My Satan's Love

themanaeshades द्वारा

96.5K 5.1K 3.7K

An #Phayu/Rain, Boss/Noeul AU. High school Dark mafiya romance. Contain explicit content, they're gonna pop... अधिक

Note [ Mandatory]
1. Noeul
2. Noeul
3. Noeul
4. Noeul
5. Noeul
7. Noeul
8. Noeul
9. The Shadow/Noeul
10. Noeul
12. Noeul
13. The Shadow
14. Noeul
15. Noeul
16. Noeul
17. Noeul
18. Noeul
19. Noeul
20. Noeul
21. Noeul
22. Noeul
23. Noeul
24. Noeul
25. The Shadow/ Boss
26. Noeul
27. Noeul
28. Boss
29: Boss
30. Noeul
31. Boss

6. Noeul

2.2K 129 69
themanaeshades द्वारा

Sweetheart. Fucking Sweetheart?

He needs to stop calling me Sweetheart or I'll get a voodoo doll with his face on it and stab it to death.

Better yet, I'll rip it limb to limb.

I keep aside my thoughts for now and step back to an arm's length. If I keep enough distance he won't be able to catch me.

There's no way in hell I'll let him trap me like yesterday.

This time, I'll either scream or run.

Yup. Sounds like a plan.

I gulp, but it lodges in my throat like an external object. No pep talk or courage could erase the memory of yesterday. No pep talk could convince the nerves tingling with suffocating fear that I'm fine.

My limbs are screaming at me to run.


Never look back.

I don't.

Running away from someone who gets off on vulnerability and struggle isn't the smartest thing to do.

He'd chase me easily. Hell. I'm sure the psycho devil would enjoy it too.

And who'll come out victorious?
Yeah. Not me.

So instead of flight, I choose fight.

I take a deep breath and lift my chin, calling all the courage I have left.

But the moment I meet his cold dark gaze, most of that courage falters. The thing about Boss? He's so well-put-together.

Perfect face.

Perfect body.

Perfect style.

On the majority of days, he refrains from wearing a tie, still the school's uniform appears to have been tailored for his robust, toned- muscular body.

His entire appearance is another asset he uses to intimidate.

To charm.

To screw everyone over.

I was completely captivated by his charm from the very moment I laid eyes on him. From a distance, he appeared to be a divine being, almost god-like. But as I got closer, I discovered the horrifying truth - he was nothing more than a monstrous creature in disguise.

Since he choked me in front of the entire school and announced he'd destroy me, I realised that his entire look is a façade.

Now, all I can see when I look into his steel eyes is an empty void.

The hate.

The Black rage.

It's baffling to me how everyone seems to turn a blind eye to it. Are they completely under his spell or they simply don't care.

That's what it means like to be king, isn't it? He can be corrupt all he wants. Hell he can order a war that would leave half the nation dead and the other half starving, and the ones who remains alive will still chant "Long live the king!".

It's not out of love. No. It's out of fear.

People naturally gravitate towards power and in IES, Boss is IT.

"You ran away from school yesterday" he says matter-of-factly.

"I didn't run away. I had a family emergency" I would've patted myself if I could. That lie came out perfect. And he doesn't know if I live alone or not.

Shoving his hands in his pocket, he studies me up and down. His gaze lingers on my left chest as if he's trying to burn a hole through my shirt.

It takes everything in me not to cross my arms over my chest.

His attention finally slides back to my face "I think you are lying frozen. I think you were pushed to your limits so you took the easy way out."

"Guess what Boss? I don't fucking care what you think."

"You should. What I think will have a direct impact on your life, sweetheart."

Ughh! Again

"Stop calling me that" I hiss "I am not your sweetheart."

"You are whatever the fuck I say you are, sweetheart." The asshole stretches the last word with smirk.

Is it possible to curse someone into a dark, bottomless pit of hell? I'm not above using black magic. I just need him to bloody disappear. The earth will be a tad more peaceful.

I steal my temper as I turn around to leave.

He won't get to me. He won't.

A strong hand clutches my arm and swings me back so hard that I land flush against his hard chest.

He grips me with his brute, bruising force.

"Did I say you can go?"

I wriggle against his stone hold "I don't know if you noticed, but I'm not one of your subjects, your majesty. I don't follow your orders."

"There's start to everything"

He releases me but only so he can wrap both his arms around my waist and rests his hands at the small of my back like we're some freaking lovers.

This close, my air fills with his scent and his muscular body heat mingles with mine.

I'm short and he has height and broadness on me. Making him more intimidating and immense.

I push at his chest, wiggling sideways and backwards, trying to unlink his hands.

