[DISCONTINUED] I Know The End...

By op81lovebot

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Your time is running out, You should really watch your mouth. Regulus Black x OC ยฉ op81lo... More

I Know All Your Secrets
๐Ž๐Ž๐Ž. Old Lady Chapman
Part I. I Am My Father's Daughter (I Can Fix Him)
๐Ž๐Ž๐Ÿ. Disasters One And Two
๐Ž๐Ž๐Ÿ‘. Sleepless Nights
๐Ž๐Ž๐Ÿ’. Potions and Infirmaries
๐Ž๐Ž๐Ÿ“. Chasing Stars
๐Ž๐Ž๐Ÿ”. Don't Get Mad, Get Even
๐Ž๐Ž๐Ÿ•. I Hit My Peak At Seven
๐Ž๐Ž๐Ÿ–. The Very Damaging Results Of Getting High
๐Ž๐Ž๐Ÿ—. Merry Christmas, Don't Return The Gift To Sender
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ž. Catch Me If You Can
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ. To Survive Means To Survive The Night
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ. This Is Not A Happy Birthday
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‘. Sister, Sister
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’. Voulez-Vous
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ“. Dark Magic Takes And It Takes
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ”. If You Kiss Me, Will It Be Just Like I Dreamed It?
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ•. Now That We Don't Talk
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ–. She Doesn't Date, Oh My!
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ—. Time To Confess, Star Boy
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ž. The Chance To Start Over
Part II. My Reputation's Never Been Worse (Isn't It Delicate)
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ. Death Comes Knocking
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ. Uh-Oh, He's Jealous!
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‘. That Is Not How To Get The Girl
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’. The Blame Is On Me
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ“. Interference, Thanks Barty!
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ”. Euphemia Potter's Health Guide
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ•. Dead Girl Walking
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ–. Got A Sense I'd Been Betrayed
๐Ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ—. Explosive, Confusing, And Angry
๐Ž๐Ÿ‘๐Ž. Haunted
๐Ž๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ. Failed Recruitments And Proposals
Part III. It's Sooner Then Later (I'll Be Six Feet Under)
๐Ž๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ. Check Yes, Juliet
๐Ž๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘. Bellatrix Lestrange... Black

๐Ž๐Ž๐Ÿ. Don't Screw Barty Crouch Jr!

1.3K 48 24
By op81lovebot

September 1st 1977

Charlotte Chapman is eleven when she teaches herself German Sign Language, and begins to teach herself to speak German. Actually, those two go hand in hand. Does that matter? She supposes it doesn't. The important thing is who she did it for, because not one sane person on this earth teaches themselves two types of German at age eleven. She knows the language nearly fluent by the time she's sixteen, and for that her best friend Lukas Schmidt is immensely grateful.

Charlotte Chapman is thirteen when she tells Raina Wilson that crying over a boy as stupid as James Potter is useless, and that she deserves better. She doesn't understand the appeal of boys yet, and especially with James. He's never been anything but annoying and clingy. Raina doesn't understand why Charlotte tells James he needs to stop being so wanted, because it's making her friends sad. Raina has never had a friend like Charlotte before.

Charlotte Chapman is fourteen when she first experiences hate from the purebloods in the years above her. She wasn't doing anything offensive, at least not to her knowledge, and yet they all insulted her for being from a non-magic family. Mudblood, they call her. She doesn't know why she feels like her heart is being ripped in two, but Penelope Everheart does and curses all five Slytherins so they know not to mess with Charlotte. While she gains enemies through all of Slytherin, she finds a friend in Penelope. When those strange Gryffindors lead by James and Sirius Black find out, they come after Sirius' brother.

It's, of course, not every single day that you find out you're a witch and will be going to a boarding school to be taught magic. But those three events have changed Charlotte's course of life more than figuring out why her classmates in primary school had found her odd. She knows she fits in at Hogwarts. More than she's ever done at the Muggle schools her parents kept sending her to – therein lies her issue.

"How was summer, lovely ladies? And Lukas, of course." Sirius Black is thankfully a force they only need to deal with for one more year. He grins widely, stomps inside their train compartment, and settles for resting his head on Raina's shoulder. "I am now officially a free man in the eyes of the law! Seventeen being adult age, but having to remain with parents until eighteen? Done! I am now Effie's and Monty's!"

