Project Blackthorne

Von DavidHoffman629

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There was a scary group once upon a time called Torchwood in the Empire. Then there is Project Blackthorne in... Mehr

Project Blackthorne
Chapter 2 Eye Opener
Chapter 3 Start of a New Day????
Chapter 4 Standing On The Edge
Chapter 5 Meeting The Crew of Misfits
Chapter 6 The Winds Of Change Are Dangerous
Chapter 7 Running Through Time
Chapter 8 Doors openning Can Be Dangerious.
Chaptter 9 The Rift Holds Many Strange Things.
Chapter 10 The Rift is a Hopping.
Chapter 11 The Rift Gives It's All
Chapter 12 Is The Rift's Past Our Future?
Chapter 13 The Past Will Find the Rift.
Chapter 14 To Chase the Lightening Rider's
Chapter 15 All Hands Inside Till The Ride Comes Too A Complete Stop.
Chapter 17 Running towards the Finish Eyes Closed.
Chapter 18 One Curvy Rabbit Hole
Chapter 19 Two Points Converging With A Bang!
Chapter 20 A New Home A New Life?
Chapter 21 Can Crap Roll Up Hill?
Chapter 22 The Rift Slices Real Deep
Chapter 23 "The Rift Is Always Ready Are You?"
Chapter 24 "The Rift Grows Wide and Strong."

Chapter 16 Who said "Work Couldn't Be Hazardous Too Your Health?"

46 0 0
Von DavidHoffman629

Sam Tyler's face was completely serene as her legs cleared the doorway now that her entire body was mere inches on the out side of the choppers outer hull. Sam had at least three hundred jumps under her belt with a proper parachute of course some of them night jumps into hostile territory so floating in the air anywhere over twenty thousand feet was no big deal. But too find herself floating anywhere up in the air more than a mile off the ground without the comfort of a parachute was a completely different matter all too together. Just as suddenly finding herself falling even out of the chopper Sam's mind was thrown yet another curve ball as her downward momentums was brought too a sudden abrupt bone jarring halt. Sam was trying too wrap her mind around the fact of how that gravity could decide to suddenly come too stop right at this very moment. Sam had too struggle with the buffering air which made her eyes water a bit as she looked around trying too figure out what the Hell was going on. Her mind was emitting sparks trying desperately not too come unglued buttoo take everything in at the very same time. All she could hear was the wind whipping by her head at over a hundred miles an hour. After her heart decided it was tike too start pumping again Sam's mind cleared enough that she was able too look up. Her mind took several seconds too register any kind of action but Sam finally was able too see that there was a pair of hands which were latched tightly onto both of her ankles halting her downward spiral. Sam had too narrow her eyes too finally see clear enough then looked up a little further too see Hannibal Sikes upper body leaning out the jump door too far for even Sam's own liking. She could also just make out another pair of arms with the hands clasped around his narrow waist helping too keep his lower body inside the chopper so he wouldn't join her on
a tandem fall. Either way Sam's mind finally was able too also ascertain connecting the dots that she wasn't going to plunge too the ground and certain death at least not yet anyway. Sam's new lease on life made her mind snap back too the present. Throughout Sam's entire flight through the chopper and then out into the open air the ambient sound around her had fell silent as she prepared too meet her former fate. But now the world around her came crashing back in sounding like a tornado was spinning in her head. "Crap!" Sam mouthed as the wind whipping by drowned out any other kind of sound. She was looking at the lone sphere that was still far too close on their tail. Kiran Lively still piloted the chopper weaving back and forth trying too keep the deadly remaining sphere at a semi distance. But her flying technique was making it difficult for Hannibal too keep a good strong hold on Sam in the process. The idea of possibly burning into the ground at a high rate of speed creped back into the back of Sam's mind yet again. A flash in front of Sam's eyes damn near scared her too death. But her mind seemed too be working on auto pilot now as her hands reached up grabbing at the rope that was trailing out in front of her body. It took several tries but Sam was finally about too get her hands too get a positive grip on the line in front of her. Instinct told her then even though she was upside down Sam could wrap the rope around her waist. She tied it with a solid knot around her waist pulling on the rope too signal whoever haf thrown it that she was now secure. Sam saw Hannibal was mouthing something too her but Sam couldn't hear anything over the rushing wind. Even the mental implant seemed too be muffled but one had too take in account that she was hanging upside down actually out under the bloody chopper. She made a mental note to bring that little short coming with the implants up too Jim Donovan if she got the chance too see him again. Sam had about enough of the circus flying through the air act when out of the blue she was yanked sharply upward. It felt like someone had flipped the switch as Sam was bodily yanked out of the air back into the chopper proper. Sam's body sailed through the door like someone had thrown her back into the chopper. She was all arms and elbows coming down with a crash onto Hannibal's broad rippled chest knocking the wind out of the both of them. She moaned deeply with relief as the pair laid there one on top of the other on the deck unmoving for several for several seconds. It took