He doesn't even move to stop me. All he does is keep his steel-like hold.

"Ugh" I pant "let me go."

"Why should I?"

"Why shouldn't you?" I counter back.

"I love it when you struggle" His eyes gleam with that now-familiar sadism as he reaches up and pinches my cheek. "You should see the tint of cherry red on this."

My eyes widen and I go limp against him. My arms fall lifeless on either side of me and I even school my expressions into a neutral one.

"Are you done?"

His left eye twitchs.

Obviously, the sick asshole doesn't like not getting what he wants and I beat him at his own game.

"I'm going to give you a valuable piece of advice. You already know what I'm capable of" His voice is calm. The dangerous kind of calm. "Don't push me."

"You're the one who is pushing me" I can't believe this sich bastard "you are lucky I haven't reported you for what happened yesterday."

"Lucky?" He laughs with a humorless edge, and it's stupid that even the lines of his face stretch ina beautiful angles.

Someone pour acid on his features.

"I don't know if you are trying to be adorable or if you're that naive."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You really think you can hurt me,hmm?"

He firmly grasps my chin with his thumb and forefinger, tilting my head upwards so he can invade my face with his intrusive gaze.

my heart rate accelerates, causing palpitations to intensify.

No matter howe much tactics I come up with. No matter how much I like to think I have control over this situation....I don't.

My heart recognises the danger.

The void.

The Black hole.

My rigid spine also recognises the tingles of fear. The need to run and hide.

The need to never be found.

A side of me I fought to keep buried is rising, crawling, and resurrecting to the surface.

You're our masterpiece, Noeul.

I briefly close my eyes, trying to escape the grip of that haunting voice from the past. As I slowly open them, hoping for some relief, the eerie voice vanishes into thin air.
However, what remains is Boss's unwavering steel expression, captivating and mysterious.

Damn him and how easily he can poke open that part of me.

I kept it buried for more than ten years, but he's slowly letting it lose in a matter of two days.

"Maybe I can" My voice comes a lot more calmer than I feel "what do you even know about me?"

"A lot more than you think My Rain" He squeezes my jaw little hard and I wince.

"Boss! I swear to God either let me go or-"

"Or what?" His features spark with promise of a challenge "You can't do fuck to me. Let me put it this way, if I murder you, Coach will burn the corpse and the principal will scatter the remains. If I commit a crime, the school board will flip it around so it seems as if I'm the victim. You might have your head in the sand like little Ostrich, so here's a quick reminder, I'm king here."

His comments sting because they are true. His father doesn't even need to intervene as long as he has the King's name for everything to blow over.

The injustice rages within me, clouding my eyesight with unshed tears.


I won't give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry again.

"But if you feel entitled to." The corner of his lips lifts in a smirk. "If you think you can take me, then, by all means, show me what you got, sweetheart.
I'm curious to see who will believe that I touched you without your consent. I can have any pussy or ass I want, what's so special about yours?"

"That you can't have it."

I deeply regret the words as soon as they left my mouth. I can't believe I just dangled a freaking steak in front of a formidable predator.

"Frozen" He muses.

My lips thin in a trembling line and I nearly fidget in his hold waiting for his next blow.

Any moment now, he'll-

Boss releases me and step back.

What? Wait.

He... he's letting me go?

I cautiously watch his expression like a deer caught in the headlights. He adeptly composes his features into that poker face.

For some reason, I expect him to laugh at me and grab me again with double force.

I'm happy he's letting me go, I am. But I can't help the tinge of annoyance at not being able to read him.

He shoves his hands in his pocket, appearing casual, almost nonchalant.

"Show me the mark."


"You are not an idiot, so don't act like one. Show me the mark I left yesterday."

"You're out of your mind."

The sudden realisation hit me like a bus.
My limbs are shaking like a leaf. But I turn around and run, I need to escape his space.

His presence.

His damn face.

"If you take one more step. I'll chase you sweetheart. And this time" He trails off, his voice suffocating like a thick smoke "I won't stop."

My heart skips a beat as I audibly gulp, causing a momentary pause in my stride.

A part of me doesn't want to believe he'd go that far, but who am I kidding?

Boss won't stop until he gets what he want.

With a knot in my heartbeat, I face him.
"Why are you doing this Boss."

"Why do you think?"

"Because you can?"

"Because I can, huh?. Intresting" He lifts his one eyebrow "you're so....... frozen, did you know that?"

"Your minions wouldn't stop reminding me of that fact, thank you very much."

"You're missing the entire point."

"What point?"

"If you're missing it, why should I tell you?"