"What are you yapping about?" Penelope grumbles. Charlotte pities her, she's not a Sirius person by any means.

"Be happy for me, you cunt!"

"Very mature, Padfoot." Remus Lupin shakes his head as he enters too. Behind him is Peter Pettigrew, and Charlotte beams at the boys. "Hello everyone, hope you don't mind us."

"Hello Remus! Hi Peter!"

Sirius whines that he didn't get the same enthusiastic greeting from Penelope, and Charlotte snorts. There truly is no one quite as dramatic as Sirius. Okay, maybe James, but James is notably absent, so currently it's only Sirius being dramatic. She's come to love them. Even though she and her friends are a year younger than the notorious Marauders, she thinks of them as her boys. They're all a big bomb of love, a love only they understand.


Charlotte thinks she might be in love with loving people the way they need to be loved. It's not uncommon, she thinks, Alice Fortescue who graduated two years ago was more of the same. Others find her strange for it. The way she can simply have one interaction with someone, yet she'll love them with her entire heart the rest of her life. Sunshine makes for most of her life. In all honesty, it's also overwhelming to just be like she is. Not everyone is capable of love and that is terrifying.

"Where is troublemaker number four, by the way? Did you leave him at the station?" Raina tilts her head. She is eternally grateful for Charlotte's ability with sign, because she can only sign the alphabet even though she's been trying for years to get it right. Lukas doesn't seem to mind Charlotte's the only one of their friends to grasp it. "Please say you left him at the station."

"James is undoubtedly proclaiming his love for Lily again." Charlotte guesses.

"You're both wrong!" Remus snorts.

"Head Boy?!" Charlotte near-screeches. She flies up, and nearly shoves Penelope off the bench in doing so. "Oh, sorry Pens. Albus Dumbledore made the most unserious person Head Boy? Does he like watching the world burn? Oh, I'm so happy for James! Hang on, I'm going to find him and congratulate him!"

Charlotte's out of the compartment before anyone can stop her. She smiles at the people she passes, and greets those who greet her. Tiny first year gawk at the warmth she radiates. She can barely remember a time where she was that little, though she supposes she once was. Everything is great. Hogwarts will be great this year. She knows it will, and no one will convince her otherwise.

Except maybe the Slytherins in the compartment she has to pass before making it to the Prefect compartment. She can see James already, standing next to a fiery redhead, and Charlotte knows he will be over the moon. However, when she walks past the Slytherins, they all begin whooping and yelling. It's mostly Crouch and Male Rosier, but there's others in there as well. Charlotte still doesn't know why they're acting like that, like she's some monster. Luckily, there's no further engagement from the snakes.

Charlotte throws the doors to the Prefect compartment open and gives James approximately two seconds to catch her before they're both plummeting to the ground. She lightly punches his chest, grinning widely as if there's not twenty-three others watching. Prefects from all years, but currently only she and James exist to her. Because this is James, who despite breaking a thirteen-year-old Raina's heart is so much like Charlotte. Both positives in a world where positivity isn't always appreciated.

"Now that we've gotten that out of the way, perhaps Potter could go on with the announcements?" Comes the irritated voice of Severus Snape. Charlotte blushes a deep red, she prides herself in getting along with people but he is not one of them. "Not all of us have hours to do nothing."

Charlotte inspects the badge James has on his robes, and squeals, pulling him in for another hug. It's less violent, but he holds a firm grip on her as if he's worried they're going for the floor once more should he not. No one hugs better than James Fleamont Potter, and anyone who tells you differently is lying. Somehow, Charlotte manages to squeeze Lily in there too.

"No, stop, that is enough affection. Let me go, Lola, I'm suffocating between you and Potter!" Lily protests.

James lets go, which means Charlotte's forced to as well. She gives both of them an I Love You, allowing several of the Prefects to pretend to barf. The Hufflepuff Prefects all tell her they love her too, and she beams at them. While she's not close with the six yellow Prefects, they still love her. She quickly tells them she loves them too. One of the Slytherin Prefects scoffs at this. James involves himself, and Charlotte is away quick enough, but not quick enough to stop herself from hearing the Black, that comes from James' mouth. So hateful, for who he is.

