The Wilted Rose

By Zach42799

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Y/N Rose was the son of Qrow Branwen and Summer Rose, and the oldest child of the Rose family. Due to Qrows'... More

Character Bio
Prologue: Beyond Repair
Chapter 1: One tiny problem
Chapter 2: Forehand or Backhand?
Chapter 3: Not without a fight
Chapter 4: Revival
Chapter 5: Initiation
# FUCKIN 3!!!
Chapter 6: Lonesome Road
Roy Winchester/Arsenal Bio
Chapter 7: Indebted
Chapter 8: Welcome to Mantle
Chapter 9: Uncovered
Chapter 10: The Rescue
Chapter 11: Outlaws At Last
Chapter 12: Tremors
Chapter 13: Trust
Chapter 14: Sticks And Stones
1K! Thank You Guys
Chapter 15: The Foundry
Chapter 16: Premonitions
Chapter 17: Death
Chapter 18: Rebirth
Chapter 19: Too Far Gone (Vol.0 Finale)
Chapter 20: Train Ride (Vol. 1 Prologue)
Chapter 21: Sisters
Chapter 22: The Lucky Ones
Chapter 23: Ghost
Chapter 24: Quiet Night
Chapter 25: Protector
Chapter 26: Calm...
Chapter 27: ...Before The Storm
Chapter 28: Lifeline
Chapter 29: Who I Am (Vol. 1 Finale)
Chapter 30: Costly Mistakes (Vol. 1.5 Prologue)
Chapter 31: Critical Care
5K reads!!!
Chapter 32: Testing
Chapter 33: Your Greatest Failure
Chapter 34: Guess Who's Back
Chapter 35: Progress
Chapter 36: Fix Me
Chapter 37: A Silver Bullet
Chapter 38: Should've Known Better
Chapter 39: The Road To Hell Is Paved In Good Intentions....
Chapter 40: Closeness
Chapter 41: Back In School
Next Red Hood Outfit Vote/Closed
Chapter 42: The Much Needed Talk
Chapter 43: The Company We Keep
Chapter 44: Prophecies (Vol. 1.5 finale)
Chapter 45: The Bookstore (Vol. 2 Prologue)
Chapter 46: You Atlesian Joker
Thank you Wattapad....
Chapter 47: Keep It Simple
Chapter 48: What's the plan?
Chapter 49: Fatherly Love
Chapter 50: Something I Cant Let Go Of
Chapter 51: I Hate When I'm Right....
Chapter 52: Takedown
Chapter 53: Goodnight Princess
Chapter 54: Too Much To Lose....
Chapter 55: Between Wants And Needs
Chapter 56: Concept Of Subtilty
Chapter 57: End Of The Line
Chapter 58: Nothing I Wont Do
Chapter 59: You Have Achieved Nothing
Chapter 60: Three Simple Words (Vol. 2 Finale)
Bonus Chapter: Your Scars Are Beautiful *Lemon*
Chapter 61: Demon (Vol. 3 Prologue)
Chapter 62: Round One
Chapter 63: I've Got Nothing For You
Chapter 64: Round Two
Chapter 65: We're Talking Aren't We?
Chapter 66: The Vault
Chapter 67: Breaking Point
Important Notice/updated
Chapter 69: Nightmare
Chapter 70: Better Tomorrow
Important Notice Pt. 2
Chapter 71: The Easy Part
Chapter 72: Do Or Die
Chapter 73: Failure
Chapter 74: Two Options
Chapter 75: Bad Joke
Chapter 76: House Of Cards
Chapter 77: Bid Farewell
Chapter 78: Everything That Came Before
Chapter 79: Recovery
Chapter 80: Someone's Got To Stay (Book 1 Finale)
Book 2 is out now!

Chapter 68: Firing Squad

251 13 2
By Zach42799


8:33 PM

22 Hours to the Fall

Red Hood Pov

I set the Bullhead down as gently as I could, which wasn't very gentle. I sat there in the cockpit seat thinking about what I had just done. I did what I had to in order to keep Yang safe.... But I also ensured that I lost everything I had here.... I couldn't stay, I traded that away for Yangs safety. The question was what Ozpin was going to do about it. They crossed my line in the sand. Now it was time for the Red Hood to get to work. I stood up from the seat and walked over to Yang as old Ironwood got impatient and banged on the Bullhead door. 


I ignored him and kneeled in front of Yang. She was still staring vacantly. I tried to tapping her to get her attention, but that didn't work. Next I tried lightly shaking her. That didn't work either. I sighed and went to the next step.

Red Hood: *Slap* YANG!

