A missing piece... The other...

By 3HaNaNa3

156K 5.6K 785

Salvatore Smith meets a woman with whom he shared few nights after loosing his wife. It was 12 years ago, sh... More

Chapter 1 - Fumiko Tanaka...
Chapter 2 - Make a choice...
Chapter 3 - I am your father...
Chapter 4 - Strangers...
Chapter 6 - She was murdered...
Chapter 7 - Time to say Goodbye...
Chapter 8 - Make your choice...
Chapter 9 - One day after another...
Chapter 10 - New School...
Chapter 11 - New friend...
Chapter 12 - Where is Suki???
Chapter 13 - Onii-san...
Chapter 14 - School bully...
Chapter 15 - Otรด-san...
Chapter 16 - Normal days...
Chapter 17 - A day with you...
Chapter 18 - Paparazzi...
Chapter 19 - Takeshiro Tanaka...
Chapter 20 - Happy birthday Mom...
Chapter 21 - Unexpected visit...
Chapter 22 - Gianni's training...
Chapter 23 - Weird...
Chapter 24 - Fight at school...
Chapter 25 - Valentina...
Chapter 26 - Uncle's attack...
Chapter 27 - Feelings...
Chapter 28 - Long night...
Chapter 29 - Mr Rossi...
Chapter 30 - The package...
Chapter 31 - Back to school...
Chapter 32 - School Festival?
Chapter 33 - Shopping with the twins...
Chapter 34 - Dinner with Gianni...
Chapter 35 - School Festival, part 1
Chapter 36 - School Festival, part 2
Chapter 37 - School Festival, part 3
Chapter 38 - Guilt...
Chapter 39 - An Angel & A Devil...
Chapter 40 - A special day with Father...

Chapter 5 - Give me a chance...

4.6K 137 3
By 3HaNaNa3

Suki was not happy to have to leave her mother and she followed Salvatore only because she didn't want to worry Fumiko. The little girl kept in mind that the situation was only temporary. In few days, they will be back home, finding back their lives.

The ride back home was silent in the car. Gabriel was on his own car, just like Dante. Suki was with her father, his assistant and a bodyguard. Salvatore was still thinking about his talk with Fumiko.

When the car parked in front of the house, a guard had to open the door for Salvatore to notice that they were arrived.

Suki followed him inside and asked permission to go to her bedroom. The head of the family told her that she didn't need his permission to do something in the house. She was free to go everywhere, even in the huge garden, just not in the side house where he and his sons could have work to do. Suki stayed in her bedroom until she was called for dinner. The ambiance was as tense as in the morning.

The boys were focusing on the food, ignoring the little girl. Only Enzo nodded to her when she entered the dining room. Salvatore encouraged her to eat and that's when he wondered if she had eaten something since her breakfast. It was usual for him and his eldest sons to skip meals, but he forgot that he was now responsible of that little girl. He couldn't expect from her to eat correctly 3 times per day if himself, was not capable to remember that she had to eat.

Salvatore: Try this, Aldo prepared this especially for you.

Suki: Thank you. (She didn't want to protest and will taste the food.)

Salvatore: Someone will rearrange a new room for you soon. I noticed that you didn't bring a lot of clothes, we can take you for shopping if...

Suki: It's... not necessary... (She looked down.)... the bedroom is good...

Salvatore: It's a room for guests.

Davide: She is a guest... it's appropriate... (He laughed at his remark.)

Vito: Guest is a too kind word to describe her... (He laughed too.)

Salvatore glared at his sons. He was hoping that this will be enough to make them shut up, but they continued to murmur nasty comments. Gabriel was less patient with his brothers. 

Gabriel: Both of you, in the gym room, now.

Davide: What the f... (He didn't finish his sentence.) Damn... just because of that piece of shit!

Salvatore: Davide!

Gabriel: (He stood up.) Keep going... (His anger was visible.)

Vito: When is she leaving so that we can have a normal dinner?

