your goodbyes to the youngest siblings and walked to your cabin you were sharing with Jenna, but she didn't follow right after, she kept talking to Natalie, her mom, so you just decided to head first.

Kicking off your Vans shoes on the front door, the cabin was an all-in-one place. A very nice bathroom with a jacuzzi, and the room had a king sized bed with a beautiful view of the lake.

You took your pants off and just fell to the bed, only now realizing how tired you were from the drive.

Not long after you fell asleep in the weirdest position ever. You had to prepared for the night, where you would celebrate Jenna's new role, family time, eat marshmallows with the kids, maybe even sing and gaze at the stars.

You woke up hours later with a very quiet yet steady breathing in between your arms. You were laying side ways and Jenna comfortably laid in between your arms with her face buried on your shirt.

Your heart skipped a beat from the sweetest moment. You didn't even feel when she joined you in bed, but she must of been just a tired as you were.

You kept very still for as long as you could, just trying to make the moment last a little bit longer. You felt happy inside, you felt complete, as if that's exactly where Jenna Ortega belonged, in your arms.

She also had gotten rid of her pants, and was laying on bed with a shirt and panties, matching yourself.

She was hot, even if you couldn't take a good look at her body since her head was blocking your view down.

After about 30 minutes of you just being there and taking all in, Jenna started to shift in your arms, mumbling incomprehensible words until she finally woke up and opened her eyes. Brown beautiful eyes met yours as she looked up, with the most adorable face you've ever seen.

"Hey." You said to her and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Hi." She said in return, and crinkled her noise in shyness.

"We should get ready, we are going to get wasted today." You joked.

"Why?" She asked looking up at you in doubt.

"We have to celebrate."

"Oh yeah, that." She avoided your eyes, and got up gently. You couldn't quite put your finger on it. Maybe she sounded worried, she was a little bit insecure ever since a kid, the show business did that to kids, but since she avoided your gaze and got up, you decided to let go just for now.

"I'll go take a shower and then we can go meet your family." You got up as well.

"Can I join you?" She smiled sweetly at you.

"I guess." You just shrugged, she was giving you twisted signals, and you weren't sure what to think.

You took a quick shower together, she even kissed you a couple of times, which was a relief, cause you hadn't kissed in a very long time. You both got dressed and met everybody outside.

The bond fire was set, and around it there was a huge table of food. You grabbed a cup of wine for you and Jenna, and gathered around with her whole family.

"I'd like to thank we are all here together, celebrating some family time. We have so many things to cherish. Family is the most important. I love you all my kids, my two grandsons. Thank you Ed for such a perfect family." Everybody cheered in union, Jenna came closer to you and intertwined her hand in yours, squeezing it tightly.

"We are also here to celebrate Jenna's next big role. Baby, I hope the world gets to know you and that you conquer the entire Earth. Momma is so proud of you. So let's toast for mainly family time here and Jenna's next role as Tim Burton's next Wednesday Addams. We're gonna miss you so much for 8 months baby girl."

The last phrase that came out of Natalie's mouth caught you by surprise. You raised your glass and drank a big sip. And then you looked down at Jenna. She seemed guilty, almost as if caught. She avoided your stare and you let go of her hand.

8 months? What the fuck was Natalie talking about? She got the role but she didn't even mentioned about having to travel again, and for such a long time.

You finished the drink inside your glass and refilled right after. You walked away over to the food table and you watched as Jenna followed you shortly after.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked while placing her hand on the side of your arm.

It definitely wasn't your place to argue or even fight with her right now about not letting you know about this little piece of information.

"Yeah, fine." You sounded dry and upset, and you really were. You barely made it out with being apart for 3 months, imagine 8 whole fucking months separated. And you didn't even have a formal relationship yet.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before." You just nodded and she kept going. "I couldn't find the right time to tell you."

"How about the drive home after I picked you up from the airport? How about the time you stayed at my house while I was making my bag? Or maybe the time you could've just called me and told me." You looked her serious in the eyes, and you felt guilty after she avoided your gaze and looked down. You could tell she was upset, but so were you.

"I'm sorry. We were supposed to shoot in Toronto, but then Tim came up with all these ideas and locations and we're shooting in Romania. I really didn't know how to tell you."

You were completely in shock, it was something to be away for 8 months, but still be close enough to hop on a plane and see each other. Like that time you got on the first flight to visit her in North Carolina. But Romania? That was on the other side of the planet, it would be at least a 15 hour flight just to get to see her, let alone the ticket price.