Yang snapped her attention to me. She looked lost, as if she didn't even realize where she was. What happened in the arena really fucked her up. She didn't say a word, she just started to tear up and lunged at me, hugging me as tightly as she could. 

Yang: I-I don't know what h-happened! He attacked m-me and then- 

Red Hood: Sssshhhh.... It's ok. I know what happened, and I'm going to make it right, ok? 

Yang: H-how? His leg....

Red Hood: ....He ain't even hurt.... Look, I need you to focus. I got you through the tough part. Ozpin and Qrow are just outside. They'll take care of you, but you have to tell them everything you can remember. Even the inconsequential details. Ok?

Yang: ....Ok....

Red Hood: Good. When I open the door, stay behind me. 

Yang let go, reluctantly. Ironwood banged on the door again, screaming for us to come out. I could hear the others too but I couldn't make it out over the sound of his blustering. I pulled out my pistol, ready for Ironwood to do something stupid. I don't think he will. He would have brought every knight he had to the landing pad if he was, though I can't be too sure. 

I looked back at Yang. She was behind me now. Even when she cried when we talked with Blake, she wouldn't let me see it. Now, it was like she had regressed back to being the little girl I grew up with. I closed my eyes and focused. This can go one of three ways. They let me go, they all jump me and win, or they all jump me and I break away. If they jump me, then my chances of escape were low.... But not impossible. My head throbbed for a second before fading. It wasn't a painful feeling this time. It felt like assurance.

I hit the button and the doors opened. They all looked pissed, but Qrow more at Ironwood than me. After all that talk about subtlety, I went and made a ton of noise. My only defense was the bullet in my gut. They had live ammunition loaded in their rifles and they held it on Yang. Regardless of circumstances, they all knew that something like that would set me off. 

I stepped out of the bullhead and turned to help Yang out. She didn't fight me on it. Just let it happen. I kept myself in between her and Ironwood. The other three were the only ones that I would let near her. I turned around, facing the group.

Red Hood: Yang needs to be taken to her room.

Ironwood: Both of you NEED to be taken into custody!

Red Hood: That's not going to happen. 

I flicked the safety on my pistol and Ironwoods hand went to his. Ozpin stepped in to keep things from escalating further. 

Ozpin: These two are on Academy grounds, not the colosseums. That is not your jurisdiction. 

Ironwood: They both committed crimes on property that I was tasked with protecting, that means I am well within my authority to-

Ozpin: James, I will not argue authority with you on my grounds. 

Ironwood glared at Ozpin before stepping back like a kicked puppy. Ozpin then turned his attention to Yang.

Ozpin: Glynda, escort Yang back to her room. We will question her when she has calmed down. 

Goodwitch didn't say a word. I stepped out from in front of Yang gently pushed her forward. She didn't want to go, but she didn't need to hear what was coming next. Goodwitch coaxed Yang along, trying to be as careful and considerate as she could be with her. 

I looked at Ozpin and we locked eyes. He looked like he expected this to happen but still wasn't ready for it. He was pissed to be sure, but it was more directed both at me but also elsewhere. Qrow, however, was just outright pissed at Ironwood. I guess the gut wound didn't go unnoticed. It was obvious that it was a bullet wound. Thankfully it felt like a flesh wound more than anything but it still hurt like hell. 

Ozpin: *Sigh* You know what you did, correct?

Red Hood: ....Yeah....

Ozpin: And you know that you played into their plans in doing this?

Red Hood: ....Probably....

Qrow: Why? 

Red Hood: Because I wasn't about to let Yang end up as Roman. 

Ironwood: That's where the the three of you belong. She's clearly following his example and wanted revenge for the show that Black put on. 

Qrow: You know damn well that those two were involved with Cinder-

Red Hood: And it's frankly our fault that things got to this point. I'm about to correct that. 

Ozpin: Y/n, we can't-

Red Hood: I can, and I will. I've listened to you. Followed you. Abided by decisions that you made, even when I didn't agree with them. Hell, I even started to trust you. But the days leading up to this, all you've done was tell all of us not to act, despite knowing that something was going down. Despite knowing that it's going to happen in the colosseum, which is exactly what's happening now. I did things your way. Now I'm doing it my way. We're done. 

I didn't wait, I walked past them. Ironwood grabbed my arm as I passed. I twisted into him, breaking the grip while grabbing the same hand he used to grab me before throwing him over my shoulder. Ironwood hit the ground hard but scrambled to right himself and drew his pistol and swinging it upward into my jaw. I could almost fell my teeth cracking on impact. I staggered back and pointed my pistol at Ironwood and he returned the favor.