them both a moment till they were able too take in oxygen at a good calm rate. Sam Tyler rose up a bit till she could look directly into Hannibal's eyes. Sam looked at him for a minute then leaned in kissing him on the lips. Hannibal was still taking millisecond too get his bearings back when their lips met. He was taken aback just a little but then smiled warmly back up at Sam when their lips parted way too soon for his taste. "Thank you times infinity." Sam told Hannibal though her voice was a tad horse from hanging outside the chopper in the open freaking air. Someone just out of Sam's line of sight cleared their throat making Sam and Hannibal turn as one too Jim Donovan who knelt close by the pair rolling up his lasso. "I think I had a little bit too do with it too don't you think?" Jim kicked his Stetson back on his head a mildly hurt look on his face for not garnering his own kiss through the whole show. Sam was about too say something to Jim when Hannibal looked downward drawing Sam attention making her look down at her stomach. There was a pair of familiar arms still wrapped around Hannibal rather wide but stealthy waist. The hands were waving up and down like they were trying too fly. The arms would have been moving too but they was pinned down by Sam's waist which held them tight to Hannibal's belt line. Sam looked back up too Hannibal a confused look on her face then just as quick lights went off in Sam's brain telling her what was up. She rolled off of Hannibal going too the left. Hannibal followed suit rolling too the right clearing the way. Luther Tonaka sat bolt up right looking a good bit pale even for him. When he was fully vertical Luther worked real hard at sucking in a double lung full of air. After a fair amount of oxygen intake and output a little bit of color began too come back too Luther's pale face. He coughed too clear his throat then looked towards Sam a sly smile on his face. "The Big Russian Lug Nut would have fell out of the chopper crushing untold amounts of innocent's if I hadn't been holding onto his bulky arse." Luther snuck a peek towards the Big Russian who was eyeing his team mate sharply from his prone position. "Give me a kiss quick," Luther leaned down towards the Russian his lips ready too smack a wet one on Hannibal's shocked face. Hannibal reached up a big meaty paw which damn near encompassed Luther's entire face. Luther's face broke into a smile around the edges under the hand. "I'll take that too be an affirmative no?" Luther's muffled voice sounded out a little hurt. Hannibal let loose with a string of Russian swear words which didn't bare repeating as he pushed away from Luther's face. After the blood started coming back too his face Luther looked back too Sam a worried look on his face. He leaned in close too Sam as he kept a watchful eye on the Big prone Russian. "I think I poked the Russian Bear on the wrong side." He should have whispered but everyone heard Luther quite clearly earning a good eye roll from Jim. Sam was about too reply getting ready too defend the Oriental from the Big Bad Russia when Kiran Lively's voice sounded in everyone's head from the pilot seat. "The Slap and tickles are all fun till this last energy sphere blows our collective arse into some really minute bits. Can we have the orgy later when I can at least get in on it? " Jim Donovan clapped his hands together then stood back up heading for his former post between Kiran and Evie. Hannibal had too use a strut too pull his large frame back too a standing position. Sam and Luther helped each other too a standing position togther. Mel Picard held her seat the whole time through the acrobatic action watching everything closely from Sam going out the door too the team automatically going into retrieval mode. Mel had been briefed by her Mossad officials about what they knew of the special team with Blackthorne International. But Mel now knew in the short time she had been with this team that Mossad's information about Blackthorne was sorely lacking which was highly unusual for them on anything aspect that they had researched. Jim Donovan the rugged cowboy all knowing all seeing captain of this band of specialist was a true conundrum in and of himself. There is very little background information on one James Macklin Donovan in any data base in the world today which was highly unusual for even the deepest cover secret agent no matter what country he or she was found in. After researching for thirty two straight hours Mel had finally found a small entry that there was told of a possible great great great grandfather of the same name that was a Presidential appointed U.S. Marshal in the late eighteen hundreds. He served the post of Marshal with great distinction. But for reasons Mel could not quite explain all documents as well as any available tin types we're classified and not open too even the best hacker that she could find. Either way Mel hoped too gain as much information that was possible for her too find inside Blackthorne properties including all she could get from Jim Donovan himself. She was grateful for what Jim Donovan and Luther did by saving her life from those things that walked out of that Rift opening. She felt deeply for Bryan Holt the one member of the team that was seriously wounded. But Melody Picard was a Mossad agent down too the bone. Her mission was too gain all available information she could about Blackthorne as well as gaining any and all information on these alien's that they may have in their massive files. She was determined too find out what their goal was then convey it too the appropriate official's.

