Thread of Ash and Fire

By JKMacLaren

108K 4.1K 3.5K

Anna and Ryne must battle against evil forces - and their own hearts - in this high-stakes conclusion to the... More

Season List for Thread of Gold
Ch. 1: Homecoming
Ch. 2: A Land of Trickery
Ch. 3: Wherever You Are
Ch. 4: Liars and Thieves
Ch. 5: Hate That I Want You
Ch. 6: Something Harder
Ch. 7: To Lose The Throne
Ch. 8: Purgatory
Ch. 9: The Cottage
Ch. 10: As I See Myself
Ch. 12: Knife Through Flesh
Ch. 13: Snake in a Jar
Ch. 14: You
Ch. 15: A Favour
Ch. 16: Game of Knives
Ch. 17: Dangerous Games
Ch. 18: The Chicken Coop
Ch. 19: On The Road Again
Ch. 20: The Sword and Crown
Ch. 21: Pain
Ch. 22: You'll Regret This
Ch. 23: There Is Only You
Ch. 24: Twist the Knife In
Ch. 25: Nobody's Making Sandwiches
Ch. 26: I Trust You
Ch. 27: The Gods Are Angry
Ch. 28: The Best Piece of Me
Ch. 29: You're Hiding Something
Ch. 30: Marry Me
Ch. 31: I Absolutely Want to Cause a Scene
Ch. 32: Did I Kill Him?
Ch. 33: Palace of Brutal Games
Ch. 34: War is Coming
Ch. 35: Sew Your Name into the Stars
Ch. 36: I'm Sorry
Ch. 37: I Trusted You
Ch. 38: A Beautiful Place to Be
Ch. 39: Lonely Hearts
Ch. 40: Only Good Strategy
Ch. 41: No Choice
Ch. 42: Stay With Me
Ch. 43: I Will Never Forgive You
Ch. 44: Comfort Scones
Ch. 45: Nothing to Forgive
Ch. 46: How Could You Love Someone Like That?
Ch. 47: A Simple Riddle
Ch. 48: My Game, My Rules
Ch. 49: Just One of Those Things
Ch. 50: We're On the Same Side
Ch. 51: Justice
Ch. 52: We Sail at Dawn
Ch. 53: Who Would You Bet On?
Ch. 54: Isaac or the World
Ch. 55: Sun and Shadow
Ch. 56: The Beginning or the End
Ch. 57: Fight Like You Mean It
Ch. 58: The Very Depths of Hell
Ch. 59: All the Stars in the Sky
Ch. 60: You Will Burn
Ch. 61: I Can Feel You
Ch. 62: All Over Now
Ch. 63: A Final Stand
Ch. 64: To Kill a Goddess
Ch. 65: God-Slayer
Ch. 66: Promise Me
Ch. 67: Queen of Darkness [Price increase to 139 coins on July 4]
Ch. 68: A New Era [Price increase to 139 coins on July 4]
Ch. 69: I Need You [Price increase to 139 coins on July 4]
Ch. 70: The Rightful Queen [Price increase to 139 coins on July 4]
Ch. 71: Twin Hearts [Price increase to 139 coins on July 4]
Ch. 72: Where It All Began [Price increase to 139 coins on July 4]
Ch. 73: The City of Sighs [Price increase to 139 coins on July 4]
Ch. 74: By Your Side [Price increase to 139 coins on July 4]
Ch. 75: Sea of Many Dawns [Price increase to 139 coins on July 4]
Ch. 76: Epilogue [Price increase to 139 coins on July 4]

Ch. 11: High-Risk Gamble

1.2K 59 5
By JKMacLaren

Isolde's throat felt dry.

The cold metal ring pounded against her chest like a second heart. A swell of operatic music drifted up to them, accompanied by tinkling applause, but she was hardly paying attention. Edgar leaned back in his chair, swirling his glass of whisky; the amber-coloured liquid glowed in the dim candlelight.

"You know," Edgar said, "I consider myself to be a high-risk gambler, but even I think this is incredibly stupid."

"We just need five minutes of your time," Isolde said.