Ozpin: Ironwood, enough-

Qrow: Y/n! Wait-

*Bang* *Bang*

We both fired and I honestly couldn't tell you which one of us shot first but with that, it was really on. Ironwoods bullet grazed my arm, while my bullet caught him in the shoulder. I didn't waste time continuing to fight. I petal burst away from Ironwood as he recovered and started firing at me again. I needed to get my equipment. I ran to the dorm. I needed to make this quick so that no one else got caught up in this. Getting there was the easy part, it was getting out that was going to be a challenge. Ironwood may not have brought his knights to the landing pads, but they were sure to be on their way.

Qrow Pov


James lifted his pistol to fire at Y/n as he ran. He popped off two shots before I caught his arm, yanking it upward. He yanked his arm free but quickly found my fist in his face. I was absolutely ready to fight him to keep Y/n safe. I may not like what he did but I wasn't about to make the same mistake I did from back then, especially when he did what he did for Yang. James jumped up ready to fight before he thought better of it and pulled out his scroll screaming into it. 

Ironwood: I want Y/n Rose in custody by any means necessary!

I gritted my teeth and took a step towards Ironwood. I was about ready to kill him myself when Ozpin lifted his cane and held it out, blocking my way. I looked at him and he simply shook his head. I was ready to argue when Ozpin spoke in a very dangerous tone, catching James' attention. 

Ozpin: Ironwood.... Get off my grounds....

Ironwood: He-

Ozpin: Now....

James looked at Ozpin like he had lost his mind before he turned and stormed away. I was ready to go after him but thought against it. I wanted to catch up with Y/n before the knights did. I only took one step before Ozpin stopped me. 

Ozpin: I know you want to protect Y/n, but please think about Ruby and Yang before you do something drastic. 

Qrow: I know.... But I'm not about to let Y/n do this on his own.... At least until he's out of here. 

Ozpin: Y/n does not need protection Qrow. 

Qrow: Maybe not, but I'm not about to make the same mistake twice. 

And with that, I ran as fast as I could for the dormitories, hoping I could make it in time....

Red Hood Pov

I climbed into my dorm room and ripped the box out from under my bed and tore off the lid. I didn't waste any time getting a bandage over my gut wound and my gear on. Any second I waste here is going to cost me later. The first order of business is getting to Juniors and getting whatever information he has on potential safehouses for Cinder. 

I got everything on and ready to go just as I heard the knights arriving at my door. I didn't have time to take anything other than what I had on me. If there was one thing I had wanted to keep, it was the jacket that Weiss had given me. It had sentimental value, but I just couldn't bring it with me. The door was blown open and knights poured in as I petal burst back out of the window. There were knights surrounding the dorm now. 

The second I landed I ran for the closest knight, pulling Withered Rose. Just as my sword came out, they opened fired. I petal burst to the knight and used it as a shield as I rushed the knights that were converging on me. The bullets pierced the knight, making me wonder if using it was the best idea. Not having any time to second guess it, I tossed the knight aside and started carving my way though the others. 

These things were more dangerous than the original models but not by much. Withered Rose pierced into another knight and I hit the vibration trigger while ripping it to the side. The metal tore easily, and I used the force of the pull to swing my sword around on another knight, taking it's head off. Having made a sufficient gap, I petal burst past the remaining mechs, hoping for a easy escape. 

Just like with everything else in life, things can't ever be easy. I made it to the main courtyard and found eight of these things waiting for me. I was out in the open with nothing to use for cover. They all raised their rifles up, ready to be a impromptu firing squad when Qrow stepped in with his weapon in it's scythe form. He came in from behind them and took out three in a single swing.

I used the distraction to get in close and help. I pulled the crowbar out as well and started off using it to hook a rifle that was lining up on Qrow and pulling it off target. The knight fired just as I yanked, missing Qrow but bringing it around to me. The knight fired again, this one coming dangerously close to my hip. I rammed Withered Rose into the knights head and twisted as I pulled, it's head coming off with the sword. 

I kicked the decapitated knight into another one and hit the vibration trigger as I chopped downwards on another mech, cutting it in two. Two took a step back and lined up on me, but Qrow finished with his and cleaved the two in half. The mech that I knocked down stood up, ready to shoot Qrow in the back. I brought Withered Rose up and fired a round. The bullet passed by Qrows head and into the mechs, dropping it like a bag of bricks. 

Qrow looked behind him and saw the knight before turning back to me, but I was already on the move. There were probably even more coming and I wasn't about to risk it. I got to the parking garage and ran to my bike. It worked and that's all I needed it to do. All I had to do was make it to Vale. 