Dante: Very soon...

Suki: Ex... excuse me... I am full, can I leave the table?

Suki knew that she was the cause of the dispute between the brothers. She didn't want that. She didn't like to be the center of the attention... or in that case, the center of the tensions.

Enzo: I'm done too. (He stood up.) Eh kid, let's go... I'm going up too.

Suki looked at Salvatore to have his approval and he nodded with an apologetic smile. Gabriel didn't look at the little girl, he was too ashamed for that. Ashamed of his brothers' behavior. They were not the kindest guys after their mother's accident but with Suki, it was too much. She was innocent in that story; she didn't deserve so much hate from people she shared blood with.

Salvatore: Until when do you plan to act like that?

Davide: Until she leaves our house!

Salvatore: (He sighed.) Is it that difficult to not be total assholes?

Gianni: (He smirked.) It's in our nature, I guess...

Gabriel: I will have to work harder to change that unpleasant nature...

Gabriel took off his jacket and walked toward the corridor. Vito and Davide had no choice but to follow their eldest brother for what will be for sure, an intense training session.

Gianni: The kids only express their anger, it's a normal behavior.

Salvatore: No, it's not a normal behavior to have with siblings. Every time that one of you make a shitty comment to or about Suki, Gabriel is hurt... he is my son, my eldest son, but only your half brother. Why is it different from Suki?

Dante: It's different...

Salvatore: How?

Gianni: There is nothing to explain, it's just different!

The conversation ended there, Dante and Gianni left. They planned to go out and to pass the night at one of their club. Alcohol, women, buddies... perfect combo to forget their problems.


After leaving the dining room, Suki walked behind Enzo like a baby duck following his mother. The young man didn't know why he had felt the need to intervene. He stopped in front of the guests' room.

Enzo: Is your mother feeling better?

Salvatore: (She looked at him.) Ah... yes, she woke up... thank you.

Enzo: Hum... good... (Suki was about to enter the room.) Hey... the guys are not really fond of you for now but maybe... with time... things will change... and if you don't do anything to piss them off... even if, you never really did something to piss them off but... what I want to say is that they will calm down... they value family the most.

Suki: Good night Mr Enzo...

Enzo: Mr Enzo? The fu**! I'm not that old to be called mister. Don't say that again! It's Enzo, just Enzo! Understood?! (She nodded.)... hum... go to sleep or whatever... mister... idiot...

He mumbled the last part while heading to his bedroom. Suki closed the door of the room, did her night routine and laid under the blanket. Another day had passed, another day in, what she thought, a hostile environment, far from her mother. If only she had hidden better the day Gabriel came to her house. She wouldn't be obliged to live here. 

That evening, Gabriel took out his anger on Vito and Davide, by making them repeating exercises after exercises until they could barely walk. Around midnight, Salvatore stopped by Suki's room. He opened the door but didn't dare to enter and went to sleep, feeling sorry.

The next day, Suki woke up pretty early. She wanted to go and see her mother as soon as possible. She took a shower, wore the clothes that she brought, a simple black pants and a purple sweat.

She came out of the bedroom quietly, to not bother anyone and headed to the kitchen. She was welcomed by Aldo. He asked her what she wanted for breakfast, and she said that a simple tea was enough. The Chef was busy preparing the food for everyone and served her a hot black tea, hoping that she would eat with her family later. She thanked him and sat on one of the kitchen chair.

Suki: Mr Aldo... (He looked at her with a smile.) Excuse me to bother you during your work... do you know if I can buy Japanese products in the area?

Chef Aldo: If you want to eat Japanese food, I can buy and prepare it for you, just tell me.

Suki: It's not for me... I want to prepare something for my mom...

Chef Aldo: I am afraid there is nothing near this propriety. It is a residential area, there is no shop... but you can ask Mr Smith.

Suki: Thank you, I don't want to bother Mr Smith.