Kiran still had too fly like a proverbial bat out of Hell too keep the last remaining alien sphere at bay. The other three spheres damn near dropped the chopper out of the air. Their dismise was bone jarring too everyone inside the chopper. But with the four sphere's together they had too jockey for position too get a bead on its fixed target. Now that they were down too just one sphere it seemed too be mission sensitive on tagging the back of the chopper at all costs then too give everyone inside a taste of the ride Samatha Tyler had only moments before. Kiran glanced over too Evie in the copilot seat. She was multitasking with one hand typing information into the tab which was now clipped too her left leg. Evie's right hand held a death grip on the armrest on the right side of her flight chair "Can you check the satellite maps and see if there is a river with a bridge or anything that I can drop down into." Kiran asked as she fly like a manic minutely looking over her left shoulder too get a view of the freaking bloody sphere. Evie nodded her understanding her fingers already moving even faster across the screen. "How is any of that suppose too help us here?" Evie asked as she was already prosing the maps as they appeared on her screen. "She is hoping that if she flies through something narrow enough the sphere might over correct or hit something on either side other than us." Jim Donovan answered Evie's question for Kiran so that she could concentrate on her extreme flying skills. Hannibal came up behind Jim resting a hand on his shoulder. Hannibal leaned in a little closer too get a look at Kiran. "My British sweetness," He queried too Kiran. "Were you serious about wanting in on a orgy?" He asked hopefully the look in his eyes was like that of a small kid about too win a really big prize. "I do know a certain group that is into things like that." Evie and Jim Donovan turned too look back at the Big Russian with a questioning look on each of their faces. Hannibal shrugged his shoulders towards them both. "Even I have too make time in my life for hobbies." Hannibal stated with a broad smile on his face. Kiran snorted a short chuckle of a laugh. "Only if my Big Russian Bear is there too." Kiran had too jerk on the Collective Pitch Level while hitting the throttle sharply trying too keep that sphere at a still plausible safe distance. Kiran worked the Anti Torque pedals making the chopper dance around in the sky. "I've got it!" Evie called out. "About six minutes too our North there is a deep water way that is deep enough too drop into but it has no bridges. It narrows out rather quickly for my taste but that is the closest thing that I can find that will suit your needs. " Evie reached forward imputing the co ordinances into the G500H Flight Display. The dual 6.5" flight displays showed exact topographical maps which automatically moved showing Kiran the exact direction she would need too head for. Kiran pulled on the cycle pitch control column moving the anti torque pedals turning the chopper in the proper direction. "Alright, you all have about four and a half minutes too figure out a way too end the chase with this last sphere." Kiran took a quick glanced too her left looking back at the trailing sphere hoping maybe that it had ran out of fuel or something close too that. But Kiran knew that would never be the case when her Blackthorne team was involved into the mix. "Or this travel will end abruptly on a really downer of a note." Hannibal spun around his face drawn tight which everyone knew that meant the gears were turning in his head working out what can be done too end this chase and blow that last damnable devil too very small bits. Tonaka walked