I open my mouth to say something, but he cuts me off. "Take off you shirt."

I ball my fists on each side of me.

"If you don't, I will. How many ripped shirts you want to collect, sweetheart?"

"You're sick"

"So adorable of you, If you think it's an insult to me."

I clamp my lips in a line.

"Last chance. Take off your shirt."


I stare at him.

We watch each other for one second.



He proceeds towards my direction, causing the blood to drain from my face and a tremor to swiftly travel down my spine.

It's real. All real.

This look. This determination.

He won't stop this time.

"Fine" I blurt, stepping back. "I'll do it."

He comes to a sudden halt, yet his poker face remains unyielding. He appears calm and casual, but if I take on step, I've no doubt that he'll chase me like a starved wolf.

Think, Noeul, think.

The crazy idea explodes in my mind.

"Do it for me" I say in a calm, neutral, almost uninterested tone.

Boss's left eye twitchs.

I bet my suggestion caught him completely off guard! He was probably expecting me to either back down in fear of his threat or he'd do it by force. I'm sure the sick bastard hoped for the second option.

The fact that I'm offering him to do it without the whole violence factor ought to throw him off balance.

Those who gives two options don't expect a third. The third option rattles them, and that's exactly what I'm betting on.

He narrows his deadly eyes. "You're trying to play a game again."

"I'm just giving you what you want." I remark.

"Are you now?" His voice turns stone cold.


"You'll regret that." He approaches me and reaches for my tie.

I place my both palms on his stupid broad shoulders and dig my fingers in his school jacket.

He pauses at my first button and searches for my face.

Touching him was never a part of the deal, and he must be wondering why I'm doing it willing.

I don't know if he hates it or loves it, I didn't give him or myself time to think about it.

I lift my knee and hit him in the crotch, exerting maximum strength.

Hard. As hard as I can.

His face contorts and his hands shoot out for me, but I duck and run past him.

A huge grin pulls on my face.

I just kneed Boss fucking King in the balls!


I kicked Boss in the balls.

I kicked Boss fucking King in the balls.

My heart races as I come to an abrupt stop at the entrance of the classroom.

I'm panting.

My hands are sweaty.

The surge of adrenaline that had coursed through my veins dissipates, leaving a lingering tremor in my limbs.

My shoulders shake with suppressed laugh. If I didn't worry that my
classmates would start calling me a lunatic, I would have emitted a boisterous laughter at this moment.

I want to scream, run, jump and bumb fists with myself.

It's a strange type of freedom that I haven't felt in like....ever.

I was always quiet and introverted, but right now? I feel like I can punch the moon and kick the stars.

Taking a deep breath, I push my shoulder back and stride into the classroom with my head held high.

Some Snickers and 'Frozen' marks thrown in my direction but, they're like white-noise.

These little minions can give me their best and it wouldn't matter.

I just kicked their fucking king in the nuts.

I'm smiling widely when my gaze falls on other three assholes.

Nicolas is sitting at his desk, reading his books like usual. Kai sitting on top of the desk arguing with Kenji who's standing.

The rest of the class are either trying to get in the conversation or just watching them.

The sad part is, I think they're doing it subconsciously. They're drawn to everything the four horsemen represent.

My eyes stops at kai. He did something to Ben, because even now he is not here.

I grip my backpack's strap and stride towards the trio.

"I'm telling you mate" Kenji taps his index finger on the desk "he was at the party because of me."

"Everyone came because of you" Nicolas peek from his book and says. "You threw the party remember."

"Shut up! Nico. That's not the point." Kenji continues looking back at kai. "Face it he was there for me."

"If it helps your ego, sure thing" kai says with a laugh "Can you pass me what you smoked last night."

"Why?" Kenji frowns.

"That shit is good, if it makes you believe in things that don't exist."

"Fuck you, chen." Kenji lunges at him.

In that exact moment, Nicolas's gaze meet mine. He clears his throat and nudges at both of them, who are still bickering grow silent.

"Frozen" Kenji jerks back as if he's in shock. "Am I really seeing things or you are actually in front of us?"

He searchs behind me, all around like Hoping to see someone, then grins "Are you here to confess your love to me? I knew you always had a crush on me, but sorry I don't take confessions before afternoon. Rules are rules."

I ignore him and turn to face Kai "where's he?"

Kai hops down from the desk " where's who?"

"Ben". I hiss, stoping myself to do the same what I did to their leader.

"Oh" kai searches around "Nico, Kenji have you seen little Ben around here?"

Kenji stuff his hands in his pocket to make show. "No not here" He smirks fishing out a packet of condom "but i found this"

I thin my lips in disgust.