"Yeah, now I feel much better. Romania, on the other side of the fucking planet. You should have just given me a heads up, that's all. And not surprise me in front of your whole family." You finished your drink and refilled it again. You were starting to get tipsy and you really didn't care.

"It feels like you're not even happy for me." The shorter brunette let out in anger. You turned to her, and held her arms in your hands softly.

"You know that's far from the truth. I've never said that in my entire life. I AM proud of you and I am so so so happy for you. I hope this role gets you the recognition that you deserve. I hope it gets people from all around the world screaming your name and wishing they knew you. That's how proud and happy I am for you. I am just upset that you let the most important information kept from me," you let go of her arms and started to look around, avoiding her gaze, taking a big sip of the alcoholic beverage in your cup. "I just feel like, how the fuck am I going to stand to be away from you for 8 months? I barely survived 3 months away from you, and we got to text everyday and call almost every week. Imagine fucking Romania, the time zone will be completely different and 8 months is too long. I know we're not dating yet, but you know I just have this really intense, strong feeling for you." You looked at her, she had a small smile on her lips, but she was still clearly upset.

As if by destiny's fate both Jenna's nephews came running up to you and grabbed your hand. "Let's go play football y/n/n." Cash screamed and pointed to Isaac who was holding a brown football and threw it your way, you caught it with one hand.

"We can sort things out later." Was all Jenna said and walked away as you walked towards Isaac.


That night was a blast after certain hours. You were really drunk at around midnight, the stereo playing loud. You were still throwing the football back and forth to Isaac. The kids had fallen asleep and Mariah had already taken them to their cabin.

Jenna you weren't sure, after the little fight, you didn't talk to her. Natalie and Edward were a little drunk as well.

"Hey kiddo. Are you a little drunk?" You raised an eyebrow and asked the blond, youngest sibling. Aali and Markus were evidently a little tipsy as well, cause they secretly drank your beverage through out the night.

"Yeah, shut up. You are pretty drunk as well."

"Yeah I am. Let's go, I'm going to walk you to your room so you don't get kidnapped." You offered her a pig back ride, but she declined and motioned with a nod of her head towards Jenna. She was sitting by the fire and just listening to her own music on her earphone. Typical Jenna.

"You go take care of your girlfriend. She seems upset and I'm gonna fucking punch you if you hurt her." You nodded, the world spinning a bit and walked towards the bonfire.

Watching Jenna's silhouette in front of the fire's light was amazing, and it left you breathless. She was indeed the most beautiful girl you've even seen. There was something intoxicating about the small brunette in front of you. You realized you've never felt this way about a girl before, specially someone 6 years younger than you.

You walked up to her slowly and once you reached her, you wrapped your arms around her belly from behing, and rested your hand intertwined on top of her tummy.

"Hey beautiful." You said, even though she probably wasn't even listening. She relaxed into your arms after she figured it was you and took off her earphones. You kissed her cheek from behind and she rested her hands on top of yours. Her back against your chest.

Right at that moment, it felt like any fight you had prior, it was foolish. Why couldn't things be easier?

"I think I'm drunk." You immediately sobered up a little, since you were older, you had to be the responsible one and take care of the beautiful girl in front of you.

"Are you okay? Are you feeling sick?" She just shook her head.

"Do you want me to take you to the cabin?" She nodded and smiled sweetly, slightly tilting her head back to look at you.

You grabbed her in your arms and she wrapped her arms around your neck clumsily, bringing her lips really close to your ear.

"I want you to do other things to me, not just take me to the cabin." This confident, provocative Jenna was a new one for you, and it turned you on.

You both said good nights to the rest of the family, and headed to the cabin you were sharing.

You could smell Jenna exhaling alcohol. You placed her in bed and helped her out of her clothes. You drunkly kicked your own clothes to the floor, and soon you both were just in your underwear on the bed.

She tried to kiss you and start something, but you felt it wasn't right. First cause you only ever gotten down to this once, second you were both drunk and third cause you both had a massive fight earlier tonight and hadn't sorted things out yet. So yeah, big no no.

So you gave her a peck on the lips, and just gently pulled her to lay on your chest. She didn't argue, she fell right into sleep and you followed shortly after.

You were abruptly awaken with Jenna running to the bathroom and the sound of her throwing up following shortly after.

You forced yourself up, the room spinning a little bit. You grabbed a bottle of cold water, along with an Advil and walked to where Jenna was.

"Hey." You said out loud, she was resting her back against the wall, her knees bended together, her face in her palms. She looked up to you and then back down in embarrassment.

"Take this, it will make you feel better."

She took the bootle from your hand and shallowed the remedy.