up coming too a stop beside his Favorite Russian Bear. They both were partner's in crime no matter the situation either giving their life for the other if the need ever rose up in an instant. "What do we need too do as a team too fix this?" He asked running through his own line of possibilities in his head. Sam Tyler even though she had about plunged too her death joined the group running through possible courses of action. "What about the cargo bay door?" Melody Picard threw in her two cents worth into the group. "Between the four of us I think we should be able too blow that whirling bugger too bits." Sam and Luther nodded their heads in approval at Mel's idea. Hannibal turned back towards Jim Donovan looking in on Kiran again. "How far are we from our destination?" was Hannibal's first question. "And how wide is this gorge or water way we are about too drop into?" Kiran looked over too the screen on the GH500 Flight display which was locked on too the co ordinance that Evie had just punched in earlier. "From what I can see the gorge is just wide enough too drop into with the chopper leaving only about thirty foot on either side of our main rotors." Kiran explained but her mind was telling her that was way too close for comfort. But she also hoped that it would wind up being too tight for the sphere too stay on course following the chopper. Kiran had driven enough trailing bogey's in an aerial dog fight into tight enough places that the other pilot would over correct as they tried in vain too lock missiles onto her tail end slamming them into a hillside or the nearest shear rock face. Hannibal ran through all the calculations in his head he could muster from Kiran's information. He turned too Jim Donovan a smile on his face. "I have a plan." Hannibal admitted but Jim could tell from the smile on his friend's face that he wasn't going too be to keen on Hannibal's plan. "My Dearest Kiran," Hannibal advised over the comlink. "When you drop into the gorge. Can you still fly comfortably enough with the cargo bay door down?" Hannibal pointed a thumb back over his shoulder. "The most lovely Mrs Picard actually has a lovely mind too suggest we shot the lone struggler still following us." Kiran Lively shrugged her shoulders too Hannibal's request. "Want be any worst too fly than we're doing right at the present. But if you are planning on using those alien weapons on the sphere. I have too advise that in the narrow confines of the gorge the blast path will be funneled into us a Hell of a lot faster than when we are flying out in the open like we are for the next minute forty five seconds." Hannibal turned back around looking into Sam Tyler and Luther Tonaka's face. "Kiran," Hannibal called back too her again over the open comlink. "You told me a story once of doing a barrel roll in a Blackhawk helicopter. Do you think you can do the same maneuver in this crate?" Kiran sucked in a shuttering sharp breath as she quickly mulled over Hannibal's question. "I have too stop drinking vodka with you." Kiran swore too herself under her breath but Evie and Jim Donovan heard what she said. "Thirty seconds from dropping into the gorge." Kiran called out with the slightest bit of tension in her voice. "The answer too your question is yes. I barrel rolled a Blackhawk dancing around a Laws rocket strike. As for this crate doing the same thing." Kiran Lively looked over towards Evie then Jim Donovan. "we'll just have too go for broke." Jim Donovan looked at Kiran a worried look on his face. "If you're sure do it." He then turned too look at Hannibal and the rest of the crew. "Don't freaking miss." Kiran steeled her nerves taking in a slow deep breath then releasing just as slowly.