Chef Aldo: It will not be the case. I can try to find something for tomorrow, is it okay for you?

Suki: Thank you so much. (She took out of her pocket the pouch with her money.) Please, if you can buy...

Gianni: What's this for?

Gianni was coming back from the gym room once again, judging by his outfit. He had taken off his t-shirt and had it hanging on his shoulder. When he saw Suki handing money to Aldo, he grabbed it.

Chef Aldo: Miss Suki, you don't need to give me money, the allowance for food supplies is enough.

Suki: I...

Gianni: What do you take my family for? (He put the money on the kitchen island.) It' not even what we spend for a morning coffee... (He took a bottle of milk in the fridge.)

Suki: (She took her money.) Sorry...

Chef Aldo: Miss Suki, if you give me a list of what you want, I will find a way to buy them for you.

Suki: Thank you Mr Aldo.

Gianni drunk the entire bottle of milk in two sips. He stayed there and stared at the little girl, making her feel uncomfortable. He was looking at her like a hunter and his prey. After only one minute, she couldn't stay there. She excused herself and left the kitchen, but the pressuring feeling was still present. She slowly turned to watch behind her and startled because Gianni was just there, with his piercing eyes.

Gianni: What's wrong? (He smirked.) Afraid? (She looked down and stepped back.) Pff... such a scared little kitten... (She was trapped between him and the wall.)... a very little scared thing...

Suki: I am sorry... I... I don't want... to disturb you... please... let me go...

Gianni: You should not wander around alone... get out of here! 

Gianni still had his diabolic smirk on his face. He let Suki go. She ran to the stairs but was stopped by a strong hand grabbing her arm. She instinctively put her hand in front of her in a defense way. 

Salvatore: Suki... what... why are you running like that? Something happened?

Suki: I am sorry... (She looked behind and Gianni was still there.)

Gianni: This place is not a playground... little savage... (He passed near them and headed upstairs.)

Salvatore: Gianni... that guy... Suki, you have to be careful in the house, I don't want you to hurt yourself. Did you have your breakfast already? You woke up pretty early.

Suki: Hum. Can I go see mom today?

Salvatore: Let's talk around breakfast. (He released her arm and put his hand on her back.) Gabriel will join us in a minute.

Suki followed her father and sat at his left. Aldo arrived with Salvatore's coffee and food was already displayed on the table.

Gabriel and Dante entered the dining room together. They sat after greeting their father. Gabriel seemed preoccupied. 

Suki: Mr Smith... can I go see mom today please.

Salvatore: (He closed his eyes few seconds.) Suki... If it's so difficult for you to call me Dad, at least, call me Salvatore but not Mr Smith, please. (She didn't answer him.) With Gabriel, we have an important meeting today and we will not be able to take you to the hospital.

Suki: I can take the bus.

Salvatore: No way. (He looked at Dante who sighed.) I know that it is important for you, so Dante will drive you to see Fumiko.

Suki: I really can take the bus; I don't want to...

Salvatore: I said No. We already talked about that with Dante, and he will take you to the hospital then home, right Dante?

Dante: Apparently, driver is my new job...

Gabriel: Thank you, Dante, for your time. 

Salvatore: Tomorrow, I will take you to your school, and when your classes are over, I can drive you to the hospital.

Suki: Okay... Do you know when Mom will be able to go back home?

Salvatore: I am sure that Fumiko is in good hands, with the best doctors of the hospital and soon, she will have recover enough to go home. In few days, you will have your mother with you.

Suki: hum... I miss her... (She murmured.)

Dante: We are leaving in 30 minutes, be ready! (She nodded and excused herself to go to the bedroom to finish to prepare herself.)

Salvatore: Dante, I know that it is not easy for you to accept Suki but please, be nice with her today or at least, don't be mean.

Dante: As I said, I will just be her driver and only because you asked me to do it. I am doing you that favor, by respect for you, that's all.