The Slytherins in the compartment don't bother her again, but the Slytherin who scoffed at the love proclamations cuts her off to enter. She pouts at the nasty glare he sends her way, but ultimately not even a mean Slytherin can ruin her day. It is, after all, Sirius' little brother, and there's one thing she's learned about the Black family. They do stand above everyone else. Even when he's escaped by being sorted in Gryffindor, Sirius still has that flair of superiority around him.

"Hello love! You find the prick?" Sirius bellows when he catches a glimpse of Charlotte.

"I did not find a prick, but I did find James. Head over heels for Lily, still. You really need to be nicer to your friends, one day they're gonna betray you because someone else cares more about them." Charlotte chirps, snickering when Sirius' face falls. It's unintentionally mean, apparently. "I have such a good feeling about this year."

"You say that every bloody year!" Penelope complains.

"I think we need to worry if she doesn't proclaim her good feelings for a year." Raina adds on.

Charlotte ignores both of them and puts her head on Lukas' shoulder. He is even more anxious now that the Marauders have claimed their compartment to stay in. Or, well, not necessarily anxious. She knows he finds it difficult to get along with them as they're all so vocal. It's better when he feels comforted, and everyone knows none of those Marauders will bring it. Penelope will be too caught up in her hatred of Sirius, Raina is too fascinated by Remus and Peter's retellings of old pranks, and Charlotte still wonders why Lukas even likes those two. They've never hung out without her there too.

James comes bursting in, excitement visible. He starts a wild tale of protecting Lily from the cruel Prefects, especially the ones with a prejudiced opinion. No one believes him. Yet they all congratulate him for being such a great person – Sirius smacks him on the back of his head. Even Lukas offers him a rare smile, that has James shouting he's the only one aside from Charlotte to make Lukas Schmidt laugh. For the rest of the train ride, that is his most proud accomplishment. Everyone pretends to care when James once again says that he made Lukas laugh.

Charlotte, Lukas, and Raina wave their goodbyes to the Marauders and Penelope as they join the yellow table. Penelope sits down at the Ravenclaw table, while the remaining four drop down at the red table. It sucks not having Penelope be in the same House, but there's barely any separating the friends. What is hilarious to Raina, however, is the fact that in Ravenclaw Penelope's been claimed by Pandora Rosier – and in having been claimed by Pandora, she's also forced to spend the occasional time with Pandora's brother Evan.

Lukas has taken it upon himself to make fun of Evan every single time he sees Penelope hanging out with Evan and Pandora, which has made him a ton of enemies in Slytherin, but he doesn't seem to care. Charlotte's the only one who is not encouraging any fighting, and everyone knows that is because she's too soft. Lukas does not make fun of Pandora, which is what a lot of people do, so really it's not on him to make Evan feel better. He actually quite likes Pandora and her terrifyingly accurate predictions.

Charlotte gets along well enough with Pandora, she supposes, but Lukas might be in the right with saying Evan will end up in the depths of hell. She loves people, but Evan and his friends are almost impossible to deal with. It's not her job to make them feel better about themselves. Besides, after the end of third year incident she's steered clear from Slytherins. Truly, the only interactions she's had with them these past few years is dragging Lukas away from a fight with them or being the bigger person.

"So... I have something I need to tell you two." Raina starts as soon as they sit. Her eyes nervously go to the Slytherin table and back to her friends. "I got a boyfriend?"

"Are you asking us if you've got a boyfriend or do you have one?" Charlotte grimaces.

"Sie hat keinen Freund." Lukas quietly whispers. "Ich glaube es nicht."

"Lukas, I swear to God–" Charlotte starts.

"Yes, I have a boyfriend. He's sweet, and he cares for me, he's good. Really good for me, like you wouldn't believe it."

Charlotte squeals in excitement. Raina's the first of their friend group to get an actual boyfriend. Aside from Raina, Lukas, and Penelope getting the occasional hookup, because let's face it – they're hot! – they've never implied in wanting anything serious. Well, Raina did, once upon a time, but not anymore. Now she's dating someone? Charlotte feels like she's missed so much. That's the issue with having a Muggle summer holiday, where she forbids everyone who knows her to send letters, because her parents freak out over anything strange. They just don't understand it.