"Going in now!" Kiran  called out over the coms as she dropped the chopper into the narrow gorge with a flourish. Everyone's stomach fluttered for a moment as the chopper dropped altitude quite rapidly. Kiran hoped beyond Hades that no birds flew up into their flight path scared out by the big mechanical rotor blades stirring them up from their habitat. Evie as well as Jim Donovan suddenly had too reach out grabbing at the nearest thing they could get a hold on. The chopper felt like they were on a roller coaster dropping over the first really big drop heading for the next even bigger one's yet too come. Evie and Jim each in turn sucked in a breath which they hoped sucked in the outer hull of the chopper in if only a few millimeters or fucking inches whichever came first. The energy sphere looped down into the gorge on a tight path right behind the chopper almost as if they were tethered together by an invisible line. The rest of the team in the cargo area were already moving into action as the rear cargo bay doors was opening in front of them. Hannibal and Sam were taking up their weapons yet again hopefully for the final successful round. Luther Tonaka was digging through his pack of toys looking for anything that could help. Melody Picard looked through the open cargo bay door towards the sphere that was a Hell of a lot closer to the choppers tail end. She casually pulled a special cellphone from a pocket on her cargo pants. Mel palmed the phone in her right hand then held her hand close too her right leg. The normal looking cellphone was a creation from the special tech's back at Mossad. This compact little device could film or record anything anywhere never appearing too be even powered on. The phone recorded everything that it could of the energy sphere since now she had a semi unobstructed view of the flying menace. Mel knew that any information on the sphere would prove valuable too her later. Any and all information could prove even more valuable too the Tech's and researcher back at Mossad's central headquarters. They had been gathering any alien ware they came across from the rare number of Rift openings at home and around the globe. The American saying might be that "By Hook or crook." Mossad agents gathered any alien ware for the good of their native country. Mossad has of yet been unsuccessful to date too get their hands on an actual living breathing alien. But for Mossad it wasn't for the lack of trying. She had been present at an alien spaceship crash. The military had over stepped their bounds by shooting the bleeding thing out of the sky. Their excuse of course was they assumed that it was Russian in origin and was sent there too spy on secret military installations. She was there when they pulled two alien forms from the shot up wreckage. It was odd too Mel that the two victims looked semi human. She half expected them too look like the typical short thinned torso with a huge head and eyes. The pair from first appearance where average height around five foot too five six. Their limbs and fingers were longish compared too Earth humans. The remainder of their bodies appeared through skin tight suits too be of close proportion too our own. The heads were completely hairless with thin slits for eyes. No kind of nose too speak of but the lips though colorless was close too humans. It wasn't  till later the Mel learned from the autopsy that the two aliens were indeed one male and one female. From that day onward Mel preferred too stick strictly with the techincal portions of any secret purposed alien investigation. The chopper bucked a little snapping Melody back too the task at hand.

"What are you thinking of trying?" Sam Tyler asked Hannibal while they each took up their alien weaponry they had used earlier. Hannibal grinned as he looked too Sam. That smile the big Russian Lug gave her was unnerving but she smiled back at him as well all ears. "I think it is what they say in your country a Hail Mary Play." As Hannibal spoke he waved for Luther Tonaka too come over and join their little huddle. "Bring your bow and explosive arrows over with you please." Luther nodded quickly getting too his feet snatching up his bow and his quiver of arrows. He moved in closer beside Hannibal and Sam joining the band of merry soldier's. Sam turned her eyes too Melody Picard minutely as Mel stood there off by herself looking out the cargo bay door at the trailing final sphere. A very loud mental bell was ringing incessantly in Sam's head that there was something about Mel's  demeanor that bothered her deeply. Sam could not put her finger on it right at the present but later into the mission when things quieted down a little Sam planned on getting with Donovan and discussing Mrs Picard at some lenght comparing notes between them. They would be discussing Melody Picard and the strange feelings Sam was having about Mel maybe having a second more  secret agenda. She had shrugged it off upon their first meeting. But Sam would have swore in court on a stack of bibles that she knew Mel from somewhere. That they had crossed paths at some time or another. Sam's time through the military took her literally around the world which made Sam think that their crossing must have happened while she was over seas on a mission. She had met plenty of different people in and out of the military. But Sam couldn't shake the feeling that there was more too Mel Picard than met the eye. Hannibal touched Sam's right elbow