Salvatore: Thank you. Gabriel, are you ready? (He nodded.) See you tonight... ah... one more thing, make sure that she has lunch today.

Salvatore and his eldest son left in a black SUV. Dante finished his breakfast and stopped by his bedroom to grab his phone, jacket and gun.

When Dante came downstairs, Suki was ready, waiting for him. She didn't want to make him angry, knowing that he was not driving her by his own will.

The ride to the hospital was silent. Suki was on the back seat and focused her attention on the streets, trying to catch where were the bus stop or the closest store.

After Dante parked the car at the parking lot, Suki walked behind him until they reached her mother's room. A nurse was helping her to eat a soup. Suki asked if she could help her mother and the nurse was nicely surprised by that little girl offer. She thanked her to be a good daughter and left.

Dante didn't want to stay in the room so after dropping Suki at the VIP floor, he went to the cafeteria and killed the time on his phone. He even flirted with one of the nurse who was on break.

Fumiko Tanaka: Suki, when I will leave the hospital... do you want to continue to see your father? I know that it was only the two of us until now, but if you want you can spend time with him too.  

Suki: I don't know. Mr Smith is kind... but his sons don't like me. Mr Gabriel is kind too in fact, but I know that no one wants to have me in their house... Mr Smith took me in... only because he felt guilty... I know that I am the fruit of a... mistake...

Fumiko Tanaka: Suki, why do you say that?! Don't think like that about you! I love you; you are... my precious daughter. Did Salvatore say that to you? (She had teary eyes.)

Suki: Not to me... to his sons... but I understand...

Fumiko Tanaka: Mommy is sorry... it's my fault...

Suki: (She shook her head in disapproval.) Okasan... you are the best mom that I could wish for... I don't need anyone else except you.

Fumiko Tanaka: I am the lucky one to have a beautiful and smart girl like you... so let's continue just like before... you and me... we can even move to another city, discover something new...

For lunch, Dante brought delivery food for Suki. Fumiko had a tray from the nurse. He also informed Suki that he needed to go somewhere and that he will pick her up in two hours and to not leave the room until his return.

The 2 hours became more than 3 hours, but it was not to displease the little girl. When Dante finally came back, he pressed Suki, to go home. His attitude was cold and, it broke Fumiko's heart to have to let her daughter with people that were clearly not happy to see her.

2 hours after their departure and just before the official end of the visit hours, Salvatore entered Fumiko's room.

Salvatore: Fumiko... you're not asleep? Good... how are you doing today? (He had a warm smile.)

Fumiko Tanaka: Salvatore... I didn't expect to see you. Suki... told me that you were busy...

Salvatore: I was, the meeting ended earlier than I thought.

Fumiko Tanaka: You didn't have to come here. You should be home with your family.

Salvatore: I wanted to talk to you... about Suki.

Fumiko Tanaka: I know... I am sorry to have asked you to take care of her... it caused troubles to your family. I will ask the doctor if I can be discharged tomorrow so you won't have to bother yourself with her.

Salvatore frowned. His gaze darken a bit at Fumiko's words.

Salvatore: What do you mean by that? I am glad to be there for her.

Fumiko Tanaka: Salvatore... She heard you... saying that... she was a mistake... she knows that she is not welcomed in your family... I don't want to see my daughter sad and rejected...

Salvatore: Fumiko, it was not my intention. I was not talking about Suki, but my behavior toward you that was a mistake. I shouldn't have used you to forget my own sadness... and I am grateful to you, to have raise a beautiful and kind little girl like Suki... My regret is to not have been present for her... but now, I can be there for her, as a father.

Fumiko Tanaka: I am sorry Salvatore... But we will leave that city as soon as I find a new place for us.

Salvatore: What? No... you can't do that... I... I just found out that I have a daughter, you can not leave like that... please, give me a chance to be a good father for her...

Fumiko Tanaka: And what about your sons? You have to think about their feelings too and if you really care about Suki, to hers too.