Qrow was trying to catch up with me but I just couldn't take the time to stop. I put my weapons up and hopped on, turned the key and hit the ignition. The bike roared to life. It was still having problems with the engine but it shouldn't break down. I was about to go when Qrow caught up. 

Qrow: Wait a second!

Red Hood: I don't have a second! Knights are going to be crawling all over the garage soon and I need to get to Vale. 

Qrow: Things don't have to be this way. You can still work with us. 

Red Hood: So that Ozpin can keep sitting on his ass doing nothing? No thanks. I should have raided Cinders room when Ozpin called me up like I had planned to. If I had, Yang wouldn't be where she is now. Besides, Ironwood might very well try and shoot me again if he sees me. 

Qrow: Y/n, it's-

Red Hood: Done. 

Qrow stood in front of the bike for a second more before speaking again. 

Qrow: Torchwick is being held in Ironwoods flagship. 

Red Hood: How do you-

Qrow: I heard Ozpin and Ironwood arguing about it. Good luck son.

I sat there dumbstruck for a second. Why is he telling me now? Qrow stepped out of the way of the bike, letting me pass. I idled for a second longer thinking about it before looking at him. 

Y/n: Thanks.... Dad....

I didn't wait and hit the throttle making my way out of the garage. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that at least there was two good things that came of this. If nothing else, I know how to get to Roman. I made it to the exit to the road leading to Vale. There was a perimeter of Knights blocking the way. I slammed the throttle and pulled out Black. I started firing indiscriminately at the knights as I broke through the line. I don't know if I hit any of them but I was effectively free....

3rd Person Pov

8:48 PM

Ironwood sat in the Transmit tower, watching the footage from the knights he deployed to capture Rose. He was less than pleased that he had gotten away, and even more miffed when Qrow had stepped in to aid him. He didn't care whether he was captured or killed, so long as he was dealt with. 

Ironwood decided that there was only one card left to play. Since the inner circle wanted to protect him, he was going to make it to where they couldn't. He connected his scroll to the terminal and started uploading. There would be nowhere left to hide for Red Hood. 

8:54 PM

In Vale, Juniors bar laid in shambles. Bodies littered the floor, making it hard to navigate. The smiles on their faces contrary to what they must have felt as they suffocated. The clown looked behind the bar to see one of the four that he really wanted. Junior laid there, dead, the smile broad on his face. That was one down. Now he wondered where were the other three. 

He didn't have to wonder long as he heard screaming coming from the back rooms followed by the sound of gunfire. He walked back there, anticipating what he was going to see. He turned the corner and saw precisely what he wanted to. The girl in the white dress laid there with red staining it. The younger twin sat there cradling her sister, any fight that she had having died with her. 

???: *Psychotic Laughter* Oh dear! Whatever happened here? It looks like my boys just made some swiss cheese! *Psychotic Giggling*

The girl didn't move or acknowledge what was happening. Only cradling her sisters corpse as she wailed. The clown was getting a kick out of watching her suffering. He walked beside her and kneeled down, almost comfortingly. 

???: Don't cry. It's ok. She's in the great circus in the sky now.... Or maybe the Academy down below since you two were very naughty! *Psychotic Laughter*

He pushed the girl over before standing up and pulling out a revolver. The time that he had spent dead had made him weaker. Still capable of fighting but not nearly as effective as before. Until he was ready, he would have to rely on whatever he could get his hands on.

Miltia: W-who are you....?

???: They call me Joker! Fits doesn't it!? *Psychotic Giggling*

The girl looked up at Joker, almost accepting of what was about to happen. Joker felt that it would be no fun if she was fine with it. He aimed the revolver at her head and cocked the hammer back, but at the last second, lowered the gun to her midsection and fired. The girl screamed as the bullet tore through her, severing her spine. Joker felt it would be better for her to live and suffer. He didn't waste any more time on the girl.

Joker: Let's go boys! We still have one more to deal with, and I'm sure that you want deal with her yourselves.... *Psychotic Laughter*

The men left the room, leaving one sister dead and another screaming in pain, unable to seek help. Now there was only one left to find....

Weiss Pov

9:00 PM

21 Hours to the Fall

The lockdown order had finally lifted, allowing students and civilians both to start leaving. The uproar that Y/n and Yang caused was finally starting to calm down but not by much. We were all sharing the same question. Why was Y/n even down there? The only thing that we could figure was that he maybe knew what was about to happen. But then the question becomes how. We just didn't know.