She leaned forward. The candlelight caught the edge of her mask, and Devan's eyebrows shot up. "You brought the empress too?"

"Bold," Edgar said.

Devan stabbed a finger. "Idiotic."

"Madness," Edgar crowed.

The brothers exchanged smiles. They had the same lazy edge to them, Isolde observed; something that reminded her of sloe gin and smoke-filled opium dens. Edgar drained his whisky. "Tell me, Winterthorpe: do you know what your head is worth these days?"

"Six hundred thousand rukka," Devan supplied. He jerked his head. "And I'd get twice as much for her."

Edgar filled his glass. "That's two new gambling dens and a year's supply of liquor."

"Six months," Devan countered. "You drink fast."

"We want your help," Julian said.

His voice was calm, although his hand was resting casually on his left thigh. Just below the waistband, Isolde knew, that contained his knife.

"With what?" Edgar asked.

"Overthrowing the emperor," Julian said.

Devan choked on his whisky. "You're staging a coup as well?"

"Hats off to you," Edgar said. "Go out with a bang, that's what I always say."

Julian leaned forward. "We require access to your private armies and weaponries. In exchange, I'll offer you five hundred thousand rukka from the Winterthorpe treasury, as well as a stake in the family business."

The brothers exchanged glances. Edgar exhaled.

"You're serious about this," he said.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Julian asked.

Edgar shook his head. "You can't overthrow the emperor. He's too strong."

Julian's blue eyes were cold stones at the bottom of a river. "I've spent the last six years working as his personal advisor. I've helped Halson keep his throne. You think I don't know exactly what strings to pull to topple him off?"

Edgar and Devan exchanged a loaded look. A meaningful exchange must have passed between them because Edgar nodded. "You don't have the numbers."

Julian shook his head. "We have plenty of foreign political support. But you know that already."

Isolde's pulse quickened. It wasn't a lie, exactly, but it also wasn't the truth; Ryne Delafort and Seraena Agnirian would never send armies to support them. Then again, she realized, Julian had never said they would; he'd only implied it. Something like a strange sense of admiration filled her. He was good at this.

Edgar frowned. "What's your plan, then?" He took a swig of whisky. "Grab your pitchforks and march upon the castle?"

"Don't be ridiculous," Julian said mildly. "Nobody uses pitchforks anymore."

"It's a mad scheme," Edgar said, shaking his head. "It's ill-advised, and foolhardy, and there's not a chance that it'll work. However..." His mouth quirked. "I like a risky gamble. And I can never resist terrible odds."

Julian laced his hands together. "So you'll join us?"

Again, Edgar and Devan exchanged a look. This time, it was Devan that spoke.

"We have enough money," the youngest brother said. "If we ally with you — if you take the throne — then we want something else instead."

Julian's face was unchanged. "And what's that?"

"Titles," Devan said.

Edgar leaned forward. "And access to the court."

The opera singer hit a high note that sliced through the room like an arrow. Julian turned. His face was shadowed, but the message was clear: it's your call. Isolde stared at the stage. On one hand, Edgar and Devan Lund were notorious gamblers, drug abusers, and liars. On the other hand, they had access to large armies and resources.

She swallowed.

"Deal," she said.

They all shook hands. Julian rose.

He touched Isolde's shoulders, steering her towards the door. "Pleasure doing business with you, gentleman. We'll be in touch." He paused. "Oh, and one more thing. Please see that this reaches your brother."

Julian dug in his pockets, producing a letter sealed with a red wax stamp. Edgar took it, his eyebrows rising.

"Roberge?" Edgar shook his head. "You're wasting your time. He likes the odds to be in his favour."

Julian's smile was the gleam of a knife. "You'll find I can be very convincing."

They turned for the door. Isolde was aware of the guard's heavy gaze as they passed; the opera had reached intermission, and well-dressed guests spilled into the corridor, carrying glasses of champagne and masks mounted on sticks. Someone gave a high-pitched laugh, and the sound felt like fingernails on the nape of her neck. Julian squeezed her hand.