Salvatore: I care about Suki, just like I care about my sons. I understand your concerns, but I want a chance to get to know her. And if it's too difficult for Suki to come to my house, she will not have to. I will visit you; I will take her to many places... please...

Fumiko could feel the sincerity of Salvatore. Seeing his interest for his daughter was a nice feeling, something that she never had for herself from her own father.

Fumiko Tanaka: I will talk with Suki again tomorrow... but I can't promise you anything.

Salvatore: Thank you.

Salvatore stayed with Fumiko one more hour and he asked her few questions about their lives, about what Suki liked or not. It was a nice moment for both of them.

When Salvatore went home, the twins were watching a movie. Vito was on his phone in the garden, probably with a girl.

Chef Aldo had already left but he put Salvatore's dinner on the kitchen island. The businessman was not hungry and directly went upstairs to talk to his daughter. He knocked at the door and found her reading a book.

Salvatore: Suki... Did you have a good day? (She nodded.) Great. Are you ready for school tomorrow? (She nodded.) Did you have dinner with your brothers?

Suki: Mr Gabriel called me for dinner.

Salvatore: Mr Gabriel should be called Brother or Gabriel, not Mister... but I guess you need few more days for that. (He smiled.) I saw your mother earlier; she is recovering well.

Suki: You went to the hospital after your meeting?

Salvatore: Yes, Fumiko is someone whom I care about, she is your mother, and I care about you a lot... even if we only met few days ago, it doesn't change the fact that you are my daughter... and that I am lucky to be your father... a father who needs to improve and I hope that you will give me a chance to show you that I can be a good father for you.

Suki stared at Salvatore for long seconds. Did he really care about her? Was she ready to give him a chance? 

Suki: You... I... I don't know...

Salvatore: I know... It's not easy, right? To open your heart to someone that you barely know. We can maybe give ourselves time to get to know each others? We can find a way; I am sure of that.

Suki: Okay...

Salvatore: That's great. I will let you rest now; you need to be in good shape for your classes. I will wake you up tomorrow morning. Goodnight Suki.

Suki: Goodnight...

The night passed quietly. The next morning, as promised, Salvatore went to wake up his daughter, but when he entered the bedroom, she was already up and ready. They went downstairs for breakfast and the three youngest brothers were at the dining table. They had to go to school too. Suki was surprised to see Vito wearing a uniform.

As usual, the boys didn't exchange a word with Suki. Even Enzo seemed colder this morning. Chef Aldo has prepared a lunch-box for the little girl, not knowing how her school worked.

When it was time, Suki left with Salvatore, a car was waiting for them. When she got on the car next to her father, she saw the twins leaving in their own car and Vito in another one.

After 25 minutes, they reached near the public school where Suki followed her classes. It was 5 minutes walk from her apartment and very different from his youngest son's private school or the twins' prestigious university.

Salvatore will have to ask his assistant to check the level of security of that school and also the ranking of the school regarding the quality of the teaching. His daughter deserved the best education possible.

Suki: Euh... excuse-me... is it possible to stop the car here?

Salvatore: Why here? Your school is at the corner of the road.

Suki: I don't want people see me... coming out from that fancy car.

Salvatore: Okay... Stop the car... (He took a few bills from his wallet.) Here, take this, if you need to buy something.

Suki: (She shook her head.) Thank you but I don't need money.

Salvatore: Just in case... (She shook her head once again.)... you're tough at negotiation young lady... I'm going to pick you up this afternoon, if something happened, you can call me... hold on, you do have a mobile, right?

Suki: Yes.

Salvatore: Give it to me. (She took it from her bag.) I register my number and Gabriel's one. (He texted himself to have her number.) I can't believe that I didn't think about that earlier... your father really needs to improve himself...

Suki: (She put her phone into her bag.) Thank you for the ride.

Salvatore: Have a good day and be careful...

Suki nodded and got out. She walked the few meters separating her from the school entry. The car stayed there until she passed the gate.