Regardless, the situation wasn't looking good. We didn't know where Yang or Y/n was and we didn't know just how bad the situation was. None of us thought it was going to be good but we were hopeful that Ozpin would help. All of us loaded onto the Bullhead heading back to Beacon, hoping that they headed there.

Jaune: I... I can't believe that happened....

Ren: First Yang, and then Y/n....

Ruby: ....Come on guys.... Things will turn out alright! They always do!

None of us really shared in Rubys optimism. We were hoping for the best but expecting the worst. No one spoke, all of us too lost in our thoughts on the situation. I couldn't help but blame myself. Over the months that Y/n and I spent together, we could read each other like open books. I should have known that he was lying. Maybe if I had stopped him, things wouldn't have gotten this bad.

When it comes to those that are close to him, he's willing to do anything for them. Even if it puts himself at risk. It's one of the traits I both loved and hated about him. He was too willing to throw himself in harms way. At least when we do it, we try and be smart about it. He just rushes in without a second thought.

I can't blame him for wanting to step in for Yang but I can blame him for not trusting us enough to tell us the truth. We would have helped him if he had just talked to us. Told us what he thought was going to happen. He's been right about calling what's going to happen. At this point, when he says somethings going to happen, it probably will. We all trusted him, but it hurts to see that even after all this time, he still doesn't trust us....

Pyrrha: Um, guys.... Look at your scrolls....

We all looked to Pyrrha, before pulling out our scrolls. Plastered on the front of every news bulletin was claims that they knew the Red Hoods identity. I opened one of the articles and almost dropped my scroll. In big bold letters, it said as clear as day who the Red Hood was.

Red Hood is Y/n Rose, boy who killed in housefire over a decade ago.

We all looked between each other. This was the worst thing that could have happen. How did it happen? Why did it happen? The Bullhead landed and we collectively rushed out to the dorms. It didn't take long to see all of the destroyed knights. We continued to the dorm, all of us scared for Y/n. Hoping against everything that Ozpin was doing something to help Y/n. 

That hope was dashed when we got up to Y/ns room. The door had been blasted off the hinges that were making it grossly apparent what happened here. I just stared at the blown out doorway while slowly inching towards it. One by one, everyone left, knowing that Y/n wasn't here anymore. Blake, Ruby and I were the only three that stayed. Blake sighed and went back to our room. Then Ruby looked like she was ready to cry, but buried it before turning to check on Yang. 

Now it was just me. I started to walk towards his room. I didn't want to accept that he was gone. After everything that's happened to get us here. After I finally got him to allow himself to be happy. It was all gone.... 

I stepped into the room, finding it untouched for the most part. My eyes drifting over to the room, taking in the absence of the only component that made this room whole. It felt different from every other time I've been in here. The box in the center of the room was the only thing that was really out of place. 

I walked over and kneeled down. I didn't think I would find anything but to my surprise, I did. A small thumb drive was sat at the bottom of the box. I picked it up and without thinking about it, inserted it into my scroll. I opened it and found something I never would have expected. 

Y/n: Hey Weiss.... If your seeing this, then I'm either on the run again or worse.... I wanted to record this while I had the chance because I figured that something or another was going to happen, so I wanted you to have a small piece of me.... This past year has been the best that I've had in quite a while. I never thought that I would ever get to be like this again, but here we are. 

Tears started to form in my eyes. This was definitive proof that he was gone now. Leaving this for me to find was a stab to my heart. It made the loneliness that I felt even worse. 

Y/n: I know how you always worried about this exact thing happening but I want you to know that this was going to happen eventually. That I would either make a mistake and pay for it or that I would be discovered, whichever one happened for you to be seeing this. There was nothing that you, or anyone else could have done to stop this from happening. I was cursed from the start, so please don't think that you failed or something because if anything, you succeeded. I never would have done any of this if it wasn't for you always being there. 

Now the tears were falling. There was plenty that I could have done. If maybe I had noticed what he was going to do. I should have known what he was going to do. He can barely get a lie by me just like I can't get one by him. So why didn't I catch it? 

Y/n: There isn't much else I can really say. There isn't anything I can say that can take away what you have to be feeling. So I'm going to finish this off by saying that I love you. So much. So that's it, I guess. You know I don't know how to do these types of things. Never knew how, but.... Yeah.... I'll see you around Weiss....

And with that, the video ended. I couldn't help but laugh a little at how Y/n was at the end, but that only made things worse. All I could do was grab the jacket I gave him and cry, knowing that there was nothing that could be done to fix this. That this was definitively the end of his time here with us....

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