His voice was low. "Just keep your head down."

Isolde nodded.

Julian guided her through the corridors. Isolde looked up as they reached the double doors, closing her eyes as the cold air hit her face. Hundreds of stars glittered overhead, winking like diamond earrings nestled in a black velvet box.

They swung into the carriage. Spiffy cracked the reins, and the vehicle lurched to life, rattling down the snowy track. Julian closed his eyes. He seemed to be regaining his Julian-ness, Isolde observed: the slumped shoulders, the ruffled black hair, the tilt to the head... it was like watching an actor shed a character's skin.

"How did it go?" Spiffy asked.

Julian's face was grim. "We'll see."

Starlight trickled into the carriage. Julian squeezed her hand. And Isolde leaned her head against his shoulder, watching as the darkness took the opera house into its jaws, devouring any remnants of light.


Isolde woke to sunshine.

She shifted into a sitting position, squinting against the morning light. She could hear the faint hush-hush of gentle waves, along with the cheerful lilt of birdsong. Julian's cot was empty; he'd folded the blankets and fluffed the pillows before he'd left. And it must have been early, Isolde realized, noting the position of the sun; it was only an hour or two after dawn.

She put on a robe, padding downstairs.

The smell of cooked bacon and toast filled the air, along with something like butter and garlic. Malissa was pouring a cup of tea; a pair of glasses perched on the end of her nose, and they slipped down as she leaned forward.

Isolde stepped into the kitchen. The other woman's head snapped up.

"Your Hol—" Malissa caught herself. "Isolde. Would you like some breakfast?"

She held up a frying pan filled with eggs and vegetables. And Isolde — who realized that she hadn't eaten in well over sixteen hours — felt her stomach rumble.

"Yes, please." She took a seat at the table. "Where's Jules?"

Malissa scooped roasted tomatoes onto a plate. "Out in the barn. One of the carriage wheels need replacing, and Spiffy's knees aren't what they used to be."

"We owe him a debt," Isolde said. "He risked everything for us last night."

Malissa shook her head. "Spiffy's family. He'd be glad to do it."

Isolde picked at a hangnail. "His granddaughter... How sick is she?"

Malissa set the plate down. "Very sick, I'm afraid. The local healer can only manage the girl's pain; she'd have to go to Zarob for treatment. The whole thing would cost about five hundred thousand rukka, plus the cost of food and board. We offered to pay for it, but Spiffy's a proud man. The idea of taking charity..." She picked up her tea, settling at the table. "He'd never agree to it."

Isolde chose her next words carefully. "Have you ever thought about taking the girl yourselves?"

Malissa raised an eyebrow. "Without telling him, you mean?"

Isolde nodded. The other woman stirred her tea.

"Spiffy would never forgive us," Malissa said finally. "We've raised his yearly wages to a sum that he found acceptable. But that's all we can do."

Isolde took a bite of toast. She was about to change the subject when the door flew open. Julian stood on the threshold, looking sweaty and dishevelled; his white sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and there was a smudge of grease on his cheek.

"Oh, good," Julian said, striding into the kitchen. "You're awake. This came."

He held out a letter. Isolde wiped her hands on a napkin.

"What is it?"

"Read it," Julian said.

Isolde took the letter. The cardstock felt expensive, and the looping cursive letters suggested an expensive education. She scanned the lines.

To my most unexpected friend—

What an interesting letter to receive. Consider my interest piqued. You and your companion are most welcome to join me for a spot of lunch tomorrow at one o'clock; do bring some raw meat to distract the dogs as you enter.


She lowered the letter, her gaze flying up to Julian's face. Malissa lowered her tea.

"What is it?" Malissa asked.

Julian plucked a mushroom from the pan. "Roberge invited us to his manor tomorrow. He wants to negotiate leasing his army to us."

Malissa frowned. "Roberge invited you to his manor? That's... unusual."

"Do you think it's a trap?" Isolde asked.

"I have no idea," Julian said, popping the mushroom into his mouth. "But I do know something."

"And what's that?"

He swallowed. "It's a risk we'll have to take."

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