"Do you wanna take a shower?" She just shook her head.

"Let's brush your teeth then." You helped her up, holding out your hands and sat her on the sink counter.

"I'm sorry." She said in a raspy, low voice.

"For what?" You picked up her toothbrush, put paste on it and handed it to her, and she said "for not telling you about Romania before," before she started brushing her teeth very slowly.

"We can talk about it later." She finished brushing after a few minutes, and you took her back to bed.

"I'm really sorry." Her voice sounded so small, and you could sense how sorry she really was, but this was not the time, so you just kept silent until you both fell back asleep again.

The next morning Jenna woke up extremely hangover, while you woke up ready for the day. You guessed 6 years of drinking in advance did this to people, you get used to alcohol the older you get. Or maybe you just learn to drink. Oh well, anyway.

You woke Jenna up very carefully and she just did a lot of groaning and mumbling you quite didn't understand.

"Hey babe. We should get going, your family said they are waiting for us." You whispered and she placed a pillow on top of her face, trying to block you out.

You tried at least 5 times, and after you got no answer, you went by yourself. Not before letting a bottle of water and more Advil on Jenna's nightstand though, for when she decided to wake up finally.

You had a blast with Jenna's family, although you did miss her being around. You spent the whole day with Aaliyah and Markus just goofing around. You explained to Natalie, Jenna's mom, that you tried really hard to wake her up but she was hella hangover. She just told you to let it go, she knew better not to force a hungover Jenna to wake up.

You guys went hiking, the kids played tag with you, and you all had a lot of fun. Right around 5 pm you guys finished the hike and everybody was exhausted. You all headed back to their respective cabins.

Once you walked inside, you already saw Jenna was no longer in bed. She had taken a shower and was eating something on the tiny kitchen you had inside the room. She was wearing sweats and her hair was up in a messy bun. She looked so damn cute.

"Hey Jen. Alive again?" You mocked her and she just nodded, her mouth full of food.

"I tried to wake you up for at least 20 minutes. You just ignored me." You took off your shirt, staying in front of the brunette all sweaty and in sports bra. You saw her eyes slowly trace down your face all the way down to your short line and back up again.

She shallowed. "Sorry, I was really hangover. I don't really know what I drank yesterday that got me so bad."

"You learn with time kid." You mocked her again and this time she just kicked you lightly in the butt.

"Shut up."

"I'm going to take a shower. We are supposed to meet your family at around 6 pm for dinner."

Jenna stopped eating and turned to look into your eyes. She had to look up to meet your gaze, she was after all, smaller than you.

"Can we talk about yesterday and how sorry I am?" You looked away from her stare, as much as you knew she was sorry, you were still upset she failed to inform you the period of her stay and location of her next travel.

"It's okay." She grabbed your forearm, and tugged it so you would look down at her.

"No it's not. I just want to say how stupid it was I didn't tell you before. I guess I was insecure about how you would react."

"I told you I'm really proud of you. Couldn't be happier." You whispered and brushed her cheek with your thumb.

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying. I mean it. I'm really proud of you. I'm just upset you didn't let me know before that you're going away for 8 months and to the other side of the globe. But it's okay, I'm not even your freaking girlfriend to demand explanation beforehand. I get it, I'm sorry I overreacted yesterday."

"Don't say that." She was the one avoiding my gaze now.

"It's true though. We're not even dating." Clearly this was a big deal to you.

She looked up at you, looking dead into your eyes. Her eyebrows were furrowed, she had crossed her arms against her chest and her noistrils were fuming.

"Why you gotta bring up this shit every single time? We might not have an official name for whatever it is we have. One thing is certain I have feelings for you and you have for me. That's the reason you're so upset I didn't tell you. I don't wanna be apart either, but that's my job, it's what I do. If a label is so important to you, then alright let's date, let's be girlfriends. You are tagging along to a family vacation for Christ sake, do you think I just simply bring all friends to a family getaway?" Dramatic pause, you were taken aback, eyes focused on hers, lips slightly parted, she continued, "Just... I'm sorry, I was scared you would want to give us a break, cause 8 months is a long time. Can we just move on from this fight and figure a way out now?"

You were shocked. You had never seen Jenna Ortega so mad at you like this before in your life. She looked even more beautiful just by frowning those brows, cheeks lightly brushed.

You approached her, wrapped your arms around her tiny waist, forcing her to uncross her arms that rested on her chest and place them on your chest, on top of your sports bra.

Just like this you crashed your lips against hers, and immediately used your tongue to ask for permission inside.