School was not the favorite place of Suki. Not because she didn't like to study but more because of her classmates. She was not the popular type and girls of her age could be very mean with each others. Her atypic eyes color was also something the other kids liked to laugh about. More because of jealousy than because it was ugly. Suki was a beautiful little girl, and the important word here was little. She was smaller than her classmates. She just found out that her father was a tall and well-built man, just like her half-brothers, but her, she took after her mother petite figure.

 And unfortunately, girls were not the only to make fun of Suki. Boys liked to push her or scare her to impress the girls. It was stupid but they were teenagers, and most of them didn't think by themselves, following the group's behavior, even if it was bad.

But for now, Suki had to go to her first class, English. One of her motto, one at a time... each hour passed was a small victory. Like that, lunch break came and then, the entire day passed. 

The bell rang, announcing the end of the class. Suki grabbed her stuffs and left the classroom. Her father was supposed to come pick her up and she preferred if he could wait for her at the same spot that he dropped her this morning. She took her phone to text him for the first time when she saw a message from him. He was stuck in a meeting and asked Dante to take her to the hospital. Dante... again. 

He was probably already outside, showing his bad boy attitude to everyone, ready to yell at her for being slow to come out. She hurried to get out of the school and tried her best to make a way through the crowd of students.

She was now outside and looking around to spot Dante. A group with 3 girls and 2 boys of her grade were behind her and one of the girl pushed Suki, making her phone falling on the ground. Instead of apologizing, they laughed. When Suki bent to pick up her phone, one of the boy of the group kicked it and laughed even more loudly. They left after that, being satisfied of their actions.  

Dante was parked in the right front of the school. He was leaning against his brand-new sports car, staring at the kids coming out. He was annoyed to have to play the driver once again, but he couldn't say no to his father.

Even in the crowd, he immediately spotted Suki. She was smaller than most of the other children and there wasn't a lot of Asian people living in that neighborhood. At her attitude, she was probably looking for him but before she could see him, a girl pushed her, and a boy kicked in her phone.

Dante made a light move at the view of the scene in front of him but refrained himself to intervene. Of course, she was bullied, it was like noted in her face, easy prey. But he refused to acknowledge that it pissed him off. Otherwise, it would mean, recognize that he cared for her, and he didn't want to care about her. So, he waited, without moving.

Suki took back her phone and looked up again to find Dante. She saw him, waiting with an annoyed expression. She quickly joined him and apologized for letting him wait.

Suki: Sorry... I was too long...

Dante: Pff... Get in the car... (She sat on the back seat.) I see that you have good friends at school...

Suki didn't answer Dante's remark, that clearly showed that he saw what happened with her classmates. She was embarrassed and ashamed, at the same time.

Dante stared at her blushing face through the rear mirror and drove to the hospital, in silence.

He parked at the same place than the day before and they took the elevator to the VIP floor. Despite being in the middle of the afternoon, the floor was quiet.

Not knowing why, Dante's senses were on alert. Something was different than the other days.

They arrived at Fumiko's room and Suki slowly opened the door. She stepped inside and she saw her mother's right arm dangling out of the bed. She came closer and yelled, alerting Dante.

Suki: Okasan!!! Okasan!!!!!

Dante: Fu**!!!!

Suki tried to go closer to her mother, but Dante grabbed her by her waist with one arm and with the other one, he blocked Suki's view with his hand. He couldn't let her witness the scene in front of them for longer.

The little girl was debating herself in his embrace, trying to take of his hand from her face, yelling her mother's name. He left the room while nurses were running to the room, worried by the child's yells. Gasps resonated at the macabre discover.

Fumiko was bathing in her own blood, stabbed multiple times, an imposing knife still piercing her chest.

One of the nurse pushed the emergency button and two doctors ran into the room. They started the reanimation procedure but there was not hope at the number of wounds. They didn't even know since when she was in that state, bleeding out.

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