bringing her back too the here and now. "Come back too the Helicopter, Mrs. Tyler." Hannibal smiled as he said it but was looking into Sam's eyes too make sure she was alright. Sam shook her head trying too get back in the game. "I'm here all's cool." she quickly reassured Hannibal who winked back at her. "Luther," Hannibal started off again. "You hit that energy sphere with on of those exploding arrows a little bit ago. You think you can do it again?" Luther waved his arms from side too side like he was riding a gnarly rogue wave. "You bet your huge Russian Butt I can." Luther stated with a board smile on his face course he knew full well that Hannibal had complete confidence in his partner. He readied a arrow with the Symtex loaded arrow head then waited for Hannibal too state what the rest of his plan entailed. The Big Russian turned too Sam next who was standing by close at hand inspecting the Cyclone Cannon making sure it was ready too fire upon command. "I want you too hit the sphere with the Cyclone Cannon after Luther's arrow is enveloped inside the bright bugger." Hannibal held up the Gravity Void rifle up. "I'll fire the Gravity Void rifle after the Cyclone grabs hold of the freaking little energy sphere holding it till we were a semi safe distance from the boom soon too follow. Then Kiran will perform a very well executed barrel roll with the chopper which I have great hopes will flip us out of the path of the vortex when it closes down on the sphere."  Hannibal fell silent waiting for the input he usually got from his team mate. Sam Tyler turned towards Luther leaning in so he could hear her well enough as she spoke out loud. "Are you sure I couldn't just fall back out of the chopper again?" Sam asked Luther a completely straight look on her face. Luther face broke into a wicked smile leaning in closer too Sam looking around himself before he spoke. "I'll be a pal and jump out first too break your fall. Remember aim for the red spotty Oriental all over the ground." Sam and Luther both turned too face Hannibal who stared back at them his face totally without humor. He rolled his eyes groaning. I'll have you know that can very well be arranged. But I think our comrade boss Donovan would not approve." All three of them burst into broad bright smiles all around. Then the three of them bumped closed fists together heading closer too the open cargo bay door in the back of the chopper too the task at hand.

Kiran Lively was concentrating very freaking hard too keep the chopper from shearing off a rotor blade on any of the spare trees which clinging too the rocky face or a rogue out cropping of rocks. Evie was still in the passenger seat white knuckling the dash in front of her with her left hand but her right hand was doing something on the tablet in her lap. Evie looked up sharply after she read the information from the tablet as it spilled across the screen. "I hate too disturb Kiran," Evie stated a tad bit of urgency in her voice. "But I have received some distressing new from the latest satellite feed you my find of urgent importance." Kiran shot back never taking her eyes from the view in front of her. "I find myself a tad preoccupied right at the moment. But please do feel free too tell me quickly."
Evie push a strained lilt in her voice telling everyone that what she was about too tell them was not going too be good. Jim Donovan leaned in closer too Evie. "Tell me Sweet Lady. I aren't flying the chopper." Jim Donovan tried too ease Evie's worry but could see right off the bat that it wasn't working all that well. "In about eight minutes this gorge ends into a really narrow arse little creek. So needless too say we are running out of road real quickly." Evie explained but was semi happier too see that same unhappy look she had just had on her Big Chief's face. Kiran glanced over her shoulder looking too the back of the chopper. "Hey, You Big Arse Russian." She called out loud enough too be heard out loud throughout the cargo area. "If you are going too save the damn day. DO IT NOW! We'll being running out of road here real soon!" She said that last part even louder too make sure Hannibal heard her. He laughed a short chuckle then nodded to Luther too go ahead and line up his shot. "On it as we speak, my Sweet British Crumpet!" Hannibal could see that Sam was readying the Cyclone cannon so that she could fire the second Luther's Symtex tipped arrow hit home. "When I yell go. Flip this Pig over the edge of the canyon as fast as you can." Hannibal advised Kiran who threw him a quick thumbs up that she understood then resumed flying the chopper. Hannibal nodded too Luther that it was now or never. Luther slowly pulled back on the string of his bow which was handed down in his family for the last hundred or more years. The bow was over sized compared too your average everyday bow that any bow hunter would carry. Luther as he held the bow in hand sighting down the length of the arrows body both his arms were rock steady. Hannibal knew full well that the bow's pull strength was a good sixty pounds without any assistance like you would have with a compound bow. Luther had schooled Hannibal in the art of bow shooting telling him that the heavy pull on his bow allowed for distances and better accuracy. Luther's hands never waivered as he kept a tight bead on the last sphere as it held onto an ever  tightening trail behind the chopper. Luther was waiting for the exact right moment when the sphere veered