You made out, it was different, it was desperate and mad and loving and all together in one strong kiss.

She slid her hands from you chest to wrap around you neck and bring you closer.

Your hands slid from her waist to her ass, getting it in your palms and squeezing it gently, earning a moan from the shorter girl into the kiss.

She stood on her tip toes and you grabbed her up, instantly wrapping her legs around your sweaty waist. She was really close to you and you love it.

The kisses grew more desperate, more needy, more horny as she started to rub her hips forward into you.

You took off her shirt, threw it far away and found out she was braless, her skin against your sweaty one.

With a lot of effort you took off your sports bra, while still carrying Jenna and threw it far away as well, cursing it cause every time you were sweaty they would stick more than a fucking bubble gum to the hair.

The moment your nipples brushed against Jenna's, you both moaned into each other's mouths, breaking the kiss only for a short second. Her tiny, firm boobs against yours.

"Shower now." Was Jenna's orders and you quickly obeyed. You turned on the hot water with one hand, still making out with the goodness holding on to you.

She jumped off of you just to get rid of the rest of her clothing and get under the hot water. Her eyes were darker, and she was admiring you up and down.

You couldn't help but do the same, admiring the piece of art in front of you. Her body was to die for.

Everything was perfection. From her head to her toes.

Once you stepped inside the shower with her, she crashed her lips back into yours again, her tongue dancing against yours. You roamed your hands all over her wet skin, turning you on even more. You could feel your clit begin to throb and the wetness between your leg grow, and definitely not from the water.

As turned on as you were, you knew you just HAD to actually shower, cause well, you were sweaty and dirty from hiking.

You pulled away slowly from the smaller brunette and rested your forehead on top of hers. You both were smiling at each other, Jenna's full lips were a little swollen and red from all the making out. You were sure yours were matching hers.

You put a little of shampoo on your palm and told her to turn around. She did and you started to massage her hair. Even from behind you could tell she closed her eyes and tilted her head slightly back, so you could have more access.

After you were done, she turned around, gave you a peck on the lips and washed the foam away.

"Now your turn, but you gotta kneel though."

You smirked at her and kneeled down slowly like you would for a royalty member.

"Of course my Princess." She blushed and slapped your shoulders lovingly. You were standing on your knees and very close to her tummy.

She started to wash your hair, just like you did with hers, and it felt so good. You couldn't help but stare at her tummy and down a bit, wondering how lucky you were to have such a beautiful girl like this so into you.

Raising your arms from the side of your torso and wrapping around Jenna's thighs, you pulled her closer to you, your lips leaving soft kisses all over her belly, and brushing your tongue on her skin once in a couple of kisses.

"Fuck y/n/n." She moaned almost in a whisper.

At the 10th kiss she got distracted and forgot to keep washing your hair, but she pretty much got everything cleaned properly.

You tilted your head back to wash away all the shampoo and continued to hug Jenna's thighs.

After you were done, you resumed kissing her skin, slowly going down towards her core. She had her fingers wrapped around your hair, giving it a slight tug every time you lowered your kisses.

To torture her a little bit, you kissed her panties tanned line, tracing down her thighs, one side to another. You felt her unconsciously spread her legs apart, giving you the perfect access you wanted.

You kissed her inner thigh, and felt her pull at your hair. It would have hurt if you weren't so turned on at the moment.

She backed away onto the shower stall glass, supporting her back on it, and you just kept kissing her inner thighs, tracing her bikini tan line with your tongue. She had her eyes forcefully shut closed, and she was biting her lower lip, breathing rapidly.

"Can I?" You whispered very close to her center. She didn't reply with words, she just pulled your head forward, your tongue touching her clitoris.

You felt her fingers pull on your hair tight, and her breathing became more erratically.

You circled back and forth and to one side to another and just looked up. If you had to choose you view for the rest of your life, this would be it. You with your face in between Jenna's legs, her taste against your tongue, her flat belly breathing rapidly, her chest raising and falling in union, and her mouth now opened in an O shape, eyes shut closed. She was perfect. Not one single flaw.

You traced your middle right finger against her entrance and she just moaned a little. You could feel she was so wet, which turned you on even more.

You rested your index and middle fingers on her entrance, just rubbing on her natural lubrification.

"Do you want me to put them inside?" You pulled away from licking her clit to just look her dead in the eyes and ask.

"I do, but I'm scared it might hurt, cause I've never...."

"I promise I'll be gentle." You continued to lick her in circling movements and very slowly introduced two fingers inside her. She was so wet and so turned on. Her walls were tight around your fingers and you felt chills run down your spine.