"What?" Kenji asks "Always safe."

"I'm not here for games where is he?" I ask again.

"If you don't know where's your friend is, how am I supposed to know?"

I tighten my grip on the strap and step closer to Kai "I know you did something to him yesterday"

"Do you have any proof?" Kai smirks like an asshole he is.

"Hold on" Kenji steps between us " what happened? What proof? Someone fill me in."

Nicolas shakes his head at him.

"What? You guys left me out again" Kenji kicks his friend's leg "First, King flipped his shit at practice yesterday, then chen does some fuckery behind our backs, and now, Frozen is speaking to us. You've got to admit that there's nothing normal about this."

Only one sentence remains playing like a loop in my head.

King flipped his shit at practice yesterday.

What the hell that supposed to mean? Boss is an exemplary player and student he don't just flip his shit.

I don't know but does it something to do with what he did yesterday?

"Stay away from Ben." I tell kai with venom lacing in my tone.

He is about to say something when, unfortunately - or fortunately, it depends on how you see it - the teacher comes into the class. Everyone takes a seat and

I find an empty one near the back.

Kai sits in the row besides me. My gaze meets his playful one, he throws me my phone and smirks.

I shudder. Asshole.

"Mr. Chen" The teacher, Mrs Swan, calls "class started, I'd appreciate if you pay attention."

"You've got all my attention Mrs Swan" He gives her a smile and open his notebook.

Mrs Swan wan starts enumerating the curriculum and I retrieve my pen and notebook from my bag.

The door opens. The class falls silent. Even Mrs Swan stops talking.

I pause mid-scribble and lift my head.

A flush Ben is peeking from the door, his hairs is a mess.

Snickers and laughs erupt loud in class.

"You're late Mr Evans" Teacher scolds.

"" Ben stumbkes upon his own words.

I wince, feeling his discomfort in my skin. He is a playful soul and now seeing him like this is getting on my nerves.

"What happened Ben cat got your tongue?" Someone taunt and the whole class explodes in laugh.

"Not another word, or that'll be detention for you" Mrs Swan shoots him a glare.

I wish I could hug Mrs Swan, she is the only one who doesn't turn a blind eyes at bullying. But I doubt she'll do anything if the ‘Elites’ were involved.

A shadow appears behind Ben's.

My breathing stops.

It's like Earth has opened causing demons to crawl out and suck me into depth to be buried alive.

Boss places his both hands on Ben's shoulder.

He has his fucking filthy hands on friends shoulder.

His gaze meets mine, and something sparks in it. Something very dark. His lips lift in a cruel, psychotic smirk.

That's it I'm going to kill him.

The smirk falls as fast as it showed. He turns to Mrs Swan showing his golden boy smile, still griping on Ben's shoulder. "I'm sorry. Ben was not feeling well so I had to take him to the nurse."

Is he for real?

I'm mortified when Mrs Swan's expressions changes from scolding to acceptance. "Are you ok now. Mr Evans?"

Ben nods.

"That was nice of you Mr King" She offers him a smile "You both can take a seat now."

My jaw is dropping almost like hitting the floor. I can't believe this.

The dark hollow hole from earlier expands untill I can hardly breathe.

He must've done something to Ben and now, he is making everyone believe that he was helping him. Which is not true.

I search for any signs on in face.

He's smiling, his usual mask firmly in place, appearing every bit of a golden boy everyone envies.

The girls want him. The boys want him.

But none of them sees what I see.

That emptiness inside him.
The void.

The.... nothingness.

Boss stops beside me. I catch a glimpse of his veiny hands sliding under his pockets before I concentrate at my notebook, clutching the pencil so hard that it almost breaks.

His body leans over me, like a grim reaper, his eyes burn holes on top of my head.

A part of me want to look up and stare back like before, but back then, I didn't have slightest clue of what he's capable of.

Now. I do.

After what seems like forever. He sniffs at my hair and saunter to the vacant seat behind me.

The seat I was saving for Ben.

Ben fidgets beside the only empty seat in front of Kai.

"Mr Evans. Is something the matter?" Mrs Swan calls.

"No" Ben whisper sliding into his seat slowly.

Nicolas and Kenji look back at Boss and wink.

We're surrounded by the enemy.


2 chapters before week. I hope you don't mind 😅

I know that you all are waiting for boss's pov. But right now I just want to clear about Noeul's situation and also to maintain suspence 😉.

But soon boss will have his pov too and everything will be clear then.

Thank you for reading 🙏

Please comment your thoughts and like because it means a lot to me 🥺

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