"You both have to promise me you won't freak out." Raina threateningly glares at Lukas in particular. Charlotte only knows of one person Lukas genuinely loathes. "Penelope is the one who introduced us, and we've been hanging out all over summer, and... well, I really like this guy. And I want you two to like him as well. Pen's an excellent judge of character, so I don't want to hear any complaints. From either of you! Lola, I know you suck at complaining, but Luke's only personality trait is hating on things, so..."

"Rip it off! I wanna be excited for you!" Charlotte bounces up and down.

"It's Barty Crouch Jr."

Lukas makes a violent gesture with his hand that has Charlotte widen her eyes. He continues signing away, which eventually tracts the attention of Sirius – please anyone but Sirius right now – and has Charlotte swatting Lukas' hands down. She will never repeat out loud to Raina what Lukas just said. Or tried to make clear. That is highly inappropriate and she sincerely hopes none of those innocent first years understand German sign.

"Lola, please say something. You always have something positive to say, surely there's something now?" Raina nervously chews on her bottom lip. She can see the gears in Charlotte's head turn, but there is no response. "You should totally blame Penelope, by the way, if you're mad. Because you are mad, aren't you? Oh my Merlin, I'm the first person to ever get on Charlotte Chapman's bad side, oh no, this is bad. Now Peter owes Remus ten galleons!"

"Shh, I'm thinking." Charlotte hushes Raina.

"No, you're obviously mad, you're never this quiet at reveals. This is terrifying, isn't it Lukey? When Lola has nothing to say to something... what did you say, by the way? I don't think it's any good with the way Lola was slapping your hands down. Oh, I can't have the both of you exiling me!"

"Okay." Is all Charlotte says.

"That's not good. What does that mean?"

Charlotte turns her head to get a look at the Slytherin table. She finds the elusive boyfriend of Raina immediately, he's staring at the Hufflepuff table. Barty Crouch Jr. Charlotte tilts her head, it's a choice certainly. She doesn't doubt Penelope's judgement. He's just... she purses her lips in thought. He's just Barty.

Raina doesn't bring Barty up again during the Sorting, or dinner for that matter. She hesitates in joking around with Charlotte and Lukas, and finds herself staring wistfully at her boyfriend. She had hopes that her friends would support her. It's stupid, Lukas hates everyone, and Charlotte steers clear of Slytherins due to her blood status. Surely, she should have expected this reaction?

"Lovely!" The swarm of students comes to a stop at the sight of Barty pushing himself through it to get to Raina. "Those few hours without you were excruciating."

"Aw, how ever will you survive the night?" Raina teases.

Barty finds himself shrinking under the watchful eye of Charlotte Chapman. Oh, how he knows that she's Hogwarts' very own sun, and she's rather looking like she wants to slam his head against a wall. He doesn't doubt that she will if he hurts Raina, but he is not going to do so. He doesn't even want to begin to think about the slightly taller guy, this is not going swimmingly. But it's not Lukas Schmidt he thinks will genuinely hurt him in ways beyond. It's the one who you'll never see coming, the one who wears a smile like it's a second skin. Charlotte Chapman can't possibly be that happy all the time.

"Are you quite done frolicking around, Bartemius?"

"Sod off, Regulus, I'm spending time with my beautiful girlfriend, and meeting her friends as the boyfriend." Barty grumbles.

"Hey! I didn't get to meet your girlfriend as your friend! You called me a raging manwhore, and introduced Pandora as your friend." Evan Rosier brashly involves himself.

Charlotte glances between the three Slytherins, finding the cold and calculated glare from Regulus Black is aimed at her, and she thinks he's about a second away from calling her a slur. She gently squeezes Raina's wrist in hesitant support, and then disappears into the crowd.

avery speaks!
nothing too exciting this chapter i'm afraid, but i am laying the base for the way charlotte will interact with regulus/barty/evan/pandora, because it will differ from everyone else as she tends to stay away from people she thinks will actively try to hurt her... also, james and charlotte? brother and sister if i dare say so myself, just like lukas and charlotte

"Sie hat keinen Freund." Lukas quietly whispers. "Ich glaube es nicht." translates to "She doesn't have a boyfriend." Lukas quietly whispers. "I don't believe it."

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