She let out a moan and quickly shut her mouth by placing both hands on top of her lips, as if to keep her noises inside.

Once at a comfortable position, you started to pump gently both your fingers in and out, matching your tongue movement.

"Fuck." As she grew closer to her climax, and the grip she had on your hair tightened, you increased the speed of pumping and licking.

And just like that she came undone, you felt her walls tightened up against your fingers and let go after a couple of seconds. She was so fucking hot, specially all wet from the water.

You pulled out your fingers very carefully and put them inside your mouth, to enjoy all of her juices. Jenna tasted so amazingly good, and you wanted to enjoy it as much as you could. Why waste it away just by washing your fingers?

"Make up sex is always the best, it's what they say." Jenna laughed at your joke and hugged your torso once you had gotten back on your feet and put you both under the water again.

"Holy shit, that was amazing. I don't think I want to go to my family's dinner now." She joked, a smirk on her face and you both laughed together.

"Unfortunately we don't have this option. We better hurry up or your mom will storm through the door and grab you by the ear. We can continue this after we come back." Jenna grinned your way.

You and Jenna finished your shower and got dressed. The atmosphere between you both was light and happy. You felt content, and you couldn't stop smiling.

As she walked around in just her undies to get her makeup ready for dinner, you couldn't help but stare at the Goddess right there in front of you. Her legs, her ass, her torso, her boobs, literally everything about this girl was perfect. You had been stating this a lot lately.

She caught you staring and winked at you.

"There's a droll right here." She motioned to her mouth to mock you.

"Oh sorry. It's just that jeez, I can't find one single flaw." She blushed and walked to the bathroom again.

You got ready before she did, as always, and you waited for her while laying on the bed and just watching her every move. A little creepy yeah, but what could you do, you were falling hard and fast.

At dinner everything was great. The food was delicious, family time was amazing, lots of laughter and chatting around. You and Jenna held hands the whole time under the table. As much as you wanted to scream to the world, you knew Jenna's decision to keeping her private life private would always come first.

You were constantly scared a fan would be wherever you guys were, as hidden as it might be, and picture you both kissing, or hugging or holding hands and would publish to the world.

You had to be careful about that. But right now, it felt right to secretly hold hands underneath the table and change ocasional sweet smiles at one another.

No alcoholic beverages for neither of you today, and by midnight everybody was back in their cabins to go to sleep.

As you and the smaller brunette laid in bed, your intertwined hands resting on top of your belly, you could see something was worrying Jenna, cause she would always make a serious frowning face whenever she was lost in her thoughts.

You turn to lay on your side and propped your head up on your elbow, looking down at her, "What is it Jen?"

She snapped out of it and smiled at you lovingly.

"Just thinking." She pecked your lips.

"Can I know about what?"

"It's nothing." She shrugged, and looked away from you.

"Hey, it's alright. If it's bothering you, I want to help you."

She looked down, avoiding your gaze.

"It's just that I'm sorry I didn't do anything in return for you yet." She looked up at you shyly. You didn't get what she meant.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean sexually." You let out a sigh of relief, you were considering the worst case scenarios in your head.

"Hey baby. Don't worry about it. Whenever you are ready, okay? I'm not pressuring you into anything. I am more than happy and complete by bringing you this joy in your life. And if there's ever something I do that makes you uncomfortable, you tell me right away. I want us to have a relationship based on truth, trust and respect, okay?" You turned her head your way, looking deep inside those beautiful brown eyes. She smiled, blushing a little.

"But you have your needs as well."

"And they are completely fulfilled whenever I am around you. If they aren't, well, I did live all these years by myself." You gesture your hands on her face and you both crack up laughing in union.

This moment right here was what life was all about. Love and laughter, and sweet light moments. Jenna Ortega brought this to you so very easily, with basically no effort.


The rest of the week at the lake was a blast. You went canoeing with Jenna, you had a lot of fun with the kids, you went hiking again, you prepared a romantic picnic for just you and Jenna. It was the best family time you've had in a while, and you were so thankful.

Your relationship with Jenna only grew stronger. You guys made out a lot since most of the days you both were so exhausted from everything you did, there was no energy left to take things further.

You guys talked about everything, about life, about mental health, about family, and you felt like your bond with the brunette you were falling in love with grew stronger.

When it was time to drive back home, you both already practically acted like a couple, but you never talked about labeling what you had. Neither of you felt the need to again, after that conversation.

Life was good, but soon Jenna would be heading to Romania.


A/N: Hey guys, hope you liked the chapter.

Ready for some drama?

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