a hair enough off course that he could send his Symtex arrow flying. But Luther was equally aware that they were running out of road and fast so their time was limited on the destruction of this blasted energy ball. "We are running out of road in three minutes and counting!" Kiran called out yet again over the coms. "Tick bleeding tock, People!" she added for clarity of the ever closer coming possible outcome for their flight. Luther tuned out everything around him the air rushing by, the alarms sounding becoming one with the shot. Then in a flash the energy spread swerved too the left ever so slightly. The bow string sang as he let the arrow fly out the cargo bay door. "It's away!" Luther yelled rolling out of the way too the right allowing Sam Tyler too suddenly take his spot. Sam already had the Cyclone Cannon primed ready too fire. She extended her left hand too full extension as her eyes followed the path of the arrow. Sam could not fire until the arrow struck home waiting till the exact moment that the arrow entered the center of the energy ball. When that occurred Sam would trigger the Cyclone Cannon its own bolt of energy would envelope the ball as well as Luther Symtex load bolt. The arrows path rang true hitting the sphere center mass. Sam triggered the Cannon and the cyclone envelope the energy ball causing it too stop dead in its tracks. The Symtex exploded producing a bright yellow flash with white smoke around the edges. The explosive force was being contained inside the churning energy of the cyclone.  Sam lowered her weapon rolling away too the left. "It's all you , Hannibal." Sam called out as Hannibal stepped up holding the Gravity Void rifle ready too fire. All this was transpiring in a matter of seconds but those seconds were costing the whole Blackthorne team distance which they were running out of real quickly. "Hannibal," it was Jim Donovan's turn too speak up standing there between Kiran and Evie. "Anytime in the next two milliseconds would be greatly appreciated!" Jim stressed trying to not sound too worried that they were all about too go to the Happy Hunting ground. All the spirits would need is a sponge and a bucket and the whole crew would be together a tad soupy but together. Hannibal held his breath as he watch the Cyclone spinning enlarging with each yard it crossed. The cyclone twister enveloped the exploded energy spear which was trying too reacquire its target. When the spinning cyclone fully surrounded the spear completely Hannibal squeezed the trigger of the Void Gravity rifle. The cyclone halted the spears forward motion long enough so that the gravity void shot could get too a suitable size and distance away from the chopper. Hannibal slammed a large meaty paw on the cargo door switch which made it all too slowly move too it's closed position. Hannibal also wrapped a arm around Sam Tyler's waist pulling her bodily too him grabbing a strut with his left hand as he had already discarded the Gravity Void rifle. "Kiran, Flip this Bitch!" Hannibal roared. "Everyone else grab something quickly this ride is about too get really bumpy." Luther Tonaka and Melody Picard each in turn jumped into a seat strapping themselves down in record time. Kiran looked over too Evie then nodded as she began the technique of doing a barrel roll in the chopper. The right side of the gorge had trees growing all the way too the very edge of the rocky hill side. The left side had trees spaced at irregular intervals which Kiran had too take into account as she began the roll. The chopper made it up too seventy five percent into the roll heading too the left hand bank side just clearing an opening through the tree line large enough for the chopper. When the Gravity Void collapsed into itself it crushed the cyclone twister and the last broken up spear within the void. Luckily for everyone involved it was only a single spear explosion but with the implosion happened inside the tight confides of the rocky gorge the force from the spear and the void collapse was amped up in the tight confides of the area. Kiran knew that there were only about a dozen flier's that she knew personally that could pull this trick off and live too tell about it. The chopper was committed into the flip when the explosive force pushed against the chopper's body flipping it the rest of the way one hundred percent through the flip. When the chopper finally righted itself with the landing gear facing the ground Kiran struggled like a good bronco rider too keep the chopper flying. Hannibal held tightly too Sam Tyler holding her against his big meaty frame as they were thrown around up against the wall of the chopper. Luther Tonaka and Mel Picard faired a little better after being strapped in but their body's flopped around like crash test dumbies being thrown off the side of a mountain. Jim Donovan was the consolment cowboy riding the bucking chopper like a pro. He lost his cowboy hat but staying alive was semi more important too Jim right at thie present moment. Kiran sucked in a sharp breath as she took quick notice that the ground was rushing up at her and the team. " Bollocks!We're about too hit heavy!" Kiran roared trying too fly the heavy arse chopper. To a soft flipping landing. Evie still in the passenger seat reached up gripping Jim's belt line pulling him down too his knees beside Evie and the passenger seat. Then the shit really